FRIDAY JAN 18TU Our Local News The Town Council of School Cemetery Co meeting next lug Euchre of Install the No c year on Jan Noble Grand requests take of this date extra effort to be present Committee have prepared Degree for this occasion tub Sec Congregational Meeting he annual congregational meeting the members and adherents of Trinity United Church woo announced for Thursday Jan In Die school room commencing at 8 oclock sharp when reports from the Departments of Hie church were 16 be given elec tion of stewards and elders some musical numbers followed by lotlicr reception take place at Tiber ally United Church in Morning tins all who can mRcceptlon st and be Join m Subject Isaiahs Consecration Hit usual Song Service McGregor In in take place Reports ill be presented will be used will be other pro chard Mr Lloyd Get off to a Good Start CONGRATULATORY ADDRESSES AND WORDS OF aOODVFELlOWSHIft APPOINTMENT OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS United Action Wanted of Car Inaugural meeting of the and passed Council day ll After all the Dales and Bowser were absent were sworn in by I Mnyor Davis called on Mclntyrc who bad been invited Rev based hi opportunity and Hie capacity irks that capacity not Just for his but for the benefit of Though there may be a place spewed with much wit an delighted each one After expressing his by acclamation congratulations to the all of last years for pilgrims Mr Oat Bo arc J appointing Mr for High School term of years and Mr year ISnnril hut of health ap was resigning MY George pointed auditor for Town Public High Schools and Public Libra a salary of Mtlntry the Offic Ills lis appreciation also elected died on and joined His Worship In expressing for Fred Simpson and John Proctor Health Officer Manning Principal of tli High School was appointed mender of the Public Library Hoard K Morrison was again put In si Assessor for salary of Harry Smith was renppolntcd Hospital Dr Dales and Jan the of the High School was open to indents for the first time the Ion was the installing of the of Literary Society ig are the officers for the President Mr- XT President Irwin Pollock Jack Evans 2nd Vice- President Kenneth Currcy Pianist Ruth Editorin Chief Shirley Patterson meeting was In charge of the Honorary President who gave a address and then In stalled he president Irwin Pollock Dick gave us splendid address In which he stressed the need of co operation to make the Literary So ciety real peppy organisation We hall as we now have and cultivate the who many and varied talents which prcdaminent in the school Following Dicks speech Mr Kidd SPECIAL SALE Chintzes Fancy Patterns yard wide Comforter Batts Size 6x7 Reg 100 each 85c A SHOP EARLY I MR STEPHENS has been Superintendent of School for the years and has been reelected results to the mental social and Before the largest sometimes physical equilibrium both tenelicr and students Now we filial see why third foni receives so much publicity It is fo taken The election of last a vindication of done in 1028 Mr J Utile ho has stepped up Deputy Reeve by acclamation gratitude to the Hid Mi on his success and to be pleasant as its for the Striking resulted as follows Osborne and auditors report will soon Isatlans of the ting could be would address is going to a incil hardly tho lie I Body Guard He her of the Mlccibets Fifteen years ago he hi Whitchurch Mr Lloyd is survived by his widow and one daughter Alberta Mrs Geo P Wood and two sisters Mrs Al bert Cummer and Mrs Hugh Ken nedy both of Toronto residents of East Gwilllmbury person of Patrick Joseph Ren ins year cunie to Canada when a Bill Countv Clare Ireland and d the High school in years ago he Bridget Cranlev of with five children are left the death of a loving fo und highly respected by nil The pallbearers Andrews Morton Miclai Messrs Kenm School meeting of the Sun- United Church If Jack Evans to be some Literary Society made a short speech and respective offices Shirley her staff of Purple and Evelyn Patterson Hunter called upon and a the winner of tin Purple and Gold liereflnnounced Hockey THE SHOP Ladles NEWMARKET his delist flicilllbllljl lade trucks on the road tl the Frank Robinson the and thanked the Council welcome- extended to him United Church Kith Mlrs A had bale of irdnv Jan lOtli ting for period of three objective being an Mrs It Stephens Mrs A d Senior Girls Work Supt M Adult Marjorie Stark 1 Jackson L Jackson A Marshall lie following Morlev Miss Mtujorie Miss Muriel On the of the World In Trinity United Church Wednesday Jan at oclock This is a Travelogue through West China and the Tibetan border land Adventures and Pictures Thrilling and full of interest to old find young These were taken Capt Brace and colored by Chinese Artists Under the Auspices of the ADMISSION if At lialf East Coupoil The first mating of Conc iiili eptd I Hi his order for Walter Graves sheep claim Thomas School Municipal World subscription Sarah Mitchell Mrs Hoi ill and Hi- Roofing Jim Milton re Meeting adjourn Smith Clerk England Jan bitter- lively Nugent ought Constable Intermediate but they good chance the first and local net in ml tome beautiful had plenty to look after rket flipped the rubber into illowdale cage a few minutes play had started but lost out decision the visitors claiming through a hole in the side of middle stanzj was the period when the January StockTaking Sale 1 Pure Bleached Table Linen 65o yd PurR Linen half bleached in wide regular 135 per yard for 98c pes- Grey Tweed for Boys Bloomers Sport Skirts Coats in wide regular for Pure Linen Toweling Plain Stripe and Fancy Check Sale Price yd Andersons Fancy Cheok Ginghams in mostly all shade Fast Colors Sale Price yd Stripe Shaker Flannel Light and Dark Shades and Sale Price Fancy Stripe Shaker Goods for linings For yd COURTEOUS and two counted the went through minutes later TAXI SERVICE I Juit like motoring in SERVICE T F McMullen terries next any Newmarket Rowland are penalty of the set dragged until both Shooting was the referee SEES CHANCE TO INCREASE COMMERCE OF CANADA WITH BALKAN COUNTRIES FREED EISEMANN ALL ELECTRIC RADIO- Builders of Fine since broadcasting began See and Hear One Before Buying- Radio and Electrical Appliances Repaired RADIO AND CAR BATTERIES CHARGED called for and delivered Night Phon THE CTO v ashl Jan Sen- todi ratified the liiiiid st a 1 Blaine Wis st the Of nine absent i that all iuld have the treaty had thi been ate was taken after Ch the Foreign Corn- id read to the Senate a whlel said the treat y impftlred tl right self- Mr who is a native of YOUTH LOST IN now a Turkish citizen and of Constantinople slated that Jan 14 ried e new republic of Turkey was to- snowdrift which y making great stride towards from freezing to death Wall rity and he believed that with the tyre local youth Ik an states Turkey offered a mar- searchers this morning t for many Canadian products pro- and a day after he had lost red In make an energetic Felling in niarkHs lloth his hands and were frozen In St roth pita tonight he Is is to arrange for the comfortably while Canada of a Turkish football would play a scries of hands gainst teams from The rminal Company pro before the Jan Traffic PALACE THEATRE and Neil Hamiltoi Hon the big Scoops together Vedneiday and Jan William Fox presents the AIR CIRCUS David Rolling and Arthur Lake Reckless youth breathless speed ilil iere being Mary a ground I who sustained a broken leg provide facilities for all incoming rail- when she jumped from the ground and be local point for Stock Markets CANADIAN 1