r r on June 26 an event that brings undisputed credit to the teacher Miss Freda Farley and the 3D students It was a termend fes tival of academic cultural and cooperative achievement There was a display of workbooks shopwork and garments done by senior students and health pro ject displays Marvin Hunter secretary of the school board was chairman of the program introducing Charles whose inspector ship of King township schools has just- recently terminated He congratulated the school board of S on the fine appearance of the grounds King is one of the best municipalities in the province Its children are privi leged to call it home declared Mr Howitt speaking of his en joyable experience in working with teachers of the township Cubit fool Well KESWICK ONTARIO Phone Queensvitle iv AND food mm aiulMI MttfMNttM HUMETICUIY SEALED SILENT WATCHMAN TOME TOP FINISH BOON AUTOMATIC OOOI IN FIVETON TWNF1M Km r LIBERAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE AT i I I Phone Newmarket r I M icvv i I AT SPONSORED BY f 1 t EAST FEDERATION it OF AGRICULTURE July at innisfil Park Game Swimming Brine basket lunch Ail Cars leaving 10 am And Distric MRS ROLLING KING School Festival In j He congratulated Miss Farley A capacity crowd attended in providing for Open House at Strange school ratepayers an inside picture l the educational and cultural training that is developed within the school Teacher Honored Mrs Robert Ash entertained Mrs A Wood and Mrs J A teachers at Oak Ridges school at her home recently After the supper hour a number of neighbors were invited in Mrs presided at the piano for group singing Mrs Wood has resigned from the teaching staff after three years or more in charge of grades 2 and 3 On Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Stuart Ache- son president of the Home and School Association Mrs Wood was presented with a brief case by the executive members Mrs Wood had been a former repre sentative to the Home and School On Monday June 25 the child ren of Mrs Woods room pre sented her with a desk set Howard Boyd read the presenta tion address and Teddy Musson offered the gift on behalf of his school mates Several of the mothers were present and Mrs Robert Ash helped arrange re freshments for the gathering Stephen left last week to act as a councillor at camp at Lake Simcoe for ten days He joined the group under Mr R Aurora and will teach wood carving From King United church A several attended a special meeting at given by the society of the United church re cently when Mrs Toronto was guest speaker Present were Mrs I Scott Mrs A G Green Mrs R Jcnkinson Mrs Austin Rumble and her children Paul and Bruce Miss Annie Mrs Allan Gcllatly Mrs Ross Stewart Mrs Rock Mrs J Winter Mrs A G Gordon Mrs Archi bald Mrs J P and Mrs If On Saturday last those from King at a lawn tea held at the home of Mrs A of Maple were Mrs I Scott Miss Kay Ciark Mrs Jenkinson Mrs Stewart and Miss Dennis It was sponsored the of Maple United church Brilliant Piano Recital The annual piano recital given by over pupils of Miss Doro thy Armstrong ARCT at her home on June was more than an exposition of skil ful technique It was a moving scene demonstrating a deep sense of understanding between teach er and pupil It manifested a fine grasp of interpretation and expression of music and a master ful foundation of its principles ft inspires students and delights the parents and friends privil eged to hear the recital A love of children a thorough knowledge of music coupled with high teaching qualifications and patience on the part of Miss Armstrong draw re sponse from the hoys and girls who carried through a program with ease and faultless perfor mance before guests Miss Queen Victoria con tralto soloist in First Avenue Baptist choir Toronto where Armstrong is organist and choir director sang two solos and gave two readings Mr Leslie Toronto baritone also sang two numbers The visiting GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE Furniture Storage PHONE NEWMARKET kiVl r PANTS If v liable carry ln largest slock dress and for men and boy J Made to CLIFF Yes It Che store with the merchandise f Window Wash Window washing for homes stores and industries Free estimates cheerfully given Phone 310j3 Newmarket Varied Program The program required nearly two hours and a half and consisted of piano solos duo num bers trios duets giving a wide distribution of talent from the audience was quartette of little sixyearold juniors to senior pupils Miss Pat Simpson open ed the evening with The King One selection that captivated the pairs of small hands revealing the girls seated at one piano four vitality and precision of a medley of American Tunes including the heartwarming Oh Aged seven and eight they were Beth Gellately Janice Hodgson Frances Schmidt and Doris Wood Beth and Frances had taken a years training Among the near advanced pupils were Mae and Shirley Jones Maple twins aged and Lloyd also of Maple They played a trio sel ection which drew hearty ap plause from the audience The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers a duo by Mary Anne Moore and one other was appreciated The senior girls Pat Simpson Julia Bell Ruth Gerry Camp bell Mary Anne Moore Suzanne Grew Beth Hodgson and Freda Dent an artist in her right did impressionable work Julia aged displayed talent in the diffi cult passages of Introduction and Likewise Ruth was brilliant in her rendi tion of Sprites of the Glen The final touch came with Miss Arm strong and Freda Dent in bril liant duo piano rendition of Chorale by Bach Lucbcse- frucd by Fritz Kreisler and a group of sparkling compositions by The final num ber was the popular for Two Those were played by re quest a repeat from last years recital The program closed with a double duo number the lovely Brahms Lullaby played by Ruth and Freda Brent Pat Simpson and Suzanne Grew Several others were unable to be present to take part Presentation To Teacher On behalf of the parents and pupils Mrs A expres sed appreciation to Miss Arm strong for the excellent leader ship and training she imparts to her students She was presented with a purse of money by Jill In accepting the hon ors Miss Armstrong placed all the credit on the class After wards refreshments were served by Die hostess assisted by the senior girls In Recital Those who played in the re cital were Hetty Rodney Bell James Timothy Grew Donald Ash June Brown Mae ami Shirley Jones Jean Wil liamsonFrances Forrester Beth Judith Armstrong Julia Bell Suzanne Grew Freda Dent Janet Ridded Donald Rid- Charles Shields Barbara Coutts Joan Hare Grace Mary Anne Moore Elaine Gillespie Marilyn Gilles pie Harry Rice Barbara John Carol Busby Gerry Campbell Ted Bird Jill Lloyd Patricia Simpson Doris Wood Frances Schmidt Suzanne Nora Scott Janice Hodgson Beth t i THE NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS THURSDAY JULY 1951 NINE QUEENSV1LLE Congratulations are extend to Mr in obtain ing his first class certificate at Toronto Normal School has been engaged as teacher in the intermediate room at the new Jersey school for the next school term We welcome Mr and Mrs Wal lace Gillies New York who have returned to their home here for the summer months The school Sports Day held at Quecnsville park on June was successful Nine schools competed and all reported a very enjoyable time The weather was ideal In the softball tourna ment Union St SS came first Sharon second and Mount Zion third Win ners in the points for sports given on a percentage according to the school enrol ment were Brown Hill first Mount SS 10 second and third We welcome to our commun ity Miss Sarah Traviss Mount Albert who has moved to her new home next to the library Mrs Porter Toronto is mak ing her home with her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs A Porter Miss Carol Johnston has return ed home after spending three weeks with relatives in Ban croft Mrs Frank Milne spent sev eral days in Toronto with her sis ter Mrs J Smith We are pleased to report Mrs Johnson is convalescing at her home following her recent ill ness in York County hospital Recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Dew were Mrs Collings and Keith and Mr and Mrs Bruce all of Bradford Mr Walter is spend ing his holidays in Nova Scotia Mrs Albert Milne has return ed home after spending several days with her granddaughter Mrs Reg Button and family