Mount Albert 30 P M Mrs D SI Jamc3 Church of has boon Mil on mother Mrs A at time good reports fintnt- on putting on tin of Pa in Feb the 2nd proceeds rue llluc Of- lsl weeks f little girl to st the noted Second of Is expected phono 1 ulisuMr r improving nicely The Miasos Annie Dora Soby spent the Sunday all United Church Womens In next as many women as possible bold in the United some time in Feb ruary Particulars later We extend Mr and Mrs and family in ho loss of their little tor last week Mnynard has accepted a position oral Hospital at Montreal number of men occupy themselvei at fishing and some report fairlv good Ed Alder daughter spent last and Mrs Ross Ramsay and I at their homes Mr Clifford Terry and Mr Wm Morning of Aurora were visitors at Mr Fred McKrills on Sunday the rainy last Friday night a very good turned out to was held the home of Miss Nora Shaw Those who failed In attend missed a good pro gram This League will a skating parly at rink on Friday night Will those who are going please meet at the at 730 and who have cars poaching at please bring them ready to take a load I cordially invited Mr Lome Ramsay spent the weekend here Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Frank Tate 0ur two local on arrival of a son ana of The Kb Dorothy Sloan spent Saturday in Now- attended excellent market with Mrs Unley each evening by the pastors Sorry to hear that Bruce Ramsay got Ins leg turned home from New broken on Sunday night- market hospital on Saturday The operation Sunday school I ho iisua time next Sun- am and church at In evening MeClellans son from the West is on a th aged father many friends of Mrs John condition for motoring Many farmers are wishing for snow to haul officiating their wood Mr and Mr John King went many attended Hie Todies Aid Tea on on Thursday of last week to visit the latter s in Toronto with Iter parent Pollock Sunday school at the United Church ne Lords Day at am with classes for all age and 730 All are Wednesday night as was expected owing to the father who has been very unpleasant weather The stork left a fine baby girl at ft who were ill with the flu are nearly Mr and Mrs- Shier Saturday morn to be out again big Congratulations y Mrs Wight a few days in the city Mrs- Andrew Ego of Newmarket is viaitin her nephews Mr Angifs Ego a former resident in the The young people are having lots of fun these nights skating is good Miss Evelyn Weddel is home again after care of her aunt and cousin at Pine Or chard for a few davs Both were down will the flu at the same time be sorry to hear Ihal she is quite seriously ill The recent thaw followed by the freezeup ads here very icy Our hill was atos made the grade with great good roads superintendent Richardson has accepted a one of New Yorks hospitals Wo pleased to know thai Miss Addie Mrs Stokes i Mr Vat held at Mt Albe able to be out left he had that T Mann had a few loads of sand drawn and spread on the hill which helped very much The ice on Cooks bay is some inches thick now The ice harvest will commence soon Mr Ryes new house will help the cot after her l out as during the past two seasons th Mr is spending Ibis week Good ice at the rink Bring your ski Mr and Mrs Harry had two visitors hist Sunday Mr A Moore who is owner of a ranch in Alberta an Mr George Unity an official in the Custom Department in Toronto Both these gentle men were at Mr and Mrs- Hulses wedding years ago Mr Moore as groomsman and MOUNT PLEASANT SUTTON WEST the weather being so mild hero there is no A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnly use for we feathered scribe to go south- at tho home of Mr Miller McDonald on Tin Ihe ram last It very unpleasant day Jan- when Miss Hazel took nearly all the snow away Most roads was united in marriage to- Mr of Rev C- A Belfry wood Mrs visited her cousin Ruby one day last week Hope the frost doesnt come too severe as I mid like to hear from Scotch Thistle again and the rest of my feathered friends Blackbird Gerald Pollock spent the weekend at his home here- Richard Rye had a valuable horse drop dead on the road last Friday Miss Boris Pollock entertained a number of girl friends to a quilling bee on Tuesday after noon and a skating party in the evening Mr- is away on jury these days- Revivals closed at on Sunday evening Two or three of the boys who went from to the lumber camp have returned on of sickness and Mrs J- little girl Mar- week with Mrs Frank community some twenty years ago who now living in is visifin around among his friends Mr Roy Hawkins from the Western nice has been visiting with his father Mrs Merlin of Baldwin i for a time al her brothers Mr Shier Mr Graver Morrison spent Saturday in To ronto The road between here and Newmarket keeps very icy in places Several nor I had disagreeable experiences with their cars Mrs A Belfry is spending a Tew davs this week in the city with her son Mr- Belfry Miss Lena and a party of friends motored to the formers home on Sunday spend he afternoon Mr and Mrs Hamilton attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Duke Horner on Saturday Mrs Harry Thayer is visiting with Mrs Bert Brooks Mr James Rose spent Sunday in Aurora The Misses Hinds of Toronto are spending a Hut Many arrive this die glad to see two cars of coal in gelling better than Mr expects a new next week We are pleased lo report that people are improving Will the ladies kindly remember th mens Institute meeting at Mrs Kin last Wednesday of the month Davidson d BELHAVEN j with a heavy two able a very slippery larger us for cars or on is about are having acci- The a few cases vet of the flu ran short Audrey Smith was in Toronto on Tu making application at the Mimico hospital in training as a nurse Miss Audrey of the leaders in Young Peoples in the United Church and will be greatly missed when she leaves- Our post office has taken up new quarters It has been removed from the corner store here it has it been For the last years or to part of the private residence of Mr One of our oldest residents when the post office was in tht building nearly years ago We sin hope that this arrangement is only tern as the place has not adequate for a community like Keswick cially during the summer months when tht are here in full force Mr Walter Walters spent couple of day in Toronto this week in company with his the Jim from Mr is quite sick also Mrs Arthur We hope for their recovery Cemetery last week- The family have our s in the loss of a wife and mother- AURORA The thaw which came rain has made the roads it stale and so it is quite danger foot to navigate A f the United Church preached sermons last Sunday- We look for now that the flu sickness It certainh- reduced the church aril Morton who li for Hie Cowle was lied to week to a tend the Hutchison le a short rue in this who 1 as been the hill ami Mis St nley and Alf ha Mr and Mrs Cookie itorth of the village a mesage that a niece near passed away very suddenly had Dr R L Hewitt DENTIST fivenlngs by CARD OF THANKS also Mrs Joel King the Base Line and in very poor veeks are improving VIRGINIA BEACH George are sorr Suffering from a relapsi Mis that we sacrifice for others often tal much of our own vitality Those who attended Bethel church on Sun day morning from a distance were much pleas ed with the pastors discourse The good sized congregation the weather and roads The Ninety and Nine Jenkins and Huntley was much in keeping Hazel Cameron has returned fra in training for a rest which prov considerate is worthy of mention Messrs- well rendered and the rest of PHILLIPS SUTTON Shampooing Marcelling meeting is being held this riday evening at the home of Mr- Sheppard The pastor will Mr Robert Davidson motored back to last Tuesday Mrs Davidson is remain- to keep house for Ihe boys who are cutting Helen pent a few days Alniit Davidson The Flour and Count rather their usual lie affairs of the village Myrtle Sweet spent Sunday with her in Belhaven Ho Everybody for the Oyster Supper Ihe loth of February Watch for further par licubirs Methodists are still holding revive church with a good attend garet was operated on lost Wednesday for She is progressing favorably The banquet in the hall for the members of the Institute and their escorts last Wednesday success About sixty guests sat down to a table well loaded with good things We were disappointed in our speaker but with the loasts readings and music every seeded to enjoy themselves Mr and Mrs having purchased the house formerly owned by Mrs- Barron moved dav last week- Most of the houses are wired for hydro We provided by the ladies and enoyed a social Hour mpe lo have light soon together before the business of the evening number from here attended the funeral of Reports from the various departments gave late Richard in Uxbridge on Mori- evidence of good work having been done with day results Officers for the ensuing lorry to report the death of Mrs year were elected During the evening an of Mr or Mount Albert appeal was made by the Superintendent of the Bain was buried in Mount Albert Sunday School Mr Miss Pearl and a parly of friends motored up from Toronto on Sunday and spent a few hours at the formers home here Skating on the river has been quite a popular the last few days Mrs Martin Stiles who is District Deputy President of the Lodge visited Au rora Lodge on Monday evening ami installed their new officers- The annual congregational meeting of the United Church on Monday evening was well attended The members at down to a repast Mrs H Wight and brother Charlie spent a Few days in the city this week We are glad to have Mr with us again after his long illness in hospital of the roads makes the moving A W enjoyable time was spent at Mrs a other rank Greenwood on Tuesday night euchre being played The ladies prizes were Mrs Lyons and Mrs George Wilson the gentlemen Mr- W and Mr Harry Watson Miss Merle Collins of visited Miss Delia Hadden last Wednesday Mrs and Mrs Crosby of Ox bridge and Mr Jack Herman and Miss Olive of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs on Sunday Mr and Mrs Greenwood of Beaverton sited Mr and Mrs Greenwood on Sunday The January thaw took most of our snow causing quile a flood but no serious damage The annual meeting of the Aurora Agricul lural Society took place lost Saturday after- days an ioon Reports indicated that the program of I last year was the best in the history of the or- Officers elected as follows I President P Wytock P and Legge j Mr Daws secretary James Baldwin A M Executive Aurora Fry and James Morning King W Wray and T Blackburn chairs for the Primary Department and twenly- five were donated The pastor Rev A Belfry was the charge j At the morning next Sunday- diplo ed to the scholars the rvice of the United Church ias and seals will be have attended spent on jury few di M H poor health Mr and Mr was in the his week Mr and Mrs Wm- Chase from the West are visiting relatives here Sorry to report that Mrs- Kennedy is in quite and W Richardson North George Millard W H shire and Elton Armstrong South McLean Richardson Toronto Leaeock M Richard There passed an old and highly esteem ed resident of the concession in the per son of Francis Ward The remains were in terred in the United Church cemetery on Council irs It H Corner J A Baker and Matt Mr and Mrs visited Monday Mrs J Greenwood has returned home after her vacation in Toronto Miss Delia made her aunt Mrs- a visit on Sorry to report the illness of Mr Walter and Mr J- but hope for a speedy Baker from ing relatives and friends in Virginia born at Udoro and at the age of Seven was taken by Mr Robert as one of his own child He speaks very highly of the good he was given where he remained until he nineteen years of age He now owns and farming acres of land and has a full equip of implements including a thresher and section he grew spent Thursday ROCHES POINT stalled by holiday last Friday while tin id Mi inshela shea bus on acres of flox produced over netted load out 500 bus We art it and that his visit his first in mid flic and Mrs G attended Mr Mr Collectors roll yeil according to la to Sutton of JlDril Of the or Public Worts an of of Onf for bv the Car- LatimerBaker Thai a deigned itemized statement of mis for IKS iie prepared and for distribution tatF to Auditors Certifi cate Carried Cor nor- Bake That No of Jan 1KB for the accounts for expenditures on the roads be accepted and the Reeve grant his orders on the Treasurer for the same and ea of he Corporation be hereto attached Brown list No Wilfred pay No Scott Twp pav list No also the following general ace Murphy sheep valuator Community Halt and lighting Municipal World copies J Evans salary collector Mi assessor collector of of Health and diej i fur for lip year Pel Blli CARD OF THANKS Harness Repairing AT SUTTON HARNESS PARTS SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES Watches and Clocks Repaired SERVICE GUARANTEED CHARGES REASONABLE watches for sale ALEX SUTCUFFE