OK FRIDAY JAN 18TJ1 HAWS BUSINESS SCHOOL Employment definite forded both Employer a Comments of Exchanges Peterborough Examiner The new peak for the Canadian Pacific and the record showing of the Canadian Na tional reflect not only businesslike and successful Administration hut also the general prosperity of Canada Roll- arc a good yardstick by of Lapidarys Art Come Down I Newmarket Clark Newmarket Flowers HYDRANGEA 8PIREA POT PRIMULA BEGONIAS towers tor Every Occasion at aonham St Newmarket Phono North Tin Shop FURNACES STOVES PLUMBING Eavetmughing Etc OBDEHS EXECUTED PROMPTLY Modem WFJEDGAtt Roadhouie Fumitura Shop Corner of Main nd NEWMARKET WANTED Salesman in York County touring Fall and Winter month Trees Flowering Shrubs A We own and operate a modern well equipped Nursery and supply our cur tomera with the best in quality and variety Sell hardy Canadian -gro- Nursery Stock and you will be cessful Our agency Is valuable Established years NURSERY CO Toronto Notice is hereby given that Grace Oiborne Lea of of York in the Province of Married a present in the City of Toronto Ontario apply to the Parliament of Canada ft few davs ago In his line played many parts and played th to older generation of to older generations of angel child in ittlc Lord liuiilkru- The popularity was so great that tens of fond mothers dressed up hell far from angelic offspring in A couple of years ago In anient a western got In hit id declared that the day of the and far ie West was just about done In the West have gone j in itself as a dcvclopin general prosperity tell of the West re or less industrial are springing up and News For yea Maritime ther than those of their own cm unci governmental efforts have mode to encourage the use of Canadian ports for shipping of exports Thai this campaign has borne some fruit shown by a despatch from Halifax which that ft new schedule Bailings from that been lihhcd and that in the future shipping of White Star line steamers formerly done through harbor of Portland Me will now A Ttit of Loyalty Acton Free Press The prolonged illness of I Us Majesty King George has bad the effect of such a manifest ation of love and devotion to the Crown as has seldom been induced by IVhlfi atuu of y is era should be at plenty of iron the w fine finger and toe the Ictchtrs KEEPING THE FAMILY TIES Were bums incidents newspapers the mist might perhaps have the which is in daughters who from parents or sisters tilating a quarrel in Yet not infrequently producing the agate beds of volcanic lea of down like away from iyed very lr th slowly with their load of derived tiding ash have made of each microscopic ceil of the wood a tiny series of agate The result la a perfect preservation of a lot ed agate and Jasper f tin Us earliest Inhabitants and beads times relates In his sopping the changing magazine points and by A GOOD RESOLVE for In the Stare or on the phone always ask 53 JUNK DEALER A FINANCIER HI8 DIFFICULTY A Toronto business man found a forgotten This incident happened at camp when a cup coal stove in his basement He called a junk w making up the rations was an dealer and asked him How much the tent orderly who suggested a junk man offered him and the owner change in the dietary We should like in straightway wanted chiefly for fun They have he said You may have haggled awhile and the secondhand dealer replied the corporal who with departed stoveless Hell be back said the then commenced trying to record tlie paper then commence trying to record In a halfhour the junk man returned and of- order He began hastily abandoning which was refused Then a bright that for lieu and then put Ron and idea struck the junk artist- He brought out respectively Thoroughly exasperal- and jingling the coins temptingly said e at last the corporal exclaimed be Tell you vat I do I you for plowed Youll have cabbage and charge you cents to haul him I Oriental Tor signet side t for the benefit of all however feeling that Ids lit not to be exposed to any on which family of an Hi that annex ted of by pe- Canada the II of the City of Toronto Province of Ontario Salesman on t Dated hit of I OLMSTED Ottawa Electric Sparks Notice is hereby given that Charlc of the City of Toronti in the County of York and Province 1 Ontario Machinist will apply to Parliament of Canada at the next thereof for a Bill of Divorce FRANK J Ki Billboard Led by the Application hereby thereof at the Hill of tor Frederick son at present of the City New York in the State of New York Sales man on the ground of adultery ant desertion Dated this thirtyfirst day of and landscape council of the adopted a charitable in on this continent at an early date regarded the atone they would stop blood they thought and in- the supply of human dur ralng time China In the past held agate next to precious Jade feet wide apart the that the tlon of the lood of spirits easels have been found In old tore it Is recorded that in A a agate tree three feet high w by the country as lit to the emperor Hairpins ft and chessmen have been ma mm the mineral More modern 1 the snuff bo tie and pendant Practically all of the agate which they bear today A CLOCK PLOT of Naples have had an that keeps a of bonds at UNFAIR TO THE FARMER When an animal is killed by a SOLICITOUS ABOUT HIM in artist who was spending a the neighborhood had asked the little Notice is hereby given that George Helton Brown of the City of Toronto in the County of York Stock Broker will apply to the Parliament of Can- TILLfiY JOHNSTON THOMSON BO King Street West Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant The had been spending lie artist stood close to Bobby watched him an deal so he be lorn deal Hobby He Arsenal locked been St Martins pulling down the piece they had and taken it COMPANIONS To keep your foot walk with your his is all there is Never blow up I you and infui People say that heir nerves On the contrary it loubles the strain by fixing the reasing their power to do mischief Smiles go a long way toward re- the difficulties of shopping eople behind counters respond to a whereas a worried distressed Radio and Phonograph at the Price of a Radio Alone sure of 1 be obliging is to show- vacation nulled off bottles In the back Upstairs bureau In the bath- on the tiled tired and Had Terrible Trouble With an Aching Back Ontario Lady used don Jan Special f we could show you the actual results attained in thousands cases suffering from Kidney Trou- She writes A few years ago I had trouble with my Kid neys A friend advised me to try Kidney Pills which I did and they surely relieved me I would gladly recommend them to anyone I had terrible trouble with my back aching Six boxes of Kidney Pills relieved me Other sufferers of backache tell of pains relieved and health restored through the use of Dodds Kidney Pills They act directly on Kid neys They strengthen the kidneys and put them In shape to strain the Impurities out of the blood which i perambulator to connection to the room operated I a crank and a length a In earthed at The circles of Mecklenburg of A CORDIAL INVITATION fulfilled all the that of the latt rith the a floridf COMPLETE And It Gas In Stomach Hurts the Heart the acid every day for thousan the same for you or by reliable druggists Batterylsss TO get a genuine brandnew 1929 Model Radio in a beautiful High Boy Cabinet in figured walnut for only is in itself a real value But when incorporated in that same one of the newest type phonographs with electric amplified bv radio tubes and reproduced through a speaker with volume quality and tonal depth found only in phono graphs selling for than this entile combination And when you consider that this is a Rogers product using the famous guaranteed Rogers AC Tubes with four years of behind it instrument that the best radio or best phonograph can give you for fnly it IS a sensation DorA Fail To Hear It SMITHS HARDWARE Newmarket HOLBORNS HARDWARE Sutton Features that make the the Burner for your home ABSOLUTE dependability is first re quirement of any Oil Burner Unless a burner can deliver beat constant beat it will always be unsatisfactory The Automatic Burner is depend able It is rugged and long lived It is simply Special flame distributing and burner features assure economical quiet and efficient combustion It is equipped with an instant ignition choice of gas or electricity- is no vibration from the OilBight It need little attention only a few minutes every two weeks to oil the motor It is entirely automatic consumes fuel only when Hie temperature demands it Fuel easily pro curable and easily stored For particulars write phone RIGHT BURNERS Operated by the Canada Metal Company Ltd- 38 AVE TORONTO