Cloth Blinds AND Curtain Nets A CO PHONE 32 C The Ladies Store Newmarket THE SMART SHOP AGENTS FOR A CORSETS Heavy or Every Type of Figure Is Instantly and Comfortably Moulded to Fashion YOUTH LIVES BY FORGETTING AGE The first important step towards mental poise is he right kind of Corset that will mould the inlhe graceful and youthful lines of the present style Let Us Show You the Correct Models of the A Foundation Garments Shower Gifts FOR THE JUNE BRIDE SPECIALLY PRICED AT staff of teacliei aged fur next year at the ad mentioned in May- 1928 Man Fatally S ry distressing Tuesday even- son of Mr Frank field a farmer residing r Pine Or- Carl who was y age had rolling a farm Mi SI wart on li of he work 1 a took a with and on returning to the house for lor hut ft Jolted off Ihe weapon discharge and the contents entered young man valuable lias He service l Thursday the London jun Committi 11k- appeal of Township Ont their Lordships near the end of lengthy Judgement say It may at the new laws will hamper freedom of Roman Catholics in schools They ably be or have been subjected to injustice of a kind that they can General in Council and brought him to the Par liament of Canada This refers to the claims that Ro an in ihis Province are en- under at Confed eration lo establish their schools and share in grants attendance of Common School Lordships ion that the separate schools but a special form or schools the less actual because the lib of giving secondary and education in hem may bo abridged regulation they say Tim Privy Council Is of the opinion that Council of Public instruction has the right to determine the of education to be Imparted In separate schools and says that grounds ifatutea apparently schools shall he subject obligations and he common schools hat be seen Building a doling Board the Can For Friday Saturday lis opportunity up ill pay to Window and Special Dollar Table It some in often as will vary Cut Glass white or pink China and Saucers Silve Fairies against assessment on farm lot con al lowed rertuclinn off buildings 50 on land Trammer appealed assessment of M0O on farm lot con 8 allowed re duced off lai worlds champion moment to spare lo take good car rfien the quietly moving feet Reached the corner of a First up then looking down In safety crowed the- busy And with a speed to equal the other Arrived home safe to an anxious mother PALACE THEATRE Saturday June Lillian Gish In LAURIE all cast supporting the star A Scotch minister rose and cleared his liiroat but remained congregation awaited the puzzled expectancy At last tie spoke a laddie therein the gallery a lassie he said and when hes done Wednesday and Thursday Now playing at Theatre Toronto Coming direct the Palace Karl Dane and George Arthur in CIRCUS ROOKIES Dont fail to see this screamingly National a Notice of Application for Divorce Notice la hereby given of the City of Toronto In the County Newmarket Market Stock Toronto Heavy Steers RAILWAY Train leaves Newmarket for lk ARCHIVES OF TORONTO