Our n31vUooArar Envoy of Toronto i Ihe on Sunday J Station Is extended to ll to succulent rhubarb from garden makes the popular hsrb pic again resourceful Item the family Daffodils crocuses and tulips arc now Wool In the home gardens In town An step out Newmarket pi May Herb Power and Dance Orchestra ore treat ing the dancing i their way back to Toron- at be annual Military May it sermon on the steadfast christian persecution Its reward j chair Kind pood music following tie evening service a flUurcUe composed Mrs Gilbert and Alex lives rendered two choice selections the Inst nunher being unaccompanied The gave a fine and Mr Hamilton played several numbers No County Highway Con true lion Owing to the damage done to toads and bridges by the floods tltls the County Highways Coitunls t intend to let any this year for road construction The cost for rebuilding and repairing the done will be very high and will use more than the amount it hid intended to spend on con struction while of course the would he maintained and kept in good Collet Saturdo Leg Broken An accident the barn of David Love of a few days ago by which one of his little boys had Ids leg broken and his little wed lerful playing in the bar com aged years bad two broken in his leg broth years of age got hold Of a cutter and nulling his little brother In it drew across the road to the house It mm have been been quite a task but stuck to it Dr Boyd of Newmarket was sun and he brought the lad to County Hospital after first aid and an Subject The Wonderful pm Subject Jesus Knocking the Door lit- rendered so well last to flip Dr SURGEON Old Country Papers- Touching scenes were last night at funeral work hat already proved of high Dr Kcnpolj Hunter the lip hospital of the young surgeon greatest to Dr position of his j an give tip and medical superintendent He proved on bis colleagues moat conscientious and able medical 1 epidemic officer who soon became during the Infli whole of the hospital and all lie continued bis studies and the diplomas present and Expecting in- tears Doctors nurses and officials and members of the board guardians lined the path to the entrance gates v ice and stood with bowed he motor hearse conveying passed The body Is Medical Officer Death Dr Hunter of Yesterday afternoon Dr Kenneth Taylor assistant medical Oldchurch Hospital Romford at that Institution after a very illness from meningitis He was J years of age and was playing tennis as recently as Saturday last untimely death is a great blow bo the whole of the staff at the disposition Dr Hunter associated himself as far as bis duties allowed with the whole of the social life of the place and it may be truly said that he woe loved by Canadian by birth his home at Newmar ket Ontario upon appointment by the Guardians In August as sec- assistant medical superintendent On the resignation of Dr J P Hack- wood he was promoted to the higher position lie had always carried out and proved himself a very skilful Hunter lived for others rather than for himself and probably ids de- duty contributed to bring Some time age he was advised to take a rest but as the whole could scarcely cope with the heavy work at the hospital he refused to throw an extra burden upon his col leagues In consequence of Dr Hunter death a dance organised for last night by the nursing staff was abandoned dance arranged for April has been postponed Doctor Tragic Dealh Oldchurch Hospital Lots A highly promising career has been cut short in a tragic manner by the Thursday from meningitis of Dr Kenneth Taylor- Hunter the assistant medical superintendent at the Hospital who was not quite years old Dr Hunter had not health since Christ- at his duties and continued also to take part in the social life of the staff at the Institu tion He was playing tennis as late as Saturday but was stricken down and on Thursday His passing hough It was becoming apparent thai be needed holiday and rest On at unt of the shortage of staff how- and the difficulty of he refused to go away for the being and remained at his post The Interment will take place at On tario Canada A memorial service be held In the chapel at the Itom ford Institution today Wednesday by the death of Dr Hunter He had been with them about had done bis work ly The Board had always had great confidence in him although only a young man He bad well In his profession through till The Dr Lehman Many of the old re ill l Day Tenvper- every good work member Hi His brother Lehman tlv leaving If a million Newmarket In the Pol low- dipping fro Toronto Estate of the late the whole of the staff of titution and the hospital where regarded with feelings of the respect amounting to during his short period of ere his muny fine qualities liac the medical Romford I Commencing on Wednesday of nest week May 1st the store and offices In Newmarket will close fit noon until of October This decision was reached almost unanimously by the spent Tuesday evening Printing Offices Rati The Factories and not affected by halfholiday as they Saturday afternoon the year Euchre There was a fine attendance at the Progressive Euchre party on Friday evening under the auspices Thorah Lodge Mrs J R the winner of the ladles prise and Norman the gents Prises for the highest score for the season awarded to Miss Margaret and Mr Keel Refreshments were or hard work and Dr light a lot of him and would trust to do any operation which was id a great deul for his ability and it a terrible thing that be should cut down so early In life He was man who would have been very use ful in his profession and might have reached the top of it as was his ambi tion Unfortunately he contracted meningitis and died as a result of The Board could only express their sorrow and regret at the loss of such an efficient officer and he proposed that a letter of sympathy and condol ence with the father and mother in Canada be written The body was the Mr J chairman of Hospital Committee and vieechalrma of the Board associated himself wit the chairmans remarks It seemed almost too much particularly to these who had been working the doctor that he should be taken in this way Dr was tremendously up set at the loss of an able assistant and such a brilliant and helpful Dr Hunter was taken ill with mastoid abscess and was asked several timet to take a holiday but with the demic going on and everybody work at full pitch he would not Ieav 1 few bed again and two specialists were called but could not do no more than Dr was doing He the would like the letter from Granted Mathews Town Clerk rompttawa where conducting- proceedings rc- scvcral divorce oases and re that he wan successful In them Toronto people one was James Clark of North llmbury who was granted a divorce from bis wife and another was Mrs of Newmarket who nted a divorce from her hus band all Is commencing Its appeal this week and It the generous response on he townsfolk In the past be gain given This Is a worldwide trict to raise I raised in this way enables the Army inue its many phases of work f needy suffering destitute ployed etc Please make your don possible Coin An Important emergency meeting jscan took place in t Hull on Wednesday hen the Degree was by W Davis of Pi Lodge and his 1 The meeting proved vety The Ayr Glory Chi on Unity Hieing Grenville Union East Brampton Old and High Park All happy to meet In Toronto Mr end Mrs of Newmar ket pent Sunday at Mr A Toppers Mrs Stony baa returned home from her daughter she spent the winter Mrs A Starry and Mrs 0 spent Friday last In To- has secured a position in Toronto Elsie Lemon of Todmorden wos for the weekend Quite a number gathered for wor ship last Sunday evening In the Union Church The poster preached on the Abundant Life and sang The Beau tiful Garden of Prayer With the in the roads weather look for a still larger attendance Sabbath at pm Sunday School at The line and the to the are now open for traffic This a welcome change after the long period of rough muddy roads The attendance at the Young League Increased again last Fri day evening The topic was taken by Questions on the Ten on were ably by Harold Cook and the pastor Friday It is social night and a targe attendance is expected 1 Mr Geo Cook is visiting in the city this week and also acting on jury roads and bright sunshine facilitated church and Sunday school attendance We are glad to report steady im provement in our Invalids Mjs Al fred Nixon and Mrs Rev The annual Sunday School meeting was held last Monday evening when the following officers and teachers were appointed Superintendent Mr Alfred Dixon Mr Thomas Drewery Secretary Cora Cook Treasurer Mr Walter Brown Teachers Mrs Wlnterstein Miss Mary Cook Mrs Mrs Mrs Walter Gray Teachers Miss Thompson Mr John Mrs John Mrs Ottls Organist Mrs Secretary Jean Martin Missionary Program Committee Miss Mary Cook Miss Thomson Miss Cora Cook IN TOM SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 5 for Sweet Seedless Oranges good size California amnions 19c Box Sugar lbs Me A THE CHOP he Ladies NEWMARKET HouFi urn by Toronto where he fiimaly took his 1 diploma He filled one or tw posts with success in pant also as in- a In Ontario before deciding England and soon after his arrival sponded to the advertisement of the Romford Guardli assistant medical officer church Hospital He wa the appointment In Augu his first the Old- chosen for this England to have consisted of large blocks turf other stocks which had deposited in various safety de- boxes in various cities r Lehman was a native of but hud not lived in Toronto for years He had spent most of lis ill which was dated August left his wife an annuity of hut she predeceased him hud provided that In case of such estate should he divided shares a fid he left a Marshall Brown who Is of the a John Lehman Jessie Jennie shares en Ha i Hudson Ada be o do who had Dr Hunter appreciated in and as a friend He lost himself In his service to hers and it would be difficult for his ople so many miles away to realize much their boy was loved unless ch a letter was sent The proposal was carried in silence rimes April Optometry Its Value to the Public BY G Optometrist Newmarket What are the duties of the Opto He detects by the use of Instruments and other means tin errors of vision of bis patients Yes he determines what lenses an required to correct the errors and sup piles them Then the Optometrist specialties in Yes Optometry is a profession dis tinct in duties from all other and does not conflict In any way with any Profession Sale Register Soturday April Mr will have a Sale of House hold Effects opposite Post Office COUNTY POLICE COURT Jack Ward wellknown athlete was fined with costs Friday last by Police Magistrate MAY ROD AND GUN next Sunday evening The top for this special service will I hree Great Thoughts Sabbath School Bible Classes pm Prayer Meeting Thursday night P C meet Monday at rkt Bowling Club VicePresidentG Wig People ore holding social eight on Thursday of thJ3 week The program will be held la church after which will be served In tlie basement ore a for worship last Sunday when the sang Garden of Prayer and preached Abundant Iiie Mr Clarke is improving health Wo ore nil glad to see out again Kettleby Our Assortment of Notts Rayons plain and colored Figured suitable for sun rooms bedroom Specially Priced at Yd A Range of Madras In blue gold and Rose Speolally Priced for selling Yd Full Range of 8undour Unfadable Fabrics every yard being fully guaranteed against fade In washing Complete Range of Silk and Panels RAN We have a good assortment of ELECTRIC In Stock euro and see them before buying elsewhere RADIO AND CAR BATTERIES CHARGED called for and delivered ELECTRICAL AND RADIO REPAIR8 Ti3 PAINT Night CALL A TAXI PROMPT TAXI AND TRUCK SERVICE When you want to time on Knki Committees T W Lyons Large Membership P Oilman A Chantier Local Games P Hewson P Chantier Marshall W J Mr and Mrs A J Marshal w city on Saturday of last Mrs Charles and the Misses and B Charles of Aurora were at Mr J on Sunday and Mrs J and family Mrs Stephens Wednesday In Toronto Mrs A Is spending a few days In Toronto T F McMullen Social call youll find Track Newmarket McCaffrey Dr A ripple of excitement was caused here by the visit on two successive rugbls of Police Sergeant Kirk accompanied by county and pro vincial off leers tie- first night they visited a In search of evidence liquor being sold Illegally but failed to discover i They located a couple of bottles of liquor but the owner had a permit and all was apparently tii contains a very Interesting selection of tories and articles Among these are he regular contributions of Bonny- Dale Robert James and J of established merit while in iddltlon to these there are several hunting fishing and outdoor and instructive articles the fox Industry by well I thoritles DeepSeated Rheumatic Pains Quickly Yield to Powerful Pen or for more Intense rheumatism Thou- sands of robust persons drag life Here Is a new treatment Simply get bottle of Emerald Oil and apply to the parts Its io doubt but what the most stubborn yield quickly powerful penetrating Influence first application brings blessed relief weather The land Is drying up very quickly Farmers hope to be at spring This has been a hard Spring an fall heat too much rain and winds Mr and Mrs Jas Peters Mr id Mrs Peters visited Mr and Blby of Kansas el Mrs Terrys Keswick on Saturday Mr Howard Is sick with a Mrs Elmer Peters is second officers called another In the eai where they seized quantity home brew some w Aurora Aurora School Literary So final debate for the Won Margaret Graham ant Dorothy Silk who supported tha on tlie the platform Is More Inriuenlhl Than the Press The negative was by Grace Sutherland and Margaret Graham was winner of the oratorical contests In and IMs Peters Corners PALACE THEATRE famous- airmen were Australia but were found later others engaged in the NewmarketMarketa Live Stock Markets Heavy Steers Choice supported by a wonderful oast of film players See the greatest character actor of the silver sheet as himself discarded of all elaborate makeup and disguise He appears In the character of a hard- boiled detective pitted against the scrupulous and killer element of a big city M T Apr THE CARDBOARD LOVER with and Alher film May 12 THE CASE OF LENA SMITH Either Halites When the man she loves exposes her to the cruelty of a biased law Fate pounds Lena Smith Power and wealth conspire against her she gives all for love and love betrays her What happens You Will Buy It For Less At Dram Store Special Prices for Friday Saturday CHASES NERVE FOOD tfk WATER GLASS it the time to pre Reg lb Tint yc PRESCRIPTION TADflMTfl