Let us begin our weekly roundup of what they are saying by paying tribute to an octogenarian who is within one year of becoming a nonagenarian To have lived for years is a triumph in itself Mrs A mother of the wellknown McDowell celebrated her 8th birthday on Thursday July She is in fair health and still able to enjoy some read ing She is content and happy and has a smile and a cheerful word for who call on her It happened that on his moth- violent exception to that surges- Viu birthday we were talking with Milford and he was as happy over the event as any voted son could possibly be His mother had received many sages of congratulation and a considerable number of presents all of which had naturally given aged lady a great deal pleasure Devotion to ones mother is a noble thing As one reads the lives of the greatest men hardly without exception their ing devotion has been to the Smother who bore them In Mr McDowells case lie has to share his devotion with his wife who as he told us is just the same a daughter to his mother vbtion brings its own rewards chief among which are happy memories McDowell Manager for Stiver Brothers for the past years McDowell has bean with his firm for 26 years commencing at in the year 1925 is his place of birth The firm of Stiver Bros- has a deservedly high reputation Last year it celebrated its Golden Jubilee having enjoyed through the half century a great expan sion in its business services The keynote of the Stiver rela tions its customers is friend liness Were proud of our friendly relations with our cus tomers and staff Mr McDowell stated The head of this fine firm familiar to farmers through out York county is Mr J Stiver A Presbyterian Mc Dowell is chairman of the church board an office which provides him with plenty of work Like other members of his church he is mightily interested at the pres- time in the new church hall that is under erection Former Mr telling us about Mr Ralph Davidson Tor onto who has been elected pres ident of the Sales and Advertis ing club The new president was at one time proprietor of a grocery store in Aurora on the of the present Cameron law store resided for some years here before his removal to Toronto some years ago Mr also mentioned that cadet Ross Linton son of the ex- mayor of Aurora is attending the cadet camp sponsored by the of national defence at Banff Aurora and district are well represented this summer as Mayor Johnson and Arnold Miller of the high school staff are instructors at camp Major John Topper of the staff of who has re sided at Oak Ridges for many years is at camp Editorial quoted We were flattered to sec that the Echo in its issue of July had republished our edi torial on the controversial ques tion of legalizing gambling Our only complaint is that the Echo attributed our editorial to the former weekly we edited and not as should have been the case to AUROHA PAGE of the AND EXPRESS How ever the error is forgiven As we have already pointed out we take joy in reading the editorial page of the Echo We confess a liking for crispy and crackling editorial writing dynamised by original ity The more controversial such writing is the better we like it Our grandmother taught us to argue and we have been arguing ever since There Is a great difference be tween argument and quarrels We loathe any semblance of a quarrel and would go far out of our way to avoid one Hut argu ing is another matter To argue put to learn some- thing To quarrel over it is ridiculous and a waste of time and These columns in tho Echo represent some of the best waiting in Canadian newspapers at this date Humor satire so briety and comedy are all blend ed skilfully into the paragraphs that compose Sugar and rejoice also in the work of Walker His column of is always excel- reading charged with a of humanity His portraits were intimate moving We would like to Mr Walker our sin- wishes for a full return to 1 ta back to Sugar and author must have Aurora or what he wrote in our situation of a fine for doubleparking made last week He says just try that a couple of times and see what happens to your town That sounds more like a threat than a promise I still think that double- parking is a hazard to safety but admit that its pretty annoying to a motorist who wants to get a pack of or some small item to have to park about two blocks away from the store and walk both ways If the parking restrictions were obeyed which they arent and merchants left their cars off the main street which many of them dont the situation would be eased which it wont We hope the author of Sugar and Spice will find time to read about the parking and meter sit uation as reported in AURORA NEWS PAGE and Aur ora have apparently the same human problems to ponder over Another Elderly Neighbor While on this business of saying cheerful things about our newspaper neighbors wed like to mention the St Marys Journ al now in its year of publi cation Actually it is a combina tion of two papers the Journal and the Argus the latter found ed years ago We see the St Marys Journal- Argus through the courtesy of Mrs Whiteiaw wife of the Mr is a for tunate man in having so loyal and charming a wife but Mrs loyalty is not confined to her genial husband She is loyal also to her home town of St Marys Mrs Whiteiaw is of course a subscriber to her hometown weekly which is a very fine pa per It shares the distinction The ERA and EXPRESS among some other CO Canadian weeklies of being rated in the Class A Weekly classification which enables it to command the best national advertising Its editorials arc bright topical and wellwritten We read the column by Mrs Grace under the caption From A Kitchen Win dow Under that modest title Mrs writes in the most beautiful prose on all manner of subjects Sometimes she is phil osophical sometimes she is auto biographical but always she is charming and original The readers of the St Marys Journal- Argus have every reason to feel pride in their Kilchen Window columnist We hope that Mrs will one day tell us how St Marys derived its lovely name It would be a good sub ject for her fluent pen Mr Swindles Attack Turning from the quiet atmos phere of a kitchen window in St Marys to the more bellicose atmosphere in the firemens room in the old town hall Aurora we have to record an attack launched on the allegedly lethargic body known as the Aurora arena com mission made by Mr Tom Swin dle at a meeting of the Aurora recreation commission held on Thursday evening July Mr Swindle is a dynamic per sonage who likes to get things done As the representative of the recreation commission to the arena commission he tendered his resignation from the latter body for the reason that he could not perform his duties sat isfactorily Speaking in quiet tones and with no attending ges tures Mr Swindle stated that never had he experienced such frustration as had been the case while serving on the arena board Couldnt any long er Hopeless Achieved noth ing Such were among the ex pressions used by Mr Swindle in his denunciation of the arena boards inaction Only one board meeting had been held in three months and there would be no more meetings until September Meanwhile the board has issued no report of the winter season activities Whatever useful work hud been achieved said Mr Swindle had been carried out by the staff It deserved whatever credit was due and none of it was due to board Council representa tives do not attend the board meetings said Mr Swindle re peating that the whole setup was hopeless Other Business Chairman Don Glass said that at tho request of the recreation commission he had attended a meeting of arena commission board and hud been very dis appointed with the results Ho did not feel he had gotten any where with the board Hardly anything had been accomplished join the r3fcs PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE TWENTYSIXTH DAY OF JULY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE mmimf SHADES OF HARRY CORNER At the council meeting on July 16 Councillor gave notice that he would at the next meeting introduce a bylaw to alter the present voting setup At present there are two weeks between the nomina tion and election dates for municipal offices Coun cillor Davies bylaw if it is approved by a council majority will reduce the existing two weeks to no more than ten days including two Sundays The new arrangement would mean that the nom ination meeting would be held on the evening of the last Friday in November and voting would take place on the first Monday in December if ten days inter vened Subtract two Sundays from this period and you have only eight days remaining for candidates to get around to the voters to tell them what their program will be if elected The proposal to alter the voting arrangements is a hangover from the last meeting of council in December when former DeputyReeve Harry Corner introduced it in a motion which was seconded by Councillor At the same meeting Mr Cor ner brought forth another motion which had it been carried would have abolished nominations at a public meeting of ratepayers What Mr Corner wanted was nominations to be left at the town clerks office between the hours of ten and am and a public meeting to be hold in the evening of the day following the nominations The published record will show that Councillor Don Glass attacked the motion on the grounds that it would rob large numbers of ratepayers of their right of franchise That motion was more than council could stomach and it was not carried The other motion limiting the time between nom inations and elections was carried but by what majority none can say since it was not a recorded vote The motion by Mr Comer directed that the council prepare an appropriate bylaw to give effect to his proposal That is what Councillor intends to do at the next meeting of council The motion has lain in the black bag since December and now that the new municipal elections are looming on the near horizon it is time to bring out the mouldy motion and get councils stamp on to it THROW IT OUT We hope that council will throw out Councillor bylaw neck and crop Whatever limits the freedom of the voters in the exercise of the franchise we shall unreservedly oppose Two weeks for voters to consider whom they wish to place in office is not too much time To reduce such time to ten days inclu sive of two Sundays is in our view detrimental to the freedom of the voters in the exercise of the fran chise What good can come of it What useful purpose would it serve How