To date the sale of bonds has fallen far short of the sum required and unless the citizens show their interest in the Hospital by the purchase of bonds the Board of Directors feel that they are not justified in carrying on the institution any longer To insure the permanency of the Hospital to Newmarket the bonds must be purchased by June and Application Forms can be obtained from the following Geo Wark P Gilman W H Eves J J McCaffrey McGauley Dr Scott and J F Harvey Buy a Bond and Save the Hospital lor Newmarket and Mri Homy Ap petite llhlflh got acquainted with Our Local News Caledonia L No to St Friends E Fair Monday even the oi now lot bone In Ch not only start things hut lo out our plan Ira v- Die leader Very Pleasant Evening BEST PROOF list of work we have done cemetery examine It will verify the claim that we do the highest grade memorial W Cor Queen Main and was en large number of Morton on Thursday of the late Party Till radio Roll and I Depls I a Trinity will III mothers of I icii had a the lay afternoon Day Program Hymn Onward Christian Sol diers Address Hep of the Cemetery Board selection Citizens Band Address Hymn Abide With Me zens Band Prayer for Decoration of To si of the whin Baseball The Baseball Club to Hill on Wednesday and defeated by is and Marks itli them Thorns run and Marks Mrs Hone in which sin Of l UN til the Union during the year ah has in Newmarket best wishes of our extended to Mrs goes lo with he husband Hone who is t tin new pustor of tli Mis pLeented Mrs Hone with houquet and a mci1 bo ved We have the I of the community our ability to serve the pub lic Our repairing Is of the stay fixed kind and we are prompt In responding to a call for help TlnsmUhlng Plumbing Phone Corner Main Ontario Death of Raymond The blindness of sorrow shadowed the home of Mr Stephenson on Sunday nielli when word was from County Ilia ho bad passed away from had faithfully ally missed in Wednesday afternoon an made by motors Cemetery Toronto 10 10 Hill aikot Uatlciy son To Ames llai y Fee Salvation Army This will lit as and Calvert who wit 1- iii in I oil Tin liilaii on lo Hie present lias not yet word A Special Praise I P Sunday School or Company Meeting P M Special Farewell Ser vice Address by Capl Calvert Cap Calvert wishes to thank the people of Newmarket for sympathy and support dur ing his slay in town PAY POWER LOSS objected to the proposal are due to below cost made by the Mackenzie in- Hi city 1 1 I v- revenue from Niagara view of this precedent If Its Electric We Hav It RANGES HEATERS FANS REFRIGERATORS FARM LIGHTING UNITS TOASTERS HOT PLATES RADIO ACCESSORIES FIXTURES c The Power Company and tract supply was subsidiary Ihe supplied by the parent Niagara con- All makes of Batteries recharged Guaranteed repairs to anything electrical Just try us I Polishers and Vacuum Cleaners for rent by the hour or day Get our prices on your wiring We have Special Rates We want your business and We give real service to get It See Our Complete Set of Fixtures for Your Home at the St Suffolk and dniwnrd by id liuokeil itself oi I North of King from Episcopal Deanery The A Deanery of West York met in St Pauls Church Newmarket on Thursday June taken Canon rector agisted by rector of Sutton Thre were a number of other clergy present A very given by He- v Bat- trby Mill At the clone of llw Deanery Officer dent of the Newmarket J Iran eh hen welcomed the delegates At oclock the meeting ad journed for lunch the afternoon session opened oclock with prayers by the lima ftplendid were by Mrs of India Mine Newberry Deaconess of the Juvenile and Women Officer were about 150 In at tendance Next years meeting will be held in THE WISEST MEH THEIR KNOWING TLES COAL quartette We have shown to the entire satisfaction or our patrons that we handle the grade of coal that gives out the pro per heat Were giving out the proper tip to you let us your homo with heat J 0 LITTLE Huron St SPECIAL A REAL BUY H H SOUTHWOOD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone Formerly Atkinsons Jewelry Shop SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN FORD PRICES reduction In price of Ford cars and trucks ill United Slates the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited announces the following effective June In addition to these except the truck tires all model standard equipped with quoted below selfslarler and Model Runabout New Price Savings Touring Car 50 Sport Roadster BSD 40 690 55 Chassis 40 Light Delivery Light Delivery Van Truck nonslarler 385 50 Truck 460 65 at factory Freight to point delivery and salea tax exlra These reductions are made absolutely without sacrifice to tra ditional quality and durability of Ford products They open the way to car ownership to thousands of Canadians who have not previously been afforded the comfort and economy of personal transportation See you local authorized Ford dealer today He will gladly demon strate the model you are interested in and explain convenient terms of purchase Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited FORD ONTARIO PRODUCTS OF TRADITIONAL A L ITV