doctor mm FOB She Escaped It Taking Vege tab Compou After of ImLv much rrni- in tor I most n operation as I vraa from displacement A friend wanted roe to try your medi cine Lydla E Vegetable Compoundsad I took it steadily for rear Daring this time I was carry ing- my second baby and I felt real well ill the time nd did not hare a bard confinement I feel sore Vegetable Compound did me a lot of good and all my people do too One sister in Leamington Ontario takes it and both sisters praise it a a good medicine I am more than pleased with the result lira Pehw Windsor Ontario Mrs Cores frem Pant N S I had pair across my back and in my after my firat baby Continents of Exchanges Red Tape Again side fort after my baby was bom mother had taken Lydia Vegetable Compound and I read about it in the papers bo I tried it and the pains all left me I have a family of three children now and the medicine helped me during the months before they were born I rec ommend it to my friends Mrs Caby Corbdj Street Not Scot c OIL North York Marble and Granite Works JOHN u7 MOSS Really Go NEWMARKET FARMS AND HOUSES Phone Office GREENHOUSES Qorham St Newmarket With Flowers S Phone 13B FURNACE WORK PLUMBING OUR SPECIALTIES THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON Next lo ExpressHerald Office What He A Poultry London Hoove says Ihe lower ins of Iho lak Canada is lo the effect that business com lions ire improving The hat Ihis lie suit of gradual expansion and tot spasmodic inflation he encouraging feature Of Government Gets Slice a pay me back lo Hie me las 9- Iris salary Political Decline Post The Globe fat I thai it founded by George Brown the fence dtili failed to give look out the elf referred to sty he li Hard For Prohibitionists Hamilton Herald Already Ferguson Government edited in by its be General conditions on the and in British Columbia that Western Canada is headed ft of real prosperity Charlc Murphy general manager of Canadian Pacific Railway Wester Line after a periodical trip inspection stated that farmers an business men alike have not been optimistic on the prairies in year On March a crowd of the Cai adian Pacific depot at Vancouver to welcome His Honor Lieutenant Governor Robert Randolph Bruce of British Columbia Forty years ago the hardy left his ances tral home in Scotland to seek his fortune in the Canadian West He found it During the month of January sugar valued at was ex- ported from Canada as compared with 197400 pounds valued at A commission of three professors in agriculture will make a survey of the province of Ontario to ascertain the soils best adapted to the culture of tobacco The commission will Minister of the of Hie prohibit mid be of ih cad ally to Much easier more natural would it be for back Mr Sinclair his Liberal followers Newspapers Are Not Controlled Kingston Whig Mr It Mc intosh P of North nleiTUpted Hon that Mr promptly told fan show that over the whole of Canada was for men and for women The value of board received was reckoned at for men and for won At the third the Nation to be of The highest yielding varieties of several classes of farm crops In On tario have been originated at the On tario Agricultural Collegs through and selection Leading varieties of other of farm secured locally or through importation The co-opera- tlvo experiments to be conducted throughout Ontario In 1826 through the medium of the Experimental Union will contain some of tno very beat varieties of farm as de termined in past years by experi ments conducted at Ontario Agri cultural College The following Hat Indicates the material available for cob Grove spent Monday and day of this week visiting in and is Addle er of Toronto we at bout fifty and friend- at the home led couple Mr a Is Thursday After Thn of Wheat Three varieties of Soy or Japanese Beans Flint i Spring Rye of So of F1I Dent Husking Corn SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION approach the of tin Of Two t Two varieties Field Corn an combination Sudan Grass Millet Soy Beans Ideal Sunflower Peas The men started to miles to attend the One walked that entire make suggestions Another Booklet IN of its of coopera ri on with toe farming interests of this country the Bank Montreal now issuing a new ten book foe titled Hogs for Pork and The booklet is a practical guide to the breeding and feeding of pigs and its value is greatly increased photographs illustrating every point that is made A copy nay be obtained with out charge on application at our nearest Branch booklets distribuecd by the Bank are Farming The Cow the Mother of Prosperity Poultry for the Farm and Home The Bank has distributed tens of thousands of the booklets throughout Canada and numerous farmers have expressed their appreciation to our local Managers Established Total Assets in excess of Newmarket Branch 23 Bit Biennial Clover Three varl 2 Sweet Con CANE SONS CO LIMITED DEflLEHS The of the The Hsapflaraiii in Mr