fel5i small number of people who thought it Holt Call- Differed worthwhile to attend rhubarb They considered not the possibility of of lights of the different communities supposed to Solo Mrs While be represented were present I They considered not the possibilities of a Miss Kathleen faithful few I spent the weekend By the faithfulness of Abram God Mr and Mrs J D was able to begin a new nation I Mr and Mrs the faithfulness of Moses God was able to deliver His children so much can be accomplished by Gravenhurst on Tim one or two fifty people should ac Mrs Darius York complish more 1 Saturday with Iter Feed my sheep Christs words were repeated by one minister Surely Mrs Terry of K those present went away more deter mined to feed Christs than to Mr Charlie Bur trample or eat all the pasture them- Mrs J anthem sung by three Wedding Hells I with Jesus If this Is not by Mr and Mrs the correct title Is suitable Kathleen motored In memory I was carried back to childhood days when I attended my first convention and a minister sang The traffic on north and south People missing these meetings have broke the record a spent the time upon things of lesser bylaw makes It value to them Mrs J Joyce Mr and Mrs Bells so frequently are putting the third lime has all fair filing industrious farmers of living that Is If live too fast The mailer of a drive Is becoming quite affair owing partly to the speed sonic of the tourists take and much more Ulan partly to some- llilng else which the drivers and oc cupants of some of tho cars ike Inwardly But It remains to be prov ed what pari Government Control will accomplish In these serious matter as another accident as reported by early on the scene occurred i Saturday night of were interred in Mr had 1 a great suffer and release by the self a as a relief to friends who wali- affectionately riai Hen Ml ye ago leaving his Miss Mary I Wednesday shower in and Children had a- very narrow escape all being hurl as their oar was over and smarted up beyond repair by two of those who had themselves So it looks as If hey were no stale control a car wide good road Is too remains night or day their loss Ella Annie and John After many years of widow hood she married Thos funeral indicated Hie respect In she was held in the community bright and cheerful disposition always made her welcome wherever she went Friend were present at the funeral from Toronto Newmarket in honor of Miss Mildred the near future Marjorie Lewis and friend of Rev A M Cartridge delivered ay which should he help to a The strawberry festival of Church to be held on the pa mage lawn has been postponed tint Make the date with yo that Mr took cold with Jaundice and h very poorly for some weeks accident on Sunday turn Just south of this driving by a woman and lh turn put the car over An occupant girl a i last week Watch for the bills did not attend Ladles ilssed a big treat Mr and Mrs Emerson Spence ken wholly by surprise last Friday ening when between SO and the Baby Chicks Big Chicks Leghorns gHOO per P nocks per Delivery with these days Hope prepared of lamentable I S holding meeting at the home of Mrs Frank Rose on the of June- In nectionwlth this there will also a Social a debate Come long Mr he Ml spent the lStli of this month at Island n There will Ie races baseball etc- I all come encourage the children II Cameron spent Sunday with different stores barber shops drug stores and boarding houses are expected to open up this weekend Although the weather has been very nfavorable Jacksons Point Is be ginning to boom Lake view Hotel Is last week a number of young ladles spent a weeks vacation Meet DECORATION DAY at hurt Those who were hurt In the Sun day morning accident by the car turn ing over were taken to he Smith house In the village where they were hospitably used and- fixed up some by the doctors and taken lo Toronto A day for their trip The minister of Bethel appointment on Sunday together with a helper from the city were the of Mr and MM George Wilkin son where they appreciated their kindness who attended tho service and hearvj Mr dis course report him a a wonderful speaker and the members are well what the presbytery has sent them so I am told solo by considering there Is to progress where It Is hoped be much good done a few miles of here Someone mado the remark that Mii Sellar and next time they would not miss it We also visited tho Bible and pleased the Interest within Saturday Commencing ill persona interested make the day the Mackenzie John Secretary are requested letter