Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1929, p. 6

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AM LIT Mount Albert WOMENS INST The April nice Thursday April J Congratulations to Aubrey in winning the Honor Prize at Newmarket High Commencement on Thursday night of I si week Dr will rcsuytorlan Morion spent Faster morning in Hie United largely attended The Young Peoples mi evening W9B also well The children net Joying llio holidays A very pretty wedding wo ntfed on Wednesday March John My- when their eldest was united in marriage to rank of Mount Al- who given away father looked charming in pole with beige hue to match in trimmed oho bride Following the supper wis lid and good wishes for Sharon lie young pec not presented t which was lookedoforward to However a play not to bo lacking as the Young people are bringing theirs The Fruit of Ills Folly to llife TownBhlp Hall on Wednesday April the of the Womens of St James Church This was put on In Keswick with great cess and was enjoyed by all no ev body be present at pm Service in St James Church Sunday morning at oclock Miss Bessie Brown of so Mr and Mrs Clarence Long of spent the weekend wjlh Mr and Mrs Drown Miss Dorothy Sloan Is spending the holidays at her home In Churchill and Marlon Grose are spend ing the holidays at their homes here League will be held this Friday In Hie church in and profitable Lords Gospel laet Sunday list Cody spent the la Hay lias returned from Ottawa Mrs Couch and children are visit ing Mr and Mrs Shepherd Mr and Mrs Newmarket spent Tuesday with their ion here Mcssri Angus Smith Mel Blair loft the West on Mr and J Aylward and Mrs 1 Monday In To- J K and are lending a few with her ma- and father at Janell Miss Hayes and Miss lent tin weekend at home Miss Many Hill of Toronto Sunday with her elbtcr Mrs Beach We liopo to have largo the meeting of the Womens In- jtltulo to bo tield in the Community and Hoi Hall on 2nd in April as Mies Maud the now officers to bo holiday for the coming year We hope embers to finish up In If I bushes took on a very heavy coat of Ice which looked beautiful in the early morning although from the weight of Ice very destructive al so making great liavoo of the tele phone wire Itoadu off tho highway quite Impassible In places more so than has been known for ycaru Many friends from tho vicinity at tended the funeral In last Saturday of the lata Waller formerly of Itoohee Point Scholars are enjoying their vaca tion although Its not to keep out of the water Wo are pleased lo see Thompson to I Many vlsiors were In hood over the weekend the treat of maple syrup Friends of Mr Harold were pleased wllh Ira Walter enjoying friendly Invitations are out for the an niversary of Mr and Mrs Jones married life Con ations Elder of being then the officiating Is lo be present Some the syrup Reason Is Miss Winch who has for some lime ih Improving and It is hoped this may continue pleased lo know t holidays In which was to have been had to ho In the been received from Mrs who went West some friends will lie Zephyr Keswick a splendid attendance Church Easter service many heard hlSMwfflf traffic of city Friday one could fancy took advantage of the chance looking over their summer property had lo have friendly as- Bonn fall to to col on and off their on Friday night April Si Ills will show I trie i from Toronto to and fro In Holly the highway Wood commencing at M of Jacksons Ptj The funeral of Mrs John Jones of weekend at the Manse Elsie Cockburn at the York County Hospital Newmarket Is home for a weeks holiday Miss Evelyn of Miss Gladys Cockburn Mr Arthur Cockburn and Mr and Mrs pie kind v ill whole senice including the Lord Supper at the close We are enter upon the anniversary the year of Christs life and we are hoping for great results from lhe consecrated efforts of all Godg Next Thursday April the Ladles Aid Society will hold Us monthly meet ing and supper Hot biscuits and maple syrup la one feature of this We are looking forward with Interest program to be furnish ed by the married men or the con gregatlon at May meeting by and Varna will lie lu spending a few Chil ian church it characters for lhe were well chosen and Id well The whole five acts The regular monthly meeting Ladles Aid wilt be held In the afternoon April purpose of quilting Will the 1 all come as as as will lie quills lo do irl spent- and Mm Mi and Sunday with Mr and Mrs Barton Ward Mr and Mrs John Storey Snowball on Tuesday We to lose them but welcome Mrs Coates In their place Miss Joyce Collins has a girl from visiting Hits week Mr Phil Murphy and Mr Dan spent Monday In Toronto The Misses Bora Selby and Annie spent Sunday at home Service at the United Church next Sundiy at Hope to have more out again Sunday school at a m Everyone welcome at both services Mrs Frank Greenwood Some damaso was done during on Sunday and Monday The lion and tho and collage of Toronto from Its posi tion and the and cottage owned by William was dam aged by the Ice The loo piled In tiers and Is doing no further dam age lo the buildings hydro and telephone arc out of commission and will not be In use the latter part or lhe week Mr and Mrs Ernie Greenwood of spent Sunday with Ills par- Mr and Mrs and family of Toronto motored lo their cottage on Sunday MVs George Arnold spent a few days last week her sister JMrs of Sutton mal School Is spending the holidays her parents nd Mrs Tom and with Mr and Mrs irly after a long We s of Toronto spent Mr and Walker spent and Thursday of last Toronto celebrated his birthday a number of friends last Wednesday evening of li hue was a good attendance Band concert given in the Uultod Church School Hall numbers on ho pro gram hy lhe children were both and entertaining The Super intendent of iho Band gave on i the aland Study Book Stand By lllUBlralcd by lantern which greatly d the children Mr and George tho sister went to the Ity last Friday to see Mr Earl whom we are sorry to report met a severe accident while and had his right hand and of his face burned Fountain has to home here alter spending the winter In lhe city Miss Francis Cooke is spending Easter holidays at wldle Mas ter George Cooke who has been stay- with his aunt a home for his holidays Miss Eva Taylor of Toronto verslty Is spending the holidays a Miss King of Toronto spent weekend at home coming lime to help her celebrate birthday Miss Elizabeth Warren Is spending the holiday Mount Old King Winter reigned here on Monday high winds and ice broke telephone wires and did other damage We hope the mud soon Maiy Ann of ket Sunday her Mr Luke Ml a Helen Taylor spent lhe week end wild her mother Mrs Jack Donald Christian of with his par i Holly Belfry spending here Mr and Mrs Stanley Stevenson spent EaBter with Mr and Geo at Cedar Brae Mrs Wm Moulds and have been In Newmarket for a couple of weeks Mr Mervin of spent the holiday with his Mr Little Stevenson npent few last week with Mrs A The Mission Circle was held at the home of Alice last Fri- I day evening and a very enjoyable time was after the business Games were In and lunch served Proceeds NORMAN MONTGOMERY EiUte end Vj Residence St Lombard Office St King Years Experience Stock a Speclilt Toronto Ontarl Reports FARM FOR SALE acres miles north of Q vllle on Highway Good and Cement Block House Well water n of Application for Notice Is hereby given that CfoU the City of To- of Onl will apply to the Par HO 11 I the thereof for of Divorce from Rogers Audrey Rogers Kenneth husband John Bourne of the Rogers I In the County of Yorkand III Ada Adams Ontario on the ground Jr II I Blanche Jean Jr II Donald Stlckwood Jack Lorraine Rogers Kenneth and Mrs Mies motored lo Bradford a few The good road gets the crowd makes one wonder sometimes more not for lhe Kings Highway prepared for Of will look place In the Zephyr Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon Miss Pickering of spent Good Friday at her home here Mr Law and Daisy Pick ering were at on Sunday Mr and Mrs Fred Norton nee Shier also Miss Edith of ioiorro Spent the holidays Mr I Lldi Blanch Stick- A Rogers ok woo Jo Adams Donald Raymond Stlck- Jennie Scott Rogers in order of A Miller teacher linriim iillr Certificate and v rylng CHRISTINA ADAMS MORTGAGE SALE SUMMER COTTAGE PROPERTY the of Count of Ontario by Put lie Auction Tow Peters Corners Easter holidays passed off rather Florence quietly around here many being T of last week attending church services of the condition of the Labi file 7 HZ to torn St lrcM who in Toronto for the winter to their home Kay Baldwin spent Easter nomas of passed away last after a long life Most of it was in this vicinity where she made many The J Mann Tuesday Aliout twenty added lo the eighteen hundred our Library hooks In of lhe Bank of Nova at Stouff- the weekend at his home here and also the Monday bank Miss Edith Morion or ToronKo Is spending the Easter holidays with her sister and parents who have staying with Mrs Hamilton j Mr McLean of Sunday with his daughter Mrs I to I Ids Folly on at Sharon on Apr at voir it see it at Miss Marion Draper and gentleman friend Mr Roy Rice of the with her We enjoyed splendid services on st Sunday Rev A J Mann preached two very interesting Easter The choir did well Mr was very much appreci- u The splendid attendance waa Next Sunday evening Sutton choir of lhe music here Cemetery Mr ami Mrs Corson Pollock and Shirley who have just returned from spending the winter In St Petersburg Florida spent Easier with Mr and Mrs Angus of Keswick Miss Laura Peters and Mr Fail Peters motored from Toronto to spend the holiday Mr and Mrs j holidays file Glad to see so many home for the Easier holiday Misses Nellie and Margaret Winch at Mr Shropshires Miss Sheppaid Miss fhc Clara Khbyson of Port at Mr V lll and Emerson Monday hank holiday at Mr Will Glen Davidson also Mr and Mrs David Davidson Mr A III have when they will give Easter rendition Lord taken of The Glory of iiiiij i will surely be the I being extended Mr and Mrs upon their recent marriage Mrs St was formerly Miss Lucy Wood- of lu whose honor entertained last week Ross enter tained their frlendB at a jolly euchre parly reoently Mrs W spent the girls of the True Blui gathered at tl ilrs R A Davidson on urday afternoon to bid farewell Miss Helen who is lhe Milage bid you farewell a with father Willi resident and brother of Hon Lincoln Goldie provincial secretary bed of in travellers checks and a small sum of money a few nights Mission Hand will be held April al 3 oclock Note change In time It will be a meeting On Friday afternoon April Womens Missionary Sodomy will meet we have two quilts to quill are glad to know that Mr and John continue to and sincerely hope they will be enjoying their usual good Their daughter horn of Is still with Many old friends were glad to renew last Sunday with Mr Dr ft L Hewitt An automobile snugly Imbedded In the mire on the Is a fam iliar sight these days This condition calls forth the neighbourly feelings for which this vicinity Is famous We feel we were very fortunate when we read or the terrible wrought In other places by the storm The Easter service at Bethel United Church was all could fte desired aud it was enjoyed thoroughly by a good congregation Old friends were pleased to hear Mr again He motored from the city bringing Mr following of who sang concert who gave a by the choir West for a number of guest of Mr Wm he ice and wind did quite a hit of the Christ rendered in Spirit of lhe Resurrection gratefully received The duet He in vain given by Mrs and Mr Bernard Huntley Great praise Is due Miss Winnie who had charge enjoyed the message You have lived among us mo time and in that time you ha the love and respect of the com You have always and under been a true classmate You have always taken a great Interest In all that tended toward the better ment of the class and an a token of our friendship we ask you to accept this you every prosperity School Reports Florence hon Jean Graham lion Sr HI Frank Chapelle Eastwood Hon Ian Cryderman Sinclair Fred Eastwood L Mary Neil Dorothy Jr Eastwood Johnny WW Names In of merit Myrtle LSliles tea Hill Is spending Easier her home Miss Lena of Toronti home for Easter holidays and assisted Church choir on Sunday Mis me for the weekend Mr Ross Smalley and Ball of Toronto spent the weekend the Mrs Smith and son Bert of New- arkel spent the weekend with here a number of owners of cot Post I has accepted for The i qualities become known Some good shipments have been going the British West Indies The recent shipment consisted of approved White leghorn cock- ship of Thorah Gnu day of April at tl 11 oclock the following f namely No and the north last he purchase of these birds s that Canadian bred which had The Half and in Cash v tl a 15 bid will be sold particular- M R STIVER Newmarket j to FRANK KAVANAGH Auctioneer Burlington and left report for duty April United Church hearing of her appointment m a presentation of a wardrobe Ethel has been a member choir for many years and we to lose her Miss Helen Taylor was from Toronto on Monday night count of the condition of her Mr Jack Taylor After several years of suffering most of which was spent in bed Mr Jack Taylor passed away early Tuesday morning MAS Hepburn of Lindsay who Is just recovering from a severe illness visiting her daughter Mrs Martin Stiles Miss Eliza Ego Is spending part of the Easter holidays with her sister Mrs George Johnston at The United Church was filled fo capacity on Sunday evening to hear the musical treat the choir in ren dering selections from Olivet to Cal- Glory of the ord The rendered doing much credit to leader Dr Harold The church was prettily decorated with daffodils and roses mes sages at both services by the pastor were appropriate and helpful thus making the Easier services throughout the day inspirational Friends of Mrs Delilah Kay will bo iflflned to her bed through The Young Peoples Bible the United Church of which old Leaiojd Is teacher tune campaign on An man or young lady wishing SUPREME IN APPEARANCE QUALITY PERFORMANCE PRICE THE New MAJESTIC Radio is highest quality radio of its type in the for the money You can buy for from to less titan any other similar radio because piece and part is built in she great plants devoted to just one thing MAJESTIC Radio Four thousand Sets each one inspected times are produced and shipped every day And they do not begin to supply the demand for this wonder radio I The MAJESTIC has Tubes and Rectifier Tube Single Dial Tuning Automatic Voltage Control It housed in a superb cabinet of figured American Walnut with built- in Speaker It comes to you complete end nil ready to operate at a price that only MAJESTIC Ask for a Demonstration Today Smiths Hardware Newmarket ARCHIVES OP

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