for COUGHS COLDS 2 i BRONCHITIS lowlands hake shop was by hours of Sunday morning by a window pane llio front or the Four dollars in cash a fruit threo dozen doughnuts bars and olber tilings She Will Satisfied On Thursday or last week Sarah Moran wid ow William passed away sud denly at her home in neat She had been indisposed but wos up and around he day provious to her death She survived by threo daughters and two boos The funeral was held on Monday morning mass be observed in St Patricks Church berg following which ho remains wore con eyed to for interment AURORA The people of his town are to be on Mho fact bat during 1928 thd total loss from fire only to There ere alarms rung in and only in three cases as it necessary to use water or chemicals Mr and Mrs Fred Browning celebrated silver wedding anniversary on January at heir homo on In the surprise parlies of friends in town and out of town and members of Lodge of Application for Divorce Notice is given that Arthu Alderlon of tlic City of Toronto the Courtly of York in the ravine- of Ontario labourer will apply ti the of Canada at the Bill of Di City Alder the County adultery Dated at Toronto in Province of Ontario this nineteenth days of De cember ARTHUR By his Solicitors GRAHAM GRAHAM Temple Toronto Ont Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that Swayne of the City of onto in the County of York will apply to the Parliament Canada at the next session or a Hill of Divorce from her bus and George Ray of own of Smith Falls in the County in the Province of Ontario on the grounds of adultery am Dated at Toronto this day Concluded from Page everything else is of be standard equipment There are largo glas3 cases built against ho wall for taking care of large quantities of supplies required in this department- as well as a commodious storeroom adjoining with movable shelving and all substantially built The supply of gas is by he pressing button T Column A GAME OF BLUFF A buffet t evening lied to congratulate them Citizens Band also gave them as they did twentyfive years ago luncheon was served and a pleast enjoyed by all If James address and whero- unknown is not found before Jan the be was left by his uncle Ales under late of Aurora will be equally divided and paid to his sisters Mrs Rose Fer guson Mrs Kate Smith and Miss he estate being valued at To he Orphans Home near Rich mond Hill he left and to the Church Aurora 150 Nineteen nephews am share in the balance of he estate Physios Room is he same size as tho Room and is located on the South- West corner It Is also similarly equipped for pupils Four gas Jots on each desk Locked oabinets for all supplies Trays for every pu pil Electric supplied by equipment adjoining storeroom up to amperes and volts for direct and alternating current for purposes The Science Department is under he charge Mr W Kind and is most compleio in detail showing the care that has been exercised in the construction and equipment One of the three rooms used by the Commer cial under Miss Wickett has new typewriters on specially designed doska tho outfit costing over 2700 Every sluent recognizes the advantage of stenography taking notes and saving of lime In tron- ibing with a typewriter The Teachers Rest Rooms one for ladies and the other for gentlemen are on this floor at the opposite ends of the building Each couch table cosy chairs with cloak room and divided toilot adjoining All he furniture throughout the entire building with the exception he seas in Assembly Hall was supplied by the Office Specialty Company of Newmarket desks chairs library fittings etc and is exceedingly creditable the Factory It is much superior quality of wood workmanship and finish to it is true that the iiisty entered into the hey The beat reserve one con have io money in a Savings Bank account It not only increases by tlie interest it earns but it give3 you assurance in meeting any problem which may present itself A reserve is as necessary to you asit is to your Bank Open a saving account with this Bank and start to establish your re serve IMPERIAL BANK tit Or CANADA This I am convinced Is In evitable It would be pos sible for one party to carry it so far without at least a toler ance on the part of the other It is this twosided condition that keg work In certain Bo disappointing profess one thing and make ir corresponding associations ant n deliberately hand over their In to the other party The effect of this is that beside bin More than 70 years a resident of George died on Thursday Jan lOlh in her year Her father William Coulter came to when she was a child and her residence here had been un broken since Surviving are her husband and daughter Mrs J Fry jr King township sisters Mrs Jo Brown of and Mary of Toronto and two s William of and Charles of Spokane Washington U The funeral took place on Sunday and was largely attend Service at the house and interment at line Presbyterian Church Cemetery Mrs Ed Arohiband was hostess at a dinner last week given in honor of her Miss Edna of Toronto prior to he riage with Mr Kenneth Parker A of Talara Peru Miss Km by and Mrs Parker parents of the groom sail d from New York on January On reach Kingston Jamaica hey will be met by Mr The happy coupl Kenneth Parker side in Talara Peru where Mr Parker in Government work Their many sh them much joy in their new home hopes I am fairly J interested in being carried Quebec having it defer game of bluff as it it In the Province lived there for It that to be expected 1 iff go an or Business UP ood tho furniture in the old building that plied by a competing factory In fact the elided did not think that such he produce in Canada We omitted to mention that there are fire hose and appliances on each corridor also drinking fountains for bovs and girls separ ately We will now retrace our steps to trie Base ment As we descend from he North vestibule we enter the hoys section anil what we say of 9 duplicated on the South side for the girls At foot of the stairs to the left we enter the large lunch room supplied with tables and benches Adjoining is the dressing and shower bulb room and hen by another door to the wash room and toilet with eighteen com partments All floors are of Terraza and the efficient janitor Mr Fred Barker is as partic ular about this department as any other part of the building Leaving the lunch room the corridor leads to the Gymnasium on the right side As all agree that physical develop ment is just as important to future life of the student as mental development special has been given to the and it certainly appreciated the students- This room is40x80 feel and fel high equipped with every modern appliance for exercise- to the Applicant The wheels of natu re not made ro backward presses Yard eternity the birth of rrent has set in hat in bears all the so oce is of men toward an Hail Mr and residence- on evening of last There was quite a full house which means large crowd as the home is much larger than the average farm domicile Mrs James Hennesseys auto was badly dam aged by fire on Tuesday evening supposedd to have been caused by detective wiring Mrs Arthur Richardson of Newmarket and two daughters Mrs Ralph Smith of Newmarket and Miss Alela Richardson of London Mrs James Graham on Thursday of last week The Y P S of Wesley United Church bay elected the following Hon President Rev White President Howard Dike 1st A Burrows 2nd Miss Snider 3rd Morton Miss M Graham i 5th Miss Graham Miss Graham Organist Miss Assist Organist Miss Hazel Allen Mission Circle of Wesley United THE SOPHISTICATED YOUNG and ihc effect is The buttons on pleated will be regarded as a smart of well- tailored frock Church Hon Pres Mrs Rev President Miss Marjory Graham 1st VicePres Miss- Snider Secretary Miss ha Cor Secretary Mrs George Sproxton Treasurer Miss Ruby Monthly Sec Miss Clara Graham Supply Sec Miss Mite Box Sec Mrs KEbjjop Presbyterial Delegates Miss and Mrs Grant May The Mi Circle exceeded fts allocation re like Montreal is by a certain by supply and demand are Ignored and of the law laughed at two country districts however e up to the time of our present in there was practically no ting and Hie sentiment of the peo- strongly alcohol if the has placed stores creating a situation which Is Infinite- than anything known for Lit At if sacrilege beauty spots should be a In a delightful rad been erected light the church w of far before door base ball basket ball wands dumb bells swinging clubs ropes and rings jumping horse mats and other apparatus as well as a running with elevated round corners This track four feet wide and capable of accommodating or three hundred spectators to watch match in progress to the very best in the centre of this corridor is Cafeteria equipped with electric stove wash basins and trays hot and cold water and Robert Carp had party at kitchen utensils This outfit was extensively used last winter and proved to he a great venience to- the Students On this corridor are sections of neat combination lockers for- and girls This was found necessary or complaints of theft from the pockets of the students On the opposite side of mis corridor to the is a drill roam or banqueting hall with a folding door in tile centre it be required lo have boys and girls drilling at the same time and still he kept separated we enter the Mechanical Equipment Room in connection with the plant by opening a fireproof door and descending another short flight of stairs i this room is located all the electric switches a motor and generator for the Ventilating System installed throughout the whole building motors water- to the top floor for pumping gas from the gallon underground tank in yard to Science and other apparatus Another door separates this room from the room where two low pressure- tubular boilers are installed capable of supply- heat by means of pipes to the moat note corners This room is supplied with elevator thai raises a barrow of ashes to the level of the ground and are thus wheeled to ash heap without he labor of lifting or shovel fl MM Bought Now Gives Ihe Holder a Long Season ON SALE AT R Drug Store GENERAL ADMISSION FOR SKATING Evening 30c Children Afternoon Adults Children 10c t THE Vow ReadifV it Against Any Car You Know KNEW THE CALEIUMR were three little girlsy so small Iliad teacher was telling them about the dl visions of time and receiving all of an to her simple questions The little girl who lived in a boardinghouse was a year old er than of any of the others We have learned that the years are into months months into- weeks and weeks into days said teacher can any one tell how the days are divided The little girl who lived in the boarding- house raised her hand and was asked to speak Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursday heel she said glibly Friday fish Saturday coined heel and beans and Sunday MUST HAVE COMPANY play with bad lelt of the to rated Auntie Do Willie Willie Yes Auntie Ill play with good little boy The coal cellar is on the same floor boilers has a capacity of Ions and is from the room by a door spontaneous combustion cause a fire and nobody was around and should the door be left open by mistake an wilt close the door as soon as temperature is- raised to a point similar to an automatic sprinkler The lop of cellar is on a level with the ground and he coalman hoe only to take out the tailboard of his vehicle and sliove he off without any lifting It will be seen that throughout lie e building much detail for- convenience taut adaptability has been taken into consideration For this the Board is largely indebted Princi pal while for economy of material and personal supervision of construction as well as guarding against extras the citizens are in debted a of the Building Commit tee Mr J Patterson Through his careful over was received for vageftom the fire We are sure that when tho community have an opportunity to inspect the new school they will soy that every dollar has been welt spent We cannot close without giving a word of praise to our local painter Mr Everett Scott whose work gave entire satisfaction to ar chitect and all through the building operations he kept right on the heels other trades and nobody had to wait on his account which was a t help in obtaining occupancy in such a IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE Power increased Above miles an hour top speed miles an hour Four hydraulic shock absorbers New type double action four- wheel brakesLarger bodies Easier steering Greater economy With 76 advancements it challenges the best that motordom offer chal lenges in performance in beauty in size in value and in price Every suggestion from the experience of more than 1000000 SuperSix owners has been incorporated Roomier bodies adult- size in appearance comfort and perform ance Power is increased miles an hour all day Many other features are pres ent elsewhere only in high priced cars fine six ride and VERN CANE Newmarket Ont