ON Ill IDAY MAR News An Tea Under the auspices of the Burning jjutli Mission Band be held In Mr Lloyds store corner of Main Water on Saturday Match from Pu notice In next CE the i Tuesday evening Mac The topic How to become Chris tian will be given by Mrs Haines and Mrs Cowlcnon will of Hie Interesting Session I Our Local News Of Town Council a DEPUTATION HOSPITAL Mayor In Mm chair Minutes Of previous read adopted Council went Into Whole Mr Lyon In the 0 While there were bo niany counter attractions the euchre held under the of the Orange Young Brit- great on tbc ladles McKcc gents first and Mr Annlfl lone bund prise Refreshment by the brought to a Municipal World lo Hi County York Typewriter Co United Typewriter Co Br Very good congregation last Sun day Mr Hoffman Overcoming llio World tbrougl faith In the morning In the subject was What la will ho a special Young Peoples Hay In tho fug there will be Scrvloo under the of llic Sunday School Mr Hoffman will children expect the S In i touted llilfl In the evening Mr Hoffman will especially to young people he challenge of Christ lo World Lot us all try lo make Is Is last who ha for Lite a Rally Bay ill Will 1 with Thursday Mar If Monthly meeting Monday pm Endeavor Topics Sanderson Leader Mildred Stephens Lei us sec you present Com roll to be MORS Mf recommended that Building ByLaw be drawn up Mr Lyons called attention fa tin of and though that a per cent penalty should Imposed on all arrears If not paid up In duo time tho Power should he iW Buffalo Meter Go A Boyd to Downer 150 A Son Sam Granger Hardware to Clerk U Mr Huntley refused Newmarket Farmers Franklin Press of fire sounded on moon when the chimney an Ontario St tlngulotf on arrival of the fire at oclock Miss Dominion Field Secretary for the will address a meeting In the church to hear llib gifted lady Another the Band promises y than last year program from forget It Account Power com l0H2O Law to draft a Building ByLaw I better Dr Dales brought up of assessment and stated ho con- finish sldered it would be advisable to have will commence practlBlng a go over ft shortly and ad darkskinned boys of town properly and II was last year are raring thought the assessments should bo thur particular later Inrnvisr the girls service In regular he singing girls also acted have It dono This would rate from Increasing ilon took place concerning the arrears of electric tight and Council was that some penalty should ho on those In arrears Councillor Diicb submitted a pot the Industrial tch recommended that an effort bo the Town mo radio as and large towns are doing by sending pamphlets around encourag ing patrlollam in the town A very lengthy discussion follow ed with Mr Lyons In tho chair arose and staled the only way to aid Hie town In its up keep and was by bringing new industries and more people to boar the expenses of tho wellprovid ed town Ho thought all the mem bers of the Council could help th Industrial Committee In their plans concerning bringing In Industries Many of the industries Glial were expressed his lo heavy Lion on behalf of the Board for pant and for tho support and expended to them in aid of hospital upkeep Ho hoped the would be kind Hospital Fund he public will be pleased to the Committee in charge of nival in alii of the Elevator Fund York County Hospital have to Mr Geo of the Hospital Board for net proceeds of the evening Ik Cm desire to thank Hi lie for their cooperation and Applications Electric- Light Mrs Frank St to F Com Light Canadian Livery License F A Boyd granted Jllncy License Snm granted II granted Deputation Mr D Work and Mr II reprosenllng Hospital Board appeared before the Council settled on the avail to tlio and less expensive Mr J also expressed his tltud toward new Industries the development of help this year by the usual grout industries of the town Mr Eves also extended words of be enlarged If capital iiiinl for past favors of Council Congratulations For instance the boot and makers on Main St goods which a bought by a large In up the charge of the service b he voiced the invoco the benediction of Miss Murshalls ad as Builders and it inspiring message to all Sin wordpainting of five picture Spring This Ilia hospital Lyons floors employ a n sometime hands y one railway lino Mr Little i ought it might be treason for refusing to open up here ttiouh there Is a of erecting new sidings Robinson also thanked two emphasized patriotism of tlio gentlemen for appearing and fell townspeople Lo the various bakeries of the Hospital would receive hearty support of the Council and adults ability to build thin of us have talents The Hospital His County Council members Lundy Lyons and Little he lii for Hie increase In- the County pi nearly grant Lhehospltal now re- iiilness wi g town Communications d their lives and of life rfold ml s two love singing of the Im for tlrne would St Paul AnBin Church the i Church is giving a course of sermons on TcmptallonB In the Life of Christ on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings In Ient On Sunday March 10th at the oclock service the will be Eden and Wilderness a Contrast On Sunday evening the- Rector will preach