Era tin Largest Circulation leading County Paper well Iho Oldest No paper Bunt but North unless paid ill THE CIRCULATION OP THE ERA THIS WEEK IS 2150 COPIES JACKSON Editor and Proprietor W M A ET ONT PP DAY MA 8 Our Hockey Teams Honored By Enthusiastic Gathering Town Hall Filled to Capacity And Crowds Turned Away luniors and Intermediate Presented With Orders for Suits of Clothes DAVIS EULOGIZED FOR PUTTING nil Time and Its Determination WRITTEN FOR THE ERA BY W JACKSON ON THE STAFF OF THE TORONTO METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY BY SPECIAL REQUEST ViceRoyalty Cost Canada A Million in Last Two Years Tol abend in its about dtgrrc day It rotate nearly In order to have the In the I Canada hat paid in the last two Canada in 1937 no than The governorgeneral salary of Hi received 3064 while day has be- si reived work for him to annua allowance amount to do save routine matters like giving the Then there Is an assistant secretary royal sanction to parliamentary enact 5100 deputy assistant secretary signing official documents and a head clerk at a so forth When he was representative fldentlal of the government which was number of stenographers also prior to last July a great deal of doorkeeper The total work went with the office though the permanent staff of the mostly carried out by the staff Now generals secretarys office am of the actual done to Thus the country pay by the governorgeneral with respect in permanent salaries on the governo to inter- Imperial communications is generals account in the office and a now carried out by the secretary of Hall about 140000 Years Ago From lira May ISIS One of the oldest and best known residents of the village Samuel died at he residence of his son A J Aged obituary in this issue meeting of the Mechanics Institute took place in the library Friday evening Officers elected J A J Davl- R Harris G books in the library and during the year S was sold day for Mr Francis Starr the purchaser Lake last Monday under the auspices of the Christian Church at great Tremayne was the recipient on Sunday of an album by the officers and teachers of St Pauls Sunday School containing all After an absence- of years or Cotter paid a visit to the village last week The Northern Railway are running excursions on May to and Belle