I if in York Marble Sid Granite Works JOHN Sox Hawmsrkf Huron St ft Building Out to No More Piles Pile sufferers can only get safe and lasting relief by the cause cad blood used Dr a harmless ablet succeeds be cause it relieves this blood con gestion and strengthens the af fected parts HemJloid has a wonderful record for quick safe and lasling relief to Pile suffer ers It will do the same for you or money back J Patterson and druggists anywhere sell with this guarantee or Application Notice Is hereby given that Arthur Carey of the City of Toronto in the County of York Yard Foreman will apply to the Parliament or Can ada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Ella Carey of the said City or To ronto In the of Toronto in Ihe County or York on the grounds or and desertion Dated at Toronto the 1st day or September CAMERON GORDON Temple Building Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant Mr Ferguson about tho Cabinet He is not a good sport which followed World bread pies end tu luxuries on the a paying the costs I are affected by Liberal Coupled government control planks in the platjoi breaking faith pledge that he would or reft the people declared in general platform anient promlst budget reduced taxation municipal Income tax exert and Increased will of Application f Toronto in the County of York In the Province of Ontario Married Wo- Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill or Divorce from her hus band Alvln Graham Taylor or City or Toronto in Ihe County York and Province of Ontario Chauf feur on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto Province On tario day of September MURIEL TAYLOR by her Solicitors GODFREY LAWSOH CORCORAN liquor policy and COUNTY POLICE COURT Five charges faced Thomas or Holland Landing In county police court last Friday and he was remand ed ror a week The charges were Operating a motor car without tin consent of Ihe owner having llquoi In on illegal place acting in a dlsor mariner in a public place a is eating black bread with a on determination to deny itself all luxuries Its purse sagging are vanishing Its I eight million inhabitants put the mainland on irked by a huge Indian villages Here and Mass Ihankgivlng for their first Mass August is marked by a huge erected by the Knight of Col- nbus or Ontario on a mound here the village once stood The Recollects were followed Belgium Is an Industrial rather than day dawning of seeing This by denying lo pay taxes forty million people luxuries that they pay taxes French government hi Iroquois In 1619 Overlooking scene of his martyrdom has creeled a magnificent shrine Ihe town and the bay stands the Memorial Church an Imposing of these early a military naval station as a has ipilis and for defence No the land was i Objibway for goods The their to their good 348 Bay Street Toronto the of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that Ronald Tile i the County of Unjoin In the Prov ince of Ontario will apply to the Par liament of Canada at Ihe next ses sion thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Margaret File of the City of in the State of Il linois of the United States of Am erica on the ground of adultery and Province Notice of Application Notice Is hereby give Bill Ernest Oram of Ihe said City In the County of York and Province of Ontario Mechanic on t grounds or adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto this day and failure to pay I them going to Jail ROD AND GUI A fishing department which runs from Kempenreldl Day to Hie present site or Ihe Ontario Hos pital for Insane was opened by Sur geon known as Tiger in It history Is linked up with the Utile military cemetery on Hit hillside and with the story ihe ill- fitted Duke of Richmond as well a many others Towards the close of the war begun Inevitable condition dealing with man Is being government has appealed Holism of the people to of the scheme The result Is that Belgium Then in the centre nestles a generous filling of luscious 7 fruit The final touchl The thickly coated Christie chocolate the expensive while homes of the Pie in Italy today Is like liquor in a United States it lg forbidden by v The housewife caught making bit of pastry must explain lo however still is sacred It being the only food exempt from the regulations of the Hour law made by Ihe importing of wheat by the the or i Eventful Snipe Shooting the Bay de well know whose articles GORDON Temple Building Toronto Solicitors for the Applicant Douglas Long Hold or Province or Ontario Salesman will apply the Parliament or Canada at the next Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce his wire Grace Long- field also or Die said city of Toronto on Ihe ground of adultery Haled at Ottawa In the Province Ontario this day or September All coining military depot on Hie River was moved lo Ten years later the military post Island was removed Establishment Hie soldiers came an in Hers The Establishment called was then about two mites north from centre of the present lon but is now within the limits Among Ihe distinguished visllo at this lime from the no