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Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Jan 1952, p. 1

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SV AURORA NEWS J ffUR and pans AURORA RURAL NORTH YORK Number of Copies Printed This Week 4300 ERA YEAR 57TH YEAR NO 2 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JANUARY 10 1952 SINGLE COMES CENTS EACH ft SpilletteX In Race For Wardenship The opening of county coun cil on Tuesday will see determin ed bids for the and county commissioners office by North York men- No matter who wins the warden will be from North York J of Newmarket and Reeve A A Cook of Aurora are the only two contestants- Seeking one of the two county commissioner scats is Reeve Jack Rye of East Gwillimbury while a possible candidate is Reeve Ralph Corner of town ship The other certain candi date is Reeve Oliver of Two other possible entries arc Reeve Thomas Car ter of Long Branch and Deputy- Reeve J Maude of Mimico The race for the is expected to be a close one al though DeputyReeve J is given a slight edge over Reeve Cook in preliminary polls Included in the business be fore council are projects of immediate interest to North York They are the develop ment of the Eildon Hall property west of Jacksons on as a public park and the construction of new wings for and renovation of the York County Home for the Aged at Eagle and St Plans for the latter were dis- two years ago by a chaired by Spill Estimated cost of the project around SI million At that time further considera tion of the undertaking was de layed because of Torontos amal gamation proposals County approved last year the purchase of the Hall park but left its develop ment up to this years council- It was a contentious issue at the time meeting on conservation wed in mechanics hall A public meeting of the Upper Holland River Conservation Au thority will be held on Wednes day Jan at pm in the Mechanics hall Aurora The guest speaker will be Wat son Porter London chief of the Farmers Advocate meeting of the Countryman Rep- Presentations were made to resentatives from the the two retiring councillors branch department of plan- Frank Bowser and Tom Council Committees For The following art Newmar ket council standing commit ter for which were strode at the inaugural meet ing held on Monday night Finance J I Charles A- Evans and Mrs I MacNanghton Water and Sewage Disposal Reeve A Evans and Body Roads and Bridges Garbage and Dump Charles VanZant Mrs Property Joseph Dales and Charles Boyd Fire and Police Lome Charles Boyd and Mrs Recreation and Relief Rudy and Joseph Dales Industrial Committee Boyd J and A Evans Special Building Committee for Fire Hall Lome Joseph Dales and Boyd The first named on each committee is the chairman of the committee and Mayor Vale is a member of all committees ex officio n Open Campaign For New Uniforms Members of the Newmarket Fire Brigade have undertaken a campaign for new uniforms It has been years since the bri gade was completely outfitted and many members joining since are not uniformed The brigade undertakes many ushering jobs at the arena and town hall as a public service as well as enter- ling town parades I is an additional incen tive for new uniforms the cere monies anticipated for the of the new file Hall when it is built The brigade will wel come all contributions from the public for its uniform fund arid is planning fundraising ties The following were put fice chief James John Gibson second Bill Dunn third Robert Peters Milt Cook see J INSTALL OFFICERS AT TRINITY WA There was a splendid attend ance at the Womens Association meeting of Trinity United church Newmarket on Thurs day Jan Mrs president was in the chair Rev J Aiken addressed the meeting and installed the offi cers for the ensuing year Mrs Stephens sang a delightful solo She was accompanied by Norman Mrs Elton Armstrong was guest speaker In her capable manner Mrs Armstrong gave a most interesting talk on Peace After the brief business session the meeting was closed with the benediction New Hall 40000 May Face Increased ituresln1952 the new town which held its inaugural meeting on Monday night heard contractors bids for a hall ill Newmarket Council will probably bring forth a fire hall debenture bylaw shortly and for the approval of the Ontario municipal board While the building of a fire hall had been approved pre viously by the council there will be more important decisions about expenditures made by the new council this year The coun cils decisions may have a large effect on the debenture debt and town finances for some time to come The most significant decision will be on whether Newmarket will have a new sewage disposal plant or hot It is estimated that such a plant would cost the town about The proposed face lifting of Main St with new roadbed pavement and sidewalks may be another costly item this year The new fire hall will be built at the site of the present building on the west sfde of Main St at the corner of Millard Ave There Speaks At Inaugural Meeting New year babies came late in Newmarket this year and there was a very unusual interval in the maternity ward at York County hospital until the fourth new day in Birth statistics at A Curtis truck capt Seneca the hospital in showed a large increase stacking up records with daily births at the hospital Cook auditors Jos Peat and but when the new year came nature decided to take a rest The first birth in the new year was Harry Glen stewards at two oclock last Friday afternoon January when a daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Ernest Bond Art Frank Brest Groves Main St Newmarket Mrs pictured above with her daughter The second advertising was a boy for Mr and Mrs Roy Eves Newmarket at pm Era and Express photo FOR YEARS OF SERVICE Bowser The old Newmarket council bowed out at a meeting at in the council chambers Monday night before the have been replaced by Charles Boyd and Mrs V Councillor Frank Bowser who and development will also be there and it is hoped a film on conservation will be available for the meeting All are cordially invited to attend OF SERIES OF CONCERTS TO BE HELD WED JAN 30 Marguerite soprano and Beauna violin ist will be the artists at the first I its annual meeting in the board concert January in a series I room of the Department of has served on council for a dozen years was presented with a pen and pencil set by the mayor on behalf of the citizens of town The mayor said that Mr Bow sers personality would be miss ed in council and made amusing reference to his habitual pleas for a point of order during times of turmoil in council pro cedure and his insistence that the number of each new bylaw Farm Groups Annuals be pronounced in a loud but dig nified manner at every meeting Reeve Arthur Evans re called that when Mr Bowser first came into council he spared nothing to find out where every cent of town money was being spent I know you have al ways had the Interest of town first and maybe this time next year you will be back wanting to know the number of every Organized years ago the York County Jersey Club has completed arrangements to hold sponsored by the Canadian Con cert Association of Newmarket The concert to be held in Newmarket high school audi torium will start at pm Wednesday Jan Membership tickets have been sent to mem bers this week The second concert February will feature the Solway String Quartet and the third on April Mary Syme pianist and James baritone at Newmarket on Mon day Jan commencing at am with a door prize draw for those present on time Mr James secretary of the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club who a few at tended the World Conference of Jersey Breeders on Jersey Island will be the guest speaker The business sessions of the morning will be followed by a free lunch at noon The Optimists Will Start New Program For Gymnasium Athletics The Newmarket Optimist club decided to inaugur ate a nw athletic program at a dinner meeting held on Tuesday night The new program will concentrate on athletics in the gymnasium taking in boys in the to age group Instruction will be given by Optimist club members in basketball gymnastics volleyball in hopes that the program will benefit boys who do not play hockey if The Newmarket high school gymnasium will be used every Thursday night and boys from to interested in gym sports are asked to attend a meeting at the high school gymnasium at next Thursday night Among the instructors will be Fred Art Hurst Ken Nick and Joe Pales Rev J Aiken minister at Trinity United church was the guest speaker at the dinner meet ing Monday night He told of some of his experiences in relationships as a minister and as a in the first world war Mr Aikens theme the for principles in service woffc Shore organizations in the past many of which failed The YMCA was the first to survive time be cause he said Christian prin ciples were maintained as an im portant aspect of service work No service club will survive he said unless it includes religion A new club banner which has been donated by the secre tary Allan Perks was dedicated by Rev Aiken An ceremony was held for two new Optimist mem bers Art Hurst and Jeff Smith The Optimists are operating a used trading depot and urge anybody who has skates which arc of no further use to contact member of the club or leave them at the office of Dr Dales A trad may be arranged lor skates of proper r noon program in addition to Mr address will feature group discussions on plans for the coming year President Hugh Sheardown of hopes that everyone interested in either grade or pure bred Jerseys will be on hand for the day Holsteln Annual At a recent directors meeting held in the agricultural rooms at Newmarket plans were made for the annual meeting of the York County Club to be held in the Masonic hall Richmond Hill on Tuesday Jan at Many of the reports and presentations will be made at the morning session which will com mence with a draw for the door prize for those present on time Arrangements nave been made to serve a free lunch in the hall at noon Balloting for directors will open the afternoon session featuring an address by Mr manager of the Ottawa Dairy Farm where a very large dairy herd is main Visitors to this farm have been amazed at the unor thodox feeding and manage ment methods practised not the least his early cut grass silage which furnishes winter pasture for the herd of over cows which include most of the dairy breeds Crop Improvement Annual The York County Crop Im provement Association annual meeting will be held in the par ish hall at Newmarket on Thurs- Jan when it is expected last years record attendance of almost will be equalled The directors have arranged a varied and interesting program For years this organization has had the unique reputation of starting sharp at no matter who was there and they have some valuable door prizes for new comers Following a busi ness session there will be a panel discussion in the forenoon on grass silage by a group of York County farmers who have ex perience in making and feeding this type of ensilage At noon a free lunch will be served Two speakers provide the material for more discussion in the afternoon pro gram bylaw said Mr Evans With obvious signs of emotion Mr Bowser said he was deeply touched by the occasion and ex pressed thanks for the presenta tion Tribute was paid to Mr interest in the town and the service he had given in five years on council Members of council said that he and Mr Bowser were alike in that they spent much of their time on town work and were both consci entious municipal servants Mr Birrell said that the fu ture of Newmarket depends on housing more railway sidings and industrial sites and a sound administration I think you have good board before you for and that it will handle af fairs well I think that before too long we will sec a town of over in population he said Simmons and Fred Dill man sick committee J and J A Curtis Anyone interested fitting to the uniform fund is asked to contact Chief or Secretary Curtis TRINITY IDIESF iota THE BUSY BEAVERS The women of Trinity United church held a banquet at the church last night for the Busy Beavers a group of young boys under the leadership of Mr Har old Tile Bolton who re paired nearly 200 toys before Christmas The toys went to children in hospitals and for the Newmarket Lions Christ mas baskets Each child at the Orange Home north of Richmond Hill received three toys from the Busy Beavers Over child ren who received presents from the Lions club had two toys from the group and six more Newmarket children received toys on Christmas Eve- Twenty went to children In York Coun ty hospital and children receiv ed gifts at the Ontario Hospital Aurora The Beavers have also been asked to attend a banquet at the Orange Homo Mr express thanks for financial assistance from the Lions club members of Trinity United church and Newmarket citizens for dona tions of old toys The ladies of Trinity church dressed dolls which the boys repaired before Christmas- COMING Jan Euchre in the Hall In aid of No Good prizes Re Admission Time clw2 Jut Newmarket Horticultural societys annual meeting Trinity United church Pot tuck supper for members pm Program beginning at oclock open to public Colour sound film God in Creation to be shown Jan Bingo In the Newmarket Town Hall spon sored by the Veterans Time pm Attendance Spec ial door prize Pineapple ham Jackpot Admission cards Saturday Jan At hail pm the MUUccnt Walsh Piny will present The Discontented Child and How She was Cured by Fairies chil dren performers will sing at this performance Ad mission Come early Its a good show Thursday Jan Star Weekly free concert Trinity United church featuring male quartet Commodores and Swiss team The Videcettes assisted by Trinity choir under dir ection of Norman pm Under auspice of Women associ ation to J January sale at Ladies Wear Jan ft Euchre and at the Aurora Legion hall at In old of the Auxiliary Good prise Amnio- Tuesday Aurora Lions club Is arranging a Big Bingo In the Mechanics Hall Approximate ly gomes Jack Pot Game value Admission cents Look for further announcements in the Era and Express Wednesday Jon Real Itali an spaghetti supper under the auspices of the Catholic Womens League in Johns school from to pm Adults Children Door prizes Everyone wel come Fashion Show at the Town sponsored by the Newmarket Business and Professional Wom ens Club Salvation Army national Shield appeal will be from May to May at pm in Roches Point Memorial Club Ad minion Every Thursday at 0 pm dancing ad mlulon 50c Every Friday at pm pictures admission He Thursday night euchre Bingo every Saturday Time Under auspice Keswick Hockey Club every Friday night at Churchill Community boll Mod em and old tyme Norm Burling Admission tfl every floral night In Mount Albert hall to Norm Burling and his Kinsmen Modern and old Jackpot and prism A food lor alt Tim Council J Aiken spoke to the Newmarket council at its inaugural meeting Monday night when members of the new council were sworn in by the town clerk Wesley Brooks Two new members Mrs V Mac- Boyd took the oath of office j imUmry at the Some of the council standing inaugural meeting every year to have one of the ministers in town speak before council and lead the members in a prayer Aiken told councillors that while they were not directly re sponsible for the morals of the town they were able to have an Influence in cooperation with churches He told of one experience where he requested assistance about a moral issue In a com munity I was told at a meet ing of a certain town council that council was not responsible for the morals of the town But the next morning action was taken by members of the council which corrected the situation he said Town officials including Fred Thompson and William Young of the hydro commission Chief Constable Byron Burbidge also managers of Newmarket banks wished council a successful year Several appointments were made as councils representatives on various boards and commis sions town For the arena commission council appointed J O Dales and Charles VanZant recreation commission Charles Boyd and Rudy York County Health Unit board- repre sentative Reeve Arthur Evans York County hospital board director Rudy Newmarket library board Lou Arthur Evans and Jack Struthers Jamc Coltham was reappoint ed fire chief with John Gibson William Dunne and Peters as first second and third en Fence viewers are A Johns Robert and Cecil for three wards committees have been rearrang ed and one special building com mittee for the new fire hall has been added The garbage com mittee has been combined with roads and bridges There had been a special committee on sew age disposal last year but it has been combined with the water committee Councillor Lome said he failed to understand why he had not been put on the roads and bridges committee He had served for three years with the former chairman Frank Bowser on roads and bridges and said he had gained valuable experience The mayor said that he had not suggested him for roads and bridges in order to relieve of too much work Mr is chairman of two committees The town clerk in the tradi tional manor served refresh ments to the new and old council members the hydro commission- and bankers at ten King George hotel after the meeting S Criticism by mem bers of the council and the town engineer as to the choke of the site but the firemen favored the site and settled the question They had argued that the lo cation was central and that was a good place to start fire trucks on the hill in case of bat tery troubles Arguments used against it pointed out traffic con- problems and stated pref erence for the waterworks pro perty at the south end of Main St where town personnel would be on hand 24 hours a day Tenders from seven contractors were received Monday afternoon and read out to council by Coun cillor J Dales the new pro perty committee chairman for There was some discussion on the contract bids but St was agreed to hold any decision over to the next meeting when the committee will make its recom mendation on an exact debenture figure It is expected to be around A letter from Dr Berry from the department of health was read The letter asked whether anything had been done about a sewage disposal plant Coun cil has been receiving similar let ters with regularity for the post six months In the middle of last year considerable agitation had been airbed at council from property owners north of town to Holland Landing Their complaint was river pollution from sewage At a in Mr Gary Thompson Holland Landing said that he would take some serious action if council did not make a start on a disposal plant The mayor intimated that it would bo probable that would be under by the summer of If a decision is made a new sewage disposal plant will mean a large boost to the towns debenture debt but is expected feat there will be many long in council before a decision is mode AT A Hurst Newmarket op tometrist will be attending the Optometries Association Con gress at the King Edward Hotel on Jan and and his office will be closed during that period Speakers at the con gress will include Paul Harvard and Dr Har old Fisher Columbia University Hon min ister of health will address the annual banquet PLOW CHAMPIONS ON WAY TO EUROPE FOR TOUR ABROAD The two young champion plowmen from York County who won the Trip at the International Plowing Match at Woodstock lost fall are aboard the Queen Mary in midAtlantic Norman of Richmond Hill winner of the tractor cham pionship and Eugene Timbers of Millikcn the champion horse still in his teens were at the Royal York Hotel by the Imperial Oil Com pany last Thursday along with their trip manager J A Carroll assistant deputy minister of ag riculture who for many years was secretarymanager of In ternational Match Norman and Eugene were in terviewed on the CBL farm broadcast before the party flew to New York to board the famous Queen Mary All the York Coun ty plowing fraternity Joins in wishing them voyage They nope to visit countries and plow in two mitcha before fly- lag home in Landing Group Asks East Gwillimbury Join County Health Unit The Holland Landing Home and School passed a resolution Monday night asking th4 the council take step to join the York County Health Unit The resolution passed following n address by Robert director of the Unit Present at the meeting were members the council repre sentatives from several township school sections and the township Federation of Agriculture Following his address Dr King answered questions from the floor and Reeve Jack Rye explained why the township hadnt entered the unit when it was formed There had not been he sufficient public demand to spend the extra mill on the tax rate required He felt that the present health service was adequate and that there was al ways the possibility that the coat of the health unit services would increase He asked several ques tions of King on these Dr King said that member ship in the health unit would provide the township with com plete public flcrvice in cluding school nurse service pre and pottnatal care well- baby clinics Inspec tion Our purpose is to try and pre vent said Dr King He said that the coat of- unit health worked out to about cents par capita ant that the unit mora which number of the municipalities north of Ave in North York had agreed on the levy of one mill their individual share of the total cost Mr Rye said that if the town ship residents were interested in obtaining these public health service the coun cil would give them a sympa thetic hearing do not ftel that we should act in this mat ter unless it with the appro val of all the township he said It was proposed that be held throughout the to in an effort to find out public opinion Hie council was asked if It would undertake the organ izatioh of meetings but no definite answer was given The York County unit was a year and a half ago In the Units area only Whitchurch King and East are not members Members are An North Hill and ships vtSge and V

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