Ml flit filbert QnmmnBvAllm mmmh s i Sol toe MOUNT the people of dorses AlOIHlt euchre parly another evening took the oi donee Immensely enjoyed try tin Moore Toronto her ho llraaki of with al and other vat for 1 I 1111 to rrlnrn home Mr and Mr Mr J of with their teochc the Mir to I on Monday of COD Simpsons Mali Order and token of their ailment They also visited rds mid spent tin of the afternoon of Uptown On Friday Jon concluded with a to nhleli Hie Institute catered This Course great bene- the young people of tills 11 In It good attendance church on Sunday night Mann preached two Impressive florvlQcn There wer young people Joined church by profession of faith mid wo by lellc raging We everybody extend our sympathy bereaved family of late Wm passed away on Jan WO Ial of r Sharon A King daughter una con- J Mann and inhnllcally the Toronto Iehylerlal Womans Me- practical Contention held In Toronto on during There were about ladles to the morning sessions and many more at meeting attended fro i Agricultural plntfld piece the ami of our did will long he rtiurmbcM to lute If friend end will Always find held at the conclusm Course in Set Agriculture at Mt Albert A good out o on Sunday night We look for more next 1 lime We are sorry to hear that Mr Levi tints removed la the York I Jlfj J Mr Seymour Urn on for a couple of weeks Mr rown went to the York Hospital for an operation on night Miss Annie the wcek- at home A number from hero have been Training Course In tVvmiikel week Is Improving ra- Bessie will I spent week- held at lay lev will have of the mooting Womens institute are holding a February Meeting In the orm of Valentino Tea on Tuesday noon leb oclock ad he homo of Mis Walter names iiMiihci- is the and Is privileged to Invito wo Papers will be given by Mr fielby Mrs and Mm on My ideal farm Kitchen on Cum out by I by Mr John Walker proposed and responded are yll to tic Mr in which ir Mr It Wade tie lroiiiiiliil Live Stock and Cooke who had thai In giving the the girls on I Albert while the us It Miss Marian Hopkins Misj Stive MissGItuIjs Hogg Veto Harold of the hospitality and then by the people of district in ytlut i inuiij SCIENCE The Christian Church Young Jcb Mission Circle will Its regular monthly meeting Friday even ing of this week at pm The officers for this year ore trying make of greater Inter est and A good attendance expected Thursday afternoon of next week Ladles Aid Society will hold their monthly meeting to be followed by which the pub the attend he nest in the series Minion Jlnnd will be held in the J the United Church here uc people party held by of on Friday f and a good time v molm at Mr and M John Taylors Wm Mr and Mrs j I Taylor spent Sunday a Mrs J Taylor at Sar rt John bolt J wero well attended and were full of interest and profit for all lor a sermons were unusually helpful very appropriate for the occasion Next Sunday evening following Men Banquet oh Thursday evening a service more especially for iii attend There will be Manns subject will Manhood We look The funeral of the fate Ma- il I Sunday afternoon Rev of service A llllle ago Mr Marjorle Garnet Abbs p KMnelll Blanche p tab a Jack I wood W heir usual Invited Clirlstlan Society next Sunday evening at will be of unusual Interest Not only will It be the monthly consecration service and reception of members but It Is Day which Ja anniversary beginning his has spread to ilea and claims an f and has had since Its Inception an enrolment of The- on What are the of Christian Endeavor will be by Mrs Raymond Morton who years ago served as a valuable mid very efficient President of our soelely The Bible talk Is to be given by Jock Winch The Young Peoples Lifters Hit Christian Church hove selected ntmed The Old Mother which they plan to present In Kamtok on Friday March This play Is full of humor and on temperance Please serve the dale The respect of hs community Of Its lifeIon -hi- last Sunday afternoon when a very large group of people of people ended the funeral service of William at his late residence here suffered for a long time last for treatment was In charge of Jlev of ihe Christian Church inter ment took place In the Cemetery The sympathy of wind hood goes out Mrs and the three daughters in trie BelliaveiiB Quite a change in the weather lost week which gave us a little of the blUtard wind and bluster for several making the roads In some places In a condition that they had to be worked on for a time The funeral which passed through Hie village oil Tuesday from Toronto to the Briar Hill Cemetery Sutton West was favored with good roads and a nice mild day It would have been Impossible to have made the trip the following dy Some of the people who motored from the city on Friday to nttend a service St to leave their motors near the of Con and finish their by A good number from this neighbor hood attended the funeral of the late at Keswick on Sunday have the sympathy of many friends In their loss ry to hear of the accident to Miss Blanche having sprained nkle while skating a small In the ankle broken also Too school children these days In think the track In the not deep enough so they is somewhat The cough which the colds this winter off Try a Pasadena Cub tit excellent health and hope for An old saying one trouble nev comes alone Mr Joel formerly of now of To to is just recovering from a severe Attack of appendicitis and now his ife la in the Western Hospital So those who enjoy good health should The meeting this week for Bible Study and prayer at the Bethel Church is being held In the afternoon two Word cornea who Is ten there is lots of Sutton West A very satisfactory year both In attendance and finances was reported at the annual meeting of the Church of St James The receipts for the year totalled and the i a united Mr James Taylor peoples warden asked to be allowed to retire end al though he wag urged by the vestry to remain in that position he was ada mant In his stand- M O was elected by acclamation to fill his place and William Evans appointed rectors warden James Taylor and Thomas were elected lay dele gates to the Synod