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Newmarket Era and Express, 24 Jan 1952, p. 10

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LAURA PHONE KINO Good Anthracite and Stoker Coal Fine St or Iff Newmarket SERVICE Septic Tanks Drains Cleaned and Hoot When King City village trus tees resolved to appeal to au thorities to have the name of the post office the railway station and highway signs changed from King to King City the name giv en to the registered plan of the village in a surge of opin ions pro and con swept through the community- Those who feel rather strongly on the matter say if a change is to take place a vote by property owners should be conducted The fact is mail addressed either way reaches you unless it finds its way to King City Cali fornia However the name King also applies to the township which numerous persons have stated causes confusion for those living in cities unacquainted with the locale of the village The village trustees and those who look for the growth of the j village as a residential section of Heart school King a banquet convened by Mrs J M- Best with the assistance of the class mothers was held to honor the pupils of grade who recently won the provincial forestry award The hall and the tables were attractively decorated and Miss of the school staff pre sided- Guests for the evening were the pastor of Sacred Heart parish the Rev F and his assistant Rev Downs- Speaker for the occasion Rev McGoey congratulated the class on their outstanding success in the provincewide competition He further encouraged cooper ation among parents pupils and teachers Greater regard for par ental authority and school dis cipline by the pupils themselves was stressed The class mothers presented the pupils with a cake artistical- industrial area would j decorated Richmond Hill Phone I GIBBONS TRANSPORT VOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE Furniture PHONE NEWMARKET tiny evergreen trees Margaret OReilly grade thanked the mothers for the banquet and the pleasant even ing given the students On be half of the class Margaret made a floral presentation to Sister Mary teacher of the j promote the village through its official title- The telephone ex change here is known as King the Bank of Commerce is known the King branch All land holdings in the village are held name King City and village transactions must be j spots in the process of any alteration He upholds i K As to highway signs Mr of directors Scott Ah- drew McClure Allan I Marshall McMurchy Fred Boys Ed P Ross J jWalkington and Roy Auditors are Fred Boys and Marshal Garnet Williams is the caretaker While there was only a very small percentage of plot holders present all reports were unani mouslyaccepted The secretary reported burials plots sold perpetual endowments and deeds issued during the past year- At the directors meeting which followed it was decided to investigate the purchase of a second power mowing machine It was also agreed to improve the pumping system which conducts water by mains throughout the cemetery grounds The com- in charge of charting the cemetery will endeavor to com plete the work this year- Collect Paper Village and district residents are asked to have bundles of waste paper ready for King Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs for pickup on Saturday Jan Correction Last CANADIAN PLOWMEN ABROAD ASSOCIATION Editors note This is the third of a series off weekly stories which John A Carroll assistant deputy minister of agriculture for Ontario and formerly secretarymanager off the Ontario Plow mens Association will write about the visit off Canadas champion plowmen to the British Isles Germany Denmark and Sweden IS Storage WANTED OF SCRAP IRON ntion TRUCKERS Highest prices paid for sera steel east iron and metals AND SON ST Corner old Weston and St Clair Phone This ad worth one dollar a load of scrap to is a to Of qui ECONOMIZE with The paint for beautiful WALLS CEILINGS DEAD STOCK HORSES CATTLE HOGS Phone and Toronto GORDON YOUNG LIMITED things King City misleading to motorists Situated in the township of King the village name dis tinguishes it from other nearby hamlets as King Creek and and King Ridge There are many farms and lo cations hearing the name King as King- haven the onetime and others The name of the village until 1 was Spring Hill Library Annual The annual meeting of King Memorial Library he held in library rooms on Monday Jan at pm The library hoard is very anxious that the public patronize the meeting The local association of First J Brownie Pack sponsor an afternoon tea at the home of Mrs J Grev at for the purpose of commencing a fund to establish equipment for pack- It is a worthy cause and the Brownie organization de- serves public support Mrs don is chairman of the a There will be no meeting of the Pack on Saturday Jan as Mrs Don and Miss Armstrong will at tend the York County Division Leaders Training Course at Rich mond Hill high school Local as sociation representatives from the districts will attend the luncheon and hold an open dis cussion in the afternoon con ducted by division commissioner Mrs Oak Ridges I Enrolment of Brownies On Saturday Feb the enrol ment of members of King Brownie Pack be conducted by Mrs Gunn Oak York County Division Commis sioner Athletic Association Postponed week because of illness at the home of the presi dent the annual meeting of Lake Marie and King Athletic Associ ation is being held tonight Jan at King Memorial Hall The membership is and a full at tendance is desired by the presi dent George Brown Election of officers vill be held the date set for the dancecar nival Tea and Sale K- will official ly open the rummage sale after noon tea and home baking sale sponsored by the King City branch on Thursday Jan in lie basement of King United j church to Members of the organization hope to mode clothing for sale Student Banquet On Wednesday evening Jan 1 in the of Scored of like vintage proved J helpful in accomplishing the job Mrs George Brown who was suddenly removed to hospital on January is recov ering from an illness which hos pitalized her for several days Mr George Bainbridge an old soldier is a at Sunny- brook military hospital being treated for diabetes He is and has seen service in many campaigns With the British Im perial army he served in the Boer South Africa in cam- week we reported ice skating in Memorial Park- The outdoor rink belonged at the school grounds and was made by senior students and caretaker Arthur Brown- Mild weather put it on the rocks for a time Watch Charmed Francis Slim Powell of township is convinced he is the owner of a charmed watch Last summer it went through the hay bailer and a couple of weeks ago he found it in the manger where one of his farm animals was munching the hay The wrist strap was cut but the watch was just as good as the day it took to bail ing Legion Installation Canadian Legion zone com mander Harold Eaton of New market and Mrs George of Aurora president of zone auxiliaries installed offi cials of the King Branch and Ladies Auxiliary at an im pressive ceremony in King City Masonic hall on Friday evening paigns in the Far East and with Jan before a number of JOSEPH Real Estate General InsutmcG Home Businesses Farms ST Fire Auto Casualty Counts Phone Swvicc the Canadian forces in World War His friends wish him satisfactory recovery and an early return to his home in the village United Church Laskay United church annual meeting was held on Thursday Jan beginning dinner served in the Sunday school room by the ladies Over members attended The secretary of the Sunday school reported total receipts for the year ending were 113 expenses balance on hand The Sunday school gave to missions There are members in the cradle roll department under Miss Vera Hunter The Wo mens Missionary Society had meetings during the year members and three life mem bers Total receipts were sent to presbyterial treasurer There were children in the Baby Band department under Mrs Leslie Glass The class raised The Womans Auxiliary had a balance of at the end of the year Money raised in was Voting Peoples group reported total receipts for year The member ship and 18 was raised for missions For the mission ary maintenance committee Mr Jesse Richards reported sent to headquarters in Toronto The church treasurer Mr Marwood reported total receipts for 130700 Total re ceipts raised by all the organiza tions for the year just ended were Mr Percy Forester was re elected to the Session Ross and Pearson were elected to the Stewards Others are re elected to church treasurer ush ers Aubrey Jesse assistants Duncan and par sonage com Boss Louis and Glass trus tees Norman Win Leslie Glass and Hunter Sunday school superintendent Marvin Hunter secretary of Sunday school James Sunday school Mrs Chits The number of families under pastoral oversight of persons on church member ship roll Cemetery Company At the annual meeting of King City Cemetery Company held on January 111 officials and the board of directors were re elected Laurnnce Scott is a fifth term IX M Ross J sec for the eighth term board I guests With the advance of the color party at the command of a minutes silence observed in memory of fallen comrades Vacating the presi dency Comrade express ed thanks to Legion members for their past support with the hope that incoming officials would lie equally