OUT OCT n4 Newmarket of Toronto MGS3ClHI yslokm Union Jovial 0301200 DR 8 J BOYD In of Toronto of l and mem- of ill Former clinical Eye Ear r London TMKd HO Our Local News In DR J oclale Coroner o of York w Hours 01 a p or by appointment by was Horning by involving utomobilc drive He to the ff bill being Fund Legal Investment for Trust Fund yielding P Pearson NEWMARKET METHODISM No The weekly offering envelopes were introduced shortly after the opening of Church ana Hughes took charge of the system and collected the pew rents until bis death In December He was followed by Henry J Stephens Cone Hughes lively When the Joint formed in Dr Stuart Scott pointed trass ever G pointed secretarytreasurer of Hi Trust Hoard should any legal arise requiring the signature officials Dr Scott Atklt G Jackson charge of the envelope WITH I In Old The of hatching a high of efficiency with nothing reliable than their eyeballs as a to temperature they contrive rear alter year to hatch out a steady per cent eggs put down These come from the Tillage of of Importance district building built of in diameter and divided small rooma unnlng down the centre Each docs the hatching for the The Incubator Is a domeshaped brick with a It Is about five with platforms made of jto hold eggs and encircled by a narrow and open Make it a rule to add am OXO makes to ordinary fore richness and savour of cooked lean beef to In which it is used Aiifijp Unbiased Investment Advice To anyone with money to invest The Bank of Toronto is always glad to give sound unbiased investment advice based on in vestigation and facts Too often we read in the papers of a life time savings being lost through lack of proper guidance Consult us before you invest Smiths Hardware E M A R K E T IN BUILDERS NEEDS I FARM TOOLS OF ALL KINDS OIL AND ELEOTRIO STOVES 80REEN DOORS AND WINDOW PAINTS OILS AND VARNISHES LET US YOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE with Fireproof Wall boa id For Sole By W H Eves Newmarket Ont F G Burrows Jacksons Point Ont H Dike Son Mount Albert Ont Lake Simcoe Lumber Fuel Co Ltd Sutton West Ont GREENS Bra401 FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LAMEST AND BEST ALL PURPOSES FROM Tt PER ROLL Varlity of Clued Paper and SO In Oatmula Tints lltrinanllla Crops WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX QREEN AND COMBINATION We Sell You Any With of BERT QREER Painter and Paper Hanger MARKET SQUARE