Mrs Miller relumed home from Toronto last Thursday accompanied by her brother Mr J Thompson and his two children re Thompson is in the Hospital oiling a operation Albert Weir i HO SUTTON WEST February Cash Sale A DECIDED REDUCTION SALE ALL KINDS OF FOOTWEAR ESPECIALLY IN Commencing Saturday February 1928 Womens 2BuckU Straps Womens Jersey 2 Straps READ THE FOLLOWING LIST with accident when the lh driving shed door with such Womens Cathmeretw against her that It broke a I Misses bone In ankle Cashmerette 3Bueke Size On Thursday night of last week the ChiloWa Caihnwrlte- Sizes to 103 Junior of Sutton played a game of Children Sizes to with he Jacksons Point team Women Low Jsrsey with VeWet Cuff Cubun He Result in favor Of Sutton Womens Low with Velvet Cuff Cuban Heel The annual congregational meeting J Women Low Grey Net Low Heels of the United Church was held on y evening The reports from different departments dial the church has had a prosperous John King Mr Stephen Sellers and Dr were elected members of session while Dr Beatlfe audi Mr Pugs Cooke has been In the city for Last Wednesday Margaret Stephenson daughter of Mr Stephenson had a number of her her birthday party after school Mrs M Ernes near Beaverton Mr Tfmmlns celebrated birthday on the 26th Rtf for Re for Reg for Reg for Price Sale Sate Price SPECIAL DAYS SALE IN SHOES COMPANION MAKE Men Caihmerette Sal Price Mens CarfmiBrette Exelntfer Sal Price Mens Cashmsrette Arctic 1 Buckle Sale Price Special in Mens Leather Tops and IG No 1 Qua- Reg for Boys Heavy Rubbers SoficT Heels Sale Price 195 Youth Heavy Rubber Sizes SoliTifcel Childrens Heavy Rubber Sizes 5 to Heels Sate Price Safe Price tie Price visiting her ind Youth Maeki MENS WOMENS AND CHILDRENS HOSIERY MENS MITTS AND TliU I a Mony Saving Opportunity Dont Wft It THE SWITZER SHOE STORE SUTTON WEST party the table cloth used being one hundred years old Sorry to hear Mr Hawkins has been quite 111 for a week Mr and Mrs Ceo Johnston of fetaw were visiting at Mr Donald Egos on Friday A native christian of Ceylon ad dressed a meeting in St Andrews church fast Friday an account of missionary work done among his own people Miss Is visiting in To- Sutton Dorothy Lfk quarterly communion services United Church last Sunday Miss Moffat and Mrs of Toronto came up to attend Mis sionary meeling in St Andrews Church last Friday evening Rev C A Belfry spent a couple of city Cameron Thompson and Mrs represented the Mrs held Centra of the United Annual United Church injured especially I the II- sterling village of what thrift and ace can accomplish He several other members of the family wre j young and had to make their own way He was among the in the and three daughters A widow tending ihe University at Toi loving and Mrae he- Hie family the wall Shore suspended for the present IIJ trips out on he lake but with Mrs SILK Man S Come peasetl t0 see Keswick Some of Plainly like Canadian Liberal Worn defined as the call of reminds one of the hymn Who is there bile the ice is good times around the of things was badly In crank ing me engine at the elevator it back fired him in the face Preparatory service will be held In the United Church on Friday evening at oclock Communion service next Sunday morning at It oclock Even ing service at oclock The snow storm of last week ac companied with such high wind put motoring out of business for few days but by Saturday the main roads around here were opened up fi that many used their cars for Sunday The Sunday School held their in the Community Hall Very nice crowd and a good time Whats coming off now An- other dance on Friday night Vachell is the The cold A number of our young these iys people enjoyed the dance al Mr Clarence last Friday night Miss Ida and Miss Viola are In Toronto this week attending the annual MIssfoa Circle Church The entertained the Monday well is In the city Pearl Culv this week The had a very successful Tuesday night which took the form of a parliamentary election The first sitting of parliament will lake place in two weeks An meeting is expected Miss Dorothy called Viola recently Preparatory service on Friday at oclock The sacrament of the I be administered In connection the morning service next United Church Every of the church are earnestly EVERYTHING TO BE SOLD Extraordinary Low Values During the Month of February I HENS COATS Reg to for MENS Reg 10 for FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Bed SJie for WOMENS and MISSES COATS Reft for In FLANNEL Smalt Checks alto Large Plaids in Various Colors Reg up to for Yd- ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS MENTION Wilt be told at reduced prices As Price are greatly reduced alt sales be Csstfc D Sutton West Virginia Beach roads were blocked and the rural was not delivered thus the last week were not mailed progressive euchre party bath asked to attend I Mary Marlyn Sibbald eldest daughter of the late T and Mrs of I don Hall passed away at Castle Mr amp Mrs West on Sunday In her siting Mrs Triors to iae was MISS May Is home from the J S because of her lo Illness Mr and Mrs Geo Station in Zephyr on Thursday Mr Is in the plete her education Canada with her pments her and Sutton has always been her H for years In he continent She linguist and ravelled In most of European lowed by singing and Several have been on the sick iSbt with La Grippe Among the tunate was Mrs James Lyons but we are all pleased to see that she is able to be out again Mrs Milliard Arnold Miss Dorothy Evans of To spent tbe previous weekend Alex Willis spent a couple last week Penrose of Toronto spent lit with her mother Mrs while her daughter lending itfew weeks he Mr and Mrs John v spent Sunday Wesley in the Mrs of their ssf Toronto Fred in tfiif hjirff ot Monday Mr Frank and sited at on Sunday Large at the danco last at Mr Sedonas- and all a- good Mr ftjBrveille andl lady Lend at Mn Giles on The heavy snovyrdli pen- pie frqpi crossing the the box Island- I ideistand Ihe wcddloa bells are ringing- around iffy ewlll all home the ftweh Wellington- i calling lj lost May giving a series of spent In city mep here