V Modem Life IU Hublu Con- which Frulttf a many from I 4tlMd to try All my lilt art WW toft rich moat arlKnetllcointlpaUori Normal denied to la retold tnd maintained by wlthhritHlulldlo Year with RIBROLL tho for Barns Houses LOW cost comet In big and to SSKv5io of property Made famous liliil Give era of roof for PINE PROPERTY FOR SALE House on lot VilBisc of In way and coal lulls anil UrU excellent iVvltlcd cellar good fur liirdwood floors verandali up and screens blinds nice all Included properly Convenient I iw lni vice Hub and casli Phone Life Around the Hi In Hie linked 1 a friends Hie of areiitly relueed by pupil being confined I mumps at Hie of Clark on MIm 1 lie school 111 Idi It rlcd off I Vachell id Is living a of lite time at Mr A few of wild geese liavc been an in tilt Huts water Is high along line If tlie road Is not wide nought dun I lain ditch Miss was visiting at Ira Howard liht week She Mr and friends Mrs tohinsun and Kathleen were home or over the weekend Miss Jean Is visiting her In Virginia Mr Sim and tody friend iv Bailey had a bit of had he was good luck day night on the line road Foster spent shower licjil by Bradford In the caught the ply The shafts milk bottle T Column British Temperance P Croiler some with drink In the During the he I protested to officer j because It affected the icy of my command I know I v constantly definitely say that live of A very enjoyable was spent at homo of Mr Richard on Monday evening March the being a miscellaneous given Tor their daughter Miss received many gift After the refreshments llm young Col light fantastic small hours Miss was married on We nesday last to Mr Edgar Lloyd and Ihcfr return from Niagara Hide near We wish the much happiness in he by One of them went ioltle of whiskey his head nod a win the cause of his officers being killed or thirteen rnded Had sale of spirits been prohibit- in France I should have been spar- LARGEST MUSHROOMGROWING PLANT DEVELOPS ON OLD BREWERY SITE in the United pounds of Mr lor and Miss Mr John maple II Iin- Sunday Vandorf Walker of a few diiys ind husband Mr and Mrs Noble April 11 Schomberg that the dark CHEAPER WHISKEY j Is given thai Cath len of the City of To the County of York In tin of Ontario will apply to the of Canada at the present session for a Bill of from her husband Henry Alan now In the of In the County of this day LGIK Street Toronto for the TINSMITHS ft SON to ExpressHerald Office II at r anil H Sail sideling Iin- bad Ihe Indies WHICH ROAD WILL YOU TAKE HE DID AND HE ROADS IN BAD CONDITION fron all parts of indicate that the country road at the pre passable and places the highways the of the i have the ad broken insn a Saturda Mark died a heavy the concrete and sank to itks small army of men and this year llggest jobs will be one in the neigh- allround Seed for all seasons ye d J the Contains more any other feed at the corn oats wheat Quaker Schumacher owner A perfectly balanced carbohydrate feed used as the role grain ration for Jive stock or m a base for a special dairy ration irbohydnrtesto make fat and energy than Grain include To these are added oilcake meal edible bone meal and calcium carbonate providing needed minerals usually deficient ordinary feeds AH live stock relish Quaker Feed No waste because- they eat it clean moisture content because kiln dried Easily digested and assimilated Sold under approved Govern ment analysis Write us for free advice on your feeding prob lems The Quaker Oats Company Peterborough Ontario Quaker SCHUMACHER FEED Also Quaker Dairy Ration the best feed for dairy cows and Quaker Feeds for Poultry Sold big Newmarket Farmers Cooperative Co LIMITED Newmarket Ont ss QUAKER FEEDS IN STRIPED S Money Orders AT any of our Branches you may buy Money Orders payable at any bank in Canada We have responsible agents too in foreign countries who honour these orders at current rates low all risk is wish to remit our teller for When you a Bank Money Order IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA NEWMARKET BRANCH For Good Used Cars SEE Roy Cockerill McLaughlin Motor Car Co BAY STREET TORONTO Randolph 8184 3141 v bobbed of Application for is hereby given that Mary- Walton Smith of the City or Toronto in the County or York in Province of Ontario Married Woman will apply to Parliament of Canada present or next session thereof for a of Toronto in the County of York Manufacturers on the grounds of adultery Dated at Province of Ca rlo the nth day of March MARY WALTON SMITH Bv her Solicitor- FARMER HOPE Queen Street West Toronto Notice of Application f any other TESTS prove that the valve -in- head engine as used by develops more power than any other engine of its size The G AT A C Deferred Payment Plan oners many advantages to buyers of cars GHONBUICK BLIZZARD Agent Newmarket Out WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT ARCHIVES OF TORONTO