Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Mar 1929, p. 5

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M A MAR 1ST on Phyolclen end Oct Graduate University Toronto fcalo senior physician Union Fall River Phono Office DR SJ BOYD In Medicine of Toronto also of Ilia nop College of Physicians and of Royal College of Former asslston In Eye Ear one Hospital London England TOotcd Quppllod DR J laboratory Coroner of County of York Diagnosis for Extraction DR J BARTHOLOMEW t the Forum Building Toronto Dentist Over Drug Store Newmarket by Appointment Phono OR T J HAOKETT appointment Gas for Extraction Phono ftfl 0 VANDER Graduate University of Toronto fifteen Experience In 11 of Dentistry for Painless Extraction attention given to Work- over Candy Store Phone Evening appointments A Newmarket of Piano Singing and Violin MRS A CONTRALTO Teacher of Vole Culture Elm St Newmarket KENNETH M STIVER notary public Newmarket Oat N MATHEWS Solicitor Successor to the Choppin deceased Plpher Main Street Newmarket Phone Hours p Evenings by appointments Private Funds to loan on Prompt attention given to all tt legal reasonable rates 8 McKCWON Ave door West of Post Office DR W DALES Surgery and Main Street Newmarket Coroner for York County PHYSICAL THERAPY to 3 to pm Phone lien Young Men We have just opened our New Spring Goods Come and See Stock It is Complete F Mens Tailor Newmarket Phcna Main St 5noy Luxe Cleaner 1904 OLD DEBTS COLLECTED New way to collect debts failed It seldom fails If it J you nothing Send us to collect today Do It Collection Owen t 1rane Post Office tosal News A for Somebody I will flell at a fiacrifiec my equipped Poultry Farm of five acres my only reason for icing irglng and building on an other property St- Conn sec this poultry balance easy Illustrated Lecture The Newmarket Horticultural bus been fortunate In Mr J Moore of the Ontario of Horticulture to deliver a lecture li Beautifying Homo Surroundings This lecture will be open to Hie public free of charge Make a note of tin date greater in the work of the books of for fit of ben for 24 cents- worm of stumps in the books previously cold The new iiooks centa worth of stamps Eighteen twelve two New Public of Tennessee Nicholson Transgressor I the Splendid McCulIoch donated liy Mrs Juniper The Red Hose of Abdullah and the Donkey NonFiction The Certainty of God iGHkey Swim tlmt Fly Voiiey The of Art Conway The Operas Gilbert The Boy Scout and His Law v Chi Magic the Airedale Beginning to Garden for Profit Ashbrook Storm Fighters Waiting Musketeer Dubreton The to Cathay Sherwood and E for Christ Matt Mrs Moore Loader Winger to Become a Christian Afclg2 16 SO DoplcE miners on Sanderson Doris IS How the Church Helps Us to Live Life Mrs Nelson Rose Bencowe Missionary Meeting Murjorie H Moore Fern Nelson Sanderson Marian Gibney Edith Parry pianist Doris Press Sanderson Convenors of Committees Prayer Meeting and Milton Doris The Train will and a Seed Cleaning Demonstration ducted each day The second car will contain exhibition material demonstrating the benefits Vie derived proper cleaning together with will be attendance in thi farm problems The third coach Will he a lecture car In which addresses will be given by special speakers each Diseases of Farm Crops Insect Pests Destruction of Weeds Sources of Pun Seed Grain and nil other phases This is a fire opportunity for farm era in York County to Inform cleaner seed Which is the basis of sue farming has attracted la numbers In other sections In formei years and it should do the same it this County As It Is not possible to bring March Wednesday March 7 Thursday March Thursday March 22 Friday Newmarket This Train Is being run specially for Die benefit of the farmers In the vi cinity of the points above named Do take advantage of its edu cational Parliament The Interesting feature of last week on parliament was the presentation of the estimates Which total This total for the forthcoming fls- the items of Incre ment Pensions ag riculture national de fence fisheries lebt soldier land canals capital It be Been Canada has not yet reached the peak of expenditures foi pensions Nor is it likely to reached for some years to come At we move further from the war urgency of claims be The air mall service is being ex panded This must be considered of a capital In lite weather Is stilt hot and land vory dry and hard one make short daily tornoon to to how they arc standing If it rain for a day or two it of bo field until moisture again neon vo evaporated by wind and sun before working llio lumps or you will he oroly of will also be making close contact between the plowed soil lite- subsoil thus bringing up from lower talons by as cool oil in a lump wiok or as lea Uimiart in a of sugar oanll less In vestment as increased the end result and postoffice have a habit of coming very close haunts of sonic extension of the tlons of government It also means must provide extra help for natives because the white man lakes year for the herding of remdei tually intended to be permanent food supply for these increased expenditures of the department of trade and ore the natural result of ade Increase of trade decrease in now paid on the nationaldebt Hie reduction In lest year has led to a decided decrease in the interest payments this year Money The Million Dollar within last ton yoart but our observation loads lis to believe that on well drained light dry or sandy rolling soils where lives splendour tiro Sow Timlin make slow progress On such Sow Tliistle will not in- quite too shows that the Sow almost naturally disap pears within one mile tit where Ihe light dry sol areas In oth er words be Sow Thistle is a weed that inquires a super abundance of moisUire in the month of Inly in order to thrive This it finds on clay Plow In While Dry In combating a field or Sow This tle a study of soil moisture content must lie closely watched in teach field from day to day as the process of eradication or cooking dovelopes is important is fbo keynote to the situation motto has been Plow in while its Dry We would tak ing off hay one earlier than usual and start plowing the meadow at once Plowing and Plows Plow or inches deep with or two furrows only with Sharp shares and skimmer Three bottom plows to twelve inch bot toms are not generally practical for hard dry soiL Two inch bottoms only arc better Our experience would indicate that only one plow in ten is properly adjusted or set Tip to handle Sow Thistle land effect ly Either the draw is not direct or the bridle is twisted beam is crooked the coulter is dull and improperly put on or there is skimmer at all or a wing used for a coulter or a number Of things combined help to spoil good job make it entirely impos- Implements For Dry Farm Tractor Cultivators with broad teeth or heavy discs and wido heavy sharp harrows should he used or five or six horse teams with heavy horse machinery The heavier the soil the heavier he machinery must be to crack tho hard soil and break the Iump in dry weather The tractor advantage of speed in hot Dry Cleaning- Method After the land is Dry Plowed it will be very roughly set up and Very open with great large clods and lumps and holes everywhere in evidence Large clods inches or inches or a foot through if left for a day or so will dry out and to ones surprise you slonally find Sow Thistle right in the centre Jib clod if he weather is hot dry an arm full of Sow tie on op of he t field will be quite preen Kewly plowed fields or lands should therefore not he touched for a week or mora depen ding on conditions The air and sun will some times kill of le already much weakened Bow Thistle during this time After days of dry cleaning herewith and DEVELOPMENT IN THE NORTH VIEWED BY AN EXPERT Reginald consulting geolo gist of the Canadian National Rail ways recently made extensive tour of Northern Manitoba and the results of his observations arc summarized In appearing In the of the Cam Hore writes The i very of copper out the plowed ground lv before to then keep up a rigid steady continuously day after day tho hope that dry weather will prevail for a few days at leasf notluce Sow Thistle Fall Wheat Method The it method of Fill Wheat puts in the Thistles back except that the wheat preserves moisture after plowing rather flint it dry out when fields have much Sow Thistle and If piny Hie jhibhlp field if mco deeply let it dry a while then rigidly and the results be surprisingly effective a Summer Fallow is tried jnd it proves a wet summer bow Sweet Clover thick In Into July with perhaps a fail lye for IT winter protection and Plow this down the fol lowing July and work under the dry cleaning method Plow deep late in be fall leave be ground rough and plow shal low In the spring and if w possible lo have a fair grain crop but the thistle roots will not usual ly be dead Practise a two year rotallon including Hay one year Crop the next with Root crops and Peas on summer fallows Smothering crops that can counted upon to smother Sow stlo have not yet introduced A taprooted crop for a flbrous- crop that consumes an ab undance of moisture can be grown and deeply plowed under in hot dry to further dry out he I SL from below This is very effective It takes Sow Thistle pen to get well in a district and it does it very and quietly leaves a real frail of woe and ftvor -a- a foofhold Finally ho whole drslnct wakes up to the sit uation and pick up gradual ly and get back to a much banphi position improve good cultivation methods are stud ied and practise- and the Bow I is reduced Fortunately Sow never Sdlthf- in hat he land is firs class needs is the proper farm man to a succesf This is evident in all Row because are who have the throiurh with colors fly w farms and homos with of hem are Info cars and Ibo AH DEPLORES ATTITUDE OF a drastic revision federal governments tariff Hon James Lyons addressed a city audience at the LiberalCon Association meeting held Hall Toronto Northern Ontario and the great potential resources of the pro was the theme of his address are square miles in all and of them are in no Ontario he declared He promised great things way of tourist development a virgin field with regard to tourists and the government will do much this regard he continued He deplored the indifferent of the people of the western pro with regard to a policy Canada first J While we are active to Ontario those In the great who think differently The concerned individually abouL J development They are only thti about the product Mr Lyons averred And with selling it In t of the world rather than Canada They have not stopped that their market should Canada that if we Increased It was claimed that in future lug competition from the era of Russia would necessitate change of policy Then they will bet to work with the people of Ontari and Quebec In an endeavor to In prove agricultural and industrial lii In rids Dominion he stated Hewers of wood and haulers water to the republic to the south was all Mr Lyons could promise wit relation to the citizens of Canada they doubled their manufacturing found in London FOR SALE Ma Streets v of J Michael deceas ed Must be sold to close the Estate Apply to Executor or to Solicitor and silver from a finerained of sulphides and rock minerals Is not a simple task The work on ores has been of a pioneer nature as such ores were not being profitably treated anywhere when these Investi gations began Many difficulties In treating the