AGENT Mount Albert David Many of Our Debt to Mr and Mr Roy Stewart were greatly appreciated of be i 11 and Mr The Ham Ilia bulls Hie wo ImcJ Tie that Binds afternoon liappy couple left Upon III say one I bi i ful Benjamin and Isabel he became farmer enlerpri election is a real model type of upright and genial who aspires to the in an active for making a good life hip appue die ll Elder He ehcenl On February following private service at the residence a public funeral held al Harlman by the minister Hutch Fori fir fibllrii A he Cemetery am married Who survives with family Herbert Ar- lliam and Allan sons and Alma of Ton of ha her Mrs The regular meeting of Institute will be held on Wednesday March p Ibe home of Vet Hints Hull call Verse noted poet Suitable Mr- Hill Heading Mr A Exchange of seeds bulbs and plants old lectio Mr to Sua to see Ibe p by the pie of Sharon League Miss Alice Smith Spent tin weekend at Richmond Hill Mrs was in city attending the funeral of Itei sister Mrs and also a R number of the church of attended a meeting of Toronto Central Presbytery or Tuesday when a proposed divis ion of the Circuit Sharon The Shawn Club borne of their leader impairs on There about forty present The roll call was an by a member of the and what country be represents Mostly ail responded A very reading was given by Wesley entitled Why women woollen Blocking in time playing golf and five and the foundation a home We all heartiest throughout is real truths to both mi bo next Make and iaiulilei liappy and pros Wiighinu were visit J the old Tavern temple the coiner a couple of week go week it was resold I Nothing lib linn Ihe buzz We under and thai Miss Mai has accepted a ion near and leaves Practical II of Ihe young folks are out around tuny been the lab couple of years Mr and Mis Stewart moved away from tiids The j are living at Fish Market near Bel automobile Keswick Reserve Ibe of- April for the play Across be Hill lo be given by the I crowd on of the bad night but ail who were welt pleased with the program The flHT off of Wight ir bridge on llu Isle of Wight kepi dims thin nights as marooned there Saturday without food except one loaf at carried out her duties valiantly and Ids wife on Saturday on Friday evening Mrs J had Ihe misfortune to a badly head some broken ribs and a ba nned Hi il I cellar door for the halt lending Mis Man not yet been able to I jusi how il Pearsons Mr A atlenbd Meeting in Tuesday It has definite I of din and of the I In the lh final for this winter Wo uii- lorsfand Mr Ryes horse took first prize The elders and other officers of the United Church are be formallv installed service Sunday eening and at the following Sunday Service Easier Sunday The first he Local Union Is springlike am going lo Mrs gave a parly the night he occasion being tie birthday Among Ihe guests Mr and Mrs J Harper John Hopkins Mr and Mrs good cook irely hud a ay Our crowd -illOi- They missed il real this wilder also Ihe best the track We ore oil Mr llyes pretty tittle pacer A and more levelhauled wee Teddy he bus more hpeed thai ft good many of our blends thought He certainly cleaned up or tee on Saturday Our village has a good bunch The racing men at this enc do making tin a distance had ISO early on open night The of tisuie fieipienl re Is mighty Mr Vllllanu inly Intending lo move to Itie near nature We will miss them from our village Mrs Arthur Knlghta has been feting from a case of bad grippe Hope la see her out again Mould Mr and Mrs Wrn of Toronto are the guests of and Mrs Smith for a few dais DeviU or Newmarket spent the weekend with his chum Master Russell Pollock l wonder how those young people liked the matrimony cakes THE MAN the killing of a hen on short notice After dinner while sitting on the lawn a brood of chickens kept coming up cheep ing plaint crated In and added You riecdnt around me cheeping the man that et The tier severe accident and hope for speedy recovery itr W spent a few days Toronto week on The Ladies Aid tea served by Mm Zephyr Kbmena institute held I heir March meeting at the of Mrs meet was largely attended about fifty being present The pre grain was mostly of a St Pal ricks nature Mrs J 11 Lock gave an account of the interview she and Mrs had with Mr man and Mr Hart at Hi bill the In Toronto the campers at Virginia supplied lee suhimei Quite a number were the weekend from High man Rae from Delia Madden Gardiner from Bessie Corner lames Sulton A play under the the Womens Instilule entitled Nothing to do is hcing pie pared by some of tho young pie of the a fouract play full or interest and good humor and will be well Mr Archie Held and bride ar rived at mothers on Satur day evening Tho boys gave them the usual reception FAT BUT WOT STUPID stout old lady was strug gling valiantly hut against odds of some 200 pounds mount the high step of the waiting Jit ydud bo able to rise bet ter Yes young man she re- lorlcd as last bolstered herself triumphantly up and if theyd given you a more yeast Sutton West will be held March nisi al oclock All J Rogers of spent the weekend at the homo of Mr Walker Mrs Mackenzie spent the regular Mrs Mac kenzie The annual At Home given by the J was a grand suc cess The hall was crowded and all report an excellent time The midweek Bible Study Class will bo the home of Mrs Kay of Main Street on Thurs day pm ilie class is taken by Miss Moffat of To ronto it is a rare opportunity lo enjoy he leaching of Miss which is surely while The Congratulations boys I Mr Roy Cameron of Stouff spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Hector Cameron of Jacksons this date March for a hot supper The ladies of Wesley Church will a hot supper from on Wed March at the home of Mrs Morrison Every body welcome The Ladles Aid Church are iput ting on a play entitled The got third reading burned lo death In a which store Mrs A hero and has failed to reveal llio cause of the fire Mil Nellie Cory maid had bet coring for tho and ilcntly lost her life in trying oil ugh Great was his roller when lly 1 1 if ligU beamed and Ihroughout Ihe night vain attempts of the and fishermen take Ihe hack Again night fell and delicious TEA Is preserved in tKs airtight Finer that Japan or Giinppwder Insist upon DEaeRTEo gale Register appoint- I forth at liiditlioueUtiHi his lighthouse In was so badly it was evident the girl kepi awake at night and wound every four hours the clockwork apparatus FIRE AT called and although making a run were too late to extinguish house but put llielr of- clothing and totally destroyed and only brink frame Mr who is w vn and a highly respected of Ihe built his if home ten years ago nod It icd Pauline Marlon And a lovedde little soul Pauline proved to be from the outset hut her upbringing was most difficult despite ROD AND Of considerable interest view of the Ontario over the usefulness not of the crow is a series articles on Jack Miners wo that is running in Rod and the sorting magazine reader An account of a Canada and Breezes from West The regular departments on fishing outdoor life dogs anil trapping contain some in structive material SCHOOL REPORT Jr III Hammed TO Pearl IL Inez Jones 80 Eldred ThitKk Crone Roma Moorehead Jr Plorenco Griffith Muriel lone Sinclair 71 I Oldham Norma Rose 70 Toole Helen Oldham Albert Jones Jr Audrey Smith Russell Teacher tonsHl operation was foster mothers could not displace Mr Mm are notified by a lawyers let ter hat they are being upon lo give her up her real parents summer Mr and Mrs Marcks were notified by the St Vincent Paul Society the parents had turned were demanding their child but at time they did not really worry as they believed It Im probable that anyone who could abandon a child would take sufficient interest to contest their claim tlons are being by the Mareks couple to safeguard their possession was found on Ihe rear roof near the childs bedroom and since then they IgHint onday March Hi on lol Con lot opposite Wednesday 31s hold Effects on Lot Wednesday April iff tot Con will sell horses implements at one credit W J Mr and Mrs John i Church Street Weston lost his life yesterday after- noon when he upper on a cake of ire on winch he had been playing before the broke up Every effort his body kept on ale Oh abandon a dear baby like Pauline I been have the nerve to I from us now What if she died from exposure had not bouse for the night Yes we know who the parents near They state they have both been working and have saved up two hundred dollars But they live sleep ami eat In one room apparently Although It Is no dls- hi en i until shor Why this little soul Is Just as a part of us now as if she had en ours They can never have her lave been ill for a week myself Jut Hon papers yet but the Society will be able to grant them within a short time so that really nt see how I be taken away from us a terrible thing from The parents it Is understood came from Ottawa They are Protestants Why rosary was placed on the child Is only to be explained In the act thai she was to be abandoned St Josephs Hospital grounds DEVELOP PERSONALITY Although in this standardized age whole city blocks are filled with houses the the people who go In and out of thosi are alike If God thought you lo give you a you ought to think enough of It yourself to it Do not echo peoples words imi tate their acts and be satisfied to be a mere reflection AH that you are over worth in the world will through he develop ment of your own personality so bo yourself and enlarge that fro pot where the boy was seen point where the lake but without results Willi two younger brother Gordon aged and aged George had been play on the he hero Just the ice started to move he cries of the young Fad and his brothers attracted the attention of Arthur of Kings crescent who was ap proaching liiaped the situ i under threw off his coal and attempt ed In reach the young boy but the block of ice on which was was driven out in middle stream and be yond reach of help VANCOUVER allegedly destined tor shipment to China having been round in his home Edward pleaded guilty before Magistrate In Police Court loday to a charge of having smuggled goods In bis posses sion and was sentenced to one years imprisonment The guns are valued here it approximately cacti and to have a value of about to have a local 1000 In China NOTICE A of the Shareholders of the Sutton and North Co Ltd will be In the village of Sullon at the Secretary- Treasurers office on Memtay at pm for the purpose of considering a ByLaw of the Com pany providing for the sale of Its undertaking to the Bell Telephone Co Lid Canada RICHARD STURTRHlGE of Sutton and North Telephone Co Ltd YOUR DOMINION IN0OME TAX come Tax Department CharflM Moderate For Appointments write WEEKLY FOR YOU Ambitious Inexperienced men want ed Write at once for Free Cata logue explaining how you earn while learning Oarage work Engin eering Electricity Brief laying etc Hemphill Practical Schools King Street West Toronto