Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Mar 1929, p. 8

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A Dry mouth and parched throat are grateful for the refreshing coolness of Spearmint whitens teeth sweetens the mouth clears the throat and aids digestion while the act of chewing calms and soothes the nerves WRIGLEYS i after every meal right Mr Henry Stark has moved to the recently occupied by the late James and Mr Wright has moved to the Archi bald Wo understand there Will ho other changes VANDORF Mrs Graham was visiting her at Zephyr for a couple of days Mr and Mrs John Bpent part of Sun day with Mr and Mrs Snider at Noble- ton and Mrs Win Crawford had a family ion of their children and grandchildren on Sunday Mr Thomas of Toronto was visiting his sister Mrs Jas Graham on Saturday Alice Perry of Chatham district is latest addition to our community and is Mrs Grant Mayor Mrs is visiting her daughter at Scotland and getting acquainted with the little grandchild who arrived recently Mr Wilson Rogers is at prosont taking treat ment in County Hospital at Newmarket The Ladies Aid hold another lively and pro fitable meeting at homo of Mrs Win Donald The was not quite up to PRESTON PILES GO or Money Back PILE REMEDY store Notice of Application for Div Notice is given Cecil Wellington of City of in the County of York in Province of Ontario will apply to tli the Mrs Chris Tiffin left m Wednesday for 1 Ho leaned back in his chair and whore she will spend a few days her teacake with a contemplative frown sister A Miller of Detroit is visiting at Mr Peers Mr and Mrs Harry oj Baldwin were calling on Mrs Walter Archibald a few days ho picked it up gingerly between thumb and forefinger as if weighing it His wife looked very atom but did not speak Her husband tapped the cake on the of his plate Then she did speak I suppose malting fun of my cook ing Oh no my dear ho answered Unwit tingly perhaps you have made a great disoov- What do you wean I mean came the answer that our fu ture is assured Though not much of a suo- of a cake this thing is an absolutely splen did substitute for a rubber heel POH PRESIDENTS The story goes that several college njs were discussing what they would do af ter they retired What would hoy bo fit for ml Well said one of them I dont know what Id bo fit for anything but I know what Id like to do- Id like to be superintendent of orphan asylum so Id never gel any letter n parents Ive a much belter ambition exclaimed another I want be warden of a penitonii- alumni never same back to visit The race- I look like this picture The things an outrage 1 Why youve me an awful the usual wasnt any lack of pop and the look of a prizefighting fully 1st- Mrs Dewsbury rear a helpful paper on he most of life and Miss Flora McDonald helped along the program with a piano solo Mrs McDonalds sandwiches pake a happy time for young and old Tho photographer scanned tho print then looked at the customer lie said is in the negative Beauty has a place in worship because opens mind heart to the devotional invito- lion of the service- It mellows it softens is impelling and compelling It induces S worthy holy thoughts and instils a desire for better things It can be so brought out In I the building of a church edifice or the conduct She had j of the service as to be a wellnigh irresistibh force in leading men to a deeper and truer ap of the majesty and holiness of tin God they worship Jimmy said the leache why dont you Jimmy said the teacher why dontl you breakfast litis morning What was it Eggs Wrong teach that was ye turned from a journey says Boston Transcript and this was his first call The conversation began pleasantly He Ho you have lost that handsome little dog you had I She Yes in a railway accident was Good causes are like they keep saved Hie dog was killed ing only so long as some one keeps pushing He What a pity i I A BENSONS I a tad Ctm BENSONS mptitd or iiU tad J i en favorite Recipe that simple tasty dish that your family enjoys and your friends praise may be worth money Here is your chance to finrl out The Canada Starch Company will buy practical easily prepared and in expensive Recipes Preparatory to bringing out our new Recipe Book i we will my each for the bsst fifty Recipes received from Canadian housewives and for the next best fifty All Recipes must be mailed on or before May The only conditio ingreditntt of your must in- chut or matt of tha Canada Starch All mwiuremcnt mutt be cop give clear outline of the method of mixing Send in Candy Recipe will be judged weed by well known Cansdba of duplication of the Recipes finely by he Judges will be given preference All Recipe lubmitted become the propeny of the Canada Snreh for Mil from wife Lear of Hie City of Toronto in the County York Province of Ontario on the grounds of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto tliis day of February 1S2U CECIL his Notice of Application lor Notice is City of will apply to of adultery and desertion Dated at February Street East Toronto Solicitor for the Applicant Stop Distress Notice of Application for Notice Is hereby given that i Hyatt of the City of lo in the County of York In the of Hardware will apply to of the application not be at the following of for a Bill of Divorce wife Catharine Hyatt of Column 18 THIS CONTROL In his capacity of cation Premier Howard a teller lo school tcache ANIMATED CHIC dark and light selected for this pleasing whose lend animated grace to the twopiece circular skirt The blouse is held In with a buckle the lower section being cut in the form of a deep A bias collar which rolls softly adorns the oval ends which knot on flffier prevent it instantly in a little Mfcgi after eating This oldtime preparation is for safely and quickly cor overacidity and relieving to i llu of the y and for ami morality and the regard for loyally purity teinpcranccj and all vlrturs people will If In- letter of the Prime ItniHUr was not Inspired In Dart ad least by official Control Hoard of the year an in lipioi cent over the of the previous year face of the dial is in the uhc no- here in soljifty tejnperance In the a of the young men an- women Province Liquor Control Board defines fast yea i as prosperous of business done In mo sale or it undoubtedly was Over almost fortynine million lit or was sold the on which amounted nearly millions of dollars From the report thai has just been issued by the Board It Is evident lhat the Governments policy of control temperance policy increase the facilities for obtaining liquor and Increase Its consumption never yet ended to mate an individual Province or a nation more temperate The elimination of boot legging so confidently predicted dur ing the last election campaign on the temperance Issue has not mnlftHallzert Die report states Rootle- -in- rut will never be really ilopped until prowling are aken against supplying In be first place In another part or be report the prevalence of short- circuiting and other illegal admitted It useless to compare I and and attempt to hat the Increase advance price and In the former year quantities of liquor were being bought In anticipation of prohibition and stor ed away The consumption a mere fraction of the The ominous thing however is thai was spent on In last year That fact alone Is sufficient cause grave disquietude the future welfare of the n of Province Feb loan Dominion of Canada Income Tax Information Reports Ate due Match 31 1929 This advertisement is directed to What is Required of Persons Acting as Trustees All trustees executors administra tors assignees receivers or persona acting in a fiduciary capacity are re quired to make a detailed return of the income of the estate or trust they represent This return should be made on Form What is Required of Employers Each employer in Canada must make a return giving of salaries wages commissions fees bonuses and other remuneration of alt incur the penalties the law imposes for delay Locations of Income Tax Offices Inapectora Income Tax are located In convenient place They will comply promptly with written requests for They will with the proper forms upon which Consult the Income tors officials agents employees pro fessional men or other persons who received 1000 or more during the calendar year and who were paid at a rate of wage or salary in cluding bonus equal to or more per annum during the same Employers should ask for Form What is Required of Corporations Every corporation in Canada is re quired to file a return of its dividends or shareholders bonuses paid or credited during the calendar year This return should be made on Form Your Forms at Once I Blank forms may be obtained by writing your nearest Inspector of Dominion Income Tax or Postmaster or the Income Tax Division Department of National Revenue Ottawa The addresses of inspectors are given herewith Full instructions appear on each form Do not delay because of the absence of officials who generally sign such reports Any responsible member of a firm or corporation or any person acting as ngent for the trustee may sign these returns and so avoid the penalty March 31 is the last day for making information reports requited under the Income War Tax Act The Income Tax Division asks fat fullest co- of taxpayers by law to make these The Department of National Revenue Income Tax Division Honourable C S WALTERS Commlutoatr of Tut K

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