ffiENfOlKSSTARTINTO Of CREED J LITTLE North End Tin Shop FURNACES STOVES PLUMBING Eavetroughing Etc ORDERS EXECUTED PROMPTLY Shop of Main and Queen S NEWMARKET IS THE of llic estate of in the County of York Widow deceased Hie estate of Ihe said who died on or about the of May at the City to to the County York on or before the 19th day to said by post prepaid to Hie undersigned the executor of the last Will anient of the said at circles of died suddenly last of his daughter Mrs prior years ago but lived in bridge for years He was a Mason and Woodmen as well as a member of the Sons of Scotland De ceased was well liked by all who knew him His wife died some bis years ago in Me Is survived ing at Bond interest that Jane of the To 830 oclock Orchestra will every Friends Church of the security if them AMI TAKE NOTICE list mtntimed dale the sal will owed to distribute the assets of id deceased among the parlies I thereto having regard only to ah received by him at WEEKS for the hied it Sution Wst day of June held the Lake mliful da English Day which Is the a scries of National Days Id at the Array for four con Sundays Old English tunes used all day both In the ope is extended to all Under the auspices of the Motor League the pupils of the Pub lie and Separate Schools of were given object lessons in pre vention of auto accidents at the Pat rat The of films first children will League is to Interest in this inn that Hit The for Physics ass lion scholarship studei political Speeches were not on the program Mr Thomas Church called for cheers host York County the parly Hope Items The weather Is a little cooler lime of writing the Orange Lodge vice tho coming Sunday at Mark Hall Mildred spent Thursday in A largo number from around here attended funeral of Carl field of Valley Graves of Newmarket h spending a few Willi her little dinner with Mr Stevens Mr and Mis- Mark Hall had dinner at Mr George Bark 1 lay Mr and Zephyr l- of Mr W J Haiikner Mips An Mrs Jclin Wallon June for a trip to good time reft Mrs of and others in Hi Tuesday afternoi Mary went to Mr of The 3rd prize was a silver Cake ate and was captured by Irving Club on tliir e fn the Bowl ng 1 1 prizes as tach f and are IS skip part of the Tow- Trinity Island Grove cite had some his farm near ago he decid- disappeared invest gating Tannery Wins Two Games the past week the Davis Leather baseball team have won Last Saturday- they to Aurora and won on Tuesday the Specialty defeat their hands The lasted hours before the umpire called the game on account losing in final Inning bat The score a a but the back to the Innings the Tannery winning inners played a good game wi In the box Specialty many errors which accounted i score running up so high Tannery- Thorns p 1st Thorns 2nd Smith Belfry Evans Schomberg Mr and Mrs A E Kearney arid and Mrs James Pearson w on I To- unto were the guests of Mr Leonard on Saturday Miss M who has beer the winter in Toronto is vis iting sister Mrs Kay and Mrs Kitcblng of Thistle- own and Miss Ruth visited Dr ant Irs Kay and other friends here last At the District Meeting of the wo Institute held In Aurora last Mrs J Botham of this place elected District President The formal opening of the new bowling clubhouse was held on Mon day night by a progressive euchre par ty the evening Dr M K gave a couple of readings and Mrs Rodger president of the Ladies Bowl ing Club and Mr Graham Bowling Club Somens Community Hall Albert Armltagc a shop in Lnmbtc Milky to buy of the family- a except the him to the Mills where the Ul party drove down tin to Street nicy and Albert decided not to go They could give no reason for their sudden change of mind but they got out and walked back home cheating death The crossing at which the tragedy occurred is that at which the radial line crosses the road just a few yards east of the P steam railway It is believed that the had been purchased for the car aid t did which an electric freight cars was from loalling approximately A prominent gum pends a diy and a million dollar worth of Something for rchants to chew- East number of men cm- dams and Improving the stream He will re- with and make It a veri table fishermans paradise men from the four corners Id will seek world diam ine Third Wrigky Exhibition the Canadian all Towering peaks pleasant valleys and lake this a ring lakes eh place among this renion flows Rocky Gorges and land of real from its birth- of their Athabasca Trail At the which is to be held at the Mac- Hotel Edmonton this year tbe members of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association will visit Jas per National Park and will short holiday amid the beauties of thii largest and finest of Canadas national playgrounds Canadian National photograph Newmarket Dairy Co We Specialize in Pasteurized Milk and Cream Milk Is Guaranteed to Test 325 or More Creamery and Dairy Work is Supervised by a Corrpetent Manager holder of O A Guelph Diploma and st Class Certificate from Government Mr the building the list night for a spectacular the three storey frame Hotel Lewis- destroyed i0000 The only casualty was that of the building as Milk lie Raw Milk 9c quart Cream Tested and Paid for When Delivered Bring Your Cream and See It Tested Give Your Home Creamery a Trial and We will Give Satisfaction Highest Price Paid P WILLIAMSON Manager Phone Proprietor Sunday is Amy Myers of Toronto Sunday with her parents Mrs family having spent a week returned with her is Corner spent Sunday her home in Pffferlaw Mother isldp Clerk Mr and Mrs made speeches he annivers parts 1st Scott 2nd Khight has Enoch ted his brother Mr ACRES UNDER IN MISSOURI WATER Kennett Mo June break in the St north of Browns I- rapidly today litis Hive ad left or were leaving t Pouring through three chiefly to Cm Extensions at Jasper Park Lodge The added Lake behind Mount Robs Kinney is set deep in tl of this Monarch of the Shovel Pass and Mali cine lakes are During the guests were cared Lodge Many a difficulty encountered for modem hotel the latter Park Lodge he