a a a is The Column Editorial Notes word for ubiuwt tutor- Hart Minimum If not paid whtn will Charged for booking Young Girl Desires market High School quiet home board help with work is no of persona of parliament physicians and the fair sex all fare alike Howe to Frame residence i Ontario St Large garden of fruit Immediate possession Hen per month Apply Realty Box Newmarket Sit Sale Office Specialty Desk 1 general housework Hi Colin Ave Our Toronto News Council PUZZLED READER of I held in the Society Column found Ik hut drowned within His father drove vain effort had disappeared Is helping people Newmarket two High School a on Street Phone Doit Newmarket Gold Wrist and Chain Monogram T I on back Kindly return to Era Office Wanted Fa Era Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CARD OF THANKS Mr Owens and Family acknow ledge grateful appreciation the kind expressions of sympathy from friends and neighbors during the Illness and death of the ate Mrs Cutting for work remainder Apply States lent In time the tourist season of Hi United States It ay toward offsetting Hi to a long I billed when driv day night not one in ten ears turned downed their glaring lights There have been complaints also of vehicles Somebody will be pinched some of these nights late Monday of Mrs Albert Walton Alderman Walton She to her summer cottage lenlng but the did not give the cause of death Mr Walton Is vicepresident of the rug Trading Co Ltd Crowds which numbered hundreds thousands lined Hie streets and accorded the re- athletes a welcome on Mon day which was fitting tribute their honors brought- from abroad Despite the fact that he only makes week Fred Woolings has ex- gasoline will be car license will is logically right of Ontario hi lent that at Legislature the be lowered This rid record with high jump of five feet three in- at the Ninth Olympiad spent her time in athletic practice pretty by daubing on paint and powder vented for a beauty favorably with the MUSICAL VIOLIN TEAOHER Expert Pupils prepared for Toronto Classes I Era Office Mlddleton Box Tenders Wanted f Tenders for Excavating and at Newmarket Cemetery September Street North Newmarket to Newmarket Brick House Barn running stream Would islder house in exchange Apply to The General Council Church of Canada Winnipeg on be constituted by 422 regularly elected by and il selected mission fields The Ainsterda The Tor editorial girls did just as well if at the Olympic games than That is not only true at n but right here in Canada expressing some wonder happening the young men regarding athletes Witt FARM FOR SALE Acres In lot 33 concession East on Highway About SO acres cultivated clay and loam Well fenced and watered good or- chard good 8roomed House Good Bank Barn Straw Barn end Implement House etc Apply GRANT Queensvllle C GRANT Newmarket the VIOLIN LESSONS An Expert teacher of the Violin will to fit pupils for Toronto Conservatory Examinations Second Week in September Wishing to join the class should write Au been visiting from Still Sought Pat Taylor has al leged kidnapper left this city quietly hut hurriedly last who is wanted by police in Cobourg on a theft charge was alarmed by the questioning videfltly well pleased including day asking through history thei and progress the shaping of story has physical geographical Township Hull Vcndorf Tin Satur day Aug Members all present Baker in Hie hair Communications were received from County Treasurer re Municipal Relief Expenditure and from J Rogers requesting a grant to the School Fair A tender was received fronr and accepted for the erec tion of two bridges on the of residents Street waited on the ting the Council to have which had sly been fifed put In g King have tariff policy and In pa iff with lit that has been flooded with tin production and with cheap of foreign countries detriment of our own Industrie unity jM reded May Saturday night He pleaded guilty I of and t on the old don the established her s The Third Wrigley Marathon and it swum off in front of the Exhibition grounds with thousands lining the seawall and cheering the leaders on to victory Though Miss became process she was pressed every yard of the route by a sixteenyearold Seattle schoolgirl named Olive BRIGHT BITS FROM EXCHANGES Onehand automobile pecialiy if the is charge of reckless A house is no home unless it tains food and fire for the mil well as for the body Letting the baby blow the bile horn may be an easy way daddy to amuse the child iE daddy persists in disturbing neighbourhood he should be spanked early in life is helpful in keeping the head above water in later years Mr Bennett says Canada is still there is in the enjoyment and that and clearly defined ill undoubtedly be with electrical In fact world industrialists id statesmen are already conceding at electrical energy which means production holds the way to iinmcrcial supremacy Another iment for the electrifying of the Comments of Exchanges The Flapper it Doomed Wilson NY Star The hard boiled flapper is out Paris arbiters have decreed it The short haired shortskirted slabsister is give way to a slightly plumper figure draped in of strictly feminin lines The much the clue to the coming French dressmakers who thus flapper the goby the veil by killing takers Fngllsh public flapper may clothes appeal I arts dress die Storm Hie place bride the flapper honor drove them ashes on his office floor HUNTERS FIELD TRIALS on the Subway in Street the first The Co fs done under the direction of the Superintendent Mr M Starr gave a verbal ort of his work as Township Weed He reported most of the as being In very good in this regard that acting on ho had before going to seed at Wilcox Lake fees collected from the Messrs Jos Cos ford and Geo each presented claims for sheep killed by dogs On motion the was granted for one lamb killed and the latter for two killed of the Aurora King Memorial Park for raying the cost of around Hie park C motion of Councillors illiams the only aCO Vh Hi ride which superficially one calling for facts Would The Gazette or Mr help me and other doubters by giving answers to the following questions If the would be glad to know the reason Mr John Larkln and Jack spending the last week of tl holidays in Mr George Shi id Mrs Wesley Brooks and from their motor trip to d the Thousand Islands portion to exports hen the policies in effect jeen greater less than during the la6t two or thrf years 8 Is it not true that imports ai shipped a dollars worth of goods worth brought have deprived aid J Williamson constable at Lake On motion of DeputyReeve Kidd nd Councillor Crawford the follow- Road accounts were ordered to be aid GL Bingham dragging Davis dittoing Basil div Sloan drag A Terry weeds and gravel It Gray drag and weeds Carrol weeds 13 H Bishop TLN weeds J repairs W weeds L Peterson weeds Fred Monkman weeds div A weeds div 2300 J rd supt 8460 C Brandon weeds etc Frank gravel C weeds drag J weeds H weeds iaI5 div Geo weeds and fi Mi M Starr weed ins by expanded imports Is it not true that the United has increased its goods between 1914 and by approximately the by I deprived pie work and In the national The Federal Goven of Statistics shows that actual physical ic made that the the tariff ha- me any pro Mr J Ardis and f Lake City Michigan a weeks vacation Mrs Hugo Is with friends rtiuiur and family returned after a pleasant Kitchener and other places in alter spending i her Mr S dark Mrs Mlligan by Master George and Miss Helen spending two weeks with Mrs Geo Millfgan at Mr and Mrs Walter Colljnj f turned on Sunday night after a far north as New reports splendid fishing Mr D A Butler and bride nJ diss Grace Johns of pending a portion of noon with her parents Mr of Meek whul Mr and Mrs W Stlckwood is days Miss cottage Mr and Mrs Joseph A Ontario announce the engagement of their younger daughter Mabel to Mr Albert Victor Cole also of the marriage to take place the latter part of If The It do much to the Issue now so nine by The Gazette Mr and others A GORDON August BEE CRASH Mn Seriously Hurl die of Gn only Trials over a modi fences walls and Hunting throughout the da rank The ale of Light Ho The public Is incited No hie on the ground 1 to hit Saturday Sept North Gwillimbury Council Out Aug ditch to the lake lamed and left to A resolution was made by Sell and seconded by appointing Anthony as for this township and he is when Rev Win sought to shoo entered the car y a bee which had In doing so the right down Rev made He a few cuts and bruises lies head went through the and he was bleeding i a doctor from Churchill eds his pre hurst for a levy to be made their several properties and same lie used for bettering roads on property A resolution I t by y Mr Set Moved by Mr seconded by Mr Thompson that the Reeve be al lowed to Issue orders on Hie Treas urer for the following and the Seal of the Corporation be attached here- rionpBon oil pain nils adjourned to mi While the opera the sturgeon pounds picked body here today Fire which broke put at four lock Tuesday morning at 203 Toronto and imprisoned sleeping family took the Zephyr of to Irs J W announce the elder daughter Ma J Howard Palm C Palmer Toronto Or to take place the September of Newmarket ith his brother Richard Hug Rev Father Wedlock of will sail on Friday from New York on the steamer Olympic to Cherbor- France They will visit some of the principal cities of Europe and returning will visit London England and Dublin Ireland The Eras sympathy to Mr Jno Hodge and his familv owing to a partial stroke of paralysis having stricken him on Monday morning last whilst at work in the Metal Depart ment of the Office Specialty Mfg Co Ltd where he has been employed an efficient mechanic for years past This sudden illness is the more remark able from the fact that Mr Hodgt had just returned from a delightful Bo li for the lies at Hie Aurora SI 5W re Mr and Mrs He Csne Am Mrs Bra he Ann Flower of the liMI Society Lindsay and called on old friend Mr and Mrs Alfrc 1 Manning St Hamilton who are It heir Golden Jubilee t on Sept 1 I loir to friends nd Mrs Kettleby I Mrs Vivian and t son of Toronto and ukulele play ver of Line fatally s 1 I ales of Victor ip n for the the and Mrs 1 gl t who in left lion the I of I On the in the was the the pre is the Bishop who of Toronto the leaders i United Church of the Joseph Klianman the Sadie the daughter ag Sidney Klianman the and caused such for in St statement that he that threats 111 he had rfonsly pi threats Klin We cm befoM leave ih c tin men of Presbyteries and Presidents of Conferences united In expressing appreciation of the work and efforts during the last two years of Rev James Endicott DD LLD moderator of the United Church of Canada whose duties will expire next week at the meeting of the General Council in Winnipeg An excellent address was delivered by Premier Gardener of Saskaichewan giving a great deal of useful information as to the school system and church work in that large Province of the Unlted Church Mr Davis is night Sept 3rd Canada a ving on Mo for Winnipeg reh of Canada which afternoon of Sept and will last probably MoorbySproult At Hie re the brides mother of August by Rev Miss Eleanor Dudley Fair Chicago 111 lo or Cutting At Newmarket on Friday August Charlotte Anne widow of late Geo Cutting in her 77th year On August I3C I late J J Graham Funeral from Aug Church at oclock Stand King At Toronto on Aug widow of George King Newmarket aged 31 yea Interred at Monday Lehman At In Sadly missed by I ROADHOOSE ft ROSE Funeral Directors UN Hn