would it help to get more voters to the polls And surely the latter objective should be the aim of all democraticallyminded candidates We would hesitate to assume that Councillor favors bureaucratic government in place of its democratic opposite Yet as we see it to lop off a portion of the election time that has prevailed in the past is very undemocratic It is our view that more canvassing should be done by all candidates seeking municipal offices They should get out among the voters and inform them on what they intend to do if elected They should make them selves available for questioning on the part of the voters One of the major reasons why percent of the voters did not go to the polls last December was their absence of knowledge of the candidates and what issues were at stake advertising should be supported by per sonal visits from the candidates to the voters and it is not possible for candidates to make such contacts among the voters in short period of only eight working days For that reason alone Councillor proposed bylaw should be rejected by councillors who take a democratic view of the meaning of the fran chise BYLAW WE COULD APPROVE There is one bylaw that we could seriously recom mend to Councillor to be drawn up in the better interests of the voters The bylaw we have in mind would mako it compulsory on the part of all candidates to inform tho voters at the date of nomina tion whether or not they intended to stand for election Wo wont mention any names although wc have every right to do so if we chose that course At last municipal elections there were two candidates now in council who did not decide to stand for election until five minutes before closing hour Such cat and mouse tactics very unfair to the electors Any candidate who cannot decide if ho or she will stand for election until five minutes before the zero hour should not be elected Wo hope also that there will be public meetings held tho next municipal elections to the voters an opportunity of hearing candidates their programs Unless a candidates has clear ideas on what ho or she has to contribute to municipal life it is little use electing either to council Meantime wo hope council will reject any bylaw that would reduce the present period nomina tion find feftrav COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS 1 T On Question Of Meters IB Council Still Dissolves The debate on meters has been going on since May We very much regret that we have again to it here again since we fear that our readers like ourselves are getting wearied of the subject But as it was a major feature at the last meeting of the town council we are compelled to deal with it After these meters may cost the town before we are through with them And that would mean a consider able increase in the mill rate We feel that in aU the circum stances this meter question should have been disposed of a month ago and we shall prove our point For example Mr S Gordon Hoffman presented a pe tition to council on May in favor of installing meters in Au rora Thirtyone merchants signed the petition It was dis cussed and deferred to the next meeting of council pending a report from the police commit tee The police committee brought in a majority vote in favor of meters at the council meeting on June IS A long discussion took place ending in a recorded vote in favor of installing meters Those who voted Yes were Cook Deputyreeve Mur ray and Councillors Fielding Gundy and Those vot ing Councillors and Jones Why Ignore Vote Now meters may be a good thing or a bad thing for Aurora They been tried out yet so no one can say for sure But the council decided by a major ity vote to meters Then why did they ignore their own decision During the discussions Mayor Bel charged that some members of council wore wobbling We maintain that the mayor himself wobbled when he refused to in sist on the carrying out of the majority vote in favor of meters The petition against meters was not submitted to council until July At that very mooting a motion was carried 4 the Bylaw committee be requested to prepare a Bylaw authorizing the installation and legislation for parking meters A more contradictory series of circumstances it would be hard to find Council gave a clear majority directive that meters be installed Yet they failed to pro ceed with their own directive As head of council we suggest that the only logical course was for the to have made it clear that a decision had been taken and no more time be was ted What use is council that votes to do something and then falls down before the breeze of a little opposition If council believed in their decision they should have gone ahead with it Leadership was needed and it was not given In his apparent desire to please everybody the mayor is on the sure road that will please nobody Cook voted for the in stallation of meters But to this observer he has seemed perturb ed ever since he voted with the majority With all his years of experience on council one would Suppose thai the Reeve would be in a position to give guidance to the town But instead the lieeve appears to be looking to the town to guide him He has several times asked for the voice of public opinion so that he could do the best for the town of Aurora At hist weeks council a num ber of letters were read all of them in favor of meters We thought letters would please Ikeve Cook and help him on his way Far from it Instead of expressing appreciation for the time and trouble the letter- writers had taken In giving their views to council Cook livercd himself of a blast against people who sent In letters try ing to influence council Now what can you make of that We Wonder We wonder if Reeve Cook would have been pleased had people sent letters to say they didnt want meters We may be all wrong but we the feel ing that he would have been welt pleased We may be wrong again but we the feeling that Reeve Cook doesnt want motors If that be then why doesnt ho say so bluntly and be done with It Reeve Cook is a kindly and amiable man His personal mer its no one can question But It seems to us that more and more ho is developing an incapacity to make up his mind conclusively and stand by a decision He cannot expect a helicopter to come down from the clouds car rying a message of comforting advice how he should vote ft town We maintain that as the vet eran member of council Reeve Cook should now be able to ad vise the citizens of Aurora on almost all matters affecting their civic government The citizens should he depending on his knowledge of affairs It would be a fine thing if people could say of their veteran member of council Cook knows what hes doing He gives council good advice When will that happen we wonder More Ineptitude Out of these weeks of argu mentative travail council seems to have come to a decision to meters We say advised- seems to for no one is really sure on what may happen There has been so much dilly dallying so much indecision so many that no one can be sure of anything I He loves me he loves me not Councillor warned that the bylaw covering the agree ment on meters may be defeated when it comes before council For the moment however Councillor Fielding and Coun cillor it got a motion through which authorized the police commission to meet the Board of Trade to discuss the location of meters in the town of Aurora Now in the name of common sense what lias the Board of Trade to do with this town mat ter Isnt the council capable of running its own affairs with out having to discuss its busi ness with the Board of Trade We wonder they didnt submit the matter to the Planning Board The police committee is the supreme authority in this matter Passing the Buck Having argued all these weeks over meters and having arrived at a halting decision council passes the matter of where me ters arc to he set up to the Board of Trade for consultation One would think this comatose Board was the Alpha and Omega of all that happens in Aurora They might just as well have sent the proposition to St Francisco Pass the buck Send it to the Board of Trade For sheer ineptitude these fumbling indecisive change- about arguments over meters during the past two would be hard to beat And the matter isnt settled yetl Voting Time We have dealt editorially with the proposed bylaw which Councillor said ho would introduce at the next meeting of council in regard to limiting the time between nominations and elections to council We hope that members of council will seriously consider whether they arc going to make themselves responsible for the invasion of the peoples rights which the Bylaw portends attacked that proposal in an editorial published on Decem ber and we attack it now We consider any proposal to cut down the time alloted to the electors in their choice of candidates to be thoroughly anti democratic We had believed the time- limiting motion to be buried deep in old pile of discarded council resolutions but sure enough it will bo disembowled from the Davies locker The proposed Bylaw will put mem bers of council right on the spot Those who vote for it must nec essarily pass though the door marked Antidemocratic By their votes shall ye know them Still Dissolving Members of council still con tinue to move that they dissolve themselves into a committee of the whole As we have previ ously pointed out you can dis solve an aspirin or a powder But by no means known man can you dissolve any council into a committee of whole You council into a committee of the whole Rut thats not what they say say will dissolve themselves And they keep on it And Councillor Jones loses not one visible iota of avoirdupois GREATER ECONOMY Outstanding quality make these one of the best buys today MORE COMPACT Hold more than bigger box models take less kitchen space FRESHER FOODS in ample size bins that bold dewcovered flavor in HUGE FREEZER Family size keeps meat frozen food fresh til ready to use ft Deluxe licit bin freezer ft shelf A MODEL TO FIT EVERY Take your of the Economy Standard or ami delight beauty that keep foods makes your flmppitig chore more economical 3M Main St ytTI j it I- IF ilk J OT THEATRE THURSDAY ONLY Jean Simmons CAGE OF I Plus a selected program of short subjects Si FRIDAY SATURDAY JULY 2 xyCi he A M J k MM HUM mm PLUS HUGS BUNNY COMEDY NEWS MATIN SATURDAY PM v3 f-v-M- j MONDAY TUESDAY riyft A SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT FOR TWO DAYS i sags v- at I V i DAVIO TONY DRAWS i yj BARRY SUUIVAN MERCEDES HA A a Coming Soon Ronald tt 1 r t fc l A