physician and Surgeon Ontario of ate resident physician Onion River Massachusetts GENTLEMEN G F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket 1 of Aurora Lodge of 10 read die opening and closing lie service lie the Binds and Nearer My the graves of palled had specially dee ded I lie Lodges K was called upon ad- ess llio gnilicring lie used Two I e 111 all ell Me dead jot li am never die lie fcji- of the and let friends remain It very pice addle IkTurk of To past grand of tile Orange Lodges of Western lie was ills I duly emphasizing the pallia lead to goodness an plified by both Or- PLUMBING EAVETROUGHING OUR SPECIALTIES THE TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON Next to ExpreBBHerald Office in v are reflected in the and social life of Mm counli 1 lie object of societies the moral uplift or the through and This achiei moots of the given out of sacrifice and and the ti that binds ii fellowship with good There in nothing than the Moore deseir The grave of the lale wan the fully decorated in fh The the way to lie cemetery now with the exception of a Ihe bridge crosses creek The bridge needs re badly and this short lirm should immediate of Inspection Members of Hie accompanied by few up Thursday isitod Ilio York rial N Will III noil has had pin lie industrial found the model ot and In the din den i and Home they Win jpoI of the paid well Is to Mr and Mrs Stoddard Superintendents J Hie Jnspee- in which they ducting Urn home The installed by commissioners and First Hubert Marshall and found I feet working order Visit to Hie reforestation Laying the- Corner Sir Will lias consented to perform and deliver an the Hoard wit of and Mr J no laid in he building will give of the sellout sun The arc moat cord tally invited be present and show their Interest in what will be Mm and input complete tonal in any town In of Ganadu rew much light up Solomon from i took his test and table sermon on father the Orient In the flour dressed meats motor curs were steadily Australia had considerably stimulated by the trade with that Dominion Mr Hall added that conditions were good in the West The mining industry in British Columbia showed up well while lumber shipments were heavier Alt roads led to Windsor Station Montreal for three days prior to the opening of the tenth inter national convention which opened on June Not only was the station the gateway through which an army of passed into Montreal but every one of the delegates their wives and about in all congregated there the station had been constituted registration headquarters of the FARM HAND found shotgun caught fri the fence with of the deceased lying Ju of Math from PeMboio by a hot chest The five per cent excise tax just 1 on Ihe fa rni of Herbert dipped from automobiles was a sur mill j vival of the old luxury axes No in i motor a luxury for Mr Kyi many It is a necessity for large classes Including farmers and In taxation Is Impossible to draw the alel tIs bout Pro- Constable Id he Is Iho Justification for wiping out dentil lust night while dapped i a sleeping coach of Hi Continental Limited on ho Union Pacific near Crystal Sid ing Nevada the railroad her was advised The car was fljurn tils in he I shall as ihe Violel eve And ma isslng on llic other out le on heir fore Smlllif will free you from the nuisance Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of diseasehearing flies and mosquitoes It is clean safe and easy to use Kills All Household Insects Flit spray also destroys bed bugs roaches and ants It cracks and Insects and moths and their li lit EX delicate Flit is the result exhaustive research by expert and chemists It Is harmless to mankind Flit has- the old methods because it kills aft the Insects and does it quickly Get a Flit can and sprayer today STANDARD OIL CO NEW JERSEY Distributed In Canada by Fred J Whitlow Co Toronto DESTROYS Mosquitoes Moths Anti Bed Bugs Roaches