It AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Ohm Mount Albert returned to tlielr trier in Toronto over the Mr Howard Morton of the weekend with Ids Alice Cody of her daughters Uccb son of Mr Mrs Clmrle Toronto Hutclinoi The bride was blue carried Ijou- Iri lrMiiri Miss Do- wore a gown of rose carried bouquet of Mr Gordon and Mrs Booth music During the IV register Miss M Following tlie was held at the tides parents On their of sang At SHOW The annual Flower Show of the Horticultural Society was held to the U F Holt on Thursday Aacuat There was larger of entries than usual and flowers of a very high standard Among the most noticeable in the flay was a very tastefully rtribut- subject of much fir Theakcr Mrs I Unity Dr Annual Mrs Hear Mrs Pcrcnnlel Miss Mrs Theakcr noses Yellow Miss Mrs A Dunn Miss K Sniitb Miss Hoses Pink MIm Leek Mr Robertson Theaker Mrs Price Tale Mrs Sweet Light Mrs- M Main prise Mrs P Walker Sweet Peas Dark Mrs Main- Mr Beets Miss CnrmtsMIss Mrs John Hogg Corn Miss Tansley Miss K Hayes Cabbage Mr J Knott Mrs O Wag Potatoes Early Mrs- John Hogg Mr LateMrs tanner Mr Special Prize ML of Gladioli Mrs R L II of of Sweet Peas Mrs Mai Mrs Robertson ray or Oclock Tea Table Dec Mis L Mrs W Tat J Coll of Cosmo Mrs Coll of Marigolds Miss Mrs Stiver Coll of Zinnias Mrs Stiver Williamson of Hydrangea Mrs John Ho M Who devoted much Coll of Snapdragon Mrs Miss Coll of Mrs Stiver Coll of Annuals Mrs- R Mrs Stiver Coll of Perennials Mrs Stiver Miss I Bouquet Mrs ft Stew art Mrs P Arnold Mrs M Mainprise equal Living Room Bouquet Miss Smith Miss L Iek Begonias Mrs Cosmos Single Mrs Spang Double V Tate Gladioli 1 Mrs D Stokef Gladioli Smith Stiver lilies Any Other Mrs Mrs- Perennial Mrs French Mrs Mrs- John Hogg Mr land Mrs A Dunn Dr R L Hewitt DINTI8T ML Albert Hardware by Appointment Prom the premises of he under signed con 8 East Gwillim- about July one Oxford Ram and one Yearling Ewe Please notify Walter Warren Phone Mount Albert Boys Boots sizes Boys Boots sizes i5 Boots In back and brown Boys Khaki Pants and Shirts 8125 Mens Smocks Ladles Black Cotton Hose 3 for Childrens Hose color 3 Pr for HARNESS Sets New Harness Hame Straps Martingales DEALER IN Hides Wool Poultry and Junk A BROWN Phone Mount Albert 3m24 A good crowd to church on Sunday night lo welcome the minister back after his holiday Always room for more Mies Bessie Brown spent the weekend at home Miss Dorothy Sloan returned on Monday night to her work The children all seemed glad to be back at Misses Dorothy Ramsay and Marion Gtoso returned on Sunday after spending the sum mer in Mr and Mrs Alan Shaw and family spent a few days visiting friends in MissAnnie gentleman friend spent the weekend Mr Fned McKriHs Mr and Mrs F Ramsay visiLed Downs- view on Sunday A miscellaneous shower given Mies Audrey a bride of this week lost Fri day night at the- home of Miss Nora Shaw Miss Margaret left on Thursday for Grace Hospital to train for a nurse Mrs Frank Tate and are spending a few days at Orchard Beach Gardens Tito regular meeting of Hie Ladies Aid will be hold at Orchard Gardens at Mrs J cottage Will the members please bring their quilt blocks also something fop bazaar Remember the date Sept The Sharon Womens Institute will hold their next meeting at the home of Mm on Tuesday Sept at pm Facli member is asked to bring a suitable din ingroom table bouquet These are to be dis played in pint jars as a container Please note the change of date KESWICK A large attendance was at the Christian Sunday School and church service last Sunday to welcome home Mr and Mrs Fook- and Margaret who have been away for a few weeks on their holidays The Christian Society was treated loa fine address Mr Ferguson a summer resident from Is land Grove Next Thursday afternoon the Ladies Aid So ciety will hold their monthly meeting in the basement to be followed by a supper All are welcome Last Thursday evening Mr Fodders Young Peoples Sunday School Glass spent an enjoy able time having a moonlight launch ride fol lowed by a corn roast on the north shore On Friday evening Dpomell enter tained a large group of people in a shower for Miss Evelyn Hamilton A varied and valuable array of gifts were presented Following this young folk enjoyed a roast on the The Christian Church beautifully decorated with Autumn flowers was on Wednesday af ternoon Sept at oclock the scene of a very pretty wed din when Margaret daughter of Mr and Mrs A Hamilton be came the bride of Mr Victor Atchison son of Mr James Atchison Out Rev Fodder performed the ceremony The bride who was unattended was in marriage by her father and looked very charming in a gown of navy blue georgette