leading County Paper as as the Oldest No paper sent out of York unless paid in advance COLD WEATHER COMFORTS COOK STOVES Specials Oval and Round Fire Boxes HEATERS Dominion Circulators Burning Coal or Wood also ElectrVc and Coal OH Heaters GOOD SECONDHAND TORTOISE COOK STOVE High Closet and Reservoir Rowlands Hardware THE STORE SOUTH END LUMBER YARD A New Years Resolution I hereby resolve to stop spending money on poor coal I will buy coal that will give the most heat and least clinkers BUY SCRANTON ANTHRACITE We have STOVE NUT EGO and PEA also COAL SOFT COAL and COKE Place your order now for early delivery P PEARSON Cor Church and Phone 66 The Joy of Accomplishment To save money may require that you make some sacrifice but if a stated sum is placed in a Savings Bank account at regular intervals your money with the interest it earns soon grows and you experience the joy of accom plishment There is a Savings Bank Depart ment at every branch of this Bank IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA SONS LIMITED UEQLIiliO it- uilding Mater Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc HM Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Cane Sons Co Limited kindness Buried Oh what for hold dare not dr What skies of blue what skies much will vanish how much will How much of work how PURPOSE FOR THE NEW YEAR and poor ier stop and the and When- the bells fn a glad welcome knell of the departing flu fails a to the year that is just alt Us mighty or Behind us lies the past year What has heen itt record We see the gravesloni markins the spot where our fondest hopes have perished We see out ought hied into dust Resolutions u made in come to us as ghosts out We cannot change tin past it is gone from us It he pari and parcel of the great he future has not yet f the life to be What resolutions shall ike to govern our actions iijiii which we are about and holy thought ill ha We often extend to ew years greeting A ew Year to you and nswer the same to any of them Let us in el this wish as soon as it lered but put it into Ottawa Dec This Clirlstm by a freight tia Station crossing and wife aged staidly about eight it the old and was badly Injured when she at to rush into the flooring hoi and was foreman of Mill at the Spanish Rive out Paper Mills at of the house and was absent not more than a few children moments when she flames shooting out of the chimney With RESULT such rapidity the fire spread that despite her frantic efforts- she was Weston Is unable to reach the llltle one which I when she left the house was playing Weston Doc In an upstair Driller Through Dot A Calgary D occurred ho Vulcan well I off the top of the wellhead and shat tered the Smith separator Into bits scattering them yards away and shook the whole field No one was injured though both Clarence Synder in charge of the work at the well and Robert Wash ington a driller had narrow escapes Synder was blown thrown a of the derrick and Washing ton was thrown against the side of the building but both are reported and no broken bones The cause of the explosion Is un known but it is thought to have been due to the big well suddenly Increas ing both the pressure ami volume of The separator itself was locacrf yards north of the well with which it was connected by a of tenInch pipe This pipe burst all IMMIGRANTS SUCCEED Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket OUR COAL PURE COAL AND CLEAN Now Is the Time to Order Before the Weather Gets Cold and Coal Scarce ALL 8IZE8 ON HAND Steam Coal Cannel Coal and Coke CEMENT LIME AND LUMBER What About Some Storm Sash W H EVES HURON 8TREET Plume Newmarket leaf and yet nut first resolution be alone but lo live for oilier is the leaching of our when He says Those then lite is in sew humanity shall find it that is nice of bavins a life There is an oh which says He who foI- in Abraham Lincoln Glad liisiiiaik and Grunt am is of others who made lives sublime owned success lo a inmmsc in life Genius is intensity The aim of each one of us he lo do some service for should not despise the day of small things II is Die lit tleness of mon that in trifles Ho small things shall fall by little and little A people on the streamlet scan Has turned the course of many A dew drop on the baby plant Has warped the Riant oak for- to and hake of the hand nglemonts of life How no lluwin settled on farm lands rn Canada In the last three by the cooperative efforts of Land Settlement Hoard hi in Hie end of tin- Canada Tempo en provided for II Is pending the an Saskatchewan families I settled since tlie t to function Every one during the coming with cost us very little and kind in word and deed ul of life moment of ailed and focgotl Cowhides should make a Very cable foal linn Duncnn Marshall in regard to the ladles sports coats made of this material which are lo ho proving very fashionable In United States have seen many of these in the old days In the West and they are a fin thing for protection against the wind should Imagine however that calf skin would make a finer garment an cowhWe Is too thick and tor a light flexible coat Highland Warmer Coals For mens wear Mr Marshall was of the opinion that a coat fnorp a cross between Shorthorn and one