will load lo Ku filux Klan of Kanada a dopepeddling ring It Is claimed Taking up the hunt for Miss Heal not morn than a month ago members of Hie Klux Klati reporting to their have found definite trace of the missing girl with her recovery many the ring which her captive will be brought lo Justice the Klan members who have been working on the case believe They have located of the ring at SarnJa Windsor and Stratford ilim y through luck and partly through International coop eration is rapidly fruition one of the klan said today We have already obtained Informa tion concerning the ring which 13 for and It sounds like the most thrilling chapter nt a dime novel We know thai Miss Heal Is now In a Michigan town We have got In touch with her but we expect is PROMISED TO ROYAL WINTER FAIR Ontario and Federal Governments Contributed Equal Amounts Ann annual meeting of the Winter Pair In Toronto las day assured that body of grants fourth General about one by an he wis struck Such arrested on a Mart fly make a grant Council of in Montreal during the week of April men famous in the world of music will deliver addresses which should add much to knowledge of the subject Sir Hugh Percy Allen professor of music in the University of Oxford and conductor of the Bach Choir at London will speak on Music as a National Discipline Roy Andrews Chapman the fam ous explorer of New York has sailed for the Orient on the Cana dian Pacific liner Empress of Rus sia bound for the Gobi desert where he will endeavour to establish def inite proof that Ancient Asia was the Mother of Life in Europe and America The Andrews caravan includes noted scientists taxider mists photographers and a motion picture cameraman barley seeded with alfalfa by Union nth Canada as the United States population of if had people St a inhabitants Today the Canadian per capita export trade amounts to while in the United States it is only Ive had youre flirting Zero and its now time for In your feelings walked a miles In a motorcycle in has jjCi a an airplane In Quick Relief for RHEUMATICS Looal Soil Plan three dates of seeding dates of seeding dates of seeding Perfect Model i broadcast thlmittl 37 Yello- if B M Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Win Cane Sons Go Limited Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket experiments choice as the me Is receive fully nil rat ft the i The material the order are recetv No charge applying urn ail Field Husbandry by saying entire success spring month- d its wide and panelled front that of Ihlckly set Is inked by long or service is the Imnplc dont delay a whole ye season In ll reuulta lu than the flod tin IhelHiij all results In your system is full money had directors that that body Controller Sam thai at a of Control yesterday morning for a period of time th and need it mis thai and before Iheir kidneys a bad rubbish the day when J and other druggists offered to tlio a and guaranteed refunded if not I you rheumatism get a hot tic of today for the benefit remain and growth and develop made on largo branches when made In middle growth starts Sodium silicate soli good Paint wax or pitch la done after in painting silica the best coverings for wot sublimate solution bo Extension O A- College Wife and Husband Both III Willi Gas helped I now sleep and all Is gone It also helped my husband Mrs n ONE spoonful removes GAS and often brings astonishing relief to the thought wad In your Tills excellent Intestinal till Is wonderful for J Patterson its Against the oilier walla cooking ranges one with an cooking the lop of the id the vessels had Sacked and Burned The temple had been sacked and burned probably as Iho result of the rebellion In the twelth year of Samsulllna king of Babylon against the of that city had recently been established by iho great Hammurabi and Its treasure had been looted by the troops But somo of the objects which had small value they had which dlorile worshippers on goddess content I yard figure iY geld Is fir wo found fo is missing and it Is t of early date Mesopotamia The lure of w Klondike Luke has enticed men all including old rth irk Ottawa i member of the family of mining feme left Ottawa 1 night for Toronto and in- proceed to He mining Like from It is cheaper to fly from Hut Out to lied Lake than to leans of dogs added The trees were tapped flowed down the wood the bolted we kept the fire aglow ail agreed that nothing tastes so as maple candy cooled on PIECE MACHINERY J OUGHT TO LAST pouring profits skimmed milk CREAM that in butter fat you a pound may be pouring inio pig trough or caff Dollara that could will tale all the rich the milk and you do every week from your herd Surely its worth the little I they have same they still get extra creon which they would have lost if the an inferior machine Youre a thrifty worl how the Melotte will add to your butler profits Save enough In a year to pay for itself This very minute fill Phono Dell