RIDAV a V Outdoor of your talc let you ftllr your Id A SAFE AND SURE fl CHILDREN MILLERS WORM POWDERS Life Around the Hub of gardens on the Eaton Mss Muffle had her wrist iroktn by being thrown out of the Mr Lew line moved from tic sixth lino and taken up tlie house former occupied by Mr Snowball Dennis has Blurting to s Aurora Will you too be surprised It was a delightful sur prise writes a Toronto to find that I could talk to my Mother an far away for only eta by the Kate Im few people realize how very little it costs to telephone even to as far distant as by the Evening Hate and you would do the public a ser vice by emphasizing this This is only one of many instances showing that many people do not know how low the Evening on Long Distance is Call up our Manager and ash him the Evening Kate to some point you are particu larly Interested in You too Mil probably be surprised FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EAVETROUGHING SPECIALTIES LEADING TINSMITHS I ft SON I Office ladies Webster Mrs Charles Mrs Jims Wills Mrs A Yule The for members by he Aurora Horticultural Society was run it to a close liy a social evening it tlie home of Mr were presented to the and evening of music nil readings was enjoyed Aurora fist of flowers Holland Landing uglit you good luck la fishing grounds Vandorf Institute meeting home of Mrs Albert Van on Wednestlny afternoon attended Arrangements holding a two weeks in domestic science It was also decided meeting for the summer spea on Angora rabbit hack on firs of the Mrs any good ml and with Syrol piano sN l Schomberg Mrs John i lit he I is nil lnformi 1 tips tlml lilin icriptivc booklets game i DECEIVING In visiting Wen tn The ling mill took oft his Hun mil his Bladder Weakness Makes Life Misery Annoyance Troubleiome Wrecking Livei of Thousand Slate Writer Who Tell What To Do For Quick Relief Column ALCOHOL AND CLIMBING the object of which mountain of and to the city of rlcs Among them ere total abstain their wine and some who them When the summit was reached the were so fatigued that wcrc not able to return on foot and had to take the train hack to Lucerne A few moments after their arrival at Lucerne the abstinent hikers came in nil in excellent form and well make the return very rapidly The guide was a wellknown sports man who before the start fortified himself with alcohol On arriving the summit he was completely finlit He also had to return by train Missionary the rates and Govt grant G II Wilson the statistician estimates the share fair chargeable against the Trade not be less than an might easily he A large volume of sickness in direct alcoholic poisoning drunken and over adult death certified and probably five times number not so certified direct due to alcoholism many deaths violence and accident and much In jury to child life born and unborn 3 Lunacy Is increasing in country Much of it is due to drink In the Medical Superintendent of the County Asylum at ltainbiil reported that 4 In the Government Alcohol Its Action on the Humar Organism it is stated that the deatl is lower and tlie expectation of Reduce the Fire Harvest NOT firehut the CA HESS which fills t It when Its useful par been is mankind I Restlessness urination bring against his Budget Speed tills last ic drink but Mr Baldwin VICTORY IN CHINA Bur Puzzle Comer Do You Know About It What is a molecule What is an electron does it on by the Ladies Clubon Coffey and Mr pupils of the Con and Mrs Cooper Mr Alvin Cooper Mr and Mrs Cooper and Mr George Dale the funeral of the late Mr in this Cooper had always lnr number of lends who attended the funeral gave of the high esteem in which was Besides his widow he laughters Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Proctor insL jetting of the held to the club room Com- if led by the pianist of reading by Mrs Sic solo by M oik- Stewart piano solo call hostesses for Uie dainty lunch claim thousand prisoners and ma chine guns were captured which may be In addition to prisoners Claimed have been taken by Feng the Christian general The latter is moving northeastward down the Yel low river while the forces of Chiang of appears to be so complete I likely the way Is now open affected The United Cnurch has many mission be radically south of yellow river where the fighting has been most sev ere but the Canadian workers had previously been evacuated These formerly carried on by Presbyterian Church Girl to her playmate Reroof this Year with RIBROLL Permanent Roofing lor Barns Houses Sheds big sheetseasy quick to Increases value property Made of famous galvanised estimate Write to Eastern sSteeiPtodt THE UNRULY MEMBER The tongue Is socalled but the is only a figure of speech th tongue is very amenable and is on of the most useful things of the by nerves to these taste bulbs towards the tip STAMP GUT CARELESSNESS walls and partitions will make your summer cottage much more attractive comfort able and firesafe Gyproc takes any decoration a perfect material with which to line your summer Write That Reflect Good LIMITED Fireproof Wllboard For Sale By H Eves Newmarket Ont F G Burrows Jacksons Point H Dike Son Mount Albert Ont Lake Simcoe Lumber Fuel Co Ltd Sutton West Ont He had talked Notice Application to in County of York and Prov ince or School Teacher will apply the Parliament of Canada at the session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Powell at present at the said City of Toronto on the grounds of adultery and desertion Baled at the City of Toronto in Province ofOntario this of March 1928 KENNEDY Continental Life BIdg SoulhEast Cor Bay and Richmond Toronto Ont Solicitors for Petitioner JAMEs CLAYTON POVELL CONFIDENCE in the dealer is even more important in the purchase of a used car than in that of anew car For that reason it will be to your advantage to buy from a dealer whose reputation for honesty and integrity assures your satisfaction The good name we have won in our represen tation of the Chevrolet car protects you in the purchase of a Used Car here We can not afford to sell anything but a good car at a fair price Come in and investigate before you spend your money Representative Values 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 50000 1927 do Ton Truck 1924 do Touring 5000 Phil Hamilton Agent Newmarket