A It I- APR It and Sutton Mount Albert Young People Society Monday April icntilp Under Curr Mr of Toronto on of April a On the aisled by Mount chest will present ploy lie Village Lawyer In the the church Albert lie Imlldn J lit iiiectlnK will llcrtlm In rend tlie air liU Mr ly HI- In Mis Draper Carrie by all 1 part illc till Inn Ant in mill Hub hem niovlns closed Willi tin meeting of Society whs held In the on Tuesday evening hint with good attendance of ember Mr and Mr M Moth- reports of the held In Toronto The So- derided to supply children with flower nerds which will he at the Exhibition In the late summer also are giving price for the test bed of asters either hi a long iu of the society The Society finish up the lot on the top IMAM Mount meeting whe p mid It Pre Kobe Vis Wilfred Dike as James Cu Geo Mi Fred Franklin Manager J J J title I vote of thai was tci rry Spang the Sec time in May ansferrcd hi and Earl route to C MT ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL Exams tin Order of Hazel Garnet Parka Ctcll Muriel Footc HI Florence Think Evelyn Bernard Robertson Viola vis Marlon Ross Mary Taylor ly Rosa Harrison Charlie Kate absent I M A Carter III Nellie George Young Armstrong George Stokes Edith Gregg Scott Willis Think Thomas Harrison Billy Austin Mildred Teacher lor I llosle Piper Bruce son Hester Taylor Ambrose Marion Norman Garfield Taylor Jessie Maude Piper John 1 Morlev Case I Yvonne Lome legg Jack Viola Cloi Dm Margaret Elsie Fos ter Kathleen Franklin absent Itayniond ileen Hutchinson Nellie I trior Martha M Mel Win ire to feed i limn Hour Mills ill i nd Hope Items Ir and Mrs A Dike bad I Mark Halls on Sunday Dike spent a few Itugcrs spent t r Longford ward spent lay entitled Vlllag successfully to I ear It Residents gntbered a The Young People of resenting this play under of the Womens MiBsion- was given very if No Que Mr end Mrs Wright to show their friend- ship towards Mr and Mrs Fred iby and family before they move to their new Everybody present enjoyed themselves on Tuesday even ing The festivities consisted of nine progressive euchre tables and two tables Mrs Joe Watson receiv ed ladys first and Mrs George first for John Wright am Bslliaven happened the Dont forget the tight tonight Miss Margaret the of Buf parental ire like Spring all the Phillip and niece Thompson also Mr am alter the and Mrs Is with sinci regret neighbors community During worth You have be In trouble or in need and eve to cheer and help with a bright which has been an inspiration t may find congen- respect of community and of nils mill iLLors nd hull we respond to tlie efforts ide by ltev DrMelntyre of Church Newmarket t idle In the hearts of our peopl embers of the lull idly I of Almighty God to fait i and Mrs guests of Mrs Wonder who ate the Sunday Miss Dorothy Sheppard and girl lend are home over the holiday Mr and Mrs Tie Friday People of Community Ha Wednesday night The school children are which they are Miss Dorothy from school by lady Company from the end at Mrs Walter Some from here attend been spel ling a few the look of Sutton West Sutton are having a dedlca- on of their new Hall Friday evening April at eight clock Among the special speakers n the program will be of St and T it of Au- Mr Tlmmins who has been In poor health lately has gone to daughters in Toronto for a complete Mrs Miller McDonald Mr Frank are spending holidays with Mrs Harry Thompson Miss Helen Taylor of Toronto spenf the weekend with her mother Mrs Jack Taylor Mr and Mrs King of spent last Thursday and Friday wit their daughter Mrs John King Mrs Clara of Hamilton sister of Mrs Belfry is Easter vacation the Manse Mr and Mrs It Belfry of Id were home for the weekend Miss Fern Homer teacher t Churchill Is spending the holidays home Mr Boss Smalley and Miss Ball Toronto spent the weekend at formers home Mr and Mrs Walker in the city this week on Lillian undergoing a major operation the formers daughter Mrs and are spending the holiday of spent Mr Double and Triple Thickyess Beauty you get all In Slates besides Double all over the and THckntn over o the Special Lock Butt prevents bulging and curling Above view trip colon and when laid an Brant Co Stock Carried Info RooSng Smiths Hardware Harmon Dike nd Servico A by Newmarket Mount Albert Itena Kinj j wvis home from the r the we David anc children ting In this Toronto is ending En spmt weekend and Mrs the holidays at daughter of George Hockley to Mr John Albert MB lit ti Mr George Dr of Toronto will aoak here on Sunday Mr John look lea on Sun ny Mi- Carl Glover Miss Fay Wagner and girl friend her home here through the re tor holidays Phyllis and of is spending Easter week vAtli llielr grandparents Mr and Mrs Laws have re- home after an absence of Mr Law is busy getting everything hip for cutting lumber Mr and Mrs J Wilkinson of Kes- spent Wednesday with Mr Tuesday e glad to know Hope to sell after a long absence owing to Illness I wonder who the were who helped themselves to the maple syrup Scripture reading by Miss Ida tople by Miss Wag ner reeling by Miss Ruby The was treated to a solo by Miss P Marrlit also a trio by Messrs J Walker Bray Kingston April ease which wide attention now closely watclied at Kingston Hospital Margut Franklin of Mr and Mrs the by involved t Speaking Mount Pleasant Another change In weather More like winter Although for a few burg Hie weather being too cold fo Easter apparel Mfss ay spent the Glad to hear Mr Frank Wight I aged 5 a dog which had able a very sic Miss York mS cousin spent Easter at her home here and J day week with A Bosworlh Many of the are making for the spring Mr and Mm John Hamilton to loose all her ft night of last week Mr Williamson spent last weak l the fro i at the General Hospital by and Dr of absolutely that itmlty roads In Oxford sported a terrible a result of the quick thaw Baste the holiday with hit Tom Is spending the wfek at her home here student highly pli with the the Bethel d t heard tilt herself a good help in the Miss Souies Dist Thursday t Miss Evelyn am Deputy ie on Tuesday that place am J J HAVE ON HAND Gypre Lime Cement ter rick ORDERS TAKEN FOR JOHN H KING SUTTON Peters Corners the weather has been very which have been home their Central by Mr Ralph Zephyr with her young people of Sharon are on their play entitled The Lawyer in the Sundaj I Hall of the United Church Shiloh Mr Fred over the holiday Mrs John Snoddon few days with her Skinner On account of bad roads the Maple Syrup Social will postponed for a couple of weeks his Debnt and Mrs Ed Hall on Thursday April play Is entitled An OIoVFashh Mother given by the P local talent Ladies with f it the Don Jail and County Police Com On April Com of the theft and after In- vestigating the constable traced the alleged thief through Kes wick and- ether points leading to To- apprehended at Sutton the possession of the document and i be the property of Miss Williams by Mr Justice In a judgment Under the terms of the judgment the Insurance company affected di rected to pay to the plaintiff woman the sum of proceeds of the policy matured on April Era to Absent Friend Iren Lockie of and Baldwin some places are Miss Richardson was the of he Richardson for a to the city Miss Minnie the home of Mrs Ida on Thursday Those who want- le Kindly a home Is piles ait for the The loai resort to to Is- it right its in the Stat in Kitchener Canadian ale seized by the custom NY and the ale thrown river The ale was packed i On the top of each layer hay and on top of th mounted by fine cotton ills at New Burford Mass Union leaders a big resistance The rettuclion will affect about CARD OF THANKS of the George E wish to express their sin thanks to the friends and relative he kindness and sympathy behalf of the wish thank the Masonic their beautiful floral and in Hi tnr a lilt J SUTTON GARAGE Stanley Proprietor CHEVROLETTE PARTS SERVICE operating BATTERY MFG CO Batteries of all kinds Bros Dealers Newmarket BABY CHICKS HATCHING EGOS CUSTOM HATCHING Order and Hatch ing Eggs Fishers Wyandot les Tom Barron Guelph Bocks from high flocks Have your eggs all hatched at one time on a Mammoth Jamesway and Poultry Supplies for sale FRED SMITH Gertrude Mines Syndicate West Kootenay British Columbia An office In wllh the above has been opened at Sulton Weft In charge the The properties belonging to are in Hie West of British Columbia and were shaft sunk to a depth of 100 feel and made on several leads The assays showed to SI gold lo the ton and up gold to the ton in the shaft Refractory ores on one or the claims Include Silver Lead and Copper The leads run a north westerly direc tion with a dip of degrees and the claims are believed he very rich free milling reductive as depth is reached Owing- to Improvements In smelling end transportation facilities la the intention of the Syndicate active operations on those the Syndicate eloping of the richest British Columbia Trustee units therein will per unit Further Information an be WHITNEY West Out