trimmed with beige an navy blue bat and beige shoes An I fox fur completed the cos tume She carried a bouquet of butterfly roses and lily of the valley Miss Margaret Fodder played the wedding music and during the signing of the register Miss Lillian Hart of Newmarket sang At Dawning The ushers were Mr Phil Hamilton cousin of the bride and Mr Francis Morton brother- inlaw of the bride Amid showers of confetti the happy couple left immediately after the ceremony on a motor trip to Niagara Falls Windsor and Owen Sound On their return Mr and Mrs Atchi son will reside in the will be with us from now on The Ladies Union are holding their month ly Tea on Thursday of this week The Regular moiithlv meeting of the WMS will be held next Friday Sept at oclock A cordial invitation is extended to all Choir practice at 8 oclock sharp on Friday evening Sept 7th Sorry to hear that Oscar Wright had the misfortune to break his arm The children started back to school on Tues day and seemed as pleased to get back as they did to start holidays We have two new Miss for the Sr room and Miss VanNoiman for the Jr room It is the School Fair next Wednesday at so get busy children and get your ex hibits ready Mr and Mrs Orville King and family have returned from their motor trip to the West and report a good tinie but East or West home is best We were sorry to hear that Mr Charlie Pol lard hod an operation for appendicitis on Sat urday last but are glad to know that he is do ing as well as can be expected We sincerely hope he will recover rapidly Wedding hells are ringing in Keswick this week Heartiest congratulations Miss Marion Draper is spending her holidays in Detroit button Keep in mind service next Sabbath evening Sept The Womens Missionary Society of tho United Church will observe their annual missionary service Miss A General Secretary W M S work Toronto will speak in the evening on our mis sionary work This service no doubt will bo very interesting and we look forward to this service as being inspiring and helpful 7 pm service in the morning will be taken by pastor A Belfry Mr and Mrs Belfry are returning home from their vacation this week Mr and Mrs Morrison returned home on Sunday from their trip which they enjoyed very much Mis Ida Gilroy is spending a time in lite City Dr and Mrs Stevens and Audrey attended the Wilson wedding at Albert on Monday Sept 3rd Mr end Mrs Walker are in the city this week for the Exhibition Mr and Mrs Geo were Exhibition visitors on Wednesday Mr and Mrs A Lehman of Mrs Thompson son and daughters Miss Miss Belly Clark of Toronto were vis itors at Mr on Labor Day Hamilton relumed home last week from Toronto where he has been visiting his friend Allen Thayer Mr and Mrs Coiner spent the holi day in Baldwin with he formers parents Mr and- Mrs M Hamilton look a trip around the lake on Labor Day passing thro ugh and Mr and Mrs Dr Stevens were Exhibition on Tuesday Miss who has been convalescing at Mr Giiroys for the past month and a half returned lo Toronto on Tuesday Miss Etta and Mr Fred Hepburn the formers brother at Lemonville on Sunlay last RAVEH8HOE Mr Pollock spent the past week in Buffalo Mr and Mrs MacDonald and Miss Kate ofKirkficld spent Sunday at Mr Smiths Miss Doris Pollock was the guesl of her uncles in USA for Ihe long week end Mr and Mrs T and Mrs depTon motored to Bran ton and spent Sunday relatives Mrs W J Grant of Reaver on has returned home after a with her old friend Mrs Smith Mr Garfield Hamilton spent a couple of a I the Ex We are very pleased to know that Mrs Rus sell Glover is slowly convalescing after her long Stray bees seem to be very plentiful Al most everyone seems have a swarm some where around VIRGINIA BEACH the Beach Mr Bruce and his mother of Rosseau spent the with her brother Mr Walter and family Mr P Greenwood of Toronto spent the weekend under the parental roof Percy of Sutton spent Sunday with Waller Mrs L Haddn and Margaret of spent Hie week with Mr and Mr while Mr spent the holiday with his brother at the Beach Miss Dorothy Cowling of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with Misses Doris and Mr and Mrs and family of Toronto guests at the Farm the past week Mr Jack Arnold left on Saturday for Ro chester and various places in the States Misses Edith Arnold and Ann Hall of Pitts- field USA visited the formers relatives in this district lately Mrs Anderson of New York has been the guest of her aunt Mrs Waller Raa Mr Wm and daughter Mary Sunday with Mrs Hadden and family The campers will be greatly missed around this district Many returned home on Monday Mr and Mrs Frank Dorst and family have returned to their home in Toronto after spend ing two months in Mr L E cottage Mr and Mrs Woodland and Ruby also Mr HOPE ITEMS At time of writing the weather somewhat cooler Sorry lo report that Joe Gibson had an oper ation for appendicitis but pleased to know he Is doing nicely now The Ladies Aid will be held at the home of Mrs A- Bike on Sept Everybody wel- here are taking Those who dislike a detour enjoy beirw m to drive through the village improvement from the old road a of visitors in the neighbor School children are busy putting heir in shape for the school opening on Friends of Mrs nee Miss now of Toronto are very much in with Ihe family in their loss on Monday Leonard Draper in a city hospital Mr being a son of Mrs Nash Deceased S young woman in the prime of life beloved hi all knew hercalled suddenly we can say we know not what a day nor S hour may bring Be ye aisi Mr and Mrs Frank Mr Sliver of aft Bethel on Sunday and enjoye ervica at S a torn di pastor Mr who gave course on Our need of God and hod ot us Friends from a dslu were muri pleased to see the size though it was a damp rainy moraine ami some families not present win i are Those wishing to attend the first in the old Bethel Church have the Saturday Guests meet al irfarr p i Miss Pearl end Miss Ruth Barker Oneonto were at Sehoo last morning with Miss Jean e daughters of Mr Elgin Barker well known here and the did iut their mother advised to do visit the old home church Some never forgel Hie old home ties and some do Being true a fine quality in human nature when put into prac tice BALDWIN Harvest is pretty well finished and farmers are fixing the fall wheat ground Grass is as green as in May and Ihe growth in he pasture is surprising Mr new barn is completed and looks extra fine with the background of bush and the river within a stones throw which with thirty geese belonging to the farm makes quite a picture The social evening for the Bethel al Mrs Richardsons last Friday evening was great success There were fortysix present and al had a good time The contest of the class was memory work of the Ten Com mandments Master Addison Sheppard first prize and Billy Winch second In the girls class Louise Richardson came 1st and Elsie Whit taker second The teen agegirh contest was be a composition on a woman Bible character Miss Vera came and Miss Lulu Hebuer 2nd both doing excel lent rendering of Ruth and Naomi was well worth listening to and memory work was well given The shower from a white crepe umbrella which followed was re ceived by the bride to be with many hanks and enjoyed being remembered tier friends from the Sabbath School Plums are now on the market and are a very nice sample Those who halve trees say here i3 a good yield ZEPHYR Mr Laing and son Alex of at tended the exhibition on Friday and then spent the weekend with his Mrs Win J Miss Isabel Dunn spent the weekend in tlie and visitingfhe Exhibit Miss Olive Dunn is spending a few in the city Miss Myrtle Lunney has returned home a couple of weeks holidays in Newmarket and Aurora Miss Beulah Sunday with Miss Julia Madill Mr and Miss Julia spent a few days visiting the Exhibition Falls and Brampton We are glad to welcome Mr and Mrs Clark lo the village Mr and Mrs and her mother Mrs Walt oil and Miss A have re turned home From their trip out West and to the Coast Mr Ivan Law Miss Pickering and Miss Florence Lee visited the Exhibition tins week Rev and wife and three boys visited the Exhibition on Tuesdov Well school has started again and all the children go tripping up hill once more Mr and Mrs of two daughter- he- Miss Julia and Mr on Labor Day 3 YEARS FOR USING BAT ON DAUGHTER Windsor Sept Found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm to his 18yearold daughter Annie Diakurn years old of Sandwick East this afternoon was sen tenced lo three years in Kingston Penitentiary by Magistrate Smith Ford City r after bled Saturday afternoon had clubbed his daughte with a baseball bat was a month ago for a similar offence He plead ed guilty at that time and was released on sus pended sentence after being examined for his mental condition Miss appeared in court with her head swathed in bandages What Price Eye Sight In other words At do you value your eyes they are without price The service of a qualified should be sought immedi ately any signs of eye trouble Consult win confidence WAIN MAN JEWEL Word to the Wise- NEWMARKET Save Your Eyes Phone for Appointment ITS FINE After you have been straining your vain over even print it certainly does to be fitted to glasses that mam fine print easily read IUR OPTOMETRIST performing just such miracles daily so why not come have your eyes examined on fitted to the glasses will