have been encountered and over come A Satisfactory process has been found and Is being perfected by con tinued research at the property The first problem In treating the ores is to separate the fine mineral particles necessitates fine grinding to liberate the minute grains and then a series of operations concerning which little Is known out side the mining Industry this is separation of mineral by the flotation process In these operations separations are made by taking advantage of the no tability of minerals In different solu tions agitated by mechanical stirring and by compressed air so that great quantities of air or gas bubbles the of find carry particles to the frothy surface when they are skimmed off By choice of oils and other reagents it is possible to make one of the minerals float in these machines while the others sink irrespective of the relative specific gravity of the minerals The useful products of the separa tion plant are copper concentrate zinc concentrate and a tailing carrying some gold and sliver The copper Con centrate will be roasted and then the nine dissolved In acid will be elec trically precipitated and will fee fur ther treated in a melting furnace The gold and silver in the tahlng from the separation machines will be recovered by treatment with cyanide solutions Cyanide dissolves the precious metals From the filtered cyanide solution gold and silver are then precipitated and melted into bullion The separation of minerals by the flotation process is a development of recent years but it now common in many mining districts To utilize ef fectively the process exhaustive in vestigations for every type of ore an necessary The splendid work or Flin ores will be very useful in determining processes to be used at several other copperzinc mines dis covered in Canada during the past years The men who carried out work for the Whitney interests have therefore in solving their own prob lems made an important contribution to the of Canadian zinc The Northern Railway fi to was awarded in Decem ber to the Dominion Construc tion and S Tomiinson They rushed the work along In less than a year trains had earned a bonus of a quarter million dollars The builders have been awarded the tract for the extension from berry Portage to Cold Lake and rapid completion of this line is to be expect ed The Manitoba Northern begins operations with great activities a terminals and with the strong that many more important discoveries will be made in the country which it serves Exportation of the other natural of the area will also follow the construct of this line A genera advance from the to the Churchill Is now w started That rt wlU be made rapidly and that it will suits is clearly indicated The dis covery of a ore deposit on Lake in Creighton and his partners the made by Jack to get it prov ed up the more recent work by and his staff and the railway builders have been big factors in this northward The country between the Churchill on the north and the Saskatchewan and the Nelson on the south has great promise Its mineral wealth being demonstrated For generations it ha It ha teem with fish Forests of the western and central portion and will supply many of the local needs though even the clay belt large though even in the- clay bell large Glacial Lake Aggasiu deposited several acres of Manitoba a thick bed of clay that is suitable soil for agriculture and while parts of tlits are spread too evenly a large acreage is naturally drained The season between frosts Is short but the sunny summer days are long The Churchill and Nelson Rivers can be made to develop nearly much hydro- electric power as is present being used In Canada A seaport is being made at Fort Churchill Out In the bay Belcher Islands Is a great deposit of ncet i Thus the Manitoba Northern Rail way will serve other industries as well as the mines and the Hudson Bay Railway will do more than carry grain to the sea Together these new rail roads will be Instrumental in opening up part of a New Empire of the North a land with severe winters THAT VACANT CHAIR Bachelor Girl i What do you miss now that youre married end tied down Wife My husband For those who demand the best and latest in modern radio SINCE Radio has provided thor oughly dependable entertainment in Canadas finest homes Unsolicited letters from scores of these Rogers owners pay tribute to its consistently fine performance in homes where inferior reception would not be tolerated For Rogers presents this distinguished Period Model Lowboy to match in beauty the furnishings of your home Newspaper illustration can only the rich beauty of the cabinet work The famous Receiver affords the maximum in reception Unless you wish to order a custombuilt set there is nothing finer than this new Rogers Model You can pay more for a new radio of course but no radio will give you mote Come in or telephone us for a demonstration SMITHS HARDWARE Newmarket HOLBORNS HARDWARE Sutton Phone 289 GREENS FINE jUALITY WALL PAPERS UFtOtST AND BEST FROM TO 100 PER ROLL Vulity of fart SO Tint WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BUNDS DUPLEX GREEN ADO COMBINATION Wo BUI You Any With or Without BERT Painter and Paper Hanger SQUARE NEWHAMttT it FISHER BODIES provide Outstanding Beauty and Value first of The Chevrolet it Chevrolet Chevrolet History pay dote attention to die bodies I Not only do they represent one rf too greatest triunpfu ever by hat in of tad euellenee of finest These new Fisher Botfies coos the superb raoofhatM power of the new Chevrolet engine provide motoring luxury never before field hi see s Six in the price range of four PHIL HAMILTON Agents Newmarket I iM TORONTO

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