SI PHIPAY Our Local News IU lntcrmeiilatca will flvtw To- two Mm earn end return In on Monday Cwll A OH a J carried Juniors Our Local Step into the 2nd a for HONORS WON FROM PARKY SOUND when Parry Sound met the Hi Ihoumullo both learruj Juniors In j Heal to score but off for of good and round but owing to the- going of the In meeting IMj month there ill Club the regular At Home lues- ceiling Pel A good being of Poll rcccln fans wcr not treated ho brand or tlioy In Tin tads round having only goal In whole minutes of Owing to unfavorable of ho slaving and close checking game was a llltlc rough If flood And Coal try one of To the Public dpi for fctl and Society bo In the by neon on of oaoh or they will be Chifled at oach Choir the end Christian and God their will be in the choir hut they will still find work to di Master In their new home Com then a splendid lis was followed by a olio consisting of till combined cry pleasant evening Con Lou Mailer handed loam count- ulca after fooo off Newmarket was minus two pJayor but Parry Sound foiled to lake advantage made a lovely play during Iho when ho hie way through the lino but mot with a liip when ho was almost en titled score made Mb way through Iho green and white shirt and tried to hook the to from llto corner but Just missed not- Murray and Thorns gave the visitors goalie Home hard to received until Wednesday mall Letter about Boys Work also too for HoipltW Sals Talent and Afternoon Tea will be given by the- York County Hos pital Aid on Friday afternoon Feb In Block from 3 Donations of food and baking Monday for the- licoond Immediately after face off i fry Sound went down an attach but meeting New market defease of end forocd return to their Then Newmarket began to threaten In the visitors cage and hod the edge on the play throughout tho first and much supirt to Amos end both made brilliant play lUt every time and Amen In Iho nti gavo splendid exhibition when ever called upon and Mur ray on the forward line were not only In their positions the attack ftllckhandllng and the go when the final go sounded no a goal had been All the local lineup were good on I Arbour and Parry Sounds front lino looked to best for the visitors Thorns made a beautiful long shot from Newmarket blue lino which Rwcpt the length of the ice and only to blocked by Goalie two occasion during the last half of file period Iho Parry Sound attackers two hard sheIB which looked and almost counted for goals but ho managed to keep them outside the goal line- Parry Sound had two men off at one time but Newmarket unable to get In on the net Newmarket Goal defense and Perrault centre Thorns wings and Murray subs Marshall and leet the Newmarket Juniors in the here In the next Round of the A aeries for the Championship f Ontario See bills Annual Club Dinner The ladies of the I Club In connection with the Office Special Head Office In their annuul Party In Toronto noon followed by at the Walker 1 enjoyed tin St Andrewt P S A large number attended the meet ing Inst Monday evening which In charge of Miss 3 HalHday Mrs Mr Jack spent the at lib home The Junior hockey team played last Friday evening the in favor of Schom- The Euchre Club met Vox Hall Friday last and the following were successful in carrying off the prizes Fuller Mrs Mrs Mr Black number from Kettleby motored to last Friday to attend an OyBter Supper also to give their play entitled The Colonels Maid The Womens Institute will hold if Misses Velma and vlted to attend A Moccasin Dance will be the Kettleby Arena on Wednesday night Feb Everybody Mr Jack King City rolidei Hurrah for Newmarket INTERMEDIATES WIN GROUP Wonderful Success eaves and eight hundred tended the anniversary of Trinity Monday evening and a of and fel- w The aoclal- much enjoyed ii spread and lumber of at ledge opened the with a lowing wonderful Hut of Newmarket Varaily won out In game at Toronto Arena for with Newmarket by a solo of A Ihrcccoiffored lie was tho of the tffoup and the winners of last Saturdays game were given a with for group first game with Varalty the Newmarket Intermediates a lead at Varsity Arena on Monday night It was a hectic game from beginning to end but very at IntorvaJs tho ending la the flrat period neither handled more a dorcn be tween them and In the second feeling between players began to run lilgh and penalties were frequent but no scoring done Ten minutes after faceoff in the final session Hugo a substitute scored the lone tally of game when he flipped the puck past from a pass out after a wild behind Varsity goal Though both teams played like fury in tho dying moments of the game no lug was made was Iho most effective the losers while in goal ved his team from further score on my is and were the best for yiHet Newmarket Wins by Urn New on top a game on the round winning by two goals The fans were treated one of fastest Inlermcdlale gBOies here this Winter and was very from gong lo gong Every lied and White Club well lot seem to hot for squad Crosby and Corbett Borne anxious moments during the eG3lon but he managed to toss tta aside aflor aevcrat Almost half period before the great excitement started and then the Red ami While shirts rained shot after shot Utile who played wonderful in the net For a few moments New market were less two men but In splto of the the visitors could not gel In on length- of the fee for a goal and tried to hook the puok In from the tilde of Iho net which looked much like a goat with fiplendfd and neat play Chuck the stanza was brought lo a without a score Belfry was again on Ihe at opening of the final session fol lowed by flashy plays by Turan and and for as though the locals were to count Varsity tried a Ihree- attack only to be when they came up the Newmarket blue lino which seemed like a stone wall to the Blue and While attackers Rack and forth the rubber tossed about the Varsity goal und excitement prevailed Bel- fry Armstrong Hugo and Turan alt had shots Little but II was not Townsley grabbed the puck half way through iho period and put one up It was the rfay of Hie night when he work ed his way through bringing Little of Hie net lo save but Sunn flipped it Hie goalie for viml f tarn ant goallending learns many limes jut tlie game game I lead and held it till Quarters of the 1st session substitute put on talent They one sure lo shot passed from i future Thorns and were the of proved to locals gel anywhere near scor- having a log and gave Little in the visitors tdom that net plenty to think about Joe Evans in French and on the Varsity defense deservedly worked their way through Willi only ei- i fully to beat only to be robbed of a goal by good net guarding Arm- i concluded Thorns were a strong Aid in front of the and were wonderful on their successive lumes on Hie goal centre I if ladle for the Blue and White squad a couple of good alone I ward line and for the locals worked to It plenty hard enough to hold Piters back They wicked joihett but- never would Pfss made a pretty Uay ylien he passed the Varsity blue and the puck past but after several minutes of dispute and d not count the goal slackened a with Belfry went up the second goal arslly Newmarket their twogoal lead and worked velously for additional counters hut sounded neither On Tuesday afternoon a most inter esling and game was played at the Pickering arena between the High School and Pickering College The ice was sticky flay was Corbel was ilways on job Then -Moly- along and slipped the rubber In lie fist period ad local goalie on a long shot and Pol- Vareilys only tall Relfrv I vans P Offense The Hugo combined well in a u pi- Ihrough on one or overcome the tie- which now pre- that was because on the round their efforts fiu1n have on shin futile when brushed was as graceful It Horn the danger zone on and there In line received tin- Ray hi goal of game when he seldom he end of he Ice one man off New- J Pickering failed to take dv and several penal UibinaUon was towards WL defense Ray had period lightened fe no end of m Chicago who altered hold him up it other day Next Monday evening a joint meeting will be held with the Young Peoples Society of Trinity United Trinity P A joint meeting of the Young Peo ples Society of the Presbyterian Christian Friends and Trinity United Churches will lie held In Trinity S Rooms Monday evening when Miss Giles of Supt of Citizenship will give an address Miss Giles comes very highly recommended as a Young Peoples organizer and we trust everyone will avail them- selves of this opportunity of hearing her Com Intellectual Treat Andrew Rohb Is pastor of Glebe Road United Church Toronto when over seas during the Great War was a much padre a man whom the boys loved and trusted ha given recitals of Men Jean Va Jean and other stories In Prance Bel- England United States and His recital of Ben which he himself in the of such a thrilling story for the Advertisement on page all winter Jean McDonald entertained the reside on Tuesday evening MIbs Hazed McQrtdc of Toronto spent the weekend at her home The Harmonica Music Club met at home of Miss Verna Carson last Monday evening and a very pleasant was enjoyed Mrs Rev and two children of Daiston are visiting Rev It Halbert at the parsonage Miss ElaTe of Holland Landing spent the weekend with her parents Miss Lillian of classmates lo a Valentine party on Tuesday from oclock Mr and Mrs White of Ma ple vislled In town last Some of our residents went o Newmarket on Tuesday evening to hear Hon Geo Foster The a of the United Church a very successful Valentine so cial last Tuesday evening Notwith standing the unfavorable weather there was a good Three car loads of Teoton young people ujy and contributed to the pro gram after which there were games and Dainty refreshens were served and a happy social time spent Mr and Mrs C Archibald receiv ed a telegram on Monday siting that their daughter Mrs VIolel Gates and son Charlie had