let than when ordered extra cd lor booking No I the British of Africa The odes is rapidly be- A hotel on King Wc It would be fin of NewsUtter tells a good tory though brief You will find It iDder the heeding Frets Comments is an of ti tles afforded the Are within the reach of arc willing to pay inny think of only having time time for condition Friday ladders disc tho to for all and in teeing peace who AngloFrench naval p upon general movement the address of the I Arthur Weighed at the annual of the Faculty and Alumni lions at Victoria College on night was one of the most and heartening expositions of of the international ever beard In Toronto caught that this kind of gentry Theyll go to Kingsl tcntiary for seven years and twenty strap3 to be the end of the third fourth get together rise a method for all time with t which the id Mrs A Mr C with Mr and WITH SLAHDE alleged dander court by Vauglinn Skills Bread That is Good to Eat lost August falsely and malic I iously spoke and published of the plaintiff In relation to the disappear- of certain in the following Wo Idg f Mclfoi Mr John Wright i writes The lid and very little here on Jon Is evening in Mrs 0 in- 1 rocks close which shore lithe of Ireland December be saved and Is being steadily toward eomplete wreckage Tills may not occur for several weeks but a great storm would hasten the breaking up of the cargo lying below the water line Is doomed That a Is being For SaleJlXururvdek Records now win J Newmarket owner good Arm Tor rile- topntUeutar Hush M Minn widow with Mni looking over Our files of CO yean ago we notice that many ex pressed their opinions on local in the Km and signed their names Our columns arc ill open for sue correspondence Some of our have been great travellers We welcome contributions of impressions letters from those residing here ha Hi home I trip York County Council Addrci aiuli Sharon Good and shop Keller Shnron to LetJmmediate possession Apply Scott tin High School Board Mr Watsoi being replaced with Mr G Mr Watson served on the Board for IS years and occupied the position of chairman for two years He gave valuable service on the supply com mittee and was a strong advocate for the Introduction of the Commercial which a of Warden when the County Council opened its session in J It Price reeve of Fair reeve of Weston W Township of King Township Stanley Osborne of East Gwillimbury It Leslie of East York of North York Reeve lrlce was elected by a Jority of of Mm She May BREAD that is to cat is the kind lhal PASTRY it good to eat is the kind to buy S PUT FLAVOR and FOOD VALUE into your or Pastry by tiding TREASURE Bread flour lbs S MOSS ROSE lbs REPEAT ORDERS Why yes they are what counts and repeat or- tiers depend entirely on the quality of goods produced TRY OUR COAL NUT COAL per ton COAL COKE COAL S PEA COAL And we Guarantee continued dependability re Quality Robinson Weeks ill a Newmarket girl In her you Mr Alfred Dennis oldest son Mr and Mrs Edgar Dennis left J Friday night for Sunnyvale Mr and Mrs Caruso a son Montgomery Gil Jan at 3 Drive Toronto to Mr a Mrs Herbert Montgomery he hat large fruit ranch position Henderson of Long Susie and I me the Among tho for Sale Young figs Bhfin HEW ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED I will buy if Describe fully stating condition Box lira Office jiEW HARNESS REPAIR SHOP GRANT WILDER Harness Repair Sh Street opposite the where all will be and at Reasonable Bring your Harness TO IN THE ESTATE who died at the Town of Whitby and formerly of New All having claims against the Comparyfj Kings illnei salute doubt occasional by head during to the danger of standing uncovered head at the graveside the closing service on behalf of a departed relative or friend Just as much respect can be shown by the lifted band head covering should of the burial below the freezing Burial reform touches that are sense warrants the In While as catalogued in the public libraries has a predominance in the circulation compared with sections the Eta agrees with the Col- Bulletin that even in fic tion much information on science art history industry liiii until industry andvott Jectfl is borne i j be the nical works- Again thi popubir the libraries may be trusted to keep the public free from the literature is a of the service by these tions No we see public libraries thj day of August Bend to Trust Limited Kennetl on or it if and full particulars and the nature of si held by duly Immediately of Februai said among having the assets of be distributer entitled theretx the claims of only shall then have notice Dated Jan 19th THE TRUSTS GUARANTEE COMPANY LTD Bay St Toronto KENNETH STIVER Newmarket Ont Solicitor for the said The Trusts an Guarantee Company Limited ROD AND GUN of the national sporting Rod and Gun and Can dian Silver Fox News has just d Among the many contributors in this months issue the well known names of whose articles offer of bunting and fish assembly mil of the St Mi- School destroying by Better Hat than no reading at all and i munition house them of barracks and agricultural districts would icy But o more Mm for which Hie when the volt following ex-War- Alex of Seneca Baker of Hon Geo f York J A Cameron J Cornell of Griffiths of Weston J of Aurora Win Keith and W Pearson of Newmarket J- of Weston J of Hill William Graham of York and J Guardhouse of Etobieoke BRIGHT BITS FROM EXCHANGES A Chicago physician maintains that people do not die of old age But he resides in Chicago forwarded It brought much joy The of Mr Richard Os- ie will regret to learn that lie n to the hospital last week operation He is doing nice another operation will be nece before he can resume duties At Private Patients Toronto General Hospital on to Mr and Mrs Gordon banning Newmarket a son And At To Mr J S of a has been elected the United Church Sunday that place for the year been postmaster at Bronte for years Mrs of Centre York formerly Miss Helen writes that the Era she re does double duty when shi it she passes it on to her sister is with her husband the latter be in charge of construction work Hudson Bay north of Th Thats how so many abroad know the It would he a solved for bin Govt And instead of i- a population thai is both a a to the Old Country selfsupporting as all In the only i the Fergus Elor he Acton Press says sooner Ontario cognize this act the better it Even where the local functioning with the confidence municipality the domineering rule of the Ontario Coi has at times become It is easily realized that ie parent body exercise a in governing the municipal idles and advising them but the On Commission would be well ad to temper their Jurisdiction with ore reason and a legs Iron band rumblings will grow Into a stor will the seamanship In t governing the local men who study local conditions in the Hydro and their in spite of be side Ontario Cdmmfsf all the knowledge am bundled up within It and some brains of this huge Provincial taking are scattered about in tl be helpful if Chic SHIP TO New Fur there may be England by this time In order that may vided for during their bags of carrots and a were taken The only disease they wiMi Is the Dawson When we ftr them has the disease we destroy R They are very healthy in He showed The minus a leg This one got Its leg hurt last year and I amputation The little hopping around quite actively The furhei Canada elsewhere Era to beloved husband of Margaret Allin in his Funeral service Saturday at A United Ctiurch Interment at Aurora Cemetery Bain At Mount Albert on Tuesday loved wife of Edwin Bain in year Funeral Friday to Mount Albert Cemetery rook At Mount Albert on Friday Jan 18th Martha Miller wife of William Brooks in Service at the horn Mrs A Gardiner of N formerly Miss Jessie for the first time since Gardiner received in her wedding gown of I and Bradford of at They were assisted by danning and also by little I KUkenny and who had acted as at Mjs Gardiners dainty frocks of w epe de Miss ad the G Afternoon tb y were ted by Mrs Bell Mrs Hugo Misses Moss and J Bin In the CAUSE DAMAGE traffic the ves flood s onto and district toda Every river empty into the northern shores is chocked and them nil with the body to was Moderator of WIT AHD HUMOR just arrived from and was not familiar the telephone as he tool elver and demanded went to telb to my Number please Albei At the home of his at Tuscaloosa Alabama Sunday Jan William Brocklebank Newmarket aged years Interment at Union Cemeterj Wednesday Kerr At Wo King Cetneter Aim Rynard At on Jan Richard Funeral Monday Service at United Church Inter Johns Cemetery Brock Vet In Newmarket Jan In Memoriam TaylorIn a dear a dear In loving missed by Mother Brothers Sisters and little and grand- U nOii he is just resting sweetly with In that beautiful home above Ever remembered by Husband Family and The Bell Telephone Company and the American Company THE relationship between Bell Telephone Company of Canada and the American Tele phone and Telegraph Company consists of stock the American company owns thixtyono par cent of Telephone Company contract the Bel Telephone Company owns a contract by which American company sup plies research products and other on a sliding of payment The C company in Onothird of the to form ths company not available until American company agreed to prorid it The contract made in to put dealings be tween two companies on a business basis It may terminated at end of if the Canadian company q effect of stock relationship telephone system in Ontario and Quebec today is craned by shareholders Of these per liva in Canada and own per cent of the total largest individual holding is 1610 which ia quarter of one per cent of total The holding is 27 shares which yield an income of a year The Telephone Company is thus a great enter prise which has become thoroughly and to this the American relationship has contributed two definite advantages First it been a source of new money for devel opment The American company as a has Barer failed to respond in good times or when money was needed to extend the system to meet public demands upon it Secondly it has been a safeguard against exploita tion Attempts on the part of promoters to secure control of the telephone system have failed because the American holding of the companys shares has been in the hands of men who are interested in telephone business for progress of industry and not for its financial exploitation effect of the contract First it obtains all products of the Bell laboratories are largest industrial research laboratories in world with a staff of five thousand No single company could hope to support such an It is possible only by cooperation of many odabd One example work is the loading coil which eliminated the need for heavy wires in creasing in size with distance This has saved mil lions of dollars Similar diseoverieshave saved other millions for user and given him a better telephone The research clause of contract alone more than balances the contract fee Secondly Canadian company has rights to the use of all inventions The American company now owns more than patents in every phase of telephone operation The contract gives the Canadian company use of these patents and places American under obligation to take out Canadian patents on any new inventions the Cana dian Thirdly the contract gives the Canadian company a steady supply of reports and statistics new operating methods under trial by the associate companies of the American system Dangerous experiments are thus avoided When the Canadian company makes a change in method it is to a well tested method and the services of specialists from American are available by con tract to assist in making it An example of this is from to dial system Both in the stock holding and in he contract provisions Canadian telephone users are protected and assisted by the relationship with American AMUSES THE HORSES Ms I MUHS0SE I RISE Funeral Directors was paying Ms first visit to the school aid the instruc lor The recruit ted took the gingerly and mount with great care Whats It got this strap round for he asked pointing to the girth Well explained the Instructor solemnly you see our horse a keen sense of humor an as t sometimes has sudden fits of they e put the i