Albert AGENT MOUNT Mount Albert OMKNS INSTITUTE A number of the members of the b Institute visit to Institute on irbi in York Bounty hop in the District viaiting few friends i Woodcock of Mrs Jack Cn Mrs IL parson the cousin MIbs Huston of on on Inst Mi- Draper of Toronto Is her lolidnvs in Town Moore A of To wns at lierhonie Mrs Lock of i of lier over tlie Mr of is Hi sister Mrs A of Toronto on friends on Sunday Inst fs attending course in Toronto this week tamped right across yon cannot do this His Worship rases did m leniency of that of a out Mrs Tale and Joyce have returned af ter spending a day at the- lake Misses Morion and Dorothy Ramsay ton Monday to attend Normal School in To nic Miss Sloan spent the in Churchill Mr and Mrs J P Wells of Mr Leigh Wells of Toronto visited at Mr Alan Shaws on Sunday Mr and Mrs Frank motored Flcshcr- on Sunday Harvest Home Services at James Church wore well attended on Sunday Mr and Mrs Clarence Long of spent Sunday Ihe parents Mr and Mrs Sherman spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Quile a good lurnoul at Ladies Aid lust Thursday at Mrs cottage Orchard Gardens Miss Walqu of Toronto colled on in the villnge week Dr and Mrs Fletcher of Toronto arc jug a few lays Mrs Frank Talcs Mrs Shaw and Nora spent Sunday in Mount Mrs and Miss Glover of North Bay isiled at Mr last Friday Church next Sunday night at the usual time 730 Rev Fodder of Keswick will be Ihe minister The regular Monthly Meeting of the Sharon Club will he held at Ihe home of Miss Emily Verity an Wednesday Sept Everyone welcome Rev Dr will c6nducl divine service the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath at m standard time Please note he change time from 3 oclock lo KESWICK After an illness of mdre than a month Inch two weeks were spent in the Siok Child- ens Hospital Grace Irene the seven months Id infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Ralph Link passed away on Tuesday Sept in Toronto Quite a number of the ladies of the United Church attended the Missionary Convention at rorft on Tuesday last Arrangements have been made to hold annual Missionary Thank Offering Service have been very fortunate in ices of Miss of the Dominion Board to be the speaker for the even any whom Mrs Jamieson is known Ihey will most certainly take the opportunity of hearing her as she is a wonderful speaker So please do your best to attend the service on evening Oct at Rye is moving to Boyers Crossing School Fair held in ho village on Wed nesday of last week was a great success both in and in numbers and the weather especially ho afternoon was ideal Al though the rain seemed near none of the child- had lo try lo keep dry Many farmers are finishing their fall wheat sowing and the weather is fine for Ihe newly ad on the Highway is nearly The good Friends of Mr Cory F M minister of this part of the work regret the removal of himself and the family some miles north of Pelcrboro welcome the incoming pastor On Tuesday of this week representatives from the of the Bethel appointment the persons of Mrs Richardson Huntley Mrs E and Mrs Cryde man motored lo Aurora to attend the second annual Conference of the WMS of the United Andrews Presbyterian Church Suitor West was the scene of a quiet wedding on Sept when Bessie Agnes daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald Riddel became the bride of Mr William Thompson son of Mrs and the late Thompson of The Rev J Campbell officiated The bride was gowned in queen blue and wore a corsage bouquet of roses He only ornament was a string oLpearla the gift of the groom The bride was attended by sister Miss Flo Riddel in navy georgette The groom was supported by Mr Frank Aird ceremony a dainty luncheon served at the home of the bride Later leaving by motor for Niagara Buffalo and Montreal the bride travelled in a beige romaine dress navy coat with fox fur hat shoes and purse to match of being too By McQhee in Blue Bell was a thai telligei It is true that the course of his what chequered life he often tested trength his mind but he always did so in an partial way just as an engineer might ten looking chips promptly up rVORTH WAITING FOR the telegraph offici Dr R L Hewitt of Canada The Ladies Aid expect to hold heir regular meeting next week Mrs of who has been visiting her daughter Mrs Bernard Huntley for short time is returning home this week Word has been received lately from Mr Silas of South Pasadena who has been spending a few weeks Ontario On Mr Batemans return he is slaying a time Hi his son Myron in Adams Dakota The little boy attending school since ho came home to report that he Mid but that was like a chair with one leg no doubt JOHN C M M clever man muat admitted loo that he conscious oi the Tact mark you that vain the reverse endowed with superior Hi all Miss Brown spent Thursday of last week with ei- Point Mr Percy has returned home from visiting cr brother in Toronto While there attended a family reunion Miss- Pearl is visiting in Toronto Mr and Mrs Morton and daughter of Winter laven alo Mr and Mrs Jesse Morion Friday of week Mr M E Hamiltons Miss McDonald of Toronto is visiting with Miss J Cameron Ego of spent the weekend trengfh of an iron bar could do big thing he once said to big things old man Aye but has never done anything worth I do not longer clever he im didnt drink nor was he ill hip id friends mat hematic it of Newmarket and of Minnesota were friends lost week to hear of Ihe illness of Mrs No Kings little girl Marjory A lew items of interest were omitted in last issue pertaining to he wedding held in the Bethel Church on Sept 8th when Miss Minnie Richardson became the wife of Mr Ed Special mention should have been made of Ihe wedding music which was very fine played by Miss Winnie Rrihoton he guests were being was played after which to the strains of Here AVagners wedding march During the signing of the register Mr Bernard sang At Dawning I Love You The were Mr Charles Richardson brother bride and Mr Ivan Tomlinson of in this world ver will for he is jrown old No John to any form of devastating lis life was in accordance with tin re aid down in that old old Book insofar humanly possible for life to be And yet Well Ill tell yon 8 John started off as a bank clerk He vas a good bank clerk loo and allowed iromise He was quick and accurate figures had an almost uncanny insight into the ntricacies of the banking business and more over liked his job In spile of all this i Crumm after a few years eek- Charlie Pollard was brought home fron hospital last Saturday People of the United Church have veeldy meetings again on Monday 11 young folk are cordially and Mrs Lofne also Mrs Stir ev and Edward all of Toronto Sunday at lr A Dikes Mr and Mrs George Williams and family pent Sunday at Mount Albert with Mr George Mr Will Hall of spent Sunday his brother Mr Mark Hall Glad lo report that Joe Gibson is home and doing fine John Rogers and Audrey spent Sunday CARD OF THANK8 Lino Link da FARM FOR SALE1 OR RENT FARM FOR SALE quarter tot HONEY SALE Honey per Toronto with Mrs Herman dole forget the Anniversary Services lo held at Hope Church on September and 7 and Mrs Chas Boyd and family hod lea at Mr Pcggs on Sunday The Ladies Aid held at the home of Mrs A ke was well attended Proceeds were TIMES HAVE CHANGED School Pair took pla of Toronto who ha on the Chippawa sited his aunt at Bel Belhaven Sept All the exhibits of ft baking sewing etc were good and were in Ihe basement of the Community Hall Master Douglas Stiles made a speech in a man- made Ins hearers sit lip and take and which won for Master Peggs was also very good and delivered and he was awarded second The afternoon was fine and wet this year Master Bruce en spending he sin Lake Ontario haven on Sunday Our Womens Institute held their regular monthly meeting in Community Hall on the Tuesday of September The speaker Miss Leek of Ml Albert was very interesting her subject being Roses and with a fine bouquet of flowers for demonstration Other beautiful flowers were there supplied some of the members Every meeting find an addi tion to membership of new names in the Secretarys book Please remember Ihe next meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of Oct at pm ker being Mrs Rev A J Mann of number of Branch which may Miss A King of Newmarket spent the her Mrs John King financial house but bo for a very good reason Crumm was a brilliant writer He had been freelancing very considerably and success fully during the last year or so and at last was spent part of Sunday with Mrs brothe Mr Rose Pine Orchard Ms Welburn is spending a few days ronto Mrs has been enjoying her two sons of Detroit visit from upon lo join a enamored iwo sons He was enamored with newspaper work and a K his progress as a press man nit only justified Arthur all of Toronto spent the decision to leave Ihe bank but seemed to weekend at Mr J as j of Toro pi A Belfry visiting with Mrs Sellers Mrs predict a meteoric rise to success Old and seasoned journalists looked on new man in awe and amazement did not stay long on the staff of the newspaper but everything considered he have defended his decision to resign by j argument if he had Ihe stage in perfectly Mel Jas Tavlor drsWill Kay Mrs Stephen d Mrs Raymond Mrs Leonard Stephenson and fry attended Toronto Centre WMS terial held in Aurora on Tuesday chosen to do Service in the United Church both morning the to Sunday in charge of the pas- drama It was aml right that he should do so John Crumm seemed born for Ihe acting profession above all ami ton is building a fine show- he had a fine voice a good am aj ears bearing and was Assessed of that of ley returned lo Toronto this feeling which is admittedly the key to success in acting Moreover John loved the with an ardent love On the stage he was an overwhelming He was applauded in he theatre the press and envied in wings From Geo Horner Mr W Philips the very he played important parts and VIRGINIA BEACH ley Mil Ihe for of To about to niece Mrs wherein hi i I ell a signed to a leadii ve established his repula- natural thing hap- Keswick There of program of our be secured at any of our meeti Mrs Winch spent a weekend with her niece Mrs Fred Knight al Niagara Falls re cently also a few days With her sister Mrs- Alex Wilson of Bulliol Toronto Rev lias moved from His place is be taken by Rev Sutton of Ihe Free BARGAINS Mens Smocks Wool Poultry and Junk men leave the farm is mention which has been discussed many times the comparative merits of country and city have been made the of countless We have no intention of dealing subject at any length but simply to call attention to the fact that many of the arguments that used to be presented against life in the country have vanished It was de clared that farmers lived an isolated life and were cut off from Ihe opportunities culture and enjoyment that were possessed by city folk far as Ihe more settled parts are concerned this can be no longer claimed his auto mobile the daily paper brought his door his is telephone and countless mod and comforts the of the average farmer have been so proved thai it would seem no longer a question as lo the relative advantages of and country life In literature for many years past the farm has been characterized as a sort of bad grammar in talk and altogether inferior in intelligence and information lo city relatives Nothing of the sort is known today for the agriculturist is recognized equal if not superior to the man in Methodist Church RAVENSHOE On Thursday Sept the WMS meet- will be hold in the United Church Mrs address the meeting All the cordially invited lo attend and enjoy this treat Be sure and come to the roast on night Sept at Mr Will Polk Everyone welcome are a very abundant crop this y y people are finding their potato ling looks as if potatoes will be scarce before Spring Duck hunting is the new pastime here oung huntsmen reports ducks Atkins last Thursday in A USE FOR USEDUP OARS Those whose business it is to deal with these dead ears will rejoice to that some irse any rate is now being made of things which body seems to want The graveyard for used automobiles here lo be an elecfrie incinerator Electric Company has given guests at the Farm on Sunday pened re Mr and Mrs Fred and family John was a brilliant writer he was and Mrs Hill Olive Hill Mi- and also a good actor Such a man was certainly Mr and Mrs tilted to take to play production At any rate and Wilson all of Toronto Mr and to pass thai after a P McGregor of Detroit Mr and Mrs discarded the wigs pigments of Vachell Mr and Mrs J Carpen- and other paraphernalia of the stage in order Mr and Mrs J Nolan Mr and Mrs W to become a playwright and Elmer of Virginia Mr and Mrs He wrote good