arrived safely in we may be Hi lie psalmist They heed it last of God- No matter ho God welcome heart and He forgets Com Rev Dr who has been Mens Womens and Childrens OVERSHOES UNO Mens Heavy Rubbers A BRUNTON CO PHONE 32 W C The Ladies Store Newmarket addressed the Vancouver last Sunday India Womens Institute last at on the Culture of held the home of Mr- and Mrs VVm Boys Miss Is visiting in Toronto this week A large crowd attended the sale Mr John Cairns las Thursday and Mrs Cairns ore taking up res dence in King and expect to about Asirtt 1st inducted Rev J- A wlyelected Modera- of on Thursday Mustard the lor of St Chin preside at the inductim and Rev of Weston will be the speak er Rev Dr Elvidge of Aurora will address the minister and Rev Miller of King City will address the people Supper will be served at the close Friend On Saturday afternoon the regular Quarterly Meeting of the Society of Friends took place in the Friends Church here ami Was largely attend- a T bus bringing 35 Toronto among the new edit umbers by Miss Mr E of The Can- A very interesting event took place in the basement of the Christian Church when the Young Peoples Lifters class entertained the Young Peoples class of the United Church in Valentine party The room was decorated th r teachers spoke briefly ken pirt in by all Mrs hunt for the Baldwin they caught in aHl at Baldwin now Three from Sutlon and three eek from Toronto his home here Mrs Taylor is pending a days in Toronto having her looked after Geo Crittenden home for a days his Wood drawing lo be tier of the day just now is again being laid up attack of Mrs Crowder was Very is better Mr and Mrs visited his Criltenden on Monday Good turnout at church last Sun day to hear Rev who delivered a very interesting sermon Pete Mount Pleasant Buzzsawing is ihe order of the day a dance report a good lime Miss Hazel Cameron The roads are in ion both for oars and sleighing- forget he dance at Community Hall on evening the under management of Angus Cameron Everybody Welcome many people Glad to With bad colds The weather still continues Mrs visited her par- a days last week The young people of vicinity at home of A last Friday night Wry enjoyable time electing- new of- iWINTER Heavy Lama Flannel In fancy stripe and cheeks splendid for shirts or warm houses dresses Price Yd Pure Wool Cashmere Hose English Botany Yarn All shades 8ale Price Pr Silk and Wool Hose reg 8ale Price Boys Heavy 8cotch Knit Hose black only 1 00 per Sale Price Boys Heavy Wool good Hose for school 49c Pr Job lot of Knitting Yarns many shades but not ail shades in the lot reg 25c Sale Price Ball FIRE A GALLON OF PROTECTION SAVES OCEANS OF REGRETS THE CAPTAIN The of A New ONE GALLON FIRE EXTINGUISHER Approved by For Oarages Mills Filling Stations Stores Schools Eevaor4 Farm Buildings Factories Warehouse Electric Power Plants Railroads Beat THE CAPTAIN i efficient to on GASOLINE OIL PAINT GREASE ed ELECTRIC FIRES Send Eoquirle to E F STREETER Park Ave Newmarket Phone 2 Doors West of Posj Office Sale Register Saturday Feb Auction sale of cows steers heifer hogs and sheep quantity of hay and turnips implements properly of Bend Farm house furniture the Cedar of Highway Credit to Oct v Wednesday Fab Mrs Duncan Mcintosh will have a sale of Farm Stock Implements and Household Effects on lot in the East Credit till Oct 1st Sale at Lunch provided for purchasers from a distance Kavanagh S3 Mr Daniel Dow- ling will have a sale of Slock Im plements Poultry Grain Household Effect on lot in 2nd Con of East Gwillimbury i miles West of Eight mos credit Sale at one oclock- Auctioneer Feb When Joe aged years of his village went In lo to see life picture show on Saturday he arrived a bit loo early and to fill In the visit ed the waterfront where blasting was In progress for lheconatruction of the pier Joe got too close and with the explosion of one charge of dynamite flying pieces reek struct him The serious he sustained waif lo his face- Contractor Russell the lads forehead required several slilches Ed No I This boy a formerly Jackson of Newmarket PALACE THEATRE Tuesday Fob Sons will Slock Charm Murray a Two Field Mars me shell of a a- grand Comedy id Qtorgt Sidney Mr Hill different ve a sale of Farm its Grain Monday id Tuesday Feb James Oliver con of East Gwillimbury adjoining slory on Ihe screen Cattle are PRISONERS OF THE and fully accredited and with an AH Cast horses are all pureBred Percher- Houe PeUre 5ns months credit one oclock H Wednesday Monday Mr Robert half mile west River on Sutton will hold an Important Farm Sate at one oclock Eight credit J Kesler Aunt society and Edmund Lowe In SO barreled love story of a and his manager In high Wednesday Mr Charles Rye lot East will have a extensive sale of horses cattle pigs implements at one oclock months credit J Kester Newmarket Markets Toronto a bright young Of Twsrrw Choice Sieera Cows Milkers ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO