Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1927, p. 6

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AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert Following are the officers the Football Huh last week Robertson Dike Manager J Eve Spang Practice night Friday of spent weekend with Miss Hazel Ve are sorry to hear Mr Grant is under the care again Hope he will soon be around I The Community Club are an a banquet lo he hockey the last Sunday when There win a Oratorical were promoted higher Contest held in the senior room They entered the gate Of the Public on Friday the Gates was afternoon April Parents sung by some of the pupils and others inlerested are invited the superintendent asked qu The alien The Do jo part to pupils mate Mount remembered our visitors vice w adopted by the Horticultural So- I decora is rather hard lo observe when ones neighbors hens j The scratch the top dressing off the choir flower beds and incidentally root showing the good talent there is out the bulb in community The sermon on Hie Young Preacher showed how Shone a Chrisls life and touched Ini live to build a shop in the near future Mr Reg Scott and lady friend from have been visiting Hie home of his parents Mr and Mrs George Scott Mrs who has been ill brought he Monday and i hear Dr Browns residence changed hands Will see it occupied J under the au Mrs James Lawson returned E and have a good tin A community dance will be held in the House on April 8 We are sorry to hear of the illness of Miss Laura her mother daughter Edna visited at Ed a few weeks Ross Mead from Watts Mr I Thirsk has purchased Ihe place recently occupied by Norman Thompson who is Ml S The annual election of officers the Ladies Union and WMS took place at the meeting held Mrs Geo Burnhm Theaker Treal Sleeper Mr E Ha Ed i I or Mrs Stokes Those for the are Mrs- Dike Mrs Stokes 2nd Vice Mrs Sec Mrs Mrs Winch Cor Sec Mrs Ross Strangers Sec Mrs Hamilton Literature Sec Mrs Campbell There are still some Commit tees to appoint in these Societies Y The meeting on Monday even ing last held in the basement of the church as usual was especial ly well attended The Hope for a Mr and Mrs Darius York and Miss Veda Pollock or Keswick spent a few days at Mr last week Mrs Harry McKelvey is after spending some time will her mother Mrs Geo Crouton at Point We are sorry to hear that Mr Byron Cunningham is under Ihe doctors care Hope he will soon Miss Taylor of spent the week at the home of Mr and Mrs Freeman Pollock Mr Bill of Newmarket spent a day last week the home of Mr and Mrs A Morton Veda Pollock spent Sun day with Miss A Mann iron has returned attraction down of Mr and Mrs an Friday April Te from lo 8 p Vera Pollock was for Ihe weekend Ed Alder lias purchased car Mr J Harper and Mr motored to an City last week They roads in Markham Mr Rye has purchased car Mr Hole has rented Mr Harry house Miss M was home for weekend Miss P Harper spent the d with Miss Cameron Mr George Washington spent Hie weekend at the me of Mr A Pearson Miss Myrtle Draper visited Mrs Rye over the weekend Delia Hopkins visited ir Keswick on Sunday and Mrs Harry Leppard Saturday in the village entertained last Saturday Sharon There was a large attendance to church on Sunday night The sermon was beautiful Come out next Sunday and hear another good sermon en The Unfolding of the Life of Christ as King not forget League on Friday night oclock Annie spent the end at home Crone and George Soules spent Tuesday or this in Newmarket ss Alice Verity spent the end with Miss Edna Brown- in Mr Byr Mr and Mrs Josh re spending the week in Mr and Mrs Harper Winnie Winkle Dora and Mary A numb he lecture and pic Itended Newmarket last home of Mann Ke3wieS Friday April Come and bring your thimble Olive Williamson spent Sun day with Ada Stiles Miss Pearl Harper spent the week end with Miss Cameron HatUe and Mr Jack spent the weekend with their par- Mr and Mrs A Hamilton spent Sunday at her home In Baldwin Ruby spent last Thursday with Ada Glad to have Mr and Mrs Elmer Hamilton wih us on Sunday Hope they will come again The Srib Baldwin Breezes ted from the east on Saturday and it is hoped by many thai it will hurry up the sap The condition of the roads are far from excellent Oars are forced to do their best in many the bride anted as groomsman Following the ceremony wedding luncheon was held e Sharon Womens Institute received instructions from headquarters will hold their an nual meeting in May April as previously announced The April meeting will be he reg meeting held at the home of Mrs on April this meeting the fees for the Institute year will be paid Institute all cordial i the unity to join The Women Institute is a wellknown organ and needs recommend ation It is a benefit to community so join up and enjoy the work and sociability of Society Mount Pleasant Good attendance at church last Sunday Glad to see Mr and Mrs Tom Mann of Keswick out lo church Hope they come again soon Miss Pearl Harper of Keswick spent the weekend with Miss 1 lied but sorry and Mrs Elmer Com vicinity has engaged with Doug Howard to help the farm work Tor the of the season and consequently has up abode We all i In their ih them every and Mrs at Mrs on report that Her- as been under the few days but at is improving the happy couple left on a trip to points iin the United Stales bride travelling in a pretty costume green crepe with of sand and hat to match Mr and Mrs Weight will reside at their new me Rhodes avenue Toronto Sutton West