plays and in great number rancis Mr and Mrs Herb Francis and Mrs but good plays were viol wanted of also and Ms Bert John then took to Railroading In this he of Markam and others proved himself an acquisition to Ihe company Miss Helen Boyd and parents of Toronto are he joined He was interested in railroading pending a couple of weeks in Mr P W Flag- too and although thn cottage thirty would have gone A Ladies Aid Tea will be given at the horn Mrs George Arnold on Friday evening Sept served from to 8 Usual fee John Cru good Hi Come and Everybody welcome Mr and Mrs W Lyons and family ac by friends visited Mrs S Bruel afternoon School Pali lis Fair left the railway company to ill lake up painting a line of work for which he had always inordinate aptitude He painted some good pictures seascapes mostly but nobody seemed to appreciate Ihera on sufficiently to him for his labour A little while later John great success was in insurance business the of all school fairs in Soon however he changed again then again honor to all taking part We and finally when his hair was thinning and his hope that we will always receive that praise shoulders beginning to stoop he came hack to and Mrs of Sutton spent bank where he started off years ago He day afternoon with Mr and Mrs got in at bank it may be mentioned through the indulgence of Ihe managing director a man and Mrs W Horner and Charlie spent who had been a sleepy office boy in Un aw Sunday Mr and Mrs Wight when John was a promising Many tourists at Hie Beach over Sunday Today a old man sits on a high Mr Joseph Fisher and grandson Will of earns a low salary He doesnt Toronto spent the weekend at Mr Henry He is a little perplexed however Lyons on Sunday that keeps revolving in his now Miss Ethel one day lately in New- mind He just wonders and market ders how it came to be thai he John Crumm a Mr Clarence and Norman of Detroit man who had won applause in many fields of also their mofherof Jacksons PL spent last endeavor a man who had been endowed with Thursday evening with Mr and Mrs W Had- superior intelligence was a m den where Mr J spent last Sunday in Orillia Perhaps you my gentle reader Mrs Milliard Arnold spent a week in his problem I lately Dr Jane of visited Mrs J cad vc TRUE FOR YE pat forty uk clerk stool and al all vho got solve HOW TO TELL THE TIME Mill life Woodstock Robert aged son of Alderman Fred of Woodstock found guilty by a jury lately Peler Greenwood of Toronlo called on jn office bis parents on Sunday land told an Irishman who came in Dont forget lhe Ladies Aid Tea this evening Over what weight asked Pat its too heavy replied the clerk have to put another stamp on it Yerra get out wid your foolin Irishman with a broad grin Sun People who like lo bother over juggling let- ftnoUier on it wont it be era and figures will find something for the The Western exercise of their ingenuity in three conun- order for lhe drums resurrected the Cleveland Leader of a plant at Kansas City hat wilt One of them at least is so old that it may to the original pig iron tons of considered new automobiles a month The metal so If a father jive ninteen cents to will not go back into the making of and six pel I will he used to make ploughs would it be of the farm have for a long time been JJaw still WHY HE KICKED a charge of aiding and abetting too much time riding bis sweetheart I lll8 Caller Look here I wont lo sec me of his this paragraph announcing my hat time the Chamber of Commerce I Editor But its quite true isnt it to two of course Quite But I should like to a menagerie and was pla to lhe eaten one of lhe wild animals whal would provement serve five years imprison I Nobody had done anything at about he hour in Portsmouth Penitentiary th Westinghouse took action will remove he surplus Generally speaking the man who gets up mobiles thai duller lhe junk all lb the lark hasnt been one the night be- this broad land and make them serve Nothing could be easier Eight P If a guest at a restaurant ordered a and ate it and another guest did the same wha would lie the second telephone number Absurdly simple His neighbor Why are many coats on such a hot day Pat Well ye see Im paint mo barn and says on can To obtain best results put on at least three coats