grand and her by Bethel the church last Sunday other sick people quilt Is progressing- home has been opened for quilting is vi ml ay children have only two lore weeks at school and titer expected holidays Thej ready for their examinations Our teacher Is quite busy wl Sorry to Wish th Johnson k Hope for a speed Many from here paid their lost in Stephens who passed Beyond last Tuesdi sorrowing friends mpnlhy of the light leaving relatives There seems to be a great One Inst Saturday on the baseline which caused a great deal of excitement and also one In Bel haven on Sunday morning The can In both were damaged people were badly hurt slightly But Glad to ha The time drawing near blacksmith back feathered voice of the become of the number of Insurance also a gqodly re booked for the Hope Items many out to church last Sun Those who were not missed of interesting Information about Japan given by Rev Tench a return come to the Garden Party at on the A good supper and program will be pro vided Mr tenor soloist Scuttle comedian Ruth Ham ilton elocutionist and Newmarket Orchestra will provide the entertain The annual picnic of the S No East Gwillimbury will be held at Mr Archie Dikes on Saturday Jul Come enjoy yourself with OP THANKS bo assisted I Illness and deal Stephens floral tributes Sutton West ton West family reunion on Sunday when all her children were with hen Mr Mrs Walter J Osborne New Altat Mr and Mrs Harry Smith ford Park Torontot Mr and SI Wyant Port Dr and Walker Mr and Mrs J Osborne Newmarket Mr and Mrs Will Os borne Mr and Mrs Bert Osborne Mrs- and Perce of Sutton Anglican services on Sunday will be as follows St James am Sunday School am Holy Com munion pm Evening Prayer St Georges am Morning Daylight churches alned land reduced The following names were added to Assessment Roll William Hill Jr Marion HID Walter Hill Con a Lot Louise Walker Amanda Walker Con Lot Fred Con 8 Lot and Mrs Con Lot Annie It Con ot Wm Mitchell and Lucy Mit chell Con Lot It Murray Stokes Minnie Stokes Con Lot 12 Douglas Campbell Con Lot lo Howard Con Lot lit Byron Stiver Stiver and Don- aid Stiver Con Lot 11 Mrs Wm Barker It Con Lot 111 Mr Page Mrs Page Con Rowland It Con Lot The following assessments for dogs were struck off A Roll J Smith Stewart McClure Ross Cunningham Frank Tate Frank Laws James Foster Glen Micks Her bert Rolling re J Smith That the Assessment Roll for he accepted as revised and I that first adjourn a Carried Business Meeting The regular June meeting of tin Municipal Council of Gwllllm bury was coiled at pm ere read and re condition write persons regard A delegate tees and others were heard before Council regarding the maintenance the paved streets of M A Arrange- made to have the the County Council Time In Pram House rooms acre garden small fruits cherry trees Hard and soft For further apply FRANK hone 320 Mount Albert heard at the June its That be Instructed to Issue a duplicate cheque for to the Treasurer King re Deb No King due April 1st the Clerk having received the resolution of the Council of King regarding the same Carried That Dr H E Johnson of Mount Albert be and hereby appointed Medical Health Of fleer for the Township of East Gwll Yeas Horrlsc Lewis That the for the East Fair be set at Township Roy Horace resi Albert Cole vll resurf Thomas Sweet resurf Walter res Wm Moulds resurf Jack Mahoney Merton Oliver Frank Percy Win Pollock Pedlar People cub Smith rep Dan Moore Geo Llnstead Wm McClure res Beverley Sinclair Edwin resu Geo Slmttleworth George Harrison 1 Ernie I unau re Alvln Arnold rt Walter Warren Harrison 1 Continue for grader Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned administrator up Juno for the sale of the following lands of he Estate of late Ellen Brown Ail of lot number One In the Concession of the Township of North la the County of save and except Ihe lands described In Village Lois registered and also a small portion between said bats al so the conveyed to the Railway Said tlon offered fop sale being acre The following Improvements we said to be on premises Two storey Frame Dwell In fair repair and a Bank Bin ft stabling id cultivated balance pasture The properly adjoins the VUW of Brown Hill on Suit on Branch Of Canadian National Railways where good grata an stock market to bhuroh Terms per of money to be paid the vendor within 5 days of acceptance or ana the balance In 30 days highest or any Tender not accepted For further partloular apply to DAVIDSON Mount Albert Administrator of Ellen Brown Dated May ii2 TORONTO