from the hymn of Mrs and met the Homo of Mrs J on of thlp week Ice of Aurora part of this Sorry lo report Fox of line Is under the We hope lo see her again very noon and Mrs S spent in Toronto Mr and Mrs Leslie Wilson and daughters of spent Sun- ol J Miss Ella and Gertrude Kc- daughter of Mr Asa spent part of laet week with their uncle Mr John Blaok and other funeral of Ihe lato tMr took place on Tuesday March at his homo here and then to Cemetery Mr though blind from boyhood of kindly palient disposition Al though In his year Mr retained all his faculties to with lira few hours of the end Sympathy is extended to Mra fond who Is a plater of the above and the only remaining member or the Immediate family Peters Corners Sorry thai Mr HogerB 8 taken a and Is very sick time of writing Mrs Coulsin Cameron Mrs and Mrs Carl Anderson are ending a few in Che city this Rye of Kes wick spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs of Newmarket visited her last Specials for Friday mi III lay lb PURE G1H35T good site 18c Fruit Flavors for OUHGOLD TEA Blaok or Mixed Reg Value per lb A CO HOP EARLY I Double Piano Newmarket to TwoPiano Recital given in January by Scott Malcolm and Reginald God- den of Toronto at Pickering College tinder the auspices of the Newmarket Club will glad to heat that they are giving I Co net Cbnse Halloo Saturday Mil Mr Com had also to thank oily bread dealers coming In with their goods and a taking considerable business ay from the local bakers who pay There apparently is no law prohibit these firms coming Din of Count f to loiiil Where we help one helping Oilier in the The funeral took place on pm from her fathers and whs very largely attended Margaret will be her genial disposition and her failing smile made for her host friends for to to her Mr Frank a Sale of Farm Stock Inl and Household Furniture in the Rear of the of East t of Ci 8HOP Wigs St MARKET the grant of for Public FOUR ARMED MEN l ENTER FARMHOUSE a Bertram Smith re accident armed men Referred Insurance wiiitby farmhouse Cook requesting he EI lllll tliev for their placed Block Clerk instructed lo Motions That a imposed or Lyons J Little dr Bales lie appointed IRISH CONCERT the house it without They escaped St Johns WILL PRESENT The Daughter of the Duke of Ballyhoo MONDAY MARCH I at the funeral of brilliant younj dent Anne eldest daughter I of Mr Mrs John who of the United high school when she I nd Mrs W Sheaf of Mrs It Mrs ind Mrs A Penrose- Vernon and familv Spray nd Mrs H M The Kings Daughters Class Orchard Spray Goodwin family Toronto Friends market- Spr Office Specialty Mfg Co Wre A Way to End Indigestion be do orset Store When women are assured Garment will give them com plete satisfaction and Comfort Price is not important Stylo and Fit are fea tured in the A Beat Models for Stout Practical Front Ensemble Elastic Panels No Lacing Elastic Girdles Girdle Supporters small me dium and large Sale Register QUEEN INCUBATORS AND BR00DER8 One for Every Puree and Why you Choose Queen Selfsupporting Egg to operate and understand built right Standard by which all are Judge Examine Queen before buying THE BROODER Fresh rnolat Warm Air Brooder See buying RADIO AND CAR BATTERIE8 CHARGED THE a Hardware at W H Kavo Saturday Mai Soi Sill A net old by public Con East nijprpperty of Monday Morch Mr Clifford will have an extensive sale of Farm Stock Implements Trac tor etc on Iot con King months credit Sale at Smith auctioneer Mar Mr Wm will have a sale of Farm I tuple- credit F hold late Jan King and pa Friday March IS Auction Implements I the Mar Sale Stock Implements etc EastHalf of Lot 31 Con church belonging to the CALL A TAXI PROMPT TAXI AND TRUCK SERVICE bull r call Had T F Newmarket Sharon I PALACE THEATRE held at the hot ID Sale of Farm Stock Furniture etc on East Gvillimbury i milt factory oclock Smith clerk arch Messrs J Win Smart will hold a pleinentB vehicles etc at Seven months credit hlllips auctioneer 20 Mr John Greenwood a Sale of Farm Stock Im- Hon Mrs born Secretary Mrs Treasurer Mrs White Com Misses Ruby Kith leen Knights and Mabel Stephana YPS A nice crowd out on Sun day evening Scripture reading by Mrs topic taken by Cockburn duet by W Hamilton and Miss Ruby Hamilton- Very pleased lo see Mr home from Ihe hospital- was held at Mrs Bliz zards on Wednesday Live Stock Markets Corp presents Ford Stirling Kidnapped by rumrunners he bridetobe of e i Doubling laid no wonder imost had hearl trouble and Tuesday March THE OUTCAST will an cast of screen favorites Beautiful Griffith the Or- penniless popular lady of society who was afraid to marry the only man ever loved because of her shadowed Wednesday end Thursday Mar 13H I Paramount Pictures Corp presents ABIES IRISH ROSE with Anne Nichols Charles Buddy J More surprisingly wonderful on tho f screen Lhe tia set Lite world by a masler cast artists Including from original play J CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Train leaves Newmarket for am and pm Train leaves Toronto for Newmarket Train leases Newmarket for Lhe You Will Buy It For Less At Store Special Prices for Friday Saturday IEART end NERVE PILLS BEEF IRON AND WINE TORONTO