I ST in ALBERT West side have been very evenly matched it looks as if we may ha- e some fun Las the East side carried off all will have to it this year Will anyone who bought bak ing on 3rd of June please rc- theplates as some have not yet got their own back and would like Sunday July chosen for Decoration Day Albert Cemetery Usual later The engagement is an of Gertrude- he only of Mrs Kale late Mr Elijah Hose pi Albert Ontario to Willi Covert Detroit Mich Mr and Mrs Thomas Highland the dale ay of Ml FLOWER SHOW to enter the B A the following were elecled Hon President W R Sleeper D Brooks Ben and Herb The first game was played on evening of last week be tween he Newmarket Junior and Mount Albert at Newmarket The market got with a looking fori me proceeded New way and finishei Mr Kenneth Wagg visited nil parents on Sunday Sir was in Torontt tor the weekend Sutton Junior hard ball tean played- Mount Albert Juniors Friday evening Everybody play ed well Sutton won Wedding bells are beginning to tingle Can you hear em Mrs is spending a few days in Miss Lena Jenkins is the guest of for a few weeks Mr Paisley was in fest week Oldhe Mr were in Mr in A on Sunday in the Unil at the morning service Mr and Mrs John an Mrs Walter Case and so and Mrs Nelson Graham to Toronto on Monday LOCKDA VIDSON pent was held Church Case Mr when Helen Mi daughter of Mr and M Iberl of Mr Allen Ann Of M and Mrs A Lock played by sister of The bride wore a gown of ivory flat crepe wearing a lulle veil trim med orange blossoms and carrying a shower bouquet of roses valley Miss J of the taffeta with of Mr Allen i strong Lock eldest son of M I Mrs A Lc Toronto 1 -uin- flow The music Mist Bulb David idliiii can i ii rose The flower girl Audrey Scott of cousin of the bride won- i fink georgette dress Hi lav and blue- forgetmenots and a poke bonnet to match carried a bouquet or Sweetheart roses and babys breath Mr tin grooms brother and Mr Bruce of el held at Ibe home of the and a buffet luncheon served and the brides table was decorated with lilyoflhevalley dies During the signing of In age in the Park last Ml Albt for their o at the most of the two periods but wei as the visitoi defence lime periods the last Albert the A large to JUKE REPORT Of nMlioi at ended and Amy Wa Edna Evelyi Brooks Ml Brooks Ruth Oldham Hilda Wagg John Jarvis Madeline Ross Violet Smith Dorothy Stokes PLRbONALS of Toronto and out Dike Mi W Steeper attended District Meeting of Womens Institute held ii on Wednesday Mr rip f to State Sirs has bee pending some weeks at near Keswick The funeral of Miss no ifr daughter of Mr of took place at Mount Albert Cemetery on Thursday of Queensville Mrs Hi 1- Pi hear Mr Mi- Hi I Klli IT f mi tin il pull I ami inn v Clark I i Grace at St Jolmi at If Willi her here Miss IMilh anil he in lal week elllel il iiilh her I wi- to pearl illi macule ind Ihe flow itrand to the and ami i ami Mrs led last week real if Toronto the week end ehiine I are will oon tie on tin mail again The hydro lit he siKiiiiiK illi tin iiinliiiels for electric li Mr Hoed of ha to give a on cm liernnce Sunday in III- Church at fen oclock ie I Sunday honed will a good iitNiiilaiice of hoys and a Hie are Orchard Beach A number of collages are open for the season The A new Is around the bay these ings lawn looking at their copious Teh city girls The city girls dresses and be Mi of Mr ridge Tht decorated a Bouquet of a couple left for a nlq- and black Christian Church next and oclock after Hie vice being closed on account of the Conference which was held Toronto Those who attend Conference report a helpful We glad to know that he el ins of Ihe Ladies mo III will a lie a Then in Iihii Io aar All are and all nd Rail i be Mr of lie i is most and Mrs A J Mann n their vacation so be occupied next Sun by Mr Stewart a representative of in Alliance Service be oclock Everyone lie 1 if Ihe Ief Hie United Church he prepared Tin Imled Church Clio irket also Union of Mr is Trinity of Keswick and lalenl Rowena I en the We ho speedy recovery J Wylder has had tlack of append glad to Congratulations Mrs Swash Our heave Mr Hopkins I based farm east of haven from oar vlllnge possession this week We sorry And glad sorry to lose iIh family from our ilad know thai tie has Mover Commencing July lilt tin Mann are hiking two weeks holidays They lift fin miloil where Ik will tlieii and will lie re the Gin al lor rilling He Is being fteroleally Mr and Mrs their ami Mr all have spending of weeks at of Mr Come- again Is to- have no o a- the On lrWay blue georgette grooms moth Irln blonde accesaorles Mr and Lock lefl on motor trio of two weeks the Lakes he bride trav elling in a dress of rosewood col pi- an I hat lo match black coal ac- for ill best since the are walking the are walking Ihe Church at I next of Km next Sunday a and The jiencln Rev A I mil i ad of he red and white Steer Information leading to every will be rewarded 1 JOHN LEEK i P for NEWMMtKET SOMETHINO EVERY MINUTE ON Dominion Day JOIN IN FUN JULY 1ST North York Citizens Day Sutton West On Sunday June the two iongieiralionsi of the United Church of Canada in Sutton Wesley and will be amal gamated form one On thai Sunday two ser vices of a special nature will be held in the Knox Church Build ing At the inaugural Service ning Ihe preacher will ill wiM he v A Belfry of he new minister will be large of the United Church the first Sunday in July Cecil K Price announces his sister Mary Elizabeth only daughter of the Mr and Mrs CF Price I ile of Mr ami Mrs James Julioii West Ontario The will lake place quietly July loth West ecdions of Jns joined the lly Holy Pi a ye we 1 1 Offertory Anthem- will eonehnlt Calls ftfembcrship Knox Swllzi ivlng the He Holy Communion remit no led by lnur 11- terlphii- Win returned ho Monday after upending three we her In Say yon taken a drive around he Lake Shore road laclyT The road certainly a credit lo our Coun- looklng after the road and other of Ihe township The financial report as audited by a chartered United Church lite tnduelloi A Belfry Into the past of Vliitliih mil p 10 Softball Tournament commences 11 Concert pm Horse Racing Harness Class Trot or Pace 30000 Purse Class Trot or Pace Purse Class Trot or Pace Purse Horse Shpwlumpeis Hunters Musical Ride Etc Newmarlcet Citizens Band in attendance all day Finals of Softball Tournament 815Big Community Dance Midway for Sustenance or Citizens Band 3 ORCHESTRAS All Public and Separate School Children In North York and Bradford FREE Special Hydro Radial Service Cars from Toronto to every 30 minutes Cars between Sutton and Newmarket every hour will laie place Members of Toronto evening in Su 111 be tiehl Church at auspices of the Ladles Aid of thai lie served from lowed by an ox Jean of wilt Is famous for by Hid ircli tho and two anthems by the choir under May School Mr I St llfi and IIh an Inspiring words and fit good paid high lil- the JOllI ire uniting In a most The period between Ihe two was ably filled by Ihe duel Though your Sins be an Ibey shall be Whiter than Snow rendered by Mr James SeUor and ihe Decorallon Day last Sunday was a great jucccbs Newmarket Band of men In uniform led the pro cession to Ihe where a largo crowd was In attendance and the service waft very Impressive Much Is due the Lodges that took and the deed Impressive A short address was given by Rev on behalf spoke on behalf of the sel ling forth the great work this splendid order Is doing Mr Keith of Newmarket jlso ad- He that might be Mr and Mrs IT guests Mr and Mrs Fran I and bride Ihh week Th I ton Day One rare evening such quiet peace and contentment descends upon our village of Baldwin The sun has just sunk to behind clouds in the west the old hound the bold cat and the timid mouse have decided to spend night in quiet sleep Mrs Polly has her dishes washed and put in the cupboard and now she is immensely enjoying a hit of hag invested In a Mi and Mr Mrs Win and Service Sunday last The by Jacksons Point Many from Toronto motored here lasl Saturday for he open ing of the Valdai Rest Home which commenced its third year under the direction of Sa maritan of Toronto is doing a splendid work ihe What might have been a accident occurred in Baldwin on Sunday when two young men from Port Bolster lost control of their car and ran into buggy smashing it up Maurice escaped with good shakeup and big tell them hat it is time to go lo bed Soon will be dreaming of he fun they will have lomorrow On the corner stands old Veter ans Surelv are a pie ling head as though the little rascal had never been in mis chief Now wo will all go lo bed and have a slumber and be disturbed tomorrow The Parrot Hah Culling Marcelling Facials Etc for appointments from IRENE McQlLLICUODY Chiropractor and pens he Mr one day each week Mas Wilt change of days or hours NOTICE TO CREDITORS sinter Mrs Hold vbo is very low floss was by his family called to the Ins the of Cook of Ihe Village of Mouol Al bert In Ihe Counly of York ral Mr lost able horse this week Next Sunday is the assets having regard only shall thei be responsible lo any others at his BOYS BOYS