Tired Out Energy FrmtRtlvcs gives perfect health Comments of Exchanges to tfi Dally coll ocation time students lie arc about be riven const fated and weary one met a traveller who lives procured tome not know toe or the wine person I am In perfect health always energetic acq happy to congratulate you on your medicine I recommend It on every occasion- Mr Emery overcome constipation natures surest way The Intensified juices ripe fresh fruit combined with healthbuilding tonics restore natural intestinal action Be well ml- a lives Try a box and at all MM R TERM In each of Shaws Twelve Schools follows the In regular order from July 3rd with no forced vacations Bi ter any Booklet free Write Bay St Toronto THE WORKSHOP Edison once said that in his opin ion the best way for anyone to avoid temptation was to get job and work at it so that foe him temptation to be effective however is an antidote for temptation since when the hands arc busiest- bra may be cherishing thoughts of envy and hate or indulging in gross fan- Work that taxes and body is an excellent safeguard hut if the thoughts while the hands are busy likely to result The truth of the An idle brain is the devils of each Reroof this Year with RIBROLL the Permanent Roofing for Barns Houses Sheds in initial cost Council Standard galvanized Give of estimate Write to Eastern Steel Maybe youd do things worth while If you only got a start Afraid that someone Will only smile At thin tha s that those whod la you might do couldnt stand Afraid he you them smile it all in the ought to the gaining of ie result of their ihony with pride i of eon or people will tit will Is not When very young probably mother talked over the of day sending toil the pa a good many hemsehes bad get a wanted it for Is more than a f Mil When Sir Henry Thornton presi dent of Crtnadlnp Hall- waya told the eleven hundred and twelve at the Safety Con tention of the Industrial Accident Association of Ontario In Hamilton on May and that -Bm- should keep In mind fact that by assuring employees of good working conditions they should mako against ho no longer ho to help he on a most Important of safety work Men do work with fewer when they are to keep their minds on job and off The retiring chairman of asso ciations Campbell General Electric Co Toronto traced history of organized gaiety work in Industry In Ontario from February report of the general man- In outlining largo amount of work by the office and field force of the organization touched on higher aid of safety work by Baying We have learned that the pays big dividends to apply the side of the that of work in happiness of life and hours of Idleness the plus quantities but we are learning that It la good business to have employees reasonably satis fied with their dally work Anything done to improve working conditions Is worth while and must Improve accident experience No convention of men interested in accident prevention would be com plete without an address from A Sinclair chairman of the Compensation Board to associations are doing work This year Mr Sinclair discussed compensation and dealing at length with the work done by his board In getting In jured workers Into suitable employ- An international touch to the pro ceedings was given when Horace of Philadelphia told of the development of the circular and Its relation to safety while A of Kenosha Wis spoke on guarding punch press operations At the annual general meeting Coulter of Coulter Copper Brass Co Toronto was ejected chairman while A Adam Canadian Cottons and Canadian Co both of Hamilton vicechairmen for ensuing year it the over which he presided Mr Coulter promised that every effort would he made by him and his associates to maintain the high standard set by predecessors In office Other speakers at the twoday ses sions were A president Canada Cement Co Montreal Dr J Cunningham director Division of Industrial Hygiene GUI prin cipal Hamilton Technical School Hon Hamil ton Henry Bernstein Swift Cana dian Co Toronto and M Morton International Harvester Co play staged under the GOOD ADVICE FROM MOTHER OF SEVEN Recommends Vegetable Compound t I began taking Vegetable Compound for Other troubles and been told this last ltd months that I twentyfive am now and have seven I have of MRS BEAR IS INDEPENDENT Mr Wit After ft Are If a directory were the Times The Inttct the bead of the family he oven a family man Ho ft a grows fat In tho fall hunts up house of her own and when It cold crawls off In her fine warm ru ninetyday nip This Is a In the den while the mothe laturo Mother Bruin may throe or four hundred pounds of her cubs may weigh only ounces As a rule he Is about eight Inches long and covered with short brown velvety hair changes bo slowly that Is thirty or forty days before his eyes and another month before he itlcse to go outdoors Here is a Mother Bruins family In With of she can He In bed and feed her forty days and forty nights a timed by the grass ilea the bear world She may be amiable the family larder Is full but testy sucked himself to sleep When fed In tho evening he slept till daylight is if he did In a study of bears likenesses lo human I Salutation Jn Islands Hid May the mill of the Richmond Mil Society rank in not only of rural hundreds of The rgc5l Annually dhtlin at in repreHiited by a up mostly of folio girls and took part In a which entries were Hi from Toronto and A Pledge of Genuine Service Opened by A parade members of the society among them directors headed by the North York Salvation Army Band marched to the grounds where Hon George Henry Minuter of High ways in officially opening the fair paid tribute to the great place it president of the welcomed the visitors directors luncheon tendered Mr Henry in the basement of the Unite the guests including P Pearson of North York Leo MPI West York- Cooper A Clarke and It The exhibition declared by all test ever held In the livestock classes were not so large as was hoped for the quality was of the best judged Many familiar faces recognized among the exhibitors The Judges were bard put to decide the winners in the various Shcej swine and poultry exhibits were small but the quality was excellent A particularly attractive part of program was the competition of teams in the ancient but sport of pitching the quoits A show and track athletics rounded out the May of the to the bare rock feet suffered frightful ay result fatally brought to end party of which Mrs billon Die perk and countable manner she Essex Models from up Hudson Models from fo Windsor Having the Worlds Greatest ValOcs to sell gives us enthusiasm- to match those values in the character of service we render We use genuine factory parts which is a pledge of interest in your satisfaction All work is performed by skilled mechanics with confidence Whoever does your work insist on genuine factory parts G GENUINE PARTS ONLY HUP I SERVICE A Demonstration Involves No Obligation ly Cane Agent Newmarket WITHOUT HANDS THE PARABLE OF THE KEYS ed afte their gifts while the reeks with other i their minds Frenchmans I am chart and enchanted to meet monsieur difficult to Improve unon How you find yourself Is the- Germ greeting and when a guest rises table they express the hope that has had a hearty will find plays and books that deal aspect of sport are brought attention Rejection of sporting paintings com the various ajt salons each year grounds for much dis- Recently when a pictures discarded by newspapers reproduced ing interviewed the in favor of the displa possible bit of sporting ar Much an education In indus trial accident prevention The session occupied two full days delegates registered not only be ing from every Industrial community in Ontario Quebec and New Bruns wick on the Canadian side but from New York Massachusetts Pennsyl vania Ohio Wisconsin Kentucky and Michigan on the American Bide AH records for attendance at safety conventions In Canada were shattered and a new impetus given tha safety crusade of the Industrial Accident Prevention Associations- SEE THE POINT paid him ike he leap the editor for the urprised advises Agriculture eighteen ages boys and girls may need stepping through the screen of bushes A party from which was at the spring almost directly having her shoulder irm badly fractured us internal injuries FIREWORKS DESTROYED HOUSE Hamilton May Fire threaten although all of less injured been child none is believed to 1 injured Mr is a foreman on the farm of Hon P Biggs near Greenville The children been celebrating Victoria Day earlier in the evening with a display of fireworks and had then retired for the night About Mrs smelt ne of them Young and badly in his auto The lad IS said toda to be in a serious attempts were made to save the house HOW HE ESCAPED A WETTING himself He was among a large party shoot ing on the of Scotland Sud denly a heavy of came on No shelter was at hand and the j sportsmen were drenched All Few things on earlh win larger or more I traveled on the Fail River Road and en- lasting admiration than great buildings joyed the trip And at night I dined and slept palaces castles which have stood solid and in the morning I ate my breakfast and left and secure through the centuries These are the boat only one of the wonderful productions of that And in my Stateroom was a sign faying Marvellous instrument the human hand Leave thy Stateroom Key There is greater than these Paul And in the Dining Saloon as I ate Break- pictures the heavenly spiritual body as a fast I read on the Bill of Fare Leave thy house not made with hands and we are re- Stateroom Key minded that the mightiest achievements of And as I descended from the Upper Deck to man are not buildings and bridges and ships the Main I encountered a Basket on a and railways and aeroplanes but things not Chair at the foot of the Companion Way and made with hands at all No one has spoken a large sign said Leave thy Stateroom Key more eloquently of buildings than yet And on the Main Deck as we were forming he speaks of all architecture appearing vain line to get off was another sign Leave thy except thai which is not made with hands Stateroom Key Going to Sunday School to church reading And I the Steward I have left the Bible praying building a bit of character Key in the lock of Stateroom Door and day after day may seem slow work for which ever since I have been shouted at by Printed little to show compared with the Signs Leave thy Stateroom Key And the Steward said It would relieve erection of a greai mansion Everything with hands decays ft the perpendicular by another really that tin- not For Stiff Joints limbers up the joints i stainless and result Sixty cents a tube at sons and druggists vhen the sun- shining again heir amazement the erudite one dry as one of his own books of Centre was in Lake Erie today wiien he overboard from a 24foot launch in an effort to flame which had enveloped fair his clothing caught fire from which bad been allowed to ru party much if everyone would do the same But we have to make the very walls and decks cry put and stillon even trip do passengers carry off their And I My friend I deal with men and women who are taking a longer trip than this and I shout at them on every Sabbath Pay Provide with a Key And he said How work with thee And I said I- have to shout it again and again in season and out of season And he For what line art thou Repre sentative And said Ours is a very old Company and we do a Lot of Business- Ever since Noah we have been at it calling lo though Hess pas sengers lo get on board and lo those on board lo keep back from the gunwales and not lo slip into the scuppers And at all times do I shout yourself with keys the door of Knowledge and to the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven And he said I will bet the Price of a Rhode Island Baked Clam that they heed thee not And I said My friend I am sometimes de pressed by their heedlessness but still think it worth while lo keep shouting at them Yea even- now and then doth some passenger take advice and I am rewarded And he said It is with us as it is with thee and thai is a fair average i And I continue shouting Oh ye passen gers on the Good Ship of Life know ye that ye sailing to where it will to advan tage lo have Keys Take them and use them and so shall ye enler into that which shall be By Frank Kasson for your good when the Anchor is dropped and This is homely advice But oh how much we reach our Haven it is needed I In the midsl of selfishness and And some of them lake heed The and coldblooded cruelty and sin good it is to find a man who is thoroughly r good one who is not wrapped up in self absorbed in getting money a man who Ernes aged spending HUMBLE SERVICE Tis not for pomp or power 1 yearn throughout this year of grace I only want His will to learn And in His ranks a place I sigh not for the gift of tongue To sway the mighty throng Tis quite enough to lead the young And help them shun the wrong Not might nor master do I crave For these do not belong To Gods elect They who would save Must in His grace be strong Of worldly wealth I would that He Might count me fit to hold In store enough that Id neer see His bairns hungry or cold Of learning would like a share But not for praise or gain But thai I might His Love declare His saving grace proclaim For God has said in His own Word Tis not might nor power But we if we would see he Lord him hour by hour Miller Piclon Must BE GOOD AND DO GOOD WHATS WRONG HERE Ernest aged ml whose Whenever Ernest spent any amount d his his f a blessing to his mother asked him What did How much I thought mother said gave third hi to think nor less highly judgment is desire a innwt ifcpnest protested others When Sir Walter Scot lay dying ho said to his soninlaw a good man advice It was right advice is looking eternity in the- face his eyes see clearly- Fogs and dust art Things stand out in right pro- 1 iariglit mother or Ernest portions First things are placed first Things hich to many have seemed important J down into relative insignificance To be good Wont I be proud when and that and the money is mine know you and the mon j Ernest said he didnt want l money takes its own high place first It supersedes ma men waste life It puts with God God is the puts man in right think of others boy is Gods good with mon To be others Be good It comes boy and trvingto make the world things for which way is often the shortest way to the top The man who aspires must climb cannot force a spirit of thanks can create it Do your best to good is to think of others and love others the 11 h heart Thus goodness stands approved The good lives others to do good rt Moving among the line of least j nol f anything worth Faith and are like light and heat put Insight grasp and selfmastery come out the candle and they gone one by doing hard jobs Rolling down j not without the other John Selden grass does nol robust is the inspiration of the Almighty that effective manhood does climbing Shasta or us understanding To know to get into Whitney over loose rock and rugged snow truth of anything is ever a mystic act of fields There is no such thing as which the best logic can but bubble ion the Brown Iket Charles