filbert Queens lie Keswick Miss spent tills weak In Toronto Mrs Byron Morton Is visiting her A Morton Morton Is home from Miss Evelyn Fitzgerald spent with her parents here Everyone reports a good time that ere at Hie dance home of Mrs rank Terry last Friday night Dont forget Hie dance at in Friday i7th 1 Mlits Hazel Cameron fa home from Mr Dell of Michigan Is visiting Cameron homo Miss Pea Ally Fitzgerald Is working In I now Good luck Vera Pollock is residing for P M Gordon week Sorry to report Mr Win hiving another one of Hope he Is again Dave is kept busy pairing watches of which have not run for thirty years Miss Hopkins Is visiting Mrs for a week the Progressive busy getting In their Ice e held Friday Feb I or summer of tlit Someone mentioned last week thai Everybody thai Dominion Parliament Is In 1 our Keg and Counter Club heavier subjects for than usual Your right they to dfscuss but what arc discussing is the dances at the new Community Hull at If our young people fun home dont worry If K A N FRIDAY FEU and Sutter number from vicinity of Keswick report a real good time at on the 3rd There going to bo another dance there the nth Pleased to report Wade la ihe sick Hal again Mr took his place at the mill Mr and Mrs and n visited at Mrs J Pupils of the Senior room at the public school put on a Valentine con- Monday evening Inst under Sutton West Mrs Dr M went to the city on Thursday of last week to visit her for a few days Mies Mary Ann Swifter of kct has been visiting at her brothers I Mr Luke Swltzcr Mrs Fergus Mrs Horner and Mrs Car Morion enter tained members of the United Church Aid to tea in the hall on Thursday Feb Thompson of Toronto who the cry Interesting held and tl dzed will go for the school The young people of the arranged to hold Peoples me Monday evening Feb am a box social of was I Ju3l able be of the 1 the people ted In Hiding community are as those in Keswick sec a large crowd out of measles in cases of the soon be better Belhaven By the daijy paper reports th are some new cases of mumps Id the City so It cannot be wondered that a home here and there In neighborhood Is under a smaller attendance school But by spring is drawing the health of people may hen improve and all be in readiness for Spring work Miss Myrtle Slltes teacher of the at Elm Grove has arranged Hie home of Mrs Ihe weekend Mrs Blackball of visited her daughter Mrs Dr a few iJiji last week school Elm Grove has arrange Davidson of Toronto kend at his summer fccn0 house for la supper and a treat on Tuesday Thc loo harvest Is on In full swing Mr on eon re- Is weckj The weather is Ideal for word last Friday of death Ihe Job I of a In Toronlo Mr Mr Marrltl and family from family certainly are having their time accompanied by Miss Joy j of trial as Its only a few weeks ago motored home Sunday Mrs returned home Item for a week or ten- condition The count r- road is and was used Welly freely the father was buried I The roads at present Monday over the weekend The night under the me j me size of some of he care was fairly well attend- looked like American ones as and splendid lime reported others from the which who Is J Monday the Frank estate trading last year advantage of the good sleighing III remember Hie excellent address tven a speaker Union equally and it clothing his lie women of Ihe neighborhood thank the the following donatio towels hand towel STOCK REDUCING SALE Pivnicks Store Sutton EVERYTHING TO BE SOLD AT Extraordinary Low Values During the Month of February MENS COATS Reg to for MENS Reg to S2G00 for FLANNELETTE Double Bed 8lze for WOMENS and MISSES COATS Reg for Small Checks also Large Plaids In Various Colors Reg up to 96 for 35 Yd ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION Will be sold at greatly reduced prices As Prices are greatly reduced all sales will be Cash D Sutton West Is staying with while recuper ating The young people of Victoria Cornerd put on splendid play in the orange Hall on Friday evening The Poor Married Man different characters were well pre sented end the play throughout was humorous The negro was so funny In his fapeoclies and the poor married man gal Into so many wlttj the motherinlaw through only know ing half the truth that It kept the people laughing of the time Miss Lena and Jim of To- were home for the Mr Lome of In FLANNEL Small Checks also Large Plaids spent the weekend Mr I In King Mr Frank Ward of Toronto was home for the weekend Mrs Barton Ward is at helping nurse Mr father who Is still seriously 111 Mr and Mrs S Belfry he weekend at the Manse The congregation of St Andrews Presbyterian church had a social enlng In the church on Friday even- Mr Graver Morrison spent a few days In city las week Of the Sutton Vachell Mr and of visited Mr and Mrs Hadden Day and Mr and Mrs John and fam ine Beach bed sheets stand Miss Velma Edwards of Toronto spent the weekend with her cousin Miss Ruth Silver Mrs Norman Burrows spent the with friends In the re luming Monday evening Mr and Mra Geo Metcalfe are spending a few days In the oily ihjis Sutton hockey team are keeping up heir Feb was Valentines w learly everybody was remembered by called their friends on A large crowd spent an enjoyable Mrs at the dance held at Mr George u last Friday evening j Mr and Mrs and A