at their cottage on Twelve Mile Lake Mr and Mrs John Walker Mount Albert visited Mr and Mrs A Hockley on Saturday A miscellaneous shower for Mrs Danny Menar Shirley Campbell was held at the home of Mrs C on Thursday night Many useful and beauti ful gifts were presented to the bride Miss Jean Cunningham is en gaged in marking papers in Tor onto for three weeks Mrs Frank and family attended the family reunion at on Satur day Mr Dan Hockley visited at the home of his brother Mr A Hockley on Sun day Mrs Jas is spending some time at the home of her daughter Mrs R St raster Mr and Mrs Win Huntley and family enjoyed a motor trip to on Sunday Misses Barbara and Caroline Johnson West Hill arc holiday ing at the home of their grand parents Mr and Mrs Johnson Hodgson Dorothy Armstrong Mr and Mis Gordon Armi- Mrs Ruth Mary and son Detroit were weekend guests of Antic Moore Joan Harrison Examination Results Two names omitted in last weeks list of music examination results were Ruth who made marks in grade theory for first class honors and Daphne in grade theory for lists accompanied at the honors xvi piano by Miss Armstrong Mrs P J Armstrong received wearing blue faille and corsage assisted by her daughter Doro thy gowned in floor length dress of white net and taffeta and j sage of roses The boys and girls were becomingly attired for the occasion the girls wearing white or colored costumes many with natural flowers in their hair JZ fi Sedan vailed tiros equipped cor AUSTIN Sedan Very clean car mileage Real value M I K Sedan A beautiful car Fully equipped MM I mileage Clean t condition 1947 Door Sedan Blue Clean inside and out Low mileage Excellent value i OLD MOB I LB Sedan Excellent shape A real buy TWO MERCURY Coupe Good car at a good price A K CAB and CHASSIS STAKE INTERNATIONAL PICKUP M PICKUP J 1919 SEE TODAY AT Phone J A j 2 tJs A- KEEPS YOUR KITCHEN COOL HOB Prop Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs were Mr and Mrs Frank and children Frank Pat and Jerry Toronto Mr and Mrs John Toronto Mr and Mrs Frank Gillies Toronto Mr ami Mrs Hay Anderson and fam ily Mr and Mrs Mrs Tom Toronto ami are holiday ing for a month Special Lemons At a meeting of the leather of KingcrafU Guild held last week it was decided to five members of the group to Mrs I Aurora for special instruction course begin ning in September They will be Mrs J Grew Miss Helen Hunter Miss Jessie Miss Ella Whit more of and Mrs convenor of the local leather group It was also agreed to hole two regular craft meetings a month Twentyone are now enrolled in the class their Mr and Mrs Cole Mr Miller Newmarket very ably filled the United church pulpit on Sunday morn ing His sermon Drifting was very timely and much appreciat ed Rev Miller will again be preaching on Sunday July at am in United church iy I 203 2 GO 387 412 9 MODEL PRICK 15 Sportsman 33 1 Spcedltwin Big Twin Ross Vacation model boat Ross model Deluxe model 375 BOATS IN STOCK COMK IN AND LOOK THKiU DISTRIBUTORS FOR Motors Boats EASY TERMS display at How an Iron Fireman VORTEX BUKHEK saves oil MITHOD Ordinary guntype oil burners the flame In a pit where much of its beat wasted Iron Firemans moneysaving Vortex oil blankets every inch of with rich radiant heat Saves you op to on CONVERT YOUR OLD OR OR A UNIT Why pay for heat youre not getting An Iron Vortex can be installed in your present furnace or in just a few hours and then watch your fuel bills go down home comfort go up Complete selffired Voncx units arc available too Exclusive Iron Fireman auto matic controls Phono this week sure for a survey R Jelley CEDAR ST PHONE NEWMARKET Washers Washers PreBudget Prices The Worlds Finest Washer the family of satisfied users 14800 up trade in terms Appliances Main St 139 ARCTIC LOCKERS PHONE MEATS POULTRY GROCERIES LOCKERS Order now while there are a few available You save the yearly rental three times over in frozen fruit and veget ables and enjoy the fresh product the year around Ask for the sheet of instructions Cor FOR SALE 150 BOILING FOWL FRESH KILLED at WHOLESALE PRICES To ensure time for preparing delivering kindly order cither or Friday g3g at jvjyti JS CANADIAN LEGION Annual t 3 jv For Soap Box Derby En iy