It GREENHOUSES St Newmarket Now la the Time Plant BULBS for Our Price List Phone 135 DBiS A YEAR AHEAD my lady 0i today Send your order here and ha no fear youll get coal wit delay We may not a- poet but Call LITTLE Aurora W J Basest arid of the United Sunday llended Sunday School in London last week alter a former St Andrews A if 3 ignoring the iaaullB that hurled after him ft was luat afternoon that the Tramp arrived He wag mount- id on a rattailed calico a blanket for a saddle He said we could him yonlressor or John Smith just whither he like a and he would to eat years old She same afternoon the school girl lofeated Richmond Hill to the lidies A Rev It struck me bath arid some clothing would make a great improvement appearance about for tie 1 good looks finish the tramps The On took the Tramp house that night I replied the hunk slept with I the locked and the key about Big j l neck on a throng Early they illy and a chance to jeer distorted faces were- then he last man Some of It aught the mumps hut they v efficiency Have I Two methods isk the Even Mrs Tag- Big Ben and i Itll down lagsart Doyle 1 lent ilislike lie Hoy ported that Hill hat he hail peech and t The Tramp was the fust one to each the table at supper lime Villi All Sing gone it had Doyle and me to prepare the The boy began lo eat as f lie fan What kind of yote cub in you you halfgrown you dont like vamoose down the aid Doyle angrily The boy shrank back looking frightened and I kinder lone Our Chinese cook us today Smith who the station moved away tin- neighborhood elurned to he ended the chicken pic social at Ml on Tuesday evening anu all speak well or the excellent supper and splendid lecture ospilal Toronto decided to ill move to his wire has Her in any ca of benefit to km Even men who began at a able have been finish under Hie table Which verse in the Bible In harden for a minister aloud In church without Bishop of Tbei all Our Puzzle Corner What- Do You Know About It Wijt the highest level reach by an airplane What Is thchlghent level reach by a registering a What la the height or the mountain In the world How do the ordinary How do the of Schomberg I SI file turkey Hie Hull Inviusr lauglil In make II Aunt Mary glanced up Ihe rtoornay Tramp- only a big lie I cylinder block lurk In solving Ibis online control to Open- After Hours FOR your convenience all Province Savings Office branches are open until 5 pm doily except Saturday Most branches are open Saturday afternoon and evening In addition to absolute safety for your funds here think of the price less convenience of the extra business tin Well died down parts of 111 ing out her arms gingers of Olds Mot lit exeilemen had vidoped a system Barry toll belter features i It was not pressure and hern lory Through in- This new ilh the West he had been incorporated ha bad other the plain a- fa cheeky young scamp has cook our Thanksgiving saiif to me after next morning He riles me every lime be opens his mouth he can cook I Wasnt hose of his fine I We went out to the cook shack the Tramp was washing the brief daiiied matters The boy hesitated and looked me wilb appealing eyes ver hied a big affair like lliaf said Then be turned I yie Sure I can cook it Bring your turkeys and other things i csuiijn cull I fled to the cook shark Whats his ugly Ire about vley who was pi uneasily the rushy- he said until it is and on the tali lloyd Mr and Mrs Kay win I an held Halloween diurcb parlors o Mm Tuesday peoplo attended ary service Pen- Sunday and also the and supper on Monday night A under the auspices Bowling Club will hi held fn the town hall on Friday Nov lie Womens Institute held monthly meeting- club room on Tuesday the about miles ihr a lunch year when I turned bullet through bis up Michigan Police fact I see me ed Suiutihing in the foren and attitude evidently owed the boy Will you pi and be ived the ranch about four At he sight of Ell ley forgot all about changed is extended back with Then she him and seemed undecided lt laugh or cry Worn ke she decided forward with lias ladled air Is thai thing I But Oh wo shouldnt have yon telegraphed but that my brother Harry has been seen In thin vicinity Mary insisted We remembered bo a nice motherly wc escorted into ho house In a body heroically branch at frafning from glancing hack anil When lie tt lodiy joined us In To think I Ibrasti you for overs always Big Ben ami at blushed a brilliant p In this new Oldsmobile system Ihe water is sent I pressure from the pump a manifold type passage around I the upper portion of the ders valves valve seals land spark plugs fumishit mum of cooling lion of water around the cylinder walls is restricted the slower I type in which the of circulation is governed by amount of heat be Province of EVERY DEPOSIT Glm Head Office Office 15 Queens park ail llic engine give economy ere iui if me f 1 1 ft Enameled Wave Utensils Clean as China as Steel Sold in best stores everywhere The Continental Red Seal Motor used in all NEW STAR CARS is universally accepted by engineers the highest standard of quality power efficiency and stability The Mow Silent Chain Drive is another feature of the NEW STAR CAR that is to be found in automobiles felling at from two to five times fi writs SEE THE NEW STAR CARS at MossHolts Garage Huron Street Newmarket TRETS Compfefe New Line MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITED CAFL of Fours Sixes TORONTO ONTARIO TORONTO