J WESLEY XRay Laboratory Coroner for County of York MAM S OR CECIL GILBERT Dent miosis by Transillumination Extraction Newmarket BARTHOLOMEW of Forum Building Toronto Dentist Over Pattersons Drug Store TeBto Appointment Phone DR T J Over Imperial Bank Newmarket Open evenings by appointment Successor to Dr N Wilkinson DR University of Toronto Childrens work E Lyons Candy Store Evening appointment A Newmarkat Tenser of Piano Staging and Violin follows Butter lb 58 to 00c Dressed Chickens Dressed Ducks Apples- basket Cauliflower 2 for all basket Potatoes bus or 2 bag Turnips 5c each Live Chickens lb Live Old Hens lb Live Ducks lb Beautiful Christmas Stock jeweller Mr of Atkii modelled open about Hie loth of month with a superb stock all new and showing the latest in useful and mental goods Watch for the Mr We virus here Ottawa where he h sidenl for 17 years He is only an expert watch repairer Correction Although v the firemen as to the cause of die fire at the residence by Mr Bert Royal College Weinman has public matters is Oddfellow ha position on the off people will give hir a welcome I of the Science Mi interested in Mason and board of choice He to the but it had not been used for a month There was no body at home at the time the fire broke out and Mr Lowe lias no idea how it Surrogata Court The late Margaret Parsons widow whose death took place in Newmarket August 31 bequeaths her entire estate valued at to daughter Margaret of Sharon Ontario The estate is made up principally of personality to which was willed to the deceased by the lato John Lepard Properly on street in constitutes the bal ance of estate and is valued at Tho Trusts and has granted probate of the will by which Jonathan H formerly of St New who died in Toronto May left his estate consisting of an equity of in i sir and personality hi wife Mrs Sarah flog and hie L MATHEWS Etc Successor to the bate H Block Main Stre Newmarket Phone ltd fl a p Evenings by appointment Presort attenUon et legal work reasonable rales SAMSON Licensed Auctioneer for County York Attention to All Satan Larfls Ralea Phone Newmarket WORK PLUMBING EAVETMUGnlNG KIR SPECIALTIES THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE a SON Neil to ExpressHerald Office last numbering about people and lastor delivered a fine ser- he words Go ye therefore and teach all nations anniversary of the S and the response to the appeal was gratifying The by the choir had Just nones of metal With the crash followed window from thear pieces of illeavy hundred feet away which the tank also badly wrecked and nder is that all five men he time of the explosion wen A decision was reached Ing of the Directors of the Bureaux of the Department of Railways held to undertake the I of a submarine tunnel under the found a Straits at an The room mated cost of This will located j connect the Main Island of Japan Kyushu the Southern Island killed Knocked From Wheel by his bicycle on Ihe way t Talbot Arnold Alberta has one of the most won derful wild game hinterland In North America according to of Pa game commissioner of the State He ex pressed this opinion after spending a month In the Interior of the prov- exploring and taking motion pictures Including some of caribou the trek a loaded Iruck drive of travelling weal to of the boy when re ihe local agent the police procured the name of of the pur The body was later father The Two brothers George and Edward Hume of Manor Saskatchewan carried off the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Dominion Livestock Hoard awards in the recent pig clubs competition conducted by the Ex tension Department of the Uni versity of Saskatchewan at Saska toon Teams from all parts of Sas katchewan competed held the duet in the anthem At the evening service be pas- gave another excellent from test Not by might by power but My Spirit emphasizing Ihe value- of prayer the effort A Very Fine Concert There was a fair attendance in the Untied Church on Saturday evening to hear the Peerless Con cert Company considering that it was Saturday night and a wet night at thai The first part of program of negro melodies used largely in the Southern States during the days of slavery and the company were dressed in tire attire of those days The sec ond part of the program showed progress of culture in dress King- taking distinguished New Brunswick A oose with spreading adjourned next Monday the New who was in the first wick wood of of the Oshawa Collegiate was pro- Ferry New York while a the school He had turned companion of his F Chesbrough off Albert Street on to King end of New York City brought down a animal with an antler spread hi of Inches Mr trophy the D who Jean Hunter was certainly rendered shorckig wonderful in voice culture and future possibilities The an them loo was Tine Miss King solves and numbers beautiful leading soprano and gentlemen were natives others all othci appeared before audience iLlillCl Estates of Retired Farmers Blackburn lain King township who died jcr left the whole income of bis estate of to widow Hilda Mar churn for life On a daughti Hospital The following list of donation of York County Hospital Ihe month of October was m tended for last weeks issue of Bra the copy was Wilis I alter we had gone to press McKay lbs Candy Mrs Unas Lewis lbs Honey Mrs Kirk lbs honey in com Webster of