ment lo find a northern passagi the Atlantic often and lov gained He for two large equipment spring he made a and pursued I who I sis Hon of Orders to Can deposited a naval depot Toll owing CHRISTIES JELLY PUFFS ARE SOLD BY BOSWORTH L DOMINION STORE MOUNT 8 BOLTON T BOWSER F BRUNTON W A R HAMILTON J KERSHAW J MARSHALL B MOLYNEAUX H NIXON J SCOTT A M IlliK nine seized pastry- Even production or unlaw lour I i lini mil of I Dill again Hie as Is done A philosophical turn or York Ids task who world belter than he found I poppy ins r huilt p in Ihe early days of Since that lime vessels or varlout who 4u tonnage have been lacked appreciation of here Boat building at Is to it curled on the Com The company life waft an out be- thumb with while putting down arpol under his wile a how quickly thrusts arid throbbing mouth People think is because tho applii louthinu But the involuntary I in- mini Christies of A TRUE LADY I was once walking behind a very Bomely dressed young girl and thought I if she takes half as much pains with her heart as she does with her person I A poor old man was coming up the walk with a loaded wheelbarrow and just before he reached us he made two attempts to go into the yard of a small house but the gate was heavy and would swing back before he could get through Wait said the young girl springing lightly forward Ill hold gate open She did and received his thanks with a pleasant smile She deserves to have beautiful clothes I thought for a beautiful spirit dwells in her breast Our mistakes are necessary to teach us hu mility sympathy and wisdom If we canry thorn on our back they will weigh us down if we use them as stepping stones we shall rise to higher things types of ministry for our world A mans honesty is not determined by the Iruili ho tells but by the total intends Ho produce by that particular truth which he chooses to tell A FINE TRIBUTE Of a Mother a simple but charming woman who died and left several small children a friend wrote this touching I never knew a braver woman To face lifes little- things dauntlessly to finish the days job in spite of weariness to answer illness with a jest and to fight back pain for the sake of husband and children is the highest form of courage In certain moods common every day work seems rather useless but after all it is the pushing and pulling of simple men and women that make civilization itti Brotherhood has a long history as a wo in religion it has particularly been used to press the relations that men should have each other Gradually if is finding its way into manv practical applications Where social heritage material fortune racial pres tige once set some apart from their fellows there now are conciliations in process Have the president of your society visit the pastor and tell him that in one week he will visit him again and expect him to have some plans to submit to the young people to help him In the work of the church the lliik II old and richest kinds of pleasure oral tin- jiijgian Hay and for Hudson II in men of special for on Mackenzie and linden- Bay Mrs Ida in world upon which to billon and thought Money Mr only poem Mi i the next Itn for a BUI of Divorce Thomas ONeill of Syracuse in the one of the Slates Ilratlsrnan upon the Of adultery and Toronto Oils 1th day of OGART KENNEDY Continental Life at cor Bay ami Richmond for ihe Applicant LAUNDRY North King George Hotel from to Ifi Proprietor i been one long Jik and full of play ARRANGE FLOWING MATCH Maple Oct well of the of the King and Vaugtian Town- hip alio Hotel were concluded annual which will he held the farm of J Lot Con about and a half miles went of thi on Friday Nov J feature the fact that noro than has this year teen in keen competition and a largo illcnilanco of plowmen Great Rejoicing BY thats druggist and get a bottle today If it doesnt do as promise get your money back Will bo there watting for you him with an topper he hits hi- Ihumb hard enough to hurt it very it do blow almost he doesnt like lo do by a sort of interlock system his thuniQ flies Into bis mouth and for the critical moment speech is cut off Buffalo Oct Twenty- Into EARN TO PER Many Dow open pari lime while Motor laying Beauty for Ladles Only short th Liken to qualify Writ or call for Booklet Hemphill Schools Every Muscle Resting evenly and gently supported The Marshall Mattress has revolutionized sleeping comfort It is a mattress scientifically built to give real body support for every weary muscle of the sleeper Only when every muscle of the body is completely relaxed can true health ful sleep be enjoyed Ordinary stuffed mattresses give support only to parts of the body the our fret VENTILATED MATTRESS shoulders hips and legs the Marshall Spring Mattress built with many hundreds of individual highly resilient spring units gently and evenly supports the natural contour of the body Every muscle of the body being comfort able and properly supported means true muscular relaxation and real healthbuilding sleep Marshall TRADE five YEARS Newmarket For Sale by Roadhouse Rose ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO