DR J BOYD M Medicine of To of College of and fcf of the Royal of Surgeons England clinical J Bye Bar Nose and London England TUd Supplied- Telephone J Laboratory Aaaocltle Coroner of County of Office Henri p or by appointment ilUN ST NEWMARKET by Gas for Extraction Newmarket J Lata of Drug Store eauiiW Phone DR J evenings by appointment Gas for Phone University of Toronto Years practical Experience In breaches of Dentistry Extraction let Evening appointments A market of Plain Singing and Violin Dealer in New and Used Pianos Pianos Tuned STIVER OLI01YOR NOTARY PUBLIC Mock Newmarket On MATHEWS the deceased Office Main Street Newmarket 8 C Newmarket for PHYSICAL THERAPY to 3 p Phono TOO LATE to a Shaw School Course at path to salary We Invite you to for particular as to Shaw Toronto Nothing Better IN Mens Suits or Overcoats WOOLENS NOT FOUND IN READY MADE CLOTHES WILLIS Mens Tailor Newmarket Main St IS7 tti 1601 IcrcHled in Summer School To oil those interested in union please come to the meeting Trinity United this Friday pm to prepare for good Supper will bo served at when regular camp will be enjoyed by all A William farmer who tiled September last Icav secured by tt mortgage SI Ion Grant Detroit a life Interest in to tils Grant who Is also to The trustees are authorised to to Grant a deceased son and to divide the balance of the among the surviving children of two exhibition games one with team of Junior of the Town and the with tlio Oak College wore the losers both hut made a goad show lug especially in the game with Oak- a year or two ought to he real hookey players Pickering team competed of the older hoys or college At the end of the second period the score- was but New market Jumped one up in the flna period The game with was a exciting affair to roughness of the match and Referee Bert Day out penalties The flrBl period went for OokvMe taking place In the last half of session but he Collegians held scoreless In the second The winners added their fourth and last ally in he final period dickering had several chances to count but failed lo put the rubber the goalie The regular college team Played In this gams and in another should he a strong a gallon Trinity Church Anniversary Exceptionally large tended the Anniversary services rlnlty United Church last Sun and the people were delighted and litryijiid impression th Mot of in Can ailed the efforts dancers of of their people in the Adult he Sunday School was a challenge he young people for upright ml in Jul work and here again touch was illustrated in never to he forgotten At the evening service the an hour he union I hot hljdji dared upon pel to the the Great Many touch have I ffhUe he told coming to tin- to preach the in settlements and continue the mis In the foreign field incidents were enurn in the prairie llpreston established since tl success of the close many people of having an In should bow every that Jesus Christ is of God the Father PublU tiLrary The lepoK Wag Belli lo the week by the Socre- A from which we take the following in formation of public Interest There arc now adults- In the library and Juvenile of timber and Juvenile The circulation y follows Natural Science History Biography iteliglon Useful Arts Reference Making a total distribution of books during the year which factory The Library Is open to he public from to pm on Mondays lo every evening of the wee SunJay and also from to on Saturday morning There are borrowers register of whom were entered las ire riuijirixities and received regularly for the Heading The Insurance carried is ld00 the estimated valued of books and being The statement the LeglsWIve grant was the Town the County grant and fees from outsiders of the corporation which with the balance on hand from of makes a total of The expenditures were as follows Purchaseof Books Newspaper and Magazines Repairs lo books and ture Insurance Heal and Janitor 3500 Librarians salary Printing and stationery Fees and expenses of dele gate to Express and postage Sundry small items Balance on hand lo next T Liabilities none Members of the Library Board Chairman A Cornell Treasure Mrs E P streeter Mayor Davis P Meadows Manning Mrs H Mrs B Hewitt John Dolan and Hairy The work of reforesting waste lauds and barren areas in to assume some importance from the standpoint of future growth of timber when Ihe first work was started between two three lhousmd were and in between and nine million seedlings were planted Mr Hart end lend dignity to the oty lh- Chronic arc ordin ary coughs that have been allowed to settle in the throat bronchial tubes before it develops into something worse follow the course that doctors recommend and apply home made mustard piaster to your throat or a cough not yield to this tried and proven remedy make a plaster Keens with meal flooj- into a leave of find cover with farm In Ihe province Hon of the boys the Manitoba Agriculture College or preliminary training in farm Calgary Two air plane transport projects are being developed In Cftlgvy One calls for the of carrying twelve persona each to be used prin cipally for passenger freight and machines t for Calgary- no or three passengers Edmonton and mountain flight purposes All the way from to Glasgow Scotland unaccompan ied a distance of approximately the record of Donald James Campbell nine yeans of age He took the AllRed route of the Ihe month of January St Smith Doris Mitchell Jr III Samuel Smith John George Hale Sally Kashteln Merlin Graea Jr ir Graves Wilfred Floyd Joseph Banks Kenneth Hale Ray mond Graves Grace Wilkinson Jr Garnet Banks Samuel Kashtein Em- Wilkinson Harold Breen Douglas Hale Graves Mable Ed wards Sophie NoteThose marked with an as terisk were neither late nor absent during the bound for Glasgo- He is visiting his aunt who lives Busby All previous records in connects with the westbound of transportation west ern lines of the company Deliver ies at Vancouver by the Canadian Pacific during the fortnight in ques tion totalled approximately bushels of grain Calgary Farm land values in Southern Alberta are tending to be come firm as the result of the series of good crops and more inquiries for fers are selling now for from 20 t Railway and the Canadian National during the last tour of the second triennial Empire Mining Metallurgical Congress presenta tions of gold and enamel cuff link were made recently to fifteen em ployees of both companies at dinner held in Montreal president of the CPR and Sir Henry Thornton of the were both present week in Quebec got away to a good start when several thousand members of the Clubs paraded the streets of the old city and later some snow shoers in full winter festival cos tume made an attack on the walls defended by the garrison and a brilliant fir display The chief center of there is the International Dog IN STRICT CONFIDENCE public and high schools closed because of measles He Knows What To Do For Backache Westminster Feb Special 1 have proven Kidney Pills to be all that they are for writes Mr J wellknown resident of tKjs work Is only a neat ready for the broody lighting the lamp of an Instead he preparation should nee with the selecting of suit able breeding birds at least rnorii before he hatching season results of actual tests at the Experimental Station it has been proven lhat almost without exception he chicks from hens will be much stronger and de veloped faster than those from pul lets during their first year of It is therefore to be recom mended hat vigorous healthy birds have been good producers ig their first year be selected about I October or November and that these be given a ration which will be most conducive to without forcing until nearer the hatch season it is also advisable make another of these birds Just previous to hatching season in order to have only the best from which lo select eggs for incubation Furthermore much depends upon rigid selection of the eggs for hatch purposes By using uniform strong shelled well shaped eggs thi percentage of chicks hatched Is In creased and thereby the cost of hatch chicks is reduced The storing he eggs for batching is also respon for much of the variation nolei hatching results Overheating the or keeping them too fore incubating is very detrimental best results While loo I chilling Is detrimental to ill even stand freezing temper for short periods without feeling hatching results The next step in preparation might be the securing of suitable place for Incubation work whether by broody or by incubator For broody and free from vermin provided Dust the birds good vermin powder and them night to their new clean nests For hatching by incubators has been proved that clean well ventilated cellar is better thai an upstairs room for locating the in The moisture of a cells helps reduce the percentage death in shell All incubaiors should be thoroughly disinfected before each hatch and should be In good working jordcr before each hatch and should in good working order before be ing with good hatching eggs In summarizing let us suggest I ha limes My best trial of y Pills was some two or three years My back ached so badly I hardly sleep at night I could move in bed and when I stand in a bending position for few minutes I could not straighten read 1 ii got a box to try After a few days was O When I the slight- pain In my back now I tuke the old remedy Kidney FARMERS ACCOUNT BOOK Experimental Farms Note arm surveys have shown lhat very farmers follow a systematic me thod of farm This may in the past have been due lo a lack of suitable forms or account books for the purpose There are loday a simple books Issued which it help to Ihe farmer In this I important mailer Farming is a If it doesnt pay the farmer should know why It doesnt pay record of receipts and- expenses together with an inventory a list oek laken at the the farmers if he Is to find values of live 1 Obtained from The Medicine Co record of each department business Find out how much re mating from each and If any are not paying A simple and yet very useful ac count book for farmers has been Is sued and can be had at Era Ofice for white they last sufficient Era to Friends Reserve Friday February 24th for Dramatic Recital of Hur by Rev Andrew D In Trinity United Church Newmarket Full particulars later fust reduced in price Model TwoFifty with Table Speaker No extras of any kind to buy no future to think about this radio is complete all ready to Just plug in then tune in when it is delivered to your- home Why deny yourself and your family the pleasure which a Rogers will give you this Winter and all the rest of the year when you can now get this complete Rogers Bat- feryless Outfit for the same price as an ordinary reputable set Youve probably wanted a most people do Get this splendid outfit now while radio programs are at their best Libera terms of payment to any responsible family Iware Agents Newmarket GET YOUR Butter Paper Printed at the Era Office The Drop in Price Still Prevails ARCHIVES OF TORONTO in