Newmarket Era Largest been built ho Aid or The leading County as well as Oldost No paper cent out of North York unless paid in advance TCI MB 550 Til If ERA roil tl Tom tad in a THOSE WHO BUY THOSE WHO SELL I JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY JAN Good News for Newmarket The Office Specialty Mfg Co Has Greatest Business in Years EXTENSIVE PLANS FOR FURTHER EXPANSION 11 is with greatest of pleasure wo have privilege to state on the authority of Managing Director of the Office Specialty Man- luring Company that tho year was the greatest business year in all their history of ill years in the Town of and that intensive planB are being made from to across Canada through all their for a still greater business in 1929 The Company is building up a large Sales Agency Organization throughout Hie Umpire with the expectation that this will help increase the Companys business As a matter of public interest wo are per mitted to give the officers of Company who are as follows President Mr Rochester VlooPrcs Mr Thomas Rojd K London Ontario Mr Geo Newmarket TroaB and Manager Mr Harry Toronto These men constitute the Board of Directors including an addition which will bo announced after the next meeting of the Hoard when a successor to the late Robert Smith will he named i precialion lo he written to the of the he incorporated Iho ion of a faster service night and morning for peoplo The una was not Major thought that if being held until Ihe more comfortable more pco- In the Express- pie would patronise the line i Sincere regret was expressed by tho New- Mayor Davis in speaking of Mr held Charles resignation from the First Dputyshfp Mr been council present I ial and helpful he said and Considerable discussion followed presence on the Council will tho reading of a fetter from the- greatly missed Hydro Electric Power Commission as a member of Ontario regarding the solution York County Council told of Mr of our problem of wink power levs in ply The chinned that that body and recalled the many lag of the aware of lowing Herald of J last market Council of Monday evening at Council Chamber with the needs a complete of its electric f em fore electricity users in town expect satisfaction Cant we with present system handle be- of the County Council of Mr McCauIeys retirement Mr was visibly affect- in j thank asked Dr which fIi nswered unanimously in the We can the Hydro only stalling was Dr Dales then stated that he could not go to the Iroifolc direct to the in and get satisfaction as J has done Reeve for this procedure hut against king legal action Deputy Lyons belie Newmarket High School Rebuilt and Complete in Every Detail NOT ANOTHER SCHOOL OR COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE IN THE DOMINION WITH BETTER EQUIPMENT that if the slate plainly laid before the Fire and Light Commission a fair deal would re- Canadian It In discussion the referred to Clerk of the situation Mr Mathews said Robertson pay Peter Trivetf pay hat THE OFFICIAL OPENING WILL TAKE PLACE SHORTLY Hit of ashes of the old Newmarket High in the building oil connected with the Muster School arisen the most modernized Clock in the Principals office by which the Institution to be found in the Doniin- movement of teachers and pupils is entirely ion of Canada- There are many schools that uniform Also by means of the Univent System arc larger but it is said that there is no other of ventilation all the rooms are of that combines every modern idea of equipment temperature so that the danger of taking cold design as the present is entirely obviated High School a building that has been The first tender for the uniform Clock at an approximate cost of completely installed was but the When the new front was erected to the separated the specifications and by oh- scbool in the people of Newmarket and tuning tenders for clocks- and electric work surrounding country wen highly pleased with separately saved over 300 In- addition which not only increased the The Hull mi the first floor and but features that striking beautiful with its white walls been in use before and also added ma- beam ceilings hardwood and waxed floor leriallv to its appearance as a public institution feet and stage feet The walls il was therefore a heartbreak to the citizens I the Assembly Hall are brightened by five when the destructive broke out on the large and beautiful reproductions of note the of last March and totally con- ists donated by Hie late Mrs J the original but fnrtiinateh Aubrey Jackson the High all the walls the new addition ere School Stall and the present chairman of the hi tact Board Rev M J Wedlock all the pictui The Hoard carried 120000 set about plans to erect llK being uniform in size and frames In addition l wii electrician Mr Gordon bill operations were delayed for three or for the whole electric week in securing an adjustment of the insur- throughout he building donated hall a with the Insurance Companies f I l tin lighting The lighting The High School Board in the end J th plans anil estimates to rebuild and waited upon the Town Council approved J fi of the action of the Board an 1 as- lh instance to the extent to be raised lne hall ay debentures individual seating for people Workmen were engaged at once to remove storing the seats under the stage