One hundred views of and Jacksons Paint wilt be shown on Monday April in the Town Hall Sutton p J will give an historical sketch of the community Amongst the are many beautiful scenes of the early days A silver collec tion will be taken bring your friends Rev J of this was the special preacher at St Cathedral Toronto or Wednesday of this week Or Monday last he lectured to i large audience in Toronto Sutton and Jacksons Point tin same talk that will be given in Sutton Town Hall on April The public are invited lo at lend an oldtime in Town Hall on Easter Monday Night April commencing at sharp An intfluential with Reeve Hope Items Those who have their maple tree lapped are being kept the these days A certain Individual of this after reading the Hope Items folks doles was appointed scribe for the Aid and church work general but will have lo work In a few ode things We gave the play Mother at Que day night We had to be quite a bit and were rather si on the sometimes 1 l-Fasiiloo- to in this steadily The garage opened for is officially ade Clarence as second in ie services at the United well attended last Sunday Rev Mann preached a very helpful on the morning Ills subject Pour Kinds of Soil In Ihe for his spending Miss Alice Smith a few days with Butcher at Richmond Hill Mrs George and little of Newmarket spent Mon- Union day in the village eat interest in city Miss Veil The topic for the was in the form of a debate Resolved that Educational Work in the Mis sionary side and and Miss Parker the negative Both sides had very hut the decision was given in favor of the affirmative side For Ihe social part of the program two of our members dressed up as darkies entertain ing with darkey songs and jokes which everyone enjoyed Then at in the Hall M A Gulling of Toronto will a dress the Horticultural on the subject or The Horn Garden and it is earnestly re quested that there wilt be a large inter prove and others ivhat will Mr Dan Moore and Mr Joe Watson spent Monday in Toronto The Misses Doris and Emily spent end at Mr- Geo the school Mrs Silas entertained i number at ladies to a The ladies spent the after loon sewing after which a icious luncheon was served The was spent contest Everyone seemed lo enjoy the the to about Mis in Hie village Milne Hoot weektad in the City Moll of Ihe Hope noun led i place in Company the first of each month when any business is transacted and mai lers of general interest to mem bers is and It is hoped heretofore that Is your and one of best ways to forward its aims 1 The Ml Telephone Co arc giving continuous service starling April The Hockey Club are holding a Euchre parly in the school on Friday night April at oclock Prizes will lie lt Your life belter my of the kings of old witch on light i smoky torch You go lo fatherhood and the first or MY Mann Intend each Sunday evening leading up Ihe preached aster Sunday Those who hear last Sunday will no take it a point to hear the re lem After the sermon on Sunday enlng Mr Kenneth Morton favored a solo which was remarkably rendered Someone termed as Remember the union ig at now instead of I United Church next Tuesday held Miss Mr Robert Stiles Hazel Cameron the Mission Circle at Mr J llopkii after Ghurch so the boys will be lit be held at Win litttuy planks A few The will meet this afternoon April 1st at 3 oclock In S room Everyone moat Invited to these services Mrs who Is slaying son at while Mrs Isaac Is nursing her mother Mrs who la very sick motored home over the The entertainment held In connec- with the Mission Band last Fri day evening was well attended Everyone seemed to and Draper spent Monday In the city Mrs Is spending a few days In the city lonl forget the Ladles Aid Tea be held at the home of Mrs in Everyone la very cordially to report Mr and Mrs Waller Draper have been very sick with the flu Mrs Earl of Sutton has been visiting friends in Mr Earl Morton has moved back to Keswick In Mr J Smiths house Washington was the guest of Mr Pearson over the weekend Mr has a splashy new car There will he quite on Improve ment on the con this year Mr Johnnie la creeling a new barn and Mr A Is mak ing great headway with home celebrated her birthday on Saturday at the home of her daughter Mrs Glover when the family all gathered Mr Charlie Pollard has Just moved house I the take home the weekend Choir on Sunday afternoon Mr Jack Stiles was also for Iho weekend The Coach from the 1 lii lo sixth girls Sunday The Ladies Aid of Ml Pleasant Church will he held Mrs Tom April Supper Smith is back immand Charlie and his helper Dan still doing a rushing trade though Dan at the do side who what way they bunch of country aid etc had i a heathen people this part of The audience was splehdli by the laugh themselves I wonder what happened to the choir member last We ere quite disappointed one member especially Miss Snyder has returned tier home after spending a month with friend Stevens Dont forget the Aid at Mrs Come and bring your friends The series of sermons on the life of Christ are Interesting Come out and Smith and Mrs i Crittenden were called to a week ago to attend the funeral of their sisterinlaw Mrs Jesse pancakes A large Arctic hawk murdered in cold blood pheasants lust hand and a good time is guaran teed Bill Dick and lAlec will furnish the music and a first- class floor manager will he charge Refreshments win served and the proceeds are aid of the Sutton Hockey Team Let everybody turn out and sbov their appreciation of the boy who have brought honor to the village the past season Mr has been making some nice improvements in his house by putting in a fire place arid bathroom The Ladies Aid of the United arranged to serve Saturday evening beautiful 1 tore Pancakes served from Come and enjoy hoped spaved until lake their place Wanted Two reliable ami up a be and tracter Lodge here S ineet jwHoh bears bis name an invila person to was received by the Uffi i will he right handy lo home and fro nli The mud these days makes It very disagreeable for getting about The roads are In a terrible condition The Mission Circle last week was well attended also quite a number out to church on Sunday Come you folk Mr and Mrs Carl spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Barker Mka P Harper spent Sunday Cameron and both attended Ml Pleasant The beautiful weather Sorry to report Miss Mary Aird cck but we hope for a speedy Miss Silica spent Sunday at her home here Curiosity often takes people from their right rojd when going from SUles spent Sunday on Ihe Iflh Mr Harold Glover spent a couple iUlll Glad lo see so many on Sunday You should not fall lo hear Mr Campbell He certainly Is a fine speaker Those who attended the Mission Clrolo at Mr and on evening report a splendid time Hope we will be invited bock floss Stiles little boy Is Im proving under the good nursing of Mies Harvey graduate of the Sick Childrens Hospital Dont forget Hun of Baldwin Corners Beautiful of si Mrs smiling these days spent the I Mr Henry Vanderburg burg Monday but when he got lo new home on the eighth above Brown Hill he found place loeked and had to come back until he can find other quarters gave a splendid address on the way of living to class es of the Elm Grove Sunday School last Sunday Miss lllanuh Swei members accepted and report spending a most delightful evening The of the Adult Bible Class also teachers and officers of United Church S entertained at the Manse on Wed evening of last very enjoyable evening was spent by all Mis of Owen Sound of Mrs Angus Ego spen the weekend with The friends of Miss Virginia Walter and Angus it tended the pie social in list week ami report that the girls out that way understand making real ap petising pies Mr and Mrs E also and Mrs Arnold visited Malls family one even ing of last week Mr and Mrs Boots visited the family Mr Frank i Mr Mi turned home after spending a vaca tion la Sulton wonder who the young men were that had an exciting time on the ton line when their driver afraid Mr and Mrs Crosby Gould and family also Miss Me all of Oxbridge visited I and Mrs Richard on Si and Fergus relumed to their homes after a week In the city Rev Belfry gave a splendid on Sunday Sorry that we more attending church when he livers such good sermons Council Mod- Counoil met at Pefferlaw day March at pm Members all present Minutes die will bo to meeting were read and adopted earn she baa so far recovered read rom her illness as lo be JohnstonLatimer That the leave the Hospital here on Co exchange No and has gone for a w first ordered as Ihe No Mm I Owen took Mra J Crlten- Miss d Miss Blanch and Utile Sutton on Saturday Mrs Chas and Mr and Mrs Ross OBrien spent a few days In Toronto last weeken Mrs Valentino was en to Newmarket Hospital on Sunday by Dr Dales of Newmarket Ask Crawford about oar Comer lias a very sick horse The wedding bell of Brown Hill got clogged so it didnt ring Look for Zephyr The marriage of Miss Olive Myrtle Orr youngest daughter of Mr James of Zephyr to Mir Charles Wright of Toronto took place at home of the brides uncle Mr Cleland Shaw street Toronto on Friday even ing March at oclock The ceremony was performed- by he llov in the pres ence of only the Immediate rela tives and friends of the bride and groom The bride wore a pretty rose beige gown and carried Ophelia roses and lillfis-of-the- valley She was attended by Miss Lillian Wright as brides maid in rose georgette and to her sisters Mrs Miss Scott who Is attend ing Street Collegiate To ronto was homo for the week end Mr Jim Treloar of Bank of Nova Toronto was homo lor weekend Mr and Fred moving to Newmarket this week Wo are sorry to lose from our village Especially will they bo missed in the United Church where Sir Cook lias been of the Young Peoples Society The work of putting a new roof of asphalt shingles on Ihe Manse was completed on Tuesday Several new cars have been bought in the village recently SALE Factory Made Silo ft by I Motor used a Utile Prices right HAMILTON Orchard Beach ALB or aoreage beautifully situated between the town of New market and Street known as the George Millard farm J Quoeoavflle FOR Exoelltnt Station Immediate for good to Is too heavy for maintenance work en only one team Is used The grader to be price That the lowing account be paid and the Re grant his orders on Ihe Treasurer the same and the seal of the be hereto attached A deed and bylaw Community Hall JohnstonMalt Thai now adjourn to meet again a law on Monday May am as a Court of Rev general business PetfW- General Insurance AND Real Estate Special Attention PAID TO Farm Insurance FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS Our of and PENOIL8 con sists of Iho belt known makes on the market Let us help you the point you like we supply you with any nib made AND EVER8HARP AND CONWAY STEWART Jeweler and Optician NEWMARKET A WORD TO THE WISE SAVE YOUR EYES We In Repairing All work Is promptly turned out and Thoroughly Let ut that bean having trouble with

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