of the Galloway or Highland cattle would glvo best results as these somewhat resemble the buffalo wllh a very thick covering of hair Proving Popular dairy breed calves The Holslflln Willi Ha brilliant contrast in colors seem to be the most favored but the tawny Jersey also makes a distinctive garment Idea Is supposed i have In Now York City al though it has since spread lo all larger centres In both the Slates and Canada At the prices this new whim of Pant Fashion promises a very outlet for mate dairy calves which hitherto it has been very dif ficult lo find a market by unknown riding a sleigh are believed to have caused the death THEATRE FIRE AT WINNIPEG morning of William Beatly ears of Wcatmount Pat- autopsy today Corner Winnipeg Man day overtook the Winnipeg families wl gay ChrlsUnasllde ha- mourning and grief- I the most dlast the standpoh lost and Winnipeg Theatre Dame and Adelaide Street was by fire early today The i building which was one of the land- of the city Is a total loss The damage Is estimated at all firemen burled beneath tons of debris when of the walls and the celling col- I death will be held damages served on Injured when declares that part by the fallUi Harold Alberta Miss Clayton a of younte people a her residence Saturday evening Mr a gave an Mis of Fleming Mr and Mrs E Jackson at tended a family gathering at Nor wich on New Years Miss Coates of Buffalo is vis iting Mrs A Mr David and wife of Montreal spent the holidays in town Mr and Mrs Will Webster at tended the wedding- of Miss Browning in Aurora last week Mrs Burns of Kincardine is in town on account of tire death of her brother John Smith Mr Albert wife and daughter are over from Detroit for the Miss and Mrs rown of spent three here on account of the ill- ess of heir sister Mrs of Welland Port spending New Year holidays ill her moUier Mrs Win Cane air and Mrs Jonathan Rogers spent Christmas with her father Dr J Ann it age of Waterloo in town on account of the Hi ss of his father J It of Man spent a week fnientis has a school at and her mother lapsed by the Very significant lion ihls Winnipeg hoard of Trade of the first ship ment of wheat from the Canadian West Wheat had successfully grown In the lied River Valley from onward but before only ha- home consumption in the latter year there was a serious failure of the spring wheat SO Years Ago Em Jan ofMunicipal Elections tteoverOos Councillors J Morrison Pearson and W Wens i fleovo Pegs and Ijiii and Long son Michael Ba ker Councillors Win Henry J Ihe old Red Fife in that Prov ince had lost Its vigour The fame of the wheat grown In the Redeliver valley had begun to spread and In the autumn a seed merchant of To ronto decided lo try to secure bushels of wheal for seeding railways had not then reached Canadian West most expeditious method of travel was to the end of rail at Fishers Landing on the Red- river In Minnesota and thence by orfh cwiUnnbui Reeve river steamer to Winnipeg Isaac A- seedsman anheil in Winnipeg only a ham Melius Travis day or two before the sailing of the JUuixly king Dopuos U Armstrong and Davis John Millard Reov s Deputies J C and Lloyd brief time available be secure only bushels This sacked ami shipped by steamer to lamnun and s I inll- Ihmv rail lo Toronto At the recent celebration l Winnipeg It v polnld mil j is Ihe grain movement Inanguraled by ju of this liny consignment of bushels In had to of nearly la I be crop year iflS52B ill were hurl panic ensued among more j lhan persons and two cars wore j damaged when a tram car crashed Into rear of another the j Very si Methodist Church on isful Hie Clmmi Tuesday evening Jas Silver tho chair Sharon Club furnished tho music Officers the A Peregrine A Cane Jack son J Altar At lire Methodist Parsonage Newmarket Jan- 13tli by Rev O It Miss Mary E Waller of Sootl lo Joseph be Paris lakes an Inch Scores of deaths have been re- 1 ported In the last three for At Ihe New Rev John Brown on New Year Nancy Miaria of rket by though the lowest lempcrah been only about degrees Fahren heit In Paris the air Is bitterly I rating and the people are not ac customed to cold Robt J Conn died at Wing- ham Hospital Monday Ho was saw ing wood for a neighbor and as he was putting in the on en gine ho by his clothing Winter of At Terrace Nowniar A Cane intends the winter with her Herb Bums of Montreal is here her parents The family of Mr John Rogers Street were all home for one The friends of Mrs Bayly pri vate school teacher gave her a handsome purse for a New Years gift Miss of Richmond Hill was in the village this week She intends to live with tier in the Slates There was a family gathering At Civil lions Albert Cain Michael Cain cam O W Office Doyle J Elmer T Web ster Howard Col Lloyd Mills Tlie Altar At the residence of brides mother on Christmas day by J Miss Minerva Hedge to Sin- At the Parsonage Mount Albert on Christmas day Miss Al Albert by Rev Deo Miss Betsy of Bast At the residence of he Doc by Rev Mo aged Whilohurch Deo Mor el widow of Murphy aged ye Toronto Wells formerly of King Town ship aged Jan 1st of At the par Newmarket New Year be- stopped fiher by LOCOMOTIVE COOKERY Thais locomotivo boiler replied And do they boil lore mm HIVES OP TORONTO