well supported by mem bers and the public Installations for the branch and the auxiliary were alternat ed by Mrs and Mr Upon completion of In stallations and the oath of office taken by presidents Joseph Me- and Mrs Beryl Fleet they each expressed their desire to give their best and placed con fidence in their comrades Mr Eaton spoke briefly about the building project of the local organization He discussed the advisability of adopting some type of system whereby help to transient veterans could come come the Poppy Fond He men tioned card system which would identify this particular branch of welfare work Mrs field likewise express ed the hope that the erection of the Legion club rooms would he accomplished Once you own your own hall you will start to work in earnest she declared Reeve Ellon Armstrong saw a future for the local organization in promoting its building pro ject even from a small beginning He said Make an effort and you will get response He believes there are those throughout the township who would aid the lo cal organization the only branch within the municipality A buffet supper Wits served by the ladies Auxiliary Among the guests present were Mrs El ton Armstrong Mr George ficld Mrs Lee Bryan vicepresi dent of Aurora auxiliary Mrs Shipley and Mrs Fred Judges of Miss Dorothy of Toronto and Mrs and others of the village mi i The following are the names of those installed for the Legion and Auxiliary pros J Me- It Waikcr and A Phelps A Campbell Ar thur Fleet color bearers Russell Shipley and Fred Judges Auxiliary Mrs Beryl Fleet Mrs A Green Mrs A Bice Mrs Hazel Campbell standard bearer Mrs Hilda Judd execu tive Mrs Mrs Clare Walker Mrs Jean Wood ami Mrs Betty Head Mrs Hay Burt reelected president of All Saints Anglican occupied the chair at the monthly meeting of the auxil iary bold at the home of Mrs Burt mt January Other of ficers for the coming year ore Mrs G Jinn pros Mrs Alfred Mrs Harry Cunningham Mrs- Rowlings see Mrs Leu Dorcas sec Mrs Frank Living Message assisted by Mrs Mrs Hi Alexander ami Mrs literature Mrs Burt report er of diocesan hoard meetings Mrs Ed won Is and Mrs Hi Hz rectors nominees The re ports of the past years work were received Pancake Supper The annual pancake supper sponsored by the WA of Alt Saints church will be held on Shrove Tuesday February 20 in the church basement fcondonEWell were here at last although I must say that for the past two days we have been wondering if we would ar- ftature seemed to be doing her best to delay us as much as possible For the moment it is going to be just a hail and farewell counter with the hub of the Commonwealth Early tomorrow morning we are flying to Ham burg to begin our weeks stay in Europe After two days in Wes tern Germany we will motor to Copenhagen for a threeday so journ in Denmark and then fly to Stockholm for two days in Sweden Back again then to London My two companions 18-year- old Eugene Timbers of Norman 24 of Rich mond Hill and I checked in less than three hours ago so we havent had much chance to see anything of the city except the brief glimpses from the taxi as we drove from Waterloo station Marble Arch It may be my imagination but even the traffic sounds different over here It has a muted qual ity The hoottoots of the cabs and cars and the rumble of the buses do not seem to have the earpiercing pitch peculiar to New York Street or trams as I must now refer to them are used only in some of the older sections of the city anil in A few of the suburbs DoubleDecker Hoses The giant buses of the London Transport Board have greatly impressed Norman and Eugene Their first com ment was Why dont we have them in Canada They were even more impressed when our taxi driver told them the street cars were also doubledeckers It does seem a logical method of moving more people at one time than running two singledecker buses or trams As you know from our last letter we were two days behind schedule when we left New York The Queen Mary had been de layed on her previous runs by Atlantic storms When the weather cleared on the third day out we all hoped that she would be able to make up time but unfortunately it did not turn out that way On our third day out I held a telephone conversation with our hosttobe in England the Petroleum Co Ltd And that was quite a thrill sitting this giant of the oceans 1500 miles from the nearest land ami talking by radiophone to Frank Ellis in his office at Queen Annes Gate London The reception was so clear that he might just have been on a lower deck Arrange ments were made then to cut short our anticipated twoday stay in London and leave almost immediately for West Germany Norman has two great desires to fly the route