modern Apartment In Wesley mock redecorated heated with hath refrigeration stove ft mi celled I of that for the Our Toronto News Out of iniplts wrote on the Tor to Fop Sale Large Glass Bland like new Smith Mr fdarli ft former mayor of the Wanted by a middleacd widow elllon Housekeeper or ompanlon a lady Good Apply or market Istt Sunday evening Da one of beloved and highly of worldfamous Argonaut In 111 si ml- final heal for the Diamond at England librarian reports that lift of June kept petite Therefore use of hooka Public- Libraries shows vast Increase In London last A good married man for gen farm work Free house pryvld Apply Banner Offlco for Sate A most desirable residential Property on Park Ave Apply 10 Park Ave Newmarket I 3w22 for and Candy soft Drinks Cream opportunity S Market Lane Newmarket the residence of the Isle Mrs Apply Road house A Hose Tor Peninsular Cook Stove good as new P Box Newmarket or phone Over Era Office CIO to Enquire at Era Office HEW ADVERTISEMENTS KENNETH J MOUNT has appointed General Agent wed public lite In J Mlelui for has I political and In keeping To an ml he correspond trend of business Up to the end of June Compensation Hoar reports of fata higher than the Accident said there reported t oh each The dependents are left the with nursing members of Hospital made for trior delegated the International Sheriffs ami Association scheduled 10 at the King till but when the business opened only four delegates war 1 that often the Compensation Be reports of which aid half dical aid Total of ding The Voyageur The Official of Pickering College contains a full of the purposes or the school and Its ac tivities during the year An Artistic Souvenir of the ReOpnlng FOR SALE Farms and Houses We have at present gains in Farms and County Apply to Motto Strictly Squat of Nathan Waldo giving bribes to a Juryman id dissuading a witness from giving evidence Figures published by Ottawa auth orities show auto deaths- In Toronto greatly Increased for the year and there has been a slight Increase for the halfyear just ended compared to the first half of 1 youthful on Tuesday AMAZED TRAINMAN SAILS HIGH INTO AIR ON ROOF OF BOX CAR d by Gun of Wind To Painters Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Tuesday July for Painting the exterior of Trinity United Church Newmarket SCHOOLS ARE GIVEN BY NOTED Edward Johnson Establishes Music Department in Guelph Jul an opportunity to along musical line Guelphs talented liild in Guelph have an education Edward Johnson owned tenor has offered to tlie hoard of education of a department under a blazing sun today whlcl the mercury soaring to the high est point In many years At noon to clinging to high ion Station was St Josephs Hospital and by the other The accept- 09535 fo Ing ami threeInch sewers by the Lowei Company of while ell had turned down the tender of the home concern at being lower than that accepted Murrie Elizabeth and the north part of Church are the streets to be paved about one mile In all A combat developed between Mayo Edwards and Reeve J Murphy Mayor challenging the reeve to re sign with him and run for BO irphy contended threatened to refuse which action it ild make necessary 1 pointed out resignation the awarding of the taken said Mayor I meeting closed p Dor the only absentee the toll Winnipeg holder of the Channel ftwltn the Marathon hero and the Parisian baker athletic accomplishments him a decoration from Iho French the third race at coming After they had waded beyond their depth In the lake at the foot of two girls were rebcuco five minutes of each other by bill being staged at the Grand to hrlngin the programme Is Brothers night and will close in the course guests enjoyed the and for House hen from cirri ward of was offers government for lie Information leading to the Shades of King great welcome the Chi got last night I they were in a British melodies of Twelfth and the flashed their the Windy by hundreds of age in which we live Sign Co Queen just This tree has ravages of time for to the late J Mac- founded the first nursery in Toronto BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTIONS ly 18 nd ires of both I to VoUng an knee He rushed to the him Vancouver July Columbia Provincial a few days away engaged ail tii the support of he July Premier J hi Vancouver this weekend follow their record of labor legfsialion Pre MacLean has expressed ever confidence that an arrangement he made with the Canadian railway concerning the Pacific Great Eastern long a bone of contention In he polities Failing that Ihc Is pledged to complete tin line lo Prince George and North Van couver The Premier points to I hi price commanded by the British Col bonds as evidence of the sound of the financial policy of Kip Lib lie points to thi Old Age Pensloi statutes as The Liberal party claims giving women a place on In be persons of Mrs Mrs Mary social Smith Smith In Detroit July battling a fire in the business section to the scene blocked street car and auto traffic for blocks in each direction and thousands of spectators from adjacent Miss Irene of called Mrs Crittenden day last week Mr Ed left this spend the holidays with corgi on Bay Mrs Robert and Miss of fiintaluU are of Mrs Hill Main St Rev G Pa Mr J of Toronto spent over the weekend with Ms sis ters Mrs Cowan and Mrs Critten den Mm a Clark and Hon J Davis Mrs Miss Davis left last week for summer home at St Elmo on Lake r Mr H Crittenden for weeks Mr and Mrs Harold a Donald last weewith her par Mrs David Bui d were In Town this of the death and Mrs Harold 1 How Rod Miss Miller Monday and spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs C wish to Green of Zephyr the 0 take place the latter part daughter Ethel Marie man A Cole son of Mr rge Cole la to late Ml Wednesday Lady Orang able to he hi and Miss of to attend Knox College All ot their youngest daughter Hilda to Mr Norman E Good win Toronto only son of Mr and Mrs Goodwin Newmarket Ontario The marriage will take pi ace early in July actors- North York Marble and Granite Works J MOSS Prop HURON ST NEWMARKET TWO fE RAVED Port Credit July holes ape from druwnlig li pulled Ihe by of Pott Civ hoy Just Ihe third time seized by and dragged lo shore In an unconscious Toronto at the of the Credit with cramps Wil liam aged of Port Credit Who swan toher rescue was almost A Toronto man just back from at his Bala that the water Lake yesterday regtfitered mperalure of degrees very arm for eves the waters of In Newmarket July 3rd Mr and Mrs Garfield the gift of a daughter On July III At York County Hospital July Mr and Mrs Henry Hill of St At July to Mr and Mrs Freeman Thompson a daughter At York County July fllh to Mr iItb Webber of daughter If You Want to go to the Country on Pleasure or Business UP B L Let us you Comfortable Prompt Service Charges Reasonable E A BOYD Prep flight en Promptly DROWNED AT PORT July The body of Noel Mian son of Mr and Mrs- Frank Al lan of Street Trafalgar was found today at Port ac cording to a telegram receded by his parents this morning The telegram staled that he was drowned on Sun day The deceased was 1 years of SELECT BACON HOGS talks as loudly fan farmer Is fully the trend of the market prices and and demand a perfect right lo expect and to get share of price the for that article engaged in t Port during the summer holidays Last February he won second prize at the high school competitions sense because the actual market re quirements domestic and export are the for ail standards covered by the regulations under Stock the fan Wright In I daughter At Newmarket June by Rev Parry Audrey Ctctey younger daughter of Mr and Mrs George Kirkland La Rather than leave the old which he was bom years ago Forfar the most aged resident of Township houses It is understood how hat relatives of Mr Forfar rebuild his house in order that he may which has been nearly a century and Crown grant his Stock Products Act In the production of bacon hogs objective is selects cause that grade Is demand commands the highest price Torre sno doubt in the producers mind to the value of grading hogs but is occasionally some little dif ficulty in gelling a price back to producer commensurate with tbe quality of hog marketed This be ing overcome however and today the compulsory grading or on ar rival at the yards Is working and this combined with the produc ers knowledge of market making for improvement in la quality of the bacon hogs j Six additional radio have been established in the northwest Hon of the province John D Rockefeller is rounding into Ihe final lap of century on ter of and Mrs George Paiton King Ont Milton Fountain of Newmarket a billion dollars ever seen observe on Sunday his In Newmarket July he oh by Elder his of hi residence Prospect Ave John Wes did ley ljnch of Newmarket to Edith usual game of Black of Aurora feller firmly in to prolong life and ConnorCain At St Johns Church his golf game is the daughter Louisa Maud Mr Allan Stile only son of Mr and Mrs James Stiles Sutton West The Tomb on Sunday Funeral Wednesday July lllli ti United Church Inter at Cemetery McQrath at Toronto Monday Jut Mary beloved wife John formerly of Brad July David Millard in his BR in his year Interment at Newmarket Thursday July On Friday July of the inventor been undertaken 1 Telephone RISE Furors Directors ram or SINGLE ROOM CARS POPULAR in fir- 5 af Canadian National Railways introduced the single room sleeping cars the eleven oclock night traina between and Toronto it very became evident that type of aervice would be welcomed travelling public a result of the immediate popularity it already beta found to place these can in aervice on other trains of the company since June cars have been in on the tea oclock night true between theat two cities The single room sleeping ear meet the demand of those who additional comfort and privacy during their trevele Each car contains bedrooms and each room is completely fitted with toilet requisites cars introduced In Canada for the first time by the Canadian National are designed especially for night journeys where the passenger boards the train between ten oclock and midnight and his destination at an early morning they are not intended for daytime travel there is the wnicb art dehghtluuy accommodatioa in the bedrooms In these rooms which are the finds a real bed awaiting which is placed cross- of lengthwise as in the cue of an ordinary berth of rooms have a connecting door to that couples or parties travelling togetcer car instead pair rooms nave a connecting door to that couple or parties travelling ws- use this door which however has bolts each tide for use when the are acid individually The room are equipped with every device for the passenger comfort and convenience his journey to tho club can feature of Canadim Kid individually The room end convenience thepasen the traveller with added can are operated has trains