fiMgfgsaJ Compose Is a Great Step ad re tot bad but my bade terrible It hart so that I lie down with it I beard some of the talking Vegetable Compound and they told ma to try it I have taken about a dozen bottles of It and it baa done a lot of good I never have any en off from work a Toronto Ontario Thb Advice of a Friend was terribly named and a few odd times I almost lam ted I used to do housework un til a few months ago and I bad to leave my work and go I am now a mender in the I Buffered five or years from painful periods before I took Vegetable Compound by the advice of a friend I got re lief almost immediately and I tell my friends what a good medicine it You any this testimonial if too if it will help others feiaa J Pearson Victoria- Street Hanover Ontario UK York and Granite Works JOHN I THE Roadhouse NEWMARKET of Exchanges A Parting Word London Advertiser Byng ays ho ia going home with an about Canada billing can shake From Una appears hat he does not re gard the Liberal victory as a raced aoross field after That most the Miller herd bound and wrathfully shouted a girt night to dollar by nd lose probably a passing his door thinking that the said barber for long enough whereas his shop Us empty and ins so until the ceremony is repeated Men from time have felt hat the bar- shop on Saturday nights be longs to hem The ladies may Right You Are Cannmglou Gleaner The pro- that the King and Queen be invited to visit Canada summer for the Diamond held recently seems to on both in London If it should such a visit the success celebration will be a The presence of always lends the history of the chief Dominion in the British Empire would be complete without them The King and Queen are as much t Canada faced breathless Henry Mil ls the having just get you back if it takes a leg felt under obligations of the worst binding good as his word for the young llo Simpsons Point a ely forty acres hacked by ss the land i not of the of ling but wading Letting down his feet he stood in turbid water There was mud underfoot resting on a gravel foundation They bad reached an outlying portion of the The young cow jerked away from him as he touched bottom but plodded on ahead just out of reach in water that first shoaled and thou deepened slightly Af ter going a few rods they came tufts of rushes beyond which the taller cattail serried ranks over many shallows Before entering the marsh Henry paused and the animal heavily also stopped a breadth and rather minutm stature was known as Stub virtually every one except his mother had just been told by Al fred Terwilliger that unless the twoyearold heifer were at once removed from his oat field he would bring before Squire Id and as soon as the boy to exercise his feet and legL began to feel numb and lifeless had never before he now stood for at low of tin This lad idle dro and he dayy of for dearly loved liti gation So Henry had dropped his hoe and raced toward the point without stopping to tell his parents where he was going It was about halfpast one of an afternoon late in May but as the season was so backward that the oats were only an inch high little harm had been done by the Henry the field into woods that bordered the bay but there she began to show the most annoying stubbornness She stoutly refused to see the opening she had made icdge of lhew 1 had Hen- whole panel of poles of the Empire when as nest year ttiere are national gatherings to be held to which their presence will lend dignity and great- GANADAS NEW GOVERNMENT The new Government of Ca the members of which we sworn in on Saturday is as ft Prime Minister Secretary State for External Affairs a President of Privy Council- Right Hon William Lyon Mac kenzie King Minister of Finance and Hon James Alex ander Minister of Justice and Allorney- Mil General of Indian Affairs- Charles Stewart of Public Works Hon John Campbell Elliott ultu Hon for a Bill of Divorce from her hus band William Hall Hind of the said or Clerk on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto In the County or York and Province Ontario day of August Kent St Toronto Solicitors for Ihe Applicant Application given thai Ale the Township County of York laboi the Province of Ontario to the Parliament the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from bis wife Margaret Mur ray the City of Toronto In the in the County of York on the ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto Province of On tario this seventh day of September NATHAN PHILLIPS Imperial Bank Bldg St Toronto for said Alexander Murray Will Minis l Hon James mister of Customs and Hon William of Soldiers Civil and Health Hon Dr James Horace King Minister of John or Ml Hon Card in Cannon Minister Govern me ate Hon flaoul The portfolio of National De fense will be allotted it is likely to Lieut Col James Nova Scotia Accompanied by Hon Ernest Minister of Justice the Prims Minister will attend tlm Imperial Conference which will open in London on Oct Parliament will he called to the first week December and Col I Hon Peter and She dodged and that and her way nearly back to the open fields Of the Terwilliger farm Finally when fairly the began to along the altein- to the way The boat After sighting of landmarks oh looked strangely uniamiliar from the angle he decided about midway between the and south channels one oi other of which he must cross order to reach land He turn toward the south for in tha lay home 4s he did so he heard a rust g among the flags The hcife rind the by now and the his foot and almost inch when the shore mars of rods able Ih the water up to Aband grateful and aft edhim land and path taken by the well he stumbled followed heifer Her tracks showed that she entered the pasture ho Hoi and too sturdy nature to think of leaving the gap open After hurriedly but firmly replacing the poles and But It didnt take back he said chuckle but it came taking tie whole of leg to get her hands of a clock 0 made up her mind and h the inly of he tinder ling lha lie to run i li walk could not Id lasl i led HUM hi he could loll he by he the tall hands Hi kept look responded the watchmaker Out my house But I must have the clock I tell yet dars nuffin matter clock cepling An her dey be You jest want de clock so you kin tinker it and charge me a big price Gimme hands And so saying he start- SavcNow for your next vacation YOU can make your holiday dreams come true next Summer if you begin to save now Small amounts soon become great Begin now and deposit your savings with the Government Savings Office where your security is the total wealth of the Province Withdrawals may be made for Henrys patience After throwing a handful of stones in a futile effort to head her off he plunged into the bay after her Once he had seen his father a big powerful Pennsylvania Gor man swim out and steer a frightened and bewildered ox to the shore by simply grasping the animals tail and swinging him about bodily The trick looked simple then but Henry was not long in discovering that he lack ed title strength and skill to make she ceased to follow the shore and struck directly out into the bay Henry still struggling manfully was dragged from his footing and towed behind her He could swim only a few strokes and by the lime he realized the situation was so far out in deep water hat he dared not let go his hold and try to regain the land Cisco Bay is nameless in Ihe for it is merely the destination of the southern arm of the much larger White haven Bay It varies from a mite to half a mile in breadth and is about four miles long Where channel of open water on side with a long stretch of marsh and gravelly shallows in the middle known to dwellers as tho Spit The dun heifer had struck out from below Simpsons Point on Bay directly down that sheet toward the northern chan nel that leads into Whitehaven Bay If she kept straight Hod by rod they made their toilsome way Finally when compelled to pause for breath Henry noticed that the sound of rustling ahead had ceased Per haps the heifer had stopped when he did He crept forward cau tiously in the hope of surprising her Suddenly he came to the edge of the Deep water that of the south channel a hundred yards wide lay beyond and in that bordered Terwilli The boy watched despair In this he had Steadily the heifer wallowed wallowed ahead In a couple of miilulcs she had reached the marsh waded across it and to the narrow beach There she turned to Ihe right and headed her pasture She iod for further stray moment al least home had keen attractions for her Doggedly but with little hope Henry searched up and down the ford him al least partial support the channel found only two trees so deeply that he could not stir hem and a Utile spattered loo small to be of use adjo again about end of January CH1ME8K LAUHDRY Work eel y Both the personnel and the scope of the Royal Commission to Inquire into the iiriishfififjn of Customs and Excise will be en larged Instead of only one at present there will aboil miles land when lu the less an a half mile lb would be distal on ly a few re ids at liar bow the individual and guard Province of DEPOSIT Head Office AVINGSUFFICE Queens park The First Theatre in North America ft ini drifted the gave and started blood to coursing the big blade of hi jackknife he began to cut of old flag from the p and form bundles about six inches in di ameter the butt and from five six feet in length When ho had cut half a dozen of them ho tied them together with the float which he pushed into the sank fill almost awash but th cellular pith of the dry flags ild 1 She swung like a racer at first but soon began to tire Henry had stopped trying to swing her back but he kept using the plia ble rudder in his hands to veer her toward the left That so annoyed the animal and so aroused all her innate obstinacy that soon she turned at right angles and headed due south Soon after this change of di rection she began to labor so hard that Henry became fright ened They were now going lowald Terwilliger farm pull upon her but began to with her That plainly her for in a short her movements became lower and easier But she squarely about to with their spring work anil bay was deserted is a lo place with timber all- about if and Henry not see any on A half hour passed and heifer was tiring her nose repeatedly sink under wafer then bo withdrawn with a while she blew violently her noslrlls lo clear them It hut his head above while ho hi- arrows Henry hesitated trust his life to so insecure a support a moment was enough con vince him that he would soon perish whore he was not neces- from drowning but from kicked off from the shallow marsh was slow work to propel both for EftM- by strictest attention of material In its price IIS fi5 lit luidWu PHIL HAMILTON Agents Newmarket ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO