Most Mm Past Break Down Easy sluggish Kidneys weakness and Prostate Glond bring on bo ninny distressing fully i Irritability or Weakness and Lack of Vita Force should test the proven value of Dr at once and users gives convincing proof of remarkable power of UUATADS a special of- Dr C South worth After only a few days use t Improvement Is often notic ed as a multitude of alarming symp toms begin to disappear special a tic obtained from any good local druggist on a positive guarantee money hack if not fully satisfied Curbs Strains ACCOUNTANCY Is a good profession Every keeper should move up in work and get a Degree as an The chance Is now open to any man or woman Interested In the keeping of books of record to write A Licentiate In Ac countancy after his or her name Good character and ability to pass a reasonable Final Examina tion are the only requirements The Shaw Schools Toronto provide a special course for Home Study leading this degree Par ticulars free R Shaw Registrar BayCharles Building Toronto Say It With Flowers POT ROSES PRIMULA Flowers for Every Occasion PERRIN8 St Newmarket Phone End Tin Shop FURNACES STOVES PLUMBING Eavetronghing Etc PROMPTLY Price Moderate EDGAR were able to secure a great concession in the acknowledgment that the need for short wavelength bands should be A Smooth Politician Acton Free Press Fergus smooth politician but he party up wit Jinked him adopted Government Control reckoned The Premier will hands full he cndeavors to ally supervise all branches of who are willing to accept funds from the lljjuor Interests Hard on Aurora Examiner south of the county dinner and other marks of honor to a couple of fellows whose ac complishment a 500mile trip on FORMAL SMARTNESS less formal Is nearly in ili- djjarmmgly used that a frock for village t purposes Sense be badly twisted when made over a couple of working a stunt with greatest possible financial benefit thet I that In the operation in waterways develop ed would be a menace to Canadian or territorial Integrity were so this country has Id the pass Mr Ferguson and other politicians who talk of an ail-Cana- in the stretch of the St that the Cana United States built and Indian side of the line 1 RevolutS Palit Ottawa Journal Three victories for Labor within a fortnight of them gains from Con servatives suggest something like political in Britain Much the general election there is nothing more uncertain than a polit- al contest but at present there is clearly a powerful tide running Baldwin to be y the leaders political re i in Britain has at the election And the revolution is I class in the British Rule Vita to India Calgary Heraldj The outbreak of clashes between Hindus and Mohammedans in Bombay calls the role of pacificator and r of evenhanded justice played by the British authorities in ndia The stage in Bombay was set for a crisis of the most serious It was only the of British troops that prevented loss of life and property Th Bombay situation throws an ilium sidelight on the whole Indian problem The British cannot for the welfare and safety of the minority of the population They repudiate that responsibility the a group of Hindu Trad with Argent Halifax Chronicle trade th South America is the establishment of dire by the Canadian Nation Steamships is already developing substantial trade Notice of Appl or Notice Is hereby given that S of the City of the Province of Ontario will apply to the Parliament of at the next sittings thereof Bill of Divorce from her Samuel of the City of and desert Dated at Newmarket In the Pi of Ontario this Seventh day of Application fop Dive Notice Is hereby given that S of the City of Toronto County of York and Province t will apply I to stimulate the adopted for the further the South American market distribution of films of Canadia and industry throughout South and Central America and bring nDjp b iDua2a Spanish language in more titan hundred newspapers in the towns of Latin America DODDS KIDN draped lie The fronts of the lower section arc lapped in wrap around effect in irrn outline The ii hi I each side of the centerback The neck Mr Johnson built the dam And harnessed up the brook stalled a tic giant Oh how the old mill shook ere the farmers brought their That they might have It flour mill Was the best that could be f fifty horse of steam him to grind the grain si as fanners here could team Here and There SUJ HISTORY OF SCHOMBERG by Herbert and Love principal and assistant respec tively of the public and continuation school published recently It an entertaining history of the village Brownsville as was for merly called was first settled in the year by a John ont the FROZEN TVO AND cups sugar bam whites I pineapple and water five minutes juke of lemons pineapple chopped add pulp and juice of oranges rubbed through a to a mush add egg stiff and finish SCALLOPED CORN AND CELERY cups corn canned or fresh cut cup celery Finely chopped 1 cup buttered dry bread crumbs 1 teaspoon salt 1 small green pepper chopped 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup hot milk rumbs in two alternate layers in a uttered baking dish Add butler to milk and pour over the vegetables over with buttered and lake to minutes Serves eight CELERY PASTE SALAD salad parts of tart apple and hearts of and about half the quantity of or red sweet pepper and mince whole finely a paste from mixture combined with minced dates raisins cream cheese or even apple butter and fill the celery stalks with the paste filled stalk on a crisp person adding a Serve CANDIED ORANGE PEEL Put peel from eight in cold iter heat to boiling point arid cook gently until very tender Drain put in cold water and when cold remove cup a thread put in peel and gently until syrup evaporated peel looks clear Drain on wire cooler and leave in open aid in cakes and puddings Candied lemon peel may be pre pared in the same way FRIED CHEESE TOAST Put two thin slices of bread to gether with cheese Beat eggs add cup of milk and i teaspoon of salt dip the cheese sandwich in this mix ture Brown in butter on both sides Serve with currant jelly JUNKET PLUM PUDDING iugar and boil until ion juice Cool bottoms of Chill before serving Top were born and settled In Brown started flour mill about and the village sprang up about th mill The name was changed t about presumably i honor of young duke of berg who fought under William Orange at the battle of the Brown brothers took part in 1 brother fought Schomberg In its typical and in the outlyir who came to the vlllagi supplies The first postoffice started about in the general of an Asa Moore first church village was the Union Sabbath School of Browns ville which was built In May The first school of the district was built in and the building later served as a church When the de mands grew with the village which had attained 1 population of about a second school was built about The third was built in 1867 at a cost of An addition was made this about which took the up to second year high school stand ing The present school building is the fourth was built in twostorey structure of fou seating about pupils quite a modern building build planting With the the acting fertlll f soda the Kent- Station The used in th NS variety of was Senator Dunlap A uniform are in the plantation was selected and vided Into three equal parts treated differently This work continued for five years and in his re port for the Superintended gives the results obtained These show that for a five period the application of pounds of nitrate of soda per acre applied broadcast over the plantation berry plai the spring itcl illy the yield of fruit Heavi up to a limited yielded correspondingly The average yields per applied the yield was only Wi inUM revenue In Ira and claims In it a decrease although in the name that the great buildinri wilt be open to the travelling public by June This hotel is largest and tallest in the British Empire- Some Idea of the worldwide area over which the Canadian Pacific operates may be gathered from the fact that in making out its monthly balance it is necessary to turn fifty- nine different foreign dollars in order to get an accurate result in Canadian money The Ontario Provincial latest apparatus readily communicated with the of that the headquarters may and immediate steps taken up discovery of an outbreak The principle of rapid freezing has such cations that there seems to be little room for doubt that it la going to rovoJutionii the fishing industry stated A Found deputy minister of fisheries We intend to make thee of the utmost industry J Madden of Calgary Is making arrangements with the Canadian Express Company for the transportation of caught in Great Slave Lake from Edmonton to Chicago of the would by five- ton trucks tie thick ice and Rivers versing country wise be difficult A new and strange form of wild fowl Is imported into Alberta by the Calgary Fish and Game Asso ciation which ha ill 2000 Mongolian and ChinesE be liberated this The birds throughout the southern part Associations pi a or me Game for reotockinz andent Yellow Peril Imminent Clipping half off and half an hour westbound a limited Of the Canadian between Vancouver will further off her schedule hill an hour westbound the Trans Canada limited crack flyer Railway Montreal remarkable thia of baths will be induded in her luxi The I item Satisfaction in Owning a RADIO F who engineered Radio from the beginning Forget the outstanding position holds Forget its low price it handsome walnut cabinet its simplicity of operation and freedom from servicing ACE your easy chair within reach snap a switch revel in the pure vigorous music the dis tinct clear voices the full thrilling crescendo of every instrument all yours to command from where you will Radio at Its Best WHAT YOU WANT AND THE SATISFACTION WE OFFER JENESBITT Agent Newmarket EVENINGS FOR DEMONSTRATIONS will also Vancouver and Chicago Belleville Feb Entering his burning studio to rescue some valu able papers William Johnson photographer of was burned death early this morning and The The forme- trips during the covering a distant fifteen and half Father and Son Used Same Remedy by Kid Toronto Feb 25 Special On different occasions I have ha dreadful attacks from the Kidneys writes Mr A C Cooper Tenni Crescent Toronto Ont Some times remembered the remedy my Father used when Doctors said he could live Kidney Pills pulled through Thi also pulled me through Kidney Pills are purely en simply a kidney remedy They act on the kidneys them and putting them in condition t do their work of straining the ties out of the blood Dodds Kidney Pills have restored sound health to thousands of troubled men and women Give them s tr The road to good health lies through the Sidneys so keep them in good with Kidney Pills ALL THEIR SAVINGS GONE themselves of order to enjoy their time in theli k- the husband ing until at night worked at his his life companion has kept hei behind their little home a and has looked after her and bonds Cook CANADIANS WIN AT BUFFALO Buffalo Feb Percy and other Canadians ran pretty nearly all they could ge the indoor track meet at the Armory here tonight The hundred the Olympic champion lie V the I of Winnipeg won the yards Toronto girls tcarm took the y and Ethel the do- ions champion high jumper feet inches in an exhibition it which equalled the world Attack When to attack the the in power and getaway in Style Luxury and tries and old abilities giving way to new and everyone knows the of the new trend is this new colors new adjustable front seat Masterpiece by greater piston displacement and sealed and triple- til id And a thrilling new order of performance not with elements of virility getaway swift- smoothness and stamina undreamedof few months The new McLaughlin- Bui the new trend In power and getaway In style Mclaughlin buigk MASTERPIECE BODIES BY FISHER THOS BLIZZARD Agent Newmarket ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO