school concert Don I forget ho School ana Christinas Tree Tuesday Dec 21 at sharp in he school Ev eryone welcome Program is being prepared interest the parents Your presence will he appreciated by Hie children WOMENS- INSTITUTE Why ee The ecu dollar afternoon at the E Smith The ill filled and the the work Institute Mrs splendid account P The held In Monday evening Dee 13 program Missionary Department The top in was given Mi People Dee Brooks illt A Mr Taylor a home on furlough from China gmve us a very interesting talk on bis work here As it was Mis sionary night his talk was very acceptable After an instrumental by Irene Rose the meeting closed with the Rational Anthem The Sunday School concert will lie held in the Hall on Dec A good of dialogues recitations and drills is being prepared Concert will start at Miss Mary of Toronto and Mr Clarence Long of spent Sunday Mr Thomas Miss Evelyn Edwards of Vasoy a few days with Miss Sloan Christmas night Dec 25th the annual Christmas Tree enter tainment of the Church Sunday School will be the members of the at oclock Plans being made for an unusually fine program There will be recitations exer cises songs and a wonderful- age Come early you wis ha good Sunday especially in We were pleased to se visitors and cordially Rev Mann preached lw are to occupy the choir in the morning following Our obliging Pete int and his for In deal- have found lately in deal- still with peciai meeting The sale at Mr Roses was well on Monday as the tuy was quite mild people had the choice in taking car or cutler as Wo have fair sleighing Mr has the not only in his at change of which must and he ho this West Rev was taken ill last week with pneumonia and taken to the Hospital here he cared for last report bis condition was favorable The workman on the bridge crossing the Black worked all night for two nights last week and finished the ce ment work by Saturday This completes the bridge except the railing at each side h lo the bridge is now being f the surplu Ihe Tuesday Dr of Id ThosOonm and wife have i few weeks of anxiety Mr having had several pail in nulling from a fall but the pageant good nursing and Dr is to be a number of J leys treatment he is much more j comfortable fir the date Monday The death occurred last week in To of the change time pi commence- j ment to take the topic hopes that all who at tend have a verse ready with the word Peace in it There will also he practice for the pa geant at lie close of he meeting We are glad say that Mr Wm Manill is very favorably although lie had a heart last weekend but is belter again now ami hopes to be home for Christmas Mr and Mrs E are back to Keswick atari Cook lias moved into Mrs W Winchs house Mr new house is mak ing rapid progress and it- looks as if they Licet p hi instead of Please notice League on Friday night at p in charge of Rev Partridge A good crowd is expected of Toronto spent the weekend at home Sherman Story has return ed after spending a few days in the city Do not forget the concert Santa willbe there Re member the dale Dec We extend our sympathy to Hie be reaved wile and family of Me Mr Humphrey wfio passed away last Thursday He made Iris home here daughter fr Leslie Sbiphens gave a parly n honor of her eldest rflUgbler Mabel on Tuesday night to a number of her friends All report ping week were Mr and Mm Robert Knights and family Misses Worry and Ethel Cordon Mr and Via Karl Gor don Mr and Mrs Charles Harrison lsl week Mr and Mrs Oliver Blizzard spent Sunday with Mr and Mttfo Kenton Mr Joe Wilkinson of Keswick was calling- on his old fibnds on Friday their irip Saturday night SuU Vachell Wflmof hag home after attending County Council Sorry to hear of the Illness caused by hen VviThad ho lor a month or two but we are going to be our wish Miss is visi brothers tins week at Keswick nr Wilfrid Rye also have both got a The last Si it lie home of her Ezra King from whic allied Heart of her death sympathize with Mrs las had blood poiso at oclock and burial took place at the Briar Hill cemetery The flowers which were beauti ful only showed to some small extent what the life of the de parted had been as she had strewn different flowors than perishable along the way of many who have been in trouble as Walker Mrs I Mr and Mrs Milton lit to the oily Tuesday very special pro- is provided for the Movies the Town Hall on the 2Kb and including gifts for the a busy season of Hi Lucky l only comes one twelve months Id say I cant think of do this week than to li a letter from EarJ which received last wee letter from Hugh yesterday Bolt of the running for the position of the Sixth Ontario Oldi and during our Patterson support from Frank platform adopt Judging from who of I Virginia Joseph Fi Sunday at Mr Jif had Mil Israel Having been left a widow tie family life I Sunday at although at the time out in her year she j Mrs Bert of lot seem old because of a a few a hi thi while So its f her slot mother Mr Alex lrosser spent I Mr Al ii begin to look quite i Charlie I at Mr t glad to Morton Charlie around his friends week whtn he home I not speaking for his sisters and brothers hut just he friends hat have known Freeman from i boy Ho was always very ilar and can always expect a heart welcome to his home town Mr has installed 1 1 In- Hid Mi v uicrtilii- a bunch of little folk to hear Santa mother of our radio friends well lb are the dead who as we know she her labors and has jusl passed on into Higher Service If the returns of the vols are in print why did not the majority for Temperance show tip belter from this voting place iih Keswick than turn Swamp But old North York did well Did you notice in the returns for ho County of York total vole for the wet candi date was Surely no one will think that would mean a double However the dry candidate Mr P Pearson is to be congratulated on bis suc cess in be took for On Sunday morning Dec 19th at oclock he Sunday School will lake the form of a Christmas service when the Blessed in large 61 Mrs i the el the on Friday nlglil at Mr Peter Is vibltlng for a few while is spending a few weeks I We pari ill tJeo for ones wishing to add another will he quite this lime special peeled by the Scott THEIR FINISH i they attempted all inn- for friends is Draper bow many little folks has winter Preach L I through his he Van 23 and loseph an active tils employ homo over Ihe enoon left here 1 a IT Mi Iwmi Scotia Morion Mr hnlou a wire regarding the In UUs of Ills falher ill help him in his w eh pleased at Clyde look a city also Mr J Mr and Mrs Tom Mann had a ry happy day on when hey celebrated their wedding anniversary A few friends sat down lo a very houn- dinner oclock and par- pie and as lie reached the alley a man of the shadow hurled him lo Hie The man who seized him was Van He to Allen who shouted Kill him kill him Half chocked ihe watchman slid kept Ho leached In We all wish Mr Mr and Mrs Harry Confer and family also Mr and Mrs Joseph Raster spent Sunday with Mrs Roy Giles Virginia Mrs Bear of spent a few days last week with her mother Mrs A few of neighbors spent Friday night at Mr Geo Kvans MOUNT A Tree Entertainment be In the church on Deo at oclock- A good program I recitations dialogues drills will be given also a plav by the people law of gelling Is lha law of with il Mrs years child Mr was unable he happy occasion sorry re is under We hope The question arises aloes it pay to advertise in ho Newmar ket Era Is there a paper thai is read and reread like the Era I wonder how many hometown writer Mrs speedy re- far for home Era If the item only knew the lonely teller through Ihe Era I Id put forth every wee a delightful effort My what i present ft Cobblestone Ho Apply to bo Tine all set twentynine Van died with lie words Is lips Lipscomb on ho ground fired into of hi- and he FOR BALK giving If you do not put out acres or acreage beautifully something of a magnet you never 1 situated between the town of things your way Dont wall market and Street known to by lightning of the Millard farm You be living in a land where J of never happens But what About which we are ravin Why Mm bo held In Help us by being present CORNERS The Jersey school entertainment will be held next Wednesday after noon Dec 22nd Mr Gordon of Kansas is spending he Christmas holidays visiting relatives and around these parts Miss Myrtle of Toronto spent the weekend at homo Jan and Myrtle attended the Trousseau Tea given by Silas Beatrice Boyd at A parcel containing about twelve farmers that waq parked Doc in a on a in a settled riot Saturday teach us five pupils of Now Lop public schools narrowly freezing to- death before thoy found by a searching party yesterday Saturday I after a basketball game there party became stranded when their broke vJown They broke jandonod i the vainly lrytn freeze if boy party atoirted out Monday morn ing and had stumbled over frozen galeswept roads in a temperature of below zero when I hey wore found near ex haustion All woro or foes noses fingers and oars Is going lo be a hard task see by the by a letter from A Keswick Store Store pluses on Dec 31st Prices Forgotten Cash Only SOME OF OUR MANY and Womens Cotton Crochet Cotton OH Cloth Heavy Boots Mens Harvest Soots Mens Running Boys Running Shoes Mens Womens Sunflower Salmon COME EARLY 1 40o 319 SI 20 SSo 9119 Horse Shoe Salmon tall tin Soup 3 Christies Biscuits p ib Christies Christies Mixed Snaps 3 foe Washing Soda Polish Aome Stain Remover Toilet Paper IT ALL GONE DAVIDSON Keswick FOR SALE Large Refrlgeratop Show Case and Set Toledo Scales I THE STRAW HAT good In for hearty congratulations on your election It Is a great experience and Job Might I suggest my idtn to Injeul do not to aIt after tbe season then and much lo Introduce Also any thing in the way Of a speech in House might well he drafted up ore hand Time session Is small that preparation Is am looting to meeting on the iOlfc more has I would HkitDlidie this opportunity your jip- to the boys of jour constituency Your supporters have conferred a great honor and al so a upon you In their choice of a representation to Ihe Sixth Ontario Older Boys Parliament lootc to you for leadership In the motorists as they speed over roadway of St highway that leads front Toronto to Lake north- Ward again to the Lake tilct realize the condition of the samp roadway over which their an- ravelled In the year and for many decades which followed In thai year Yonge street as we know- It to-day- did not exist of the straight road we see on the Its train lime ready for Florida- look after The social you may enjoy summery pastimes your hearts content swimming yachting fishing tennis or just loafing- An enchanted land it seems with its wonderful climate wondrous sights its charming and hospitable the existed a- road what is now the northern city in fact a straggling waggon which vehicles- could ol wKfs the only of From Jacksonville to the Mexican Border the multitude of Gulf resorts will help- make your holiday perfect for there are boarding Iiousth to be vet In Agent of Canadian ays gladly help you arrange besides giving Parliament will thought and expression u hat will lietilnit It World ills Hie and Brotherhoi practical way helping and a program by boys for Iouraglng the boy to gain an adequate education assisting the mentor In Ids many arm perplexing problems If we do this we can The Ontario Older Boys Par liament has retained the good Ihliig of the and developed new and of value to the boys of Sixth llanienl to these Issues Life Is toad of was of the period BROKER hard struggles the road made lo build road bat would link their settlements with Hie Town of York Street was or iginally surveyed in and designed to fori nkc Hie months of that year cleared and levelled lo such thai It was made passage of sleighs The original plan for the lowonee cleared of timber short LaJtO thai Hilt Dec An in quest Into the death of William Fer guson aged Toronto Broker whose lifeless body was round this morning In frame house on farm situated lot of the concession of TOwoslup about three mles southeast of her lias been ordered by County Crown Attorney Major Erie Armour There was a buHet hole in Fergusons head the bullet entering Irtrougn the 22 hole all pointed toward the body Constable George Thompson of le York County Police visited and staled tonight that tiling Ihe land This was however and reports work Indicate that for four FOR WINTER lo California and y iy of the wind irk Mitts Working to see famous canyon a to awesome deserts to traverse and luxuriant fruit groves and tropical vegetation Something doing all lie time surf bathing swim ming yachting tennis golf riding summer you can Imagine with comfort ably luxurious accomodation at lum- the their 8Rd fir to Rev J Brown A 1 professor of church history failure shortly after on Saturday on the C P Irani at Salferd Village where no was have conducted special educational serviced on Sunday in connection the field day for this purpose observed In Oxford and Brant Coun ties Apparently tbe best of health when ho left Toronto news of his death as great shock lo bis many friends in the lit whore- a short service wis hold Sunday afternoon the be- subsequently t late Dr Brown was Baptists throughout Canada by son of fact that for twenty year he was general of the Bap tist Foreign Mission Board of On tario and Quebec afterwards enlarg ed the Canadian Baptist Foreign Mlhslon Board Ho had his professorial position at for straight course and follow ed It unlit bo out on shores of Lake dose lo the tandlng llememheilng Uie crude Instruments in use at thai time and the little knowledge that Jones am hi assistants bad as to determine the latitude and longitude of differ ent points It Is a remarkadto accom plishment that he came so to his mark country easily dwarfs the Alps for Make the trip to California this winter unforgettable of he North Coast in formation illustrated literature and fares gladly supplied by any Agent of Canadian National Hallways Tho following year one of the founder of the Vil lage of Richmond sought his Wilderness home in that locality was forced to apart his waggon and drag the wheels wheels axles and up steep hills all the way up street stout ropes Dur ing year the road was brought back lo a direct Hoe by cul ling down York hills making an embankment across the Boo river and cutting a hill near tho of Yorkvllio In Iho I ml His Honor Governor will from his on on next month It has his purpose as repre- imlihvt of la to visit all parts of the Province and in turn to entertain representative from nil iMunicipalities at Government House is proposed to recognize his splendid public by a and donations from all parts of province will he re ceived Mr Harry has accepted the position of Honorary Treasurer for the County or York and subscriptions will be accept ed at any of Banks and duly forwarded although tho Federal Bank is official for this County presentation will bo made fit a Banquet in Toronto on IttO archives OF