few of our young people from called on Mr Mrs this burg and friends of spent on the following evening at Mr Beeclinera ili girls in Willis spent Sunday with Mr Fred of Toronto home after spending a couple dark- bail girls darkhaired girl fro of weeks iritis Mr Walter last remains to be oldest acceptable but Luuplc having jus anniversary daily teacher Public School j their in Hamilton not try to keen in h eep up Jones from trying to mind which high for snv arrival Mr Sinn Cook is making his bakery- residence or new a wonderful changes barns Is a this buiidgur- land child doing BOih It was Mrs Joel was brought home from the Western Hospital last We hope for her a Our obliging storekeeper Mr John 51 for a few days change Is good as s played with Richmond Hi Sutton came off victorious Monday evening the team played wilh Mount score being In favor Mr Cockburn of Egypt has purchased the house owned by Mr Rose and expects to move here In Spring The Womens Missionary Societies the different churches are observe the Weld Day of Feb St James Halt An organization meeting of the FIra was held on Monday evening which the following officers were appointed Chief Sedore Deputy Chief Ceo HoLborn lo thuj CARD OF THANKS Ceo the and sympathy in ftjra Geo Station visited with Mrs I heir bereavement in the last Saturday death of husband and father also Mr George and Bill Foster are those who senl flowers unloading coal this week Mr and Mrs Lloyd Smith were CARP OF THANKS visiting her parents over Ihe week- I Mr Cunningham friends Mr and Mrs Holt wish to express their thanks Park are moving from here and their friends for their kindness in them good luck and 1st Lieut Geo Timmins 2nd Lieul Harold Burnha 1st Dave 2nd Burke Fire Truck Drivers Ego Halters The Council also took wish the illness and death of Mrs welcome Tijomas Cunningham ana were visiting Lakes this week FOR SALE young couple went speeding through here on Sunday but anded below the hill L general store In terms purchaser Apply to HEIGHTS ry to hear of Mis Miller Hope for a speedy mps are raging in our vicinity Norman has had In his hand but is doing fine Mi- the be properly of the Ladips am k Mr and Mrs Howard Pollard Ith meals body knows that in far belter s sickness in so many Homes etc lite attendance the interest A snapshot has received of scenery taken by Dorothy Shepiard near about miles from where she is teaching In fclMt showing snow drifts up to top of ddents north of village polos so we Imagine to know that It Is ex- how soon spring may come with that peeled the work the paved amount of snow The teacher re- best girls and localities reported Unit he proceeds Mrs Frank Terrys being donated empty continued village be a boom i fIon lhal some n keeping somebody starts we bespeak for her success the children in the way they should The Sabbath well attended Congregations been told and who wish Sorry he School at Bethel was on Sunday morning re improving we have a welcome Is given worship there- that Mrs Geo Ark- en in excellent health Hope soon to know of the I Monday The proceeds re Pollock Ihe Wolker House j Miss Myrtle Smith at Baldwin There Is dance Everybody welcome Mood Mrs Clarence on few icv so to Sutton is stilt froze at Mr Percy Joe Gnaiy gpent the weekend of evening TheJ Mr and Mrs Thompsc Frank Cul- j spenl villi Geo The Speech j Herman Stevenson and family spent Phone No by the Sunday under the parental roof Leslie Bur- 1 A attended- a banquet in Bert Tliomp- SI Andrew Church Friday even- j bills to which J Guernsey Cows FOR SALE High Grades These Cows do not me up our high production d and a rest from herd They can make you money on Priced to Come and see ROSELAWN FARMS iMUJWM MM ended rast 1st That the Motion Picture In- reported and operated by the I Wedding bells Mr Geo Hitoerts was large- night Fine MORTGAGE SALE the AND contained I Sask announced in paper brings into prominence uccess of yet another Ontario boy In iprairle development for H M Sib- Is Hie son of Mr and Mrs West Sutt nominating Mr Slbbakt for is year raust lhe duced at the time of sale there will u be offered for sale AulIwd T- England Las been heard Uie It lhe following pro- will of p namely That part of Lot Number In I Second Concession of Virginia Beach am I and being property de- progressive euchre party was scribed in a Mortgage registered as held the home of Mr and Mrs No In the Registry Office for Lyons on Wednesday Feb 8 the North Riding of the County of the Horner Mrs Lyons and Mrs bury Alex Wihls among the gents There is a frame house stuble and and Mr Finns B Ker quid tribute to the his leadership Mr he id had been most efficient and the board had functioned smoothly under Jldance Mr Sibbald In his In excelsior and The chief raw material Improve Ibis city outlook for the Immediate most promising and there for prophesying a Era In ShUoh Delia end Mabel Mrs Roadway on Friday attended the latch at Richmond Hill on coming I Mr at Egypt a girl four many bachelor no more That Is proving a fact i Jitriet Ihe matter wit Ait and Charlie Mrs Mobprly Matt few from Egypt one last week the properly Main Street In Village of Sharon and approximately one nd acres of land The property will be sold subject bid offered sale he terms Mofgage BARN FOR 8ALI Skis OF TORONTO