The leading Count Paper as well as the Oldest No paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance L JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET ONT Attention Ontario Legislature Hockey Banquet QET READY FOR YOUR HATCHING Special to the Era WE HA V E BOSTON HOPPERS WATER FOUNTS NEST EQOS LEO BANDS during the pa PRATTS GRIT AND OYSTER SHELL QUEEN INCUBATORS BUY YOUR POULTRY SUPPLIES HERE QUALITY AT LOW PRICEI ROWLANDS HARDWARE THE PAINT STORE Never before was there a have oust in equal 1 1 rated in a moat sinking i spontaneous of manner the methods the in honoring the Hockey old parties in provincial of us that which tic The Conservative follow- iK of Ferguson do to public by Anything You Value Things you value should be protect ed Few homes have protection for important papers and securities A Safety Deposit Box in the Bank may be secured for as little as per year A Safety Deposit Box is your pro tection IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Building Material LUMBER SHINGLES DOORS AND TRIM Enquire for Prices P PEARSON Cor Church and DArcy Phone THE CANE SONS CO LIMITED uilding Material Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc ALSO Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Wm Gane Sons Go Limited Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket and abu The Liberals that it is united i the other hand own their little as Ihey always The Liberal leader Sinclair took occasion the stand of Libera party on the prohibit ion after two Liberal members West Kent moved an amendment budget providing for a system local option Mr Sinclair wore acting on and that th not taken with tin of the Liberal party no Temperance Act on the books until the people by votes changed it On the I Arrived This Week 1 Car Stove Coal Anthracite 1600 Delivered Car Coke Delivered Car Maryland Coal 1350 Delivered This is the Best and Cheapest Coal in the Market 1 Car B C Shingles Car Fir Lumber and Trim Place Your Early EVES HURON Phone 22 Newmarket lowing of the Windsor boldly announced support the we to the budge of the The Whip was cracked several times the Tory following and the of the wets w oduction amendment however has pre- ted any serious attempt at a of the budget and the re important features of finance Harold ttie Liberal financial critic did not during the week have an opportunity to make an analysis of budget and the govern- financial proposals He speak next week and the budget debate proper will get Under way The public- accounts tee has started its work and right from the first the vatlves have made free use their majority to see that the in veutigalion is held within the limited bounds of their sire By a straight parly vol they killed the effort to ligation into the legal which when gating die affairs of Pet former provincial was claimed that and dollar bills had been paid lo a new defunct known as Rural Canada political advertisement lettfi naervativc majority taking rather the that money paid to the paper in question and that pri vate transactions were beyond of the committee Mr Sinclair conducted first examination of Jai Lyons who recently resigned the position of Minister of Lands and Forests In the Ferguson government That examination will he continued when a firm of auditors has made its report on the affairs of the business firms wiUh which Mr Lyons is connect ed Mr Sinclair get from Mr Lyons Hie bis resignation and simply repealed his re given in the House that be would not tell of his firms relation with other firms doing business wilh the government Mr Sin- pointed that it was queer he would not give the bouse lis information and yet was and desirous that the public accounts committee should get it all got the admission from Mr Lyons that wholesale merchant In Marie he had sold goods to a certain Mr who in turn resold the goods back to the de partment of northern develop ment over which Mr Lyons presiding The investigation will proceed all of next week this ployed as a 111 Into Mr llowHi Era to the school wing were then presented with Gold Wrist Watches Doug Marshall Sonny nsloy Bruce Rowland Gib Marks Per il Thorns Fred and Fred Thompson Koilh Esq P P next speaker replying to the toast of that he just returned from a banquet in Toronto but there was nothing like home friends and a celebration in he homo town people made the country ho said and every oft The hoys who throughout Hip world am wonderful products Of the west which arc demanding greater agricultural implement from the East and other of trade The Government Britain is encouraging ex all parts of the Em it is hoped ilia I Canada both lliu loams would Canadian sports Mr Eaton spoke jocularly and Mr R Smith the boys on the clean Ho hoped that as business cot to impruve everyone won foot like putting more pep iinl tub bag and Mrs Fred on of bis he loam presented him fold wrist watch each to his valuable dent Mr Andy Davis iff speech the gri something beyond ad era of ours something deeper and finer than the grab for gold something nobler and grander than the labor union of the big financial merger and that something is tho service the mo gives to humanity A mil Hon dollar stock deal of a dollar merger is a pikers trans action compared to the hearing and rearing- of a son comes a leader of men And the woman who puis thai big enter over doesnt worry strike for A night long lo be I closed by singing God Save Ihc King and Lang Sync and found mash hidden pile of slable rung Hon has intro duced another postal reform After April 1st there will be no additional charge on Postal Or- by bis gold ring by the Oddfellows Boys are playing marbles and girls swinging skipping rones The special rate Mr Smith has purchased the resilience vacated by C A Terry- Mr has Ihe Sykos block and opened a Sibley ivmarket Cemetery KEEP YOUR EYES ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO