Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Sep 1926, p. 3

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Our News School and ill bo present alter the W Pon and h will be Held in Ihe Friends will hold St Andrews Church Sunday Morning Subject- an friends to attend this special Dancing Classes Beatrice Marrow of wishes to announce that 1- of her dancing lasse will take place on of October classic ad Auxiliary 2 Mrs Stanley Osborne the members or the A of Trinity United Church Young Mi- Carriages Framing Room Mouldings AT ROADMOUSE ft ROSE NEWMARKET Golden Wedding Celebration ESTEEMED COUPLE HONORED BY RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Of people the tie fiftieth wedding and Dear Mr and Mrs Cane We your employ- late advantage of pleased to record our sincere in Newmarket the very wishes on be all Golden Wedding days of and quietly the age in which no on Huron Street few are privileged to enjoy 111 Mr- and Mrs nit The celebration at their home of the death of a Mis Johnstone eldest daug of Mr J E Cane The marriage of Miss of the Can of Hi the of froir ark el the ill Clara sang a solo and given by Mrs Manning Mrs Miss Alice Brooks and Miss Marjorie Taylor After closing exercises Mrs Osborne erved a dainty lunch assisted by Mrs and Miss Mary Lloyd denf led the sence of Eva i The people hard to reach gradually gain jr In when Mr Cane municipal waterworks ph all the engineering v flelf He followed this in I installation of a munic ric light plant is Service had the Miss Sent the ic on Bible Teachings About Nelson is Hie der Let us make this- the it meeting vet A hearty for all St Andrews Church both After Ihi King Assyii Came the delivered 1 moal interesting sermon on I Service Always Reward ed The choir sang Heavenly Love Abiding The subject of he evening was The lie Wall The anthem Now th the eslabli ipo fCai I anil of a local was in Rochester by Cane in negotiations with tin aw man Company the re being that this firm lulled Office Specialty ing Company held by FAIR for kindly and have of all and we would ask you l0 these girts as a small token ir the place which you occupy and mindB tailed 1o with us that health and Ihe days behalf It Jas Edward Tiivell During the day and Fill WEEK- SPECIAL I Large Size Flannelette Blankets per Pair A CO W C LUNDY The Ladies Store Newmarket WeekEnd Specials Ladles and Misses Ribbed 811k Lisle Hose Reg and Pr Sale Price Childrens Heavy Ribbed Black School Sale Price Pp English Dog Skin Shaker for Kiddles school frocks Price and Yd Stripe Shaker- Flannel Inches 1c and Yd Heavy Turkish Towelling and 2So Yd Heavy Unbleached Sheeting 72 and Inches wide Special Pillow Cotton Inches wide 49c Yd Lett the great benefit of the efforts were also largely for bringing Ihi Leather Company lo When Newmarket wa porated as a town in the United Church and also from were received conveying congratulations also gifts and beautiful flow- On Monday evening a reception and Mrs Cane bout including friends from Allandale Barrio Georgetown Buffalo Toronto and Aurora personally presented their congratulates all of whom were most cordially received by the worthy couple who werp assisted by immediate relatives of the family In extend ing the hospitality of the home which was decorated wjlh a was passed by the Council on Monday even extending their exMayor and Golden Wedding and instructing nit an illuminated addi to Mr Cane as a token valuable services be has when the graduating f various depart ill give examples of llici I Ihe Promotion Certin lilii Rally Day Iflri in the afternoon auditorium when a good will be presented in- the United foi All friends of tin ire invited to be the late Willie first mayor few I held a further ago hi lie Aim I Trinity United was presented by Secretary Hoard Mrs B Cane half of officials and of the congregation ol United Church of Canada why spent mc car ride those Sunday afternoon I wanted to ait in the back seal Mr and Mrs Aimer Foster of Sutton spent Sunday his parentsMr and Mrs J Foster Quite a few walked to church Sunday night Did the boys all leave their wheels at the cement house Not so many gathered on the roadside on Sun lay I noticed they were making good use of the I I liim Inn ill luy through this vicinity Miss Cecilia II addon and- he day las week at of Mis I hot step The diner iiuticid run dill on Ihe brake- ndenuifd avoid bui Id not avoid striking her just lie ear came to a stop She picket up other that hurt How- Cane has been a source of failing and to her husband and no nap- pier couple- ban ever resided here In celebrating the golden anniversary of their wedding on Monlay Mr and airs Cane have the good wishes or every citizen in Newmarket Presentation An Invitation having been ex tended by the President of the Win Cane Sons Company to the to meet Mr and Mrs Cane their home on occa- of their golden wedding iversary immediately after Ihe whistle blew at oclock on Mon day afternoon the employees as sembled in body and marched to his residence where they were re ceived on lawn by HI and rkel it- apt of the rule the are very cautious ing Main street but some little children are forgetful Lane and George Trivett I on this Gulden loth take id Mi best wishes in read by Mr their behalf Mr Timothy oldest cm- is presented to Mr EMnS Marshall Pastor basket of roses and a gold Day will be observed by mounted umbrella were School morning and yjgg Mi will take the form Of Promo- I The prenenlatton of this service lo be present rjeel In the of the church and Sunday School i30 well prepared p preaching service The Great oclock every Monday iiins our Young People met service Everybody wetconn mi midweek Moling at pm Wednesday and Mrs Ion in a short photograph to Mr Cane expi apprcc Cane family and loyees was on lawi bad been done on the f the Wedding or He Mr and Mrs William Cane refreshments were and a most happy event in following jl copy of lie nil- lid good wishes to Anniversa Ibai a beneficent Icncfl has permitted you for half to travel the pathway lf- iliIi an nail in of the not only been a valuable worker in th nudity I bill 1 IK Mil whole period of fifty years ha has been an Influential adviser ii all mailers of church admin ia For many years were chairman of the Finance ComittitfOO and in the erection of the church as well as in lie sub sequent alterations your advice was of inestimable value Mn Cane has been foremost In til work of the Womans Society the Ladies Aid and WCTU We desire to express our un qualified appreciation of your and Indefatigable ser vices and trust the churoh lily may long lie fav- I wilh again offer our on the long and useful life y6u have spent and join with your many friends in wishing you a calm and peaceful afternoon on lifes journey and when in His good shall come that It shall bo Light Signed on behalf of and members of gallon by A Marshall George f Board Stephens Sunday School ith he Pretty weather for haven ill grain in Ladies Aid last week and all attended the King City on Saturday The children brought home a prizes The Fair was Ihe best yet Keep up the good work and still be belter Cedar Valley The last few days have favorable for the harvest Mrs Henry Widdificld Ilufus Skinner also and Phyllis spent Sunday w Mrs Skinner think some If You Want to go to the Country on Pleasure or Business CALL UP BOYDS L PHONE Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Service Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop Promptly Attended The United Church of Canada will hold their annual services on Sun day Oct 3rd Rev Mr Duncan of To Moral evening do at Every body welcome On Saturday evening Oct the Ladies Aid of Unilei Church intend holding a bazar and supper DalBy four mills at Dunn- ville built In weroiyester day destroyed by fire Flood wafers have Inundat ed more than Iowa and caused pro perty damage PHONE 2L9Z On Sunday Sept a United Chin eh Ives i3opm Rally Day will be to the tabic served Rev Elijah Brown Mr and Mrs frank deliver an address motored to Niagara over Hie As the services next Sun- weekend Buttercup is wHIoImwu body Will attend Ihlt and Mrs George Curtis an are visiting anil relatives Of Au- Monday afternoon at wilh friends at Niai Lake Mr Aubrey Pratt of Tempi spent weekonu ith his Mr and is J Mr and MVs Leslie laughter of inlay at Mr S J a Branch Ihe Institute will hold a special meeting at the home of Mrs J Sep at p Sale Register Saturday Sept Sale of Used Cars and Trucks will be held at rarket Square Newmarket at oclock am Smith And Thursday Sept Mr A Suth erland con Kost wilt hold an Important Monday Sept Mr W lot con exlenslye farm sale at Oct Mr- Implements on lot idiii from Sale at Wallace and Mrs woro visiting at Lanoos on Sunday Mrs Walker and family of Guard Alberta is visiting he brother Mr Ed Gardiner A certain birggy calls on Lea Farm often What Attraction Mr Shank hi delink alright in- Thursday All mem bers and those- Interested in urgently to bo present Mr Pulnam of Toronto and some of the district will be pre On Saturday at tho homo of son Wells Street for to there passed away to hi tor formerly of thii many In Robert Orchard In lobcrt by her BKTTEH NOT OUT Mamma Did you fell iw naught were Mary No and a half iff for lance Kavanagh auctioneer Oct Stanley half a mile south ol will hold a large sale grain Newmarket Markets Live Stock Markets Prion NATIONAL RAILWAY Train leaves Newmarket for Toronto ftsi and pm Train leavcpToronto for Newmarket am and pm Train Newmarket for lha XLrrri ARCHIVES OF ONTAi TORONTO

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