of the Air Lift into Berlin and a quick trip be hind the Iron Curtain It seems that will have to keen a close eye on him The in past Germany might appreci ate that his uninvited presence was prompted only by an interest in agriculture Strange Impressions It is strange the things that impress people Some of our American found great humor in the fact that the English and European passengers left their shoes their stateroom doors Even when it was explained that they simply for cleaning IVcoHsM lot of merriment In innocence we early afoul of steward Wo for the key to our stateroom TIM little steward was obviously and in voice that almost cut us to ribbons replied There are no keys sir Nothing has ever stolen on this boat Norman I think should have been newspaperman He dilates in the most amazing fnsji ion and in the six short we were aboard accumulated a fund of agricultural knowledge that seems to cover most of the states Eugene spent lot of his time In the company of it targe gentlemon from was to ho expected that one day he would say is ready for breakfast Friday was a appointment for many We moved Into the ami had expected to dock at France We missed high tide and had to wait hours to get in Some of the servicemens wives Aboard who had expected to meet their hus bands shore broke Into tears Norman didnt shed tear he wouldnt if strong wind came and blew us down to Portugal Life on the Queen Mary was too short for him Eugene with leas salt water in his blood laconically remarked Id likevaay plow ing for iKchange However the delay was dis appointing and we didnt get into Southampton until Sunday There less an hours wait for our train electric in cidentally which sped us rap idly to Waterloo station on the hanks of the Thames From the station we could see the dome of St Pauls Cathedral across the river to our east shining in the wintry sun The difference and bustle of the station was confus ing but we found it a pleasant novelty to step from the train on to a platform instead of down to track level All stations in Eng land are constructed in that man ner The boys found the high- mounted English taxis with the driver blocked off from his pas sengers very amusing Both sug gested that it must be a little chilly for the cabbie but he re plied Nalil gets used ter it And so to bed Tomorrow we have to be up early We leave airport at am Our next letter will be from Somewhere in Europe All the best from all the plowmen to all of you Over different municipali ties were represented at the re cent Huron ia Historic Sites and Tourist Association in Colling wood and more than cities towns villages and coun ties are paidup members KESWICK WELLDK1LL1NG CO- KESWICK and inch welts PHONE 2404 mm ENDURE Do you up morning After morning feeling tired out And does that dull sensation drag on all day making life misery Chances are the whole trouble stents from sluggish kidneys am Votir system is becoming clogged by accumulated that arc slotvmg you down Halts are a help at these times hi many ways they am identical with the of Mineral ht other words much more than a simple laxative For contains diuretic ingredients for the So they help yon to act rid of matters through healthy natural bowel ami kidney action Miliums of people They have found that less Hum half a lea- sMMiifuI in hot water works woudeis out what can do for you from your nearest druggist Unlay AT AU MUG Blocks plain Alio PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO EXPRESS TO INTO CASH TV Hes got a lot lhijid him and a lot still ahead now he becomes manager of his first branch i A Years of work and study and growing responsibility have prepared He saw a lot of Canada lie moved to branches He got to know the people in farming suburban and industrial communities and how they use the bank Now lie takes over from the man who moves up and the road the top is open for both of them Call upon the manager of your chartered hank will find him experienced understanding eager to serve you a series your bonk W5- BASIC IN CANADIAN MEALS What can more appetizing and nourishing- limn a slice of milk loaf bread containing milk First Canadian Creamery butler I Through the centuries bread anil butter have been of the necessities of life flavour bread and butter remain just basic in our nutrition ever No meal complete without bread and butter I N- i mm mm J Canada butter and A Its- mi in the manufacture and distribution of these products Every purchase of Canadian dairy foods Is an econom ical contribution to the health and nourishment of your family purchase too mays a part In maintenance this great Industry Dairy pro of mm I J I- Krv i V

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