FRIDAY AUG B Pill loud CANADIAN in TORONTO Aug 23o Sept Empire Year Scores of planes fa an of the air oca lo and from United Scares Friendly Invasion of Canada by the pur- of United Scares Air Selfndge Field Air parade and KrobarJcs Hunting formation Eights Aeroplanes sea planes and am phibians in a thrilling impressive epic of the air vividly portraying the amaz ing advance of aviation OTHER LEADING FEATURES Opening of the new Automotive Building Fourth Wrigley Marathon Swim for open the Goldman and other noted bands four concerts by the renowned a Exhibition Chorus Aug Sept Master Musician his Band and Operatic Ensemble International sports pro gram with outboard motor boat yacht and heldevcms Monster milit- of Exchanges KATIONft REP REM Arrow Rati July should be pleasurable It insdian I Too Easily Obtained constantly and have no iced calls for milk drinks ana were made by a restaurant for this naught by Calgary Herald approached Of tie the United State of the at France carried laided and Lhej to British or Canadian troops met with this adjoining Bradford when beat through rust a barberry shrub In the adjoining woods close by the field Suspecting it to he the cause they cut and burned it up root and branch and have never been troubled rust in that field since Spo days of Ed A Stand should be made now PRICES GRAND STAND SPEC TACLE Genu Reserved Seats EXHIBITION General TACLE General Reserved Seats Bo EXHIBITION CHORUS SEUM Ground Write Mood Damages from Bartwry Sun If any further Of nine children ordered cream On a hot day milk drinks are very refreshing If you dont think so just Chocolate milk drinks seem to line second What is mors refreshing than a nice cold drink of either of the I former From the health standpoint is nourishing This applies to the grownups while still stay by Ice cream cone or sandwich United States lourists are heavy milk drinkers However Before ord ering milk they generally ascertain if Is pasteurized In order to meet this Increased con niption during the hot weather the milk distributors make extra that their sales may be Licenses people who hold some thousands without having paid the A despatch throughout welcome from the royal box Other of royal family Will the scouts before the meeting The gathering is primarily In of the coming age of The Unite Japan 31 and China he delegation from the British Isle totals scouts will entertain the ales night show them Gods work and ho each boy Is In order of nature The larger the milk of milks the better Quite frequently we find that nillki distributors are discriminating in Ihei advertising Of milk and are putting out some very attractive advertisements Milk sales are indirect competition with all kinds of soft drinks which are advertised extensively but the actual health value of milk drinks Attractive publicity put out by tho Dairy temples of God and tell them to keep clean to avoid beastliness am smoking and drinking I do care teaching them Christianity but I don Robert MB Powell profitable layer simplicity care and regular during the midsun through the field Cold Storage Branch and- the National feei together with COL1- Seats ley St West Canadian National Steamship Airways h Railroad Rates THOMAS would make a huge total if ere checked up in view of the the production of radio part batteries in Canada lost cached a total of nearly thlrteei dollars while in addition set parts from the United by milk distribut in cities today undoubtedly In- milk drinking This will be health of the people It Is within range of possibilities that may become as great users of tin fluid as the people of Denmark Sweden where nearly a quart per day Is consumed al most double what Is consumed by million dollars indicating that In l SIl parts of Canada there must be set defying lathed Underdevel the staff should be advised of this ad Long Service THE Imperial Bank was founded during the period when farming constituted almost the whole industrial life of Canada City streets were once thronged on Market Day and the teams waited at every post Times change the hitching post has gone but the farming industry can never be superseded Every day is market day now and the farmer is a business man and a student of markets The Bank has always regarded the farming industry as of prime importance and will give every consideration to the Interests of its farmer clients IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA NEWMARKET BRANCH F Manager AURORA BRANCH ft BROWN Manager Sub Agency at Assets of Over One and Fifty drink business trade Occasion Installed electric refrigeration ir keeps the chocolate milk buttermilk coot without chopped NOTICE TO CREDITORS Edgar Cunrunghru the County of NOTICE is hereof all claim de- tors and rnands against the estate of the said Ron Edgar Cunningham who died on or about the Fifth day of June are required on or before the Twenty- ninth day of to send by post prepaid or deliver to Bessie Cunningham On tario or Floyd Cunningham Out the executors of the last Will and Testament of said deceased their add re and and descriptions the full I his will reduce range radually If pullets are f in vitality while the pullets under develop will produce of the Mew-Reporter- We I consumption of Ice cream great- it in one section during the hot weather we have already stated the old cream cone to the purpose of the Laying Contest Is thirds lce iB I stimulate Interest in the of those application- were turned in householders as a I birds for egg production and large this or evening treat It Is claimed eggs and to provide a that although the people who States are qualification for registration Mich application appeared lo be Ice cream eaters In thc result of of government assistance they consuming cones per cap- Lu living who consumed hy n t S quite able to support their aged cream Industry w P ntg it Is not stated whether lar Quantity of the surplus I duced the most si ml are being made to see that cream during the ort Is This may not Increased work of the various during those month P Swift head of Ihew debt is something of intrinsic It is worth while he says soon as one thing Is paid for buy else and gel In debt again In and never get out as long as the debt is not for ties or drinks or such things but thing of real value a bond for example is worth matter little In hand get one thousand dollars you will find the second hundred second thousand will come much easily than the first did The start Is the thingd Why Is the letter T0WNHALLNEWMARKETi THURSDAY NIGHT AUG 10 flUbbGng over With merriment originality THE WORLDS GREATEST MOST POPULAR CARTOON MUSICAL COMEDY WITH A CONGRESS OF INIMITABLE COMEDIANS A THE FAMOU MUTTJEFF BEAUTY CHORUS THE GREATEST LAUGHING SHOW ON EARTH YOULL LIKE IT SINGERS DANCERS AND PRETTY SHOW GIRLS ADMISSION 50c and P TA mid be obliged to bring attention to such cases of neglect of aged There Canada that will and If the Pen- required to make law deal with such doubly beneficial well with part of the business by using milk which fluid whole milk iclph Aug J retircd minister Income Tax owes his life lonight to an infuriated Times There has long best to rob him of feeling In the mind of the great ma- tonight In thu of people that the income tax wllu iani1 and methods at In gross- wide a puncture of the unfair Specific mention at present lun feared Ills condition been made of the regulation fits of a corporation was cillle from animal whereby the are liable for dominion tax and the Income of an Individual Having rived from his dividends from nIno ferasped the ring In the bull liable for shall of whose by Dated the Twentyfifth day of July Newmarket On Solicitor for the said executors dominion tax- Is really paid twice on tha same Income What is of en more moment however Is the I of the dominion and the municipalities In the field of taxation It Is a great hardship in that should have lax lo the dominion municipality on the ere Is much need of taxation systems so from this double on the the people of Canada FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EAVETftOUGHING OUR SPECIALTIES THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SON Next to Office adjustment LOWEST IN TAX ARREARS of nil the cost of constructing the Government Canadian National proximately the animal tossed his head and of danger Ills injuries In the fall FAT GIRLS HERES A TIP All over the world Krus Is appealing to girls and strive for figure that cannot fall to win recipe that banishes morning take one quarter Kruschen Salts In a er before breakfast ro and do this every morning little daily doso that the fat Dont miss Kruschen habit mear poisonous waste matter and acids and are expelled system same time the stomach lh fresh blood containing I Kriiichcn feebng of energetic 1 nil activity that la reflected In clear skin cheerful vivacity and charming figure can he selected which til help to keep the flock contented nil 1 the nt with the select birds studying the alert friendly bird something to cor lent should be flock talking heir habits and will generally mint of herself Be gentle and the birds with care as many a pud birds chances of heavy are handicapped through rough Feeding- liver oil and per It has been found the heavy layers con Therefore should encourage dry tion The addition cent of cod oil mash all the more ay lookout and ground f meal fi fine table jut for lie Inrly the latter No th and A As early as June I6Ih there r 3000 requests from US citizens particulars of the forthcoming National Exhibition Heretofore unheard or LowPriced motor car in a EVERY day brines addi tional emphasis to the self- evident fact that the improved Plymouth is todays great full- r before has near the price thai be driven comfortably at top speed hour after hour There never before has been a car in the lowpriced field so smooth and flexible Plymouth bear in mind is the only lowpriced car with the ith owners drive jch confidence It is simply impossible to appreciate all that todays Plymouth is and does until you sit in the drivers seat and the actual fill of the car We invite you Plymouth in your own ample of process in the field scientific advantages of lowpriced motorcars Chrysler engineering Tiat never before has been in and of itself explains the JJJ b lowpriced car of Plymouths thrilling superiority of Plymouth Qari including is restful com- performance in every respect freight and toxtuxtra fort and attractive appearance Plymouth is the only low- priced motorcar with Chrysler lowpriced car or such strength weatherproof hydraulic and stability of construction brakes That is the reason why OPEN EVENINGS FOR DEMONSTRATIONS J NESBITT Agent Newmarket THE CAN API AN- BUILT PLYMO FOR CAN