Kershaw i jar buck Fry 1 jar plums W J Thompson basket chicken jelly New Suitings For Fall Scotch Tweed a are the most popular Materials for Busi ness Wear this Season See our before ordering WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket ISM in apples i jar peaches torn Millard i jar yellow plums jar jam jar apples it I hers Friend jars jelly Clark Park Ave jars Jar cherries basket of lettuce Mrs Win King 2 jars plums Mrs jar pi kit Jar fruit Miss Foray the jars jelly Jars Mis cher ries Mrs i jar fruit Mrs Jar f jar plums jar black currants A Friend 1 jar peaches Pino Orchard Womens Institute Jars assorted fruit Mrs Chat I basket Flowers Gordon I jar Irs Ev jolly I jar black Jar plum of jar Honey Mrs Win Winger I jar frill jar A of ornali Mrs A Friend jiirkb- of the fit he to be equally ion of fa cash of Si fan ward Willi township or died on January last or 023ol2 hundred acres of farm vbon asset Harvey has by the will annually at nut sitif and Yi ank Harveys share of and personality is placed a 2000 both of which Hen annually wo others the gl that struck white of road iiiiy ft PILLS PREMIER a taking power gave a popular whiskey voting In destructive criticism wanted by popular vole and he whiskey drive by placing In wet hands and iurlng people of llio control scheme which he proposed When plebiscite he trie When failed he switched present announcement of Govei control linked with the In public Indignation that is record for the VIceAdimral Sir Walter Cowan KCB of two visiting British cruisers to Philadelphia Navy Yards recently was one of the most en thusiastic passengers on the Cana dian Pacifics miniature train at Treasure Island the exhibit at the Exposition in Philadelphia The Admiral thor oughly enjoyed the tenminuto Transcontinental Journey from Quebec to Vancouver you want investment advice good sound investment advice based on long and varied experience you cannot do better than confer with the Bank of Toronto branch manager How to dispose of your crop profits Whether to put them in a bank bonds or mortgages How to obtain loans for farm expansion all these questions will be answered gladly and wisely by the Bank of Toronto The Bank of Toronto will give you that fine service and cordial treatment that has earned for it the name of the friendly bank BANM0R0HT0 In the doomed It Mr Oct Premier sons policy to all intents is designed to back the open bar I go the length of as devilish declared Which vorso In the Bible is I he lianlosl for a minislcr to read aloud in church smiling i he or London says it is There was no smith found throughout all the land of Quick Relief for RHEUMATICS of ducks and rauskrats in northern part of the Province of Manitoba by providing additional sustenance the Provincial Depart ment of Agriculture has sent north sacks of wild rice to be sown by aeroplane over vast duck marsh known as Moose and Cedar Lakes This constitutes an area miles wide and miles long and a the An attempt Is being made by the Canadian railroad companies to have the construction of baggage standardized in order to facilitate Its handling A meeting between representatives of the rail road companies and of Canadian engage manufacturers was called recently In Toronto by E Alli son general baggage agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway and It was generally conceded that mini mum specifications for baggage construction should be adopted Reports of recklessness on the part of motorists continue to be re ceived at the of the Canadian Pacific Railway In majority of cases the accidents are reported to have been the result of negligence on the part of the car owners Two accidents at public crossings were reported recently one near when a Ford coupe ran into the side of a train which was proceeding slowly over a The second accident a truck was driven In front of a CPR train at a cross- near Chatham The train was over the crossing at three an hour In each case cross ing and engine signals were given MIDLAND BOY BADLY HURT Midland Whirled i ivlviu haft until prat Ikalb every of tern from his bruised body Ihe BrafiHbrd Protect Your Summer Collage From Underwriters give loner insurance on Bummer cottage roofed with If you suffer from rheumatic pains swollen twist- ed joints and suffer mlenlv be cause your system is full of that dangerous poison that helpless and before I lini- then you need a Iho day when J and other druggists offered lima ho afflicted at a price and guaranteed if not satisfied If have rheumatism gel a bottle of Ilhouma loday in the Idwitly wishing lo take a abort I heap upon floor Ontario Stock Carried Inform on Smiths Hardware Furnished and Service rendered by Newmarket CANADIAN APPLE Ottawa Oct The Fruit Com- red apple 111 was reached at the in Holland Park London The As sociated llillili the and having repealed this winning for the Government since re- true to his temperance inciples at a convention of Huron Conservatives held the Town Hall here this and refused to allow his ime jo be put to the convention the BENSONS I CANADA STARCH CO LIMITED Sold at Rowlands Hardware WALL PAPERS AND FOR FROM 10o TO 100 PER ROLL Variety of and In Oatmeals Tint WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX AND Any With or Without BERT Painter and Papc- Hanger ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO