Go NEWMARKET FARMS AND HOUSES Wesley I eiely spent a pleas and profitable Mrs by Wesley Hall del of irld be held Ibis discussio decided in rofilalle ev King City Clean to handle by Druggists Grocers General Stores frVS KIOBIEY PILLS AM sses June Special rouble firs from attain and bothered my bark so i to tin Tit on the larger bearing Itiu Cum Mr why la by sick relief fro lis a kidneys sire work at ies bio disease make Food iiv Thai i Mil in lhe Belli heir In mum seeds if lev Pill is 1 ilningr all he blood id are the KM- removing Hie i Q T Column WHAT TEMPERANCE BRINGS A SAFE AND SURE MM REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREfl MILLERS WORM POWDERS Wells led II ted and the Joyed Sir On lay lime 3r GREENHOUSES St Newmarket Say It With Flowtrs In pots Cyclamen Phone Cairns took a very a villi lite the United Church here irk of BUM LAKE COSMOS BEAUTY CLAY Take of generous trial offer have a clear marl smooth skin aglow its natural beauty Prices small of he May be along Willi his ily service and in lhe offering as bis Not two years ago Ire was united in mar riage to Miss Hilda who along with one son survives Kim He is also survived By his father and mother Mr and Mrs John Cairns a brother James and a Lena The very large funeral and the 111 the held by on Saturday June alii May third mallei I and Mrs Cm I ilelilt lit lit Ives of Mr Black was sup brides an After a dainty lea was nil twentyfive The inl and Mrs holding a lhe Keswick mo of Frank til of Arc Bored to MOSQUITO torture is quickly ended if you keep a can of Flit handy Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of dis easebearing flies and mosquitoes It is clean safe and easy to use Kills All Household Insects also destroys bed bugs roaches and cracks and crevices where thev hide destroys insects and ha cracks and and their larvae which a showed that Flit spray did not stain the tholes Ext iwed that Flit did not stain fabrics Flit ia tho result of exhaustive research by expert quickly STANDARD OIL CO NEW JERSEY Distributed in Canada by Fred J Whitlow Co Toronto DESTROYS Files Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches BALDWIN late for on the line King evening A good program is r lie given including music by In- Aurora band MP and Morton sold their ten aero farm and leaving this neighborhood number of neighbors gave lliem a surprise parly on Wed evening and presented Ilium wilt an purse of money Mr and Morion thanked the people for all their kindness lo corning here A very pleasant selling was spent in game and Wo are all sorry to lose them The Mission Band presented MPs Morton a handsome Bible Mrs Morton lias always taken a very active part In the work of lhe Mission Band gathering took of Hi Fergus home heir- The masons are still on floss am ionic Two weeks more complete the work Ilirss lias bought a sta ble from Jas and if ing il moved WORTH prominent business man to find fault that that is WTOi Ink the criticism Islw re upon them another A WELL AS BODY will a stained an call appropriate chairs and It Is expected be held In hem on special THE SONS DEALERS IN Building Material Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Wm Sons Co Limited Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket No chum or statement is made that the NEW STAR Car cannot back up by actual proof in road performance The claim to MORE POWER and GREATER ECONOMY amply proven by the NEW STARS famous Continental Red Seal Motor I GREATER COMFORT by the long low ntas of gravity and deep resilient cushions GREATER BEAUTY by the low j graceful line of the Duconnished bodies HIGHER QUALITY by the many Finecar features found alone in NEW STAR among all car in its price class I The NEW STAR Sufrtmt in the Low Cost if Durant Motors of Canada Limited Toronto Leaaide Ontario 1 Moss Holts Garage Huron Street Newmarket og NEWS Line GAR- ana Sixes firinamrw TftROMTn