END DAIRY MILK So PER QUART COSTS NO MORE TO THE BEST MILK IN TOWN Secured from highly reputable herds and handled with Care and Cleanliness Our premises ore- open and we invite your inspection QUALITY AND SERVICE PHONE Newmarket Flour Mills Our first thought when buying wheat and Milling flour More Loaves to the Flour and Better Bread When quality calls when satisfaction is TEEPEE for real goodness try Our Pastry Moss Rose TAKE A TRIAL LOT Let us quote prices to you on our MIXED FEED LAYING MASH CHICK FEED CHICK Bran Shorts Low Grade Oats Corn Chop and other lines of Feed for Sale COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE ROBINSON A WEEKS PHONE HURON ST NEWMARKET MISS MARGUERITE BOYLE Professional Graduate Owen A Studio Elocutionist RECITAL BY SOME OF HER PUPILS FORESTERS HALL COLLEGE STREET TORONTO QUALITY Its better for the Bakers Grocers and Jobbers Pupils taking part Ruth Hamilton Laura Ida SwcdlOTfl Mildred Sumo same make of car Again Over nick owners ans wer y a greater degree of owner loyalty than any other leading make of car can claim Owners know car values Drive a McLaughlinBuick and learn the fullest measure of motor car satisfaction T BLIZZARD Agent Newmarket Mclaughlin mm