if debris of the fire and excavate for Hie new required walls so that when the architect had the plans There are also six class rooms on the first and specifications completed the contracts Principals office and two cloak awarded and work proceeded with rooms The Principals office is with such rapidity that the students returned to the telephone typewriter and desk electric school after Thanksgiving holidays although buttons for bells fire alarm and phone con- there were many parts of building still in- each room The Master Clock il compute including the basement auditorium on the wall and if the electric current and gymnasium should stop the clock keeps right on Con- However the finishing touches were put on with the office are a vault for storing last week and the Assembly Hall was used for record Hie first time on 1 riday afternoon last when High School Literary Society put on Qn the second if Town Council Holds Final Session GREATLY WITH TREATMENT OF HYDRO COMMISSION Hi I had of members the Mayor and Reeve for their kind Be was sorry to leave both Newmarket and County Councils he said greatly appreciating the good fellowship which had always for the office of the needs and ha meeting the were dealt with J Rowland ouh first of the At lfore he entered Mayor Davis Francis W pay Km referred fo Clerk Shropshire pay to Son pay meet the Commission which Power Com general approval and will be car- placed on file out once Warren Paving Co pay The Toronto Coin referred fa cuminiiniirnliori Clerk and Fin Com service by whh Sheet No pay may ordered over the minutes of flic present s lelephone line from Toronto were read and adopted met with general approval It i Council adjourned The firt meeting of he Council for will lake place at clock Monday morning DO FARM WORKERS COMING FROM BRITAIN TO CANADA IN SPRINGJ a photo of the Township of King SO Years Ago From lira Jan Directors ot Cemetery Co Rogers Donald Sutherland Stephen Joseph Cawthra J J Bon J A M H Aehworlh Vice Chancellor Blake delivered a lecture in the Mechanics Hall on Tuesday evening under of the Mechanics Institute Dickens About members the Methodist Church Mrs Reuben Robinson surprise on Monday and gave Mr a party Years Ago From Era Jan Mr and Mrs C GRosa a large party last Thursday night John of Calgary it here Sir and art ileas Club IK Ont on the North York and the Warder TO ENTER VIRGIN COUNTRY IN NORTHWEST New Track Foreha to Island Falls Sask Pontrolis froi Sask Offici last Mond Webb G Martin John Stallard Jackson Tom In Jan widow of Angus Ego in Ann Hop Jan Jas Hopkins ADVERTJ5E- BY GIFTS ion of little distribution and ly be sent by if Henry Dajton go to Quebec to drift long themselves to of the Board r imilaily equipped y and provision here are six more class the first floor and all The Library is on this made by will cases wife The party lei them with will be invited for the the date later With he exterior our people are no- acquainted but the interior is unknown Hoard was held inng at which the formal opening of the fronts for volumes Map cases are in with the shelving and enclosed with arc being for an ePfect w and musical fee chairs bill and black hoards and like all the othet- rooms is well lighted The library is in charge of Mr who is great pains in it and listing the books feat will be of the mil say that is of the best ma- lo Ule and workmanship and Hire bin ding as tlree f repnoolf as it is possible to make it All the the flool airways are iron I and Asaomblv the corridor floors are of the same material f b vine the walls of the corridors are of finished Lecture Room which nek giving a substantial effect As a f to bareness the walls are hung 1 nil aide pictures and photos the hoys who took also c live part in the Great for the use of I here are twelve and three supplies winch are lull pro- It00nl ls on the is made for more and pupils it feel sup- Each of class rooms are v eimrs for lhe feel hardwood floors individual desks three and the lishl is admitted Ml a side of every pupil room tr with two or inore piclur all that the regulations me Each desk top is that chemicals in use that lie accidentally spilled will not I an pipe- anil ho so mat pupihi can teacher on Page 8 He ret ion and the inmlx Snni liny he into the spend tin alleged farm ids shown fnr the last forth and tin movement of cultural families to i for land settlement nor lo the their protection Alberts Went Brituher The Province of Alberta SNOW BLOCKS ROADS Jan 12th Roads nortl Midland and Colling- are piled high with snow laces and blocked to motor Irali result of yesterdays and storm which raged witii the Fife Lake line from to from and from all in Saskatchewan also seeks authority to lea announced such Pacific t the in Strait north Chuchhill Hive to fbe roads system between tountie5 refused the depututi being infwnieil the matter of assui in these railways the con ties concerned for etr man reelected for I 3150 ter secretary engine exWarden Hi Gw and David Spence Messrs 3tilitt and trill resent the eity of Toronto on Bay print build to be h line charter it is said will giving right lo build a Prince Albert straight north hundred of miles possibly at Lake rich heard about our square way of doing business and